Saturday, March 10, 2018

Sorting out the design of conspiracy for myself The #Russians are coming Day 808

Imagine being born into a home where the parents used about 10,000 words. Now imagine, you meet another person, after a fundamental foundation as the first seven years- meeting another person - who used about 20,000. Would you be able to understand that person? Most likely, not. Some sounds would be recognizable and others not. 

Imagine having a language where instead of 26 alphabetical letters used, from the English language, you knew let’s say 22 letters instead of 26. You had only ever heard a language of 22 letters so hearing words and sounds using 26 letters would sound different, and it would take some time to acclimate to the newer words. It would be just like finding one’s self in a foreign country and trying to communicate yet being unable to communicate because anything one said was not understood and what was being said by others could not be understood. It would sound like sounds coming out of someone’s mouth that had no delineation, it would be noise. This situation is more of an extreme.

Yet, being born into a home that uses 10,000 fewer words, and then as one gets to an age where one enters the greater world, one would find that it was difficult to communicate. If anything, one might make the choice to return to what is more comfortable, instead of learning the words that synchronized with the greater language, and most probably nuance, that existed outside of that bubble where only 10,000 words were used. Also,  we have capacity because we can sense the difference, yet we can be so focused on the lack, as in being so focused on the differences, that we miss catching up, or get caught in only seeing the lack, taking years to sort out the differences. 

Now, imagine you are a child that is born without language, and yet, learns to crawl and move in this world. If we realize that words are things that we learn to use, we can equate words with, in this context, with the things we learn to move with and as just as we learn to move our bodies. Thus, we can say, we learn to move ourselves, a physical manifestation, of many many things, and then we learn to use words from our parents, as the humans caring for us. Would you agree, that becoming a movement of and as 10,000 words, when there are others using 20,000 words, could come to occupy our focus or all of our attention?  Those words would  become a set body of information, in and of itself. Within this, one could get caught in that storied information at the expense of paying attention to other things? And, if that were automated, as what those 10,000 words composed,  and at the same time, the automation of learning to move the body had happened, would one be locked in a bubble of movement, that suddenly became more visible when one stepped out into that world and stood in a circle of people using 20,000 words?  If one of those people using 20,000 words suddenly came into the environment of people only using 10,000 words, would the group using 10,000 words consider the person using 20,000 words as having something wrong in their heads? 

Or, as another extreme scenario, if you suddenly found yourself as an adult, in a place where another language was spoken, and that place had never had any exposure to another language being in existence, might they not  all agree that you were insane, and were a walking idiot? Meanwhile you begin to scream because they are treating you like an insane person based on the noises coming out of your mouth! Would this be an experience where what was automated within you as your words, become so very clear as not being all that you were? 

I am using extreme contrasts to show a more subtle contrast that can have the same or greater consequences. I want to go back to a seemingly smaller difference. We have someone who’s foundation is the gamut of 10,000 words in relation to another group using 20,000 words. Both of which are automated in their words use. Each would have a hard time moving out of their comfort zones to acclimate to the other. It would take time and effort, especially as both are automated and have not realized how automated they had become. The contrast of the difference reveals a lack for one group, those of 10,000 words, but also how automated both are in their communication. They have become a geometric structure, as a thing, that has forgotten that they learned to crawl- because that stage of learning to crawl has automated to the degree one need not think about it. 

Could it be construed that this situation where what one had become, and how stuck one was in what one had become was in itself an automated state?  Would one, could one realize how much one had become a narrow focus, as that automation, or caught in a more mundane state at the expense of much greater detail and awareness, miss seeing a connection to more than that context? 

I mean look at the narrative of the “ Russian influence” on the presidential elections. A “ picture” or narrative, has been composed in the media that the Russians influenced the elections and thus conspired against the American people. One could compose such a narrative about anything. Any time a human being said something against a certain narrative, it could be considered a case of conspiracy. It is laughable in many ways, especially in light of the fact that there have been posts that were confessions of being an online troll on American soil! Americans were paid to go onto the internet and counter online discussions using exaggerated language and label as fear porn to control the dialogue. To accuse the Russians of this is a form dependent on people not understanding this. It is, in many ways, a few who have a greater use of words, manipulating those who have a weaker use of words! One has a greater understanding, and is using that understanding to manipulate a narrative, which is in itself, what is being projected out onto being something someone else did out there, which is in itself a form of distraction under the guise of good for the American people. Astounding! The differences are done through a difference in one’s skill set in terms of using language. And the difference in the gamut of word use, is probably so subtle it is difficult to realize in this storm of information flow. Realize, a subtle imbalance over time can become a HUGE difference. It is similar to putting a motor cycle back together, after having taken it apart. One gets towards the end and there is this tiny piece that has been left out. Without that part in place, the motor cycle will not work. In order to place that missing part into the motor cycle, one must once again take the bike apart and start again. One could call this an elephant in the room that has remained unnoticed until it gets so big, the mis-take must be addressed. 

I describe this because, I realize how automated I am within what has to be a more mundane state, based on having been born into a human home on earth, where a geometry of values, not all bad, but still, a geometry of values, were what I had to acclimate to and towards, in order to synch myself with those adults that were in my world. It may have been a matter of course at first, because one cannot really understand something until one becomes it, while at the same time, because it has a measure of efficacy, within becoming that, it automated and it was not noticed that this was happening, to the extent one became that person that could not imagine knowing more words, more values, that ONLY became visible through the contrast of meeting another who had a greater measure of words! This  “ learned” as absorbed state being a more mundane state, where the degrees of difference are much smaller, though they appear larger in the immediacy of a moment upon discovery. That small difference coupled with the difficulty of realizing the depth of how things automate, could make it appear that to change is too much, or that that difference is not a real difference, unless one realizes that overall. Both have automated into a geometry, or math, because this is what this is, that is in itself caught up in itself and as a consequence has forgotten to include the geometry of what they/I are/is as the reality around them/me because that reality has been taken for granted. This could be seen as a group of humans ONLY paying attention to differences between them, not realizing the reality around them. And we wonder why we have something called a “ veil”?  Thus,  we have a situation where we are calling one another between varying theories, conspiracists?!  Why do we have corporations who are buying the information lanes, as media, calling those who are not following their words sets/ structures/ equations, conspiracists? 

I need only look at the fracking industry, where what is used is hidden in “ trade secrets” to create an absence of words/information, that is used by the so-called regulators as saying there is no proof because there are no studies because that information is not forth coming because it is a trade secret, therefor we have no proof on paper as collected data ( again information in record being made larger than life) This, overall is an equation in itself as a form as a series of orders creating a movement which is a “ thing.” If one is in that “ set” and one never goes out into the field, one would really believe that one’s LANGUAGE, one’s VOCABULARY, one’s words  as information, were all that there was. This could be construed as a veiled idolization that is a state of ignorance that is of an allowance of an absence of something used to justify its application! ( twisted! )

How many of us, if we realize we are the same, have done this in our daily lives? All of us have done this! What is astounding, is that we have perhaps convinced ourselves that that dialogue is real, despite the obvious harm happening all around us! We are that body with a very limited inner resonant construct that we believe to be so real, that what is around that, as this physical reality, is not real. We have religions and media, and text books, that use some of what is real, through limited connection to what is real as hyper-inflated values or limited values brought forwards, causing a disconnect that generates insecurity. This is the creation through lack of a set body of words made idol on a limited stage, where the words that are of a constructed narrow focus, a mathematical equation, have become more real than what is real.  It is really astounding! 

We actually believe that we cannot change, we cannot learn another form. We have become so mundane within ourselves that we find all manner of labels to say we cannot learn another language, because it is all a language, it is all a series of forms as expressions that become inner resonant things, in a relationship with all the other things. We forget relationships to all things because we are caught in our own constructions! Yet we can understand that learning one language makes it easier to learn another!   If we had moved in respect of all things, would there even be a “ separate” god? Probably not. 

We can only speak of our experience. This means that if an entity spoke of there being conspiracy, this must happen because that is what that that speaks of conspiracy is and DOES ! 

I understand there is another rule or measure. This is that when one tells the truth, it can cause more reaction than if one does not tell the truth. There for, when one enters the stage of limitation, it will scream back, this is a matter of course. Also, this would make sense based on my earlier examples. We can only speak of what we experience. Thus, if one speaks of a greater insight- as having a more broad word use about reality which at the same time is also of one in automation of an ideology, though a “ more “ from one perspective, it remains an automated set body of information! Such an entity would  potentially call anything else a conspiracy! An ideology can be of a partial truth yet automated as a set of words composing a picture that is what belief is. This can be a construct against that which is also of a partial truth.  Yet it is a construct that points out that which it believes/automates/fabricates as mind ONLY is conspired against based on a lack of total acceptance because it has become an automated resonant thing in the physical body of the human. Media feeds on this! It is used, therefor we can really trust nothing in the media, or in our present institutional systems.  

Like I said, this is astounding! And this is going on, so visible in our media, and all those cathedrals, that it has automated and is of a very limited set of words and the words are in separation through an absence of respect for all things! What a spin! It is much like we must be able to walk around and realize videos in and as our minds, which we constructed, and at the same time, LOOK at what is here, with an ability to realize that our inner resonant entities are an automation that is out of synch with reality. And, that if we watch the information feed, it is the same as that dialogue spinning around that is automated as our beliefs, opinions and ideas. AND, what this state of being is doing to our bodies, as we are so occupied with our mindset ( words) that we have no sensibility in relation to feeling our bodies. In effect, the information in our media, and our minds, is of information porn. Or, one could call the cry of conspiracy fear porn. 

I looked at this today, because I noticed myself getting caught in a web, that I found helped me to catch and realize to a greater degree at the moment, under the name, as being a “ mundane” set of words, that I have practiced as belief for so long, it is easy to fall back into the automation of and as this. This which is of my own construction, through acceptance. It does not matter how this happened, thinking about how it happened ONLY, is not the act or agency of being proactive within this whole scenario and changing my word sets to being of a direct relationship to the living text book all around me as the physical. The present system that reflects this automation of limited ideas, beliefs and opinions, of limited word sets, of words tied to a relationship of limited values, so visible in an inability to transfer tasking skills into practical doing, also known as a lack of critical and creative thinking; this present system is the construct and manifestation of many bodies of men, abdicating their common sense. With the abdication of common sense comes the loss of spatial skill, comes the loss of an agency towards proactive doing, comes the loss of one’s body moving with grace in this reality. It is the opposite of moving through the eye of the needle. It is not even moving into closing the circle into a state of grace, because a loss of spatial skill is a movement in a direction that is AWAY from becoming grace!

How can something that once noticed and moved towards, past great resistance, not be incredibly tangible once noticed? How can we not all be realizing these patterns somewhere in some enclave of our awareness? In some ways, life will. This must be understood, yet seen as competition, because what I notice, is there appears to be a greater push to control information instead of to allow it to open up, because opportunity does tend towards more awareness. And I say opportunity, because our schools by design, suppress opportunity in too many ways, countering some inherent good.  

For myself, again, I will have to watch for this subtle yet overall general resonant automated belief on things being impossible within me, that is of a comparison based on “ mundane” forces of belief, that is the same as me within myself, that life is mundane! After all, I remember walking in a park near my home for years, when I walked a dog every day. I noticed in these walks that no season was ever the same, and it was only myself that believed that walk was always the same. I then asked the question as to why I did not see in the very fabric of the physical the indicators of what the next season would bring forward. Which plants would be stronger one year, and could I surmise that if I had looked beyond my belief to the actual color, quality, tone, intensity, etc. I would begin to see patterns that told a living story about what was forming and why, through the seasons themselves? What words were being mis-used and moving in automation as an entity within me that were locking me into a fixed mind set, and how deep was this state of separation from myself and all that was here around me? When I started to look more, I realized there was more to discover. That discovery filled with such grace and measure, it revealed that what was automated within me, as belief, was of such a narrow focus, all I could realize was the shame and mis-use of myself in this life. The degree of my separation is revealed in the loss of grace within myself. Standing up and speaking about this, will elicit a cry of lack because we can only speak what we know.  Yet, this is an opportunity to return to what is a state more in tune with life, this being a state of grace. 

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