I can feel this thing in my chest, as though there is a constant pressure. It is a fine line, the difference. A difference between sensing a real movement and existing within an elevated state of being. It is so visible in the form and movement of a face to a large degree. One can focus the body to see the overall movement. It can cause an uncomfortability, as though a natural sentience can on some level mirror what is around them. A state of protection demands a constant awareness in order to react in ways that maintain that protection. I suppose it is possible to become a mirror for others, one need only have the patience to face the storm. Emotional storms have a funny way of burning themselves out. it can only last so long.
What is interesting, is that surrounding this is a certain lite-ness. I can’t tell if I am being delusional. Yet there are moments when a “ storm” has been more something made visible to itself than something that could be considered a threat. The storm lives its courses in a faster way when there is nothing fueling that storm. Therefore, its life span is shortened. If restrictions were lessened would life come through more? At the end of the day, life cannot be suppressed. It is a constant , whereas an emotional projection has no constancy. That is probably a huge difference, but being in an emotional storm eludes that simplicity. One is caught under a spell. A spell constructed and allowed by the self at the expense of a natural sentience. That “ sentience” that allows one to learn to ride a bike pretty quickly. Emotionally charged spells, as projections, of defense of one’s own spells, facing another of the same does not have the same embrace and learning ability as that kind of focus that is used to learn to ride a bike. Emotionally charged states, or spells, against the same, lack processing speeds - unless one sees outside the veil, and then that natural spatial ability begins to open up.
One of the cool things about slowing down and breathing is that one can become one’s own witness to one’s own storms. Why? Because a false paradigm as a projection of ideas, beliefs and opinions has only a certain duration, thus the contrast is there if one can breath through and unfollow the reactions as information coming up from within.
If we all stopped and cross referenced our own reactions to things before making a decision, many many things would begin to change. Chaos is complicated. The complex in contrast could be realized as being more harmonic. Somehow, we have associated chaos with complex. Yet, complex does not need to mean something is chaotic. As some have said, if one cannot explain something to a child then it is not really understood. And, that once we know something it is a joy because it has become easy. Yet, an emotional polarity can, in time, make the complex appear difficult. This is why as we age, things appear more difficult. What has happened is that some unresolved value judgement is clouding the lens of awareness. If we look at the MSM today, it is all about clouding the lens of a natural awareness. Life is here, that which thwarts life must be a bullying state, because it is a state of denial of life. Or, when involved in the emotional/feeling storm processing slows way down. One moves into defense often manifest as name calling. That makes facing a storm much easier because such a construct both has no longevity and it is something that eventually must seek balance. That lack of balance leads to death.
Suppression ( a form of defense) is a shutting down of being in the living space and time of earth. We are the ones who build our own “ shut down” systems. At the end of the day, is the present “ lock down” simply reflecting what each is doing within the self as life? Are we tired of playing the game, exhausted from projecting a separate reality on top of this living earth? Is this going to be a solution or a death sentence? Are we “ locking down” because we are at an end game stage, where the invisible is made visible, the fantastic demystified? Because we are not yet ready to stand up we instead lock down? Are we realizing where we are going is not going to work? Has a process of elimination lead us to this point. Perhaps, it will lead to making the choice to finally realize real feeling as acceptance of the great abundance that is this physical creation? Since the “ storm of separation” has no real power, are we locking ourselves down in shame, or procrastinating from facing our own shame at having shut down real feeling. Real feeling being what would bring balance to this existence, that is existence period. It is like, open the heart, which would mean open up a natural sentience. Let what is constant and of support come roaring through. Realize within the “ math “ of spell casting that nothing can define one but what one is as life here. There would be a joy in the realization that this is the only place to go to at the end of the day. That would restore the kind of play one did as a young child.
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