Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 100 Our shackles are of our own design.

Day 100 Our shackles are of our own design.

I  feel that people talk the same thing endlessly, around and around and around , like the mind, what is the point within the words that are reiterating, the whole of the point of the separation within the words must be directed and I am remaining emotional as I cannot see the “song” of the words, I am not looking at the character of the words, instead I only see mismatch in and as my mind with the words being spoken, so I become -  am being emotional, a desire for a match, in separation of common sense. I am not looking at the point being endlessly spun until resolved - either within or without- walking this, bringing this to existing within life here, and/or in having expectations of agreement as singular reaction,  what I am is building a relationship to frustration/incapacity/ impossibility instead of taking the characters within and without and becoming one with them to walk them/me into and as equality and oneness as what is best for all. Am I judging  what is said as “dirty,” something “beneath me " ?  This is an illusion.  Here, there is not time for accusation, there is not time for self pity, there is not time for blame, there is not time for judgement, there is only equalizing, there is only building a collection of 1+1 equals as life, realizing that there need be no television, no telling vision, as the physical IS a “vision” of life, a “vision” of actual, substantive, multi-dimensional life, of a technology of depth unmatched by man on so many levels it is obvious that the mind of imagery of pictures - as past events, of what is desired as a future based on limited sensual values, is not reality. And the ones lost in the mind, who happen to have played the character of being a so-called winner are one and the same as those who have not had the role/personality/character of  collecting the accrutements that fulfill the image of material success based on a “doll house” fantasy in separation from life, from the realness of this physical world.
When I am within an energetic storm, I am within a polarity of more than and less than, in fear of losing something, this loss pertaining to an alternate reality that is the image and likeness of a “doll house” idea in separation from what is actually here, and I take what is here as life, and force it into a limited idea, disregarding the nature of this world. Every act I take that does not consider this world, as all that is here as life, I am not one and equal to life. As long as there is abuse and suffering on this earth, then I, as man, am in separation from life. My physical breath is my self equalizing myself to my physical self, as what is real. My mind is the machine of, and image of, how money has been used to support a reality in separation from full awareness of this physical world.
My emotions and feelings are in support of the raping of the physical world, they are myself in fear of loss, they are me in desire to survive as a belief that a relationship will support me, perpetuate myself here, and all because I fear being self hONEst, I fear forgiving myself in self honesty as I believe my relationships will fall should I do so, where I believe it is my relationships that support me, when it is myself as this physical world that is life. Thus, social networking is to establish a net of relationships to ensure survival, using what is real as this physical world to maintain this illusion in separation from life within a system of signature as ownership on a supportive physical existence that has no indicator of ownership and only gives within the condition of the form of itself as life working in tandem with many other forms to support life. The human is ignoring reality and the physical world for an energetic fixation with relationships in separation of the very substance of life. The false god of singular desire rules, and what is real, that allows life, is sucked dry.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to cling to a relationship as support of what I am here, believing this to be the totality of myself here, where if I remain in and as breath, I will realize my own separations into and as a character to and towards a separate reality.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand that this separate reality is image based, is a belief that something will be lost should I not maintain the relationship.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that within each relationship, I must maintain a character to fathom the infinite spin as this polarity of fear of loss and hope for gain layered  as my separation creating a system manifest on this earth of survival as a system where money determines who lives and who dies, thus forcing relationships in separation from life, from existing as what is best for all, as what is best is to include all that is of this earth, this supportive earth, to allow the totality of what exists to be realized as the expression of life where the relationship  lived is to life, as this is the value.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to slow down into and as breath, to being myself here, equal and one to my human physical body and to no longer feed a mind of separation into and as characters at play with relations to a network of survival in separation from life, where the relationships support beliefs and ideas and opinions within a system of survival that is a reflection on the waters of this world, no longer aware of the reflective surface on which this is projected.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that I must remove these reflections that are in separation, and that are a composition of energetic desires, wants and needs that support my own separation, where I have allowed a monetary system that takes the plentiful earth and causes friction as war with the very substance of the physical world to support my accepted and allowed illusion as mind.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to want to build/have a “doll house,” where in wanting my own “doll house” I have become so intent on the dream of this that I no longer have any sense of what this house consists of, practically as I do not even know how to build a house, or even gather the resources needed to build such a house, nor am I aware of the effects this “doll house” built has had on the environs of earth.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand  that I no longer have any depth perception, and that all I allow myself to exist as is a cry for the death of a movie star and not the death of a child from a droid missile off in another country where there are families, just like me, who exist and are no different, just a collection of same beliefs that vary by degree in color and fashion.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that the differences between people are minute , where some drink coffee and some drink tea, and that this difference gives no reason to judge another as less than myself.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that war is to grab resource, where the media builds fires of righteousness based on values that are separate from what is real, where an idea that wearing a head scarf means another is less than myself, where that head scarf was probably originally worn to protect a human from the air born particles of dust on a continent falling into desertification, a tradition then taken by a religion and made into a mandate as the limited design of the system on earth in separation from the physical, creating an object as man, who needed an outlet for the suppression of self into a limited expression, where the excess needed release and thus sex became a dominating action to release the gift unused as life, and hence the protective scarf was used to hide the developing desires of men in separation from themselves as life, where the real question was why the soils of the earth were no longer fecund and productive.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand the payers for the layers of separation as the human, that has created what has become of life on earth, as a descent into hell, where most of this world is suffering, and if one has a bed and a chair, then one exists within a minority on this earth.

I commit myself to realizing that the human has shackled himself to a system in separation from what of physically real, and within this fears standing up within his own self created shackles, this being a system of profit and survival as taking instead of forgiving, as only accepting what is conveyed within a limited relationship, made a habit instead of realizing equality and oneness and existing in and as the living word.

I commit myself to realizing that when I believe I must have something that is not what are of the basics to support my human physical body, then I am in desire, want and need in separation from life.

I commit myself to realizing the emotional and feelings shackles I have allowed myself to exist as that are based on traditions within a history of survival in and as a system of survival, revealing that life has never been lived and that mankind has only ever lived in separation from life, and has compounded relationships as beliefs, opinions and ideas,  to the point where the consequences that created the traditions are forgotten.

I commit myself to realizing that all the knowledge and information of this world is meaningless as it has not created a system that supports all life, and thus, in order to re-evaluate what is believed and taught, the present system must be completely changed to one that supports all life, so that this world can be ordered in such as way that all of life is no longer acting, but existing as life, for real.

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