Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day 14 The Dominance of the Mind

 I am reading this blog this morning and suddenly I notice the presence in and as my mind of superiority, not in a judgement towards the blog but in the nature of my mind as what is is as persona. It is like the mind as a “pointer” or “cursor” or “delineator” has a signature of “I am right” this picture, this measure , this image, this belief, this idea, this “map” is what is real, and just, and right, and IS what IS. Very domineering! I breathed. The mind as this is the judge made god where I believe I have understanding, but this is a non moving point, a idol, stagnant thing that has no understanding. Like I want “understanding to be done with”, to be complete, which is what the nature of a created object becomes, held dear and close, a child, a creation. Yet there is no understanding in this, as following this, because it does not allow for further expression or transformation if the thing imagined or believed becomes fixed as an end game. In the natural world around us things never remain the same, they are in constant motion and transformation, so being a image maker and then stopping within this creation cannot be an ongoing common sense.
Righteousness is the mind, the very nature of the mind as the mind is a measure of a moment, a pointer to where one is within a moment and therefor not the actual under-standing with what is physically here. So this nature as the mind that came up as righteous and “knowing” ( as it is only no-ing parts as the things it picks out from this world) as knowledge based on insight measured by the skill of the mind, this being image maker-inout being what has been learned from this world through family, education, culture, society. Thus it is the physical that is of the common sense and not the mind. The mind will only take a picture and then avoid deconstructing the picture when some new insight and dimension comes along. And with the amount of activity going on in this world in a system of profit that creates competition to get money, as money is being used to buy life, to survive and all that is made available - accepted and allowed- is what is presented/offered for sale/ an illusion of choice made so hectic that to stop and realize what is happening in this world takes an effort. And this image maker as mind, so blown out of poportion and wanting to be “right”  cannot sense what it is because it has not capacity to do so. When we think, we are actually shifting the file cabinet that is the mind, and are not here one and equal to what is real, this physical world. How can this file cabinet answer questions? How can it make decisions? It can’t. It can only use these images, taken in the past to guide. There for this mind image may contain information that is correct, it cannot answer to the totality of this existence because a picture is one dimensional and life is multidimensional. A picture, information cannot sense. So, swimming around in the mind is not being here in the physical.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to see that when this “feeling” of “knowing” comes up, this “knowing” being a righteous feeling that this is the mind, this is an end game of acceptance of knowledge and information in and as the mind and not the common sense of this actual physical world.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to not see/realize/understand that the mind is a “cursor” delineating only, in and as the use of images and not what is actually here in the moment as this physical world.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to immediately recognize a feeling of ‘knowing” as my self in separation from what is actually here.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to avoid what is here at times and to cling to my mind.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to not recognize a “knowing” righteous feeling as my mind taking a picture and holding onto that picture and connecting this to all the pictures within my past that are formed from the very society within which I live that is a collection of values believed to be support within a system of competition for money for survival, a system that has taken the human out of the context of how this physical world actually works, and instead a system that rapes the resources of this earth without any consideration of how this physical earth is actually a perfectly organized system that will sustain and provide sustenance as life for all, yet a belief that all must be divided and conquered for profit has been all that is presented and thus believed in, when nature actually screams loud and clear that this is not true, evident in how petro-chemicals have been used to tame earth into inequality, where the end game of this is no longer working and only compounding destruction at a massive scale, where unless the human stands up and actively organizes a change the outcome will be massive suffering for human, plant, and animal.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to see/realize/understand how much I have used the mind to guide me and not been HERE in common sense.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to have abdicated my self to the idol of the mind to such an extent that I do not even know what being HERE actually means.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to experience extreme sleepiness and tiredness and lethargy as I write these words as the mind does not want to become the tool that it is and instead , because I have allowed my self to be this mind, it is a massive battery of images and this battery of images wants its resource to maintain itself, and I am denying this battery its sustaining juice.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to not realize that a sense of falling physically is just the mind not getting it way, a way I have accepted and allowed, so now it is like a tantrum.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to within what this mind is realize all the time I have directed my as this mind and not unconditionally considered the actual physical world, where I stick no superstition as fear of threat and loss as my mind is a mirror image of this system of inequality, where money determines who lives and who dies, thus I have lived on this earth in fear, and not in common sense.
I forgive my self for not accepting and allowing my self to see how much I have abdicated my self responsibility as life in common sense  that  do not see and understand how much of what I am as my personality have been directed by a fear of death and loss in order to survive, evident whenever I take something personally and react in becoming a judgement and not aligning my self as one and equal to what is before me in recognition of the substance of my self being one and equal to all that is of this earth.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to see and realize that I have used sex to ensure security and survival within my society, even if I have lived a married life with children, it really is not different that  the girls sold into sex slavery, as both scenarios perpetuate this system, one is just of a different frequency and cadence than the other, but in the end, depending on perspective - on the distance from the view- both acts are one and the same.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to see/realize and understand how the nature of the mind as energy creates a loud disturbance in and as nervousness and anxiety, judgement and blame, where if I slowed my self down through breath I would begin to realize the extent of this on this earth, even within my small circle of close acquaintances by watching their behavior, the way they move their physical bodies, and even my own behaviors, where the moment I become anxious and nervous I must realize that I am existing as fear and thus am in separation from my own common sense of what is real and here as this physical world.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to not realize what this actually means because if I do a sudden sense of nauseousness will become me as I realize what I have accepted and allowed as mind in fact, as I realize the separation I have accepted and allowed, and as I realize how grotesque this allowance of my self into judgement really is, yet this must be done as this is the only way to realize what has been accepted and allowed, because there are animals, and children and plants  suffering in extreme just so I can begin to realize this my self as the strongest learning is self dis-covery, this what is here is a great gift to realize self as life as all as one as equal.
I commit my self to recognizing the righteousness as self validation of the images I have made in and as my mind having a quality of being “knowing” “right” and superior and thus when I notice this I stop and I breath and I bring my self back to this physical world.
When and as I see my self  seeking a “knowing answer” I stop and I breath and I bring my self back here into and as the physical and I use my common sense of what is actually physically here, using my will to realize that what is best for all is best for self , and that all reactions, from within or from without are reactions of inequality, of separation and by the nature of them cannot be in full consideration of this physical world, where even when I fall there is only to stand and forgive to align my self with life, as all as one as equal to get to the “one breath away” in directing my self as life, aligned with life , one and equal to clean up the separation from common sense practices that are best for all on this earth.
I commit my self to forgiving the file cabinet of my mind and returning the cursor to being the tool that I as life as substance direct within the principle of what is best for all until this is done.

Journey to Life Blogs to speak self forgiveness for 21 Days and discover you are a mind consciousness system

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