It has dawned on me that when someone makes a statement that one must use stories to share information, or as information, to expand awareness of reality that the very need for stories means one moves, or is directed more by images, icons, symbols. Like we are a computer, or an organic robot. Meaning, we are allowing a whole “ tradition “ ( past ) as a cultured layered system of past rituals or self beliefs around what we should be or look like or do or think determine our self definitions.
Meanwhile, with both of my parents, I notice that at the very end of their lives, they begin to speak of nature more. They suddenly want to be around nature more. My father, for example, in the summer before he died, he planted a vegetable garden without being told to do so. He did it with intent. He also requested to go out and be in the yard days before he died. This contrast of suddenly wanting to be in nature as though it was the most important thing is telling of what is real.
What is happening within us, is all around us. We are distracted from nature in the way we work, in the way we educate our children, in what we watch, or what is promulgated as a “ more” on the television. The one thing all these so-called government and corporate systems are doing is controlling the resources as the physical living natural world. That same system supports its interest as playing god as it is by design the means of separating the human from itself - which is accepted and allowed by those who participate within this. Even the animals we eat, they are removed from nature.
In place of this, is a story line, of many varying symbols, that informs our flesh, being that which removes our focus from what is real, as that which the systems we allow are attempting to own. It is a reflection of what is resonant within us. The division causing a society scattered into polarized beliefs citing narratives as a set body of information that are end games, or absolutes. We are so engrossed in such that we no longer have any presence left for nature. That which is most real, and allowed to be fought for, is that which we are allowing ourselves to be most separated from! It is in plain sight! We are multi dimensional beings, we do not need to move to some other dimension, we simply need to restore our presence to focus on this physical living reality. Within that we restore our innocence which means we realize ( real eyes instead of reeling eyes! - and studies on reading development had looked at eye movement as all is visible! ) all things, taking the good and ensuring no harm. In such a world everyone could live like a millionaire!
I notice in working with people, that there are moments where what I call a shock happens. It is a form of an uncovering. A moment where something elemental comes forward. That word “ elemental” or specifically “ element” is coming up lately for me. It is hovering around me at the moment. That and a realization of how scattered things are, as so many stories about the past come forward. And these stories have subtle parallels. I can get caught in following these parallels, and yet, somehow, that is necessary. Yet a presence must be realized in what is constant and real, as the physical. It reminds me of playing an instrument. The stories, from many dimensions, being in the space, as political games, and personal insecurities, and conductors being drunk, and the bass player being off. That and my own personal issues that can in a moment interrupt focus. The actual thing, the doing of that thing in the moment, is at the end of the day the most real. Focusing on that, brought forward a constant. Even within realizing my own automation. It was important therefore, to go through the basics every day, those basic scales and arpeggios, checking the balance, that was what supported myself in entering the arena of performance. If something in the space was off, that fundamental focussed practice held myself through any form of what was a loss of focus.
Within this, it would make sense that it is possible to stand equal to a projected story line of symbols and sort it out, ground it back into seeing what was real. Like removing something that causes a loss of focus, or something that would create a veil that distracts a being from standing equal to what is real, and what is constant and what is a living thing. Thus, why fear something like this, when the state of being such in itself would be a state of fear? It cannot define one in any way unless one is unstable one’s self. Is this a state of being unstable because of being a walking resonance of layered storied information that had lost all connection and focus on the natural world? That one thing our present systems are not only distracting the masses from but also building a paper castle of treaties and bonds and financial systems and governments that can ONLY SAY they own something based on a piece of paper having a bunch of symbols that can only suggest that they own this or that! It is all an illusion at the end of the day! And, it shows that poverty and starvation and habitat disruption should not exist in any form. Child abuse and disease should not exist, it is actually unnatural. The narratives hiding behind statements like “ no significant difference”, or double speak as in the vaccine scenario where it is stated that vaccines are effective and yet at the same time stating there is always risk/harm. It makes no sense, and yet, many believe this to be true - which is a following of a storied set body of information the outcome of the very design of public schooling. Why wait until we are on our death beds to realize the one thing that is the most real?
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that how I learn is by placing my focus and my attention onto what is a form and function of the practical physical living reality all around me, and that this is the real constant, something that is more real than the images and traditions and rituals that are the cultures based on the past around me, and the imagery that is pushed through a tube that is the math of a system organized by a few to own that which cannot ever really be owned but by a lie-by-omission and a piece of paper manufactured from a tree, covered in symbols that are not in alignment with the real living forms that build a tree that lives its life in synergy with the physical earth as life in expression here.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear the projected layered stories of information resonant in each human at the moment, that are around me, in a fear of exposing my own self accepted symbolic road map imbedded in my flesh to get along and go along, where speaking up about that might just trigger a reaction in another as end games and absolutes express as reaction because that is all that has ever been lived, one that is all illusion, and a story that is limited, extremely limited as that consumes the host, as mis-information causing separation from being present and in awareness of all things as the physical living breathing earth here as earth is the real heart of the matter here.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to, in a way, become elemental, meaning to become still and present to direct myself focus onto the moving parts of what is here, as what is separation and what remains within what is constant as the physical reality that is who and what I am here as life is physical.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that a scattered story line that is always of limitation is too much, and that the emotional/feeling confirmation biases of those resonant shadows that are much like a ritual or a tradition are something larger than life, when in effect they are actually tiny, and as such could be stood equal and one to, to mirror the state of limitation that is them, as it is possible, just as we humans are standing as these complex amorphous shadows, that are seemingly complicated, means that we are able to stand equal and one to complex forms and balance them out to be an expression that is of the same constancy as that of a tree, a tree being something that pays no rent, pays for no insurance, pays no taxes and yet gives unconditionally, here.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that I must defend and maintain a suit of protection, to get along and go along with what is essentially a very limited storied set body of knowledge and information that has become a floating entity of illusion that basically has no real power in any way.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to in relation to that, not see realize and understand that any sense of weight or falling or things being too much is in its very focus an indication that a state of separation is what I am accepting and allowing in a moment, and thus I stop and I breath and I slow myself down, and I breath in the forms and the movement, and I take this apart and redirect in ways that restore a natural presence, as much as I am able, to stand one and equal to what is here, and at the same time to remain constant with what is a complex form that is the embodiment of life as the physical natural reality here as that which is in plain sight.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see realize and understand that just as I learned to ride a bike, which took what , less than a couple of hours, am able to grasp and understand what is moving here, as I also learned how to crawl and to walk and to talk here as I as a form as a human can understand what is here, and as such speak to and of what is practical and in common senses of what is real as the physical that which at the end of the day, cannot be owned but through illusion.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to be cautious, as a cautiousness of and as self protection when overall opening up that self protection and letting ideologies go I am able to stand equal to complex forms be they of nature, and as such balanced, or of a limited and layered story line of hyper inflated value judgements that in themselves have no real power as what is real is the physical, as the earth is the heart of matter, where that matter is life in expression here.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that I can own something, when in effect everything that is here is me and defines me, thus a belief that something can be “ owned” as a physical thing is an illusion, the reality is that I am more a steward of life in that my responsibility is to be in expression with creation as life as the physical, as that is real “ ownership.”
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that when and as I find myself moving into thoughts that are of an absolute, or an end game belief, the consequence is of doom and gloom scenarios because I am allowing a state where I believe that something can be lost, when in effect, the constant is that which is life, as that which maintains a balance as that which can be complex but able to be understood just as riding a bike which is a complex of moving parts one can readily grasp and move with to function together to enjoy being physical as that is the value here, as the earth is the heart of the matter and displays all dimensions of things in plain sight, where, at the end of life what is most focused upon is that grass growing.
I commit myself to slow down and breath, and recognize my own rushing into protection and defense of what is very limited focus and to stop, to read what is here, as movements, as melodies, as story lines that are time lines of polarized beliefs that exist like a power vortex around the heart and that are a distraction from self as life, all of which is visible in body tics, in eye movements, in pressures in the body as the program of self deception of and as life is visible as a super imposition on what is constant and real as this physical creation that is life manifest and that is visible in its unconditional giving here.
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