Saturday, February 1, 2014

Day 504 Self Forgiveness on the thought " Now look what you have done."

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to allow the voice in and as my mind, to go into believing that I have done something wrong as I blame myself for reactions in another, as though what I said and what I did was the cause of the reaction.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that a  emotional/feeling reaction within myself, or within another is generated by the source of the reaction, and as blame is rejection of self responsibility.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that there is something wrong with me when and as I face emotional and feeling reactions in others within and as a belief that I am the cause of the reaction.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to have the thought, as the voices in and as my mind, from parents and society, in and as a belief as the words “ now, look what you have done”
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become the belief as the words “ see what you have done”
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become self-blame/blame, whether it is myself or another, or  as the voices in and as my mind from past events where the voice of “ see what you have done,” triggers past events of same behavior of self-blame/blame all of which are acts of limitation and libel and not self within and as being self directive within solution that brings ease and equality of understanding in practical common sense of the physical world in ways that do no harm and support all life to be and become what is best for all.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to then hide this belief as this self-blame, which is blame overall, in and as the words “ now see what you have done,” and to become inFEARior to this, and as such, allow a frustration of lack and limitation that is stagnant and non-directive in common sense of solutions that are evident on a physical planet that is in all common sense what the formation of life in expression would be.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to then deny that such blame can exist as me, in denying the blame though behaviors of  hiding the blame, instead of addressing overall why an act of blame exists, where blame is really, in totality, a signature as an act of denial into solution and resolution within looking at the form and function of the very fabric of existence and realizing in common sense what is best for all.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see realize and understand that just as with myself , a reaction to blame, as a protection and defense of “ no I did not” or “ yes you did,” is a storm in a teacup of protection and self defense, either of which are acts of blame and not of solution within and as realizing the limitations that cause the lack of being specific  and as such directive within and as what is best for self, as in building self awareness of practical reality form and function, within and as realizing the only solution is what is best for all, this being supportive of all life, as life is the value.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand when and as I become protection and self defense within and as the belief that a “ wrong” has been done. which when I allow this to become myself as a belief , or the act of another, I allow a limitation where the solution is to look at the limitation and be specific within and as what equalizes what is in essence a rejection of the capacity of self to become self responsible as in giving what is best for all, as what is best for self is best for all.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see realize and understand that when and as I become an idea that I have done something wrong, I am allowing myself to remain as a belief that there is something to win, something to gain, and/or the polar opposite that there is potential for loss, or judgement, and that this will be branded as what I am, all of which is limitation and ignorance of physical practical reality and the capacity of self as the very substance of life to become a movement in and as solution, which is the choice of equality, in and as what is best for all.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand that in allowing myself to become self-blame/blame I am in effect becoming an ego and dividing myself into beliefs of superiority and inferiority that is a state of being in limitation as it has no directive capacity within and as solution which is to look here in common sense of practical physical reality, where the GPS as the abstract of what I am within is one and equal in common sense of what is best for physical existence in form and function as that which does no harm and supports the value being life in expression.

When and as I face reaction as blame within or without, I stop and I breath, and I slow myself down, and I look at the existent fear as the limitation that is the reaction and I bring this back to self to see, realize and understand in specificity why blame exists and why the act of spite as blame exists, as this is wanting to push away a bad, as an idea, where the idea is itself a limitation lacking connection in practical common sense of physical reality.
When and as I find myself tensing up in the face of blame and spite, I stop and I breath and I slow myself down and I look at the object of blame and address the limitation and the ambiguity within the limitation and I walk this limitation into understanding a practical solution in common sense of what is best for all, which means grounding myself within and as the physical world as the expression of life,
When and as I find myself sinking into impossibility as an emotion within and as me, I stop and I breath, and I slow myself down, and I address the problem through directing into solution within and as the principle of what is best for all, which means realizing that blame is a consequence of inequality to a physical world that functions in practical ways, where harm is visible and what supports in and as causing no harm is able to be understood by all men.
When and as I find myself reacting as uncertainty, which manifests as a sinking feeling pressing down on the middle of my chest between my shoulder blades,where my heart rejects common sense of myself as life, and I revert to a protection and defense  morality as righteousness from my thighs as justification through limited values to hide a sense of un-worthiness to life  building in my solar plexus  as the vessel of my accepted and allowed thoughts of “now look what you’ve done”  which is myself accepting a blame that was done from a starting point of an idea as a good/gain, that was a separation from equality and oneness, with and as the physical world, where the value is being life, of which all is the same.
When and as I find myself  wanting to play the savior, I stop and I breath and I slow myself down and I realize in all common sense that I can only stand equal and one with what is right here in front of me, and investigate, if I am uncertain within and as what is best for all to direct myself here, equal and one to and as the physical which is the creation and expression of life, here.
When and as I find myself believing that there is a more than, other than here, I stop and I breath and I slow myself down and realize that anything other than here, than hearing here, is an illusion in and as the mind, as energy, and as such limited in substance, and unequal to life.
When and as I find myself becoming tired and wanting to go to sleep, I stop and I breath, and I slow myself down, and I go easy on myself within and as the process of aligning myself equal and one as a  direct memory equal and one with and as the physical, and that this tiredness is resistance to change , into and as a silence that has the capacity to hear everything as it is the substance of no-thing.
                        DIP Lite Journey To Life - FREE

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