Sunday, March 18, 2018

The counter intuitive and the systems on our landscape called Earth Day 809

The counter intuitive and the systems on the landscape transforming life

We have these health systems and these “ education” systems and these governing municipal systems ostensibly here helping order our lives. Yet, do we really look at the very fabric of the landscape as the life on this earth? It appears to me that we make the counter intuitive normal over time as we accept narratives and frameworks meant to answer to narratives that in themselves accept a state of dis-ease as being normal. Life, in all common sense will spiral into dis-ease instead of balance when narratives attempting to make something that is not normal normal over time, especially when that narrative, or math, or composition, or geometry, or situation where there is a quantum measure interacting as what this life is and does in so many ways.

Then we have this deep blue ocean of water.  I have seen a documentary that outlines the possible past  existence of giant trees. This documentary has been tied to a belief of flat earth, which I cannot say is true or not true, and do not believe that is the point of the document. What astounds me about it is the absence of the water on the land, as these supposed huge trees, that were silicon based instead of carbon based,  held vast amount of water. This would mean that the increased water levels as the oceans are because of the change/death/elimination of these so-called giant trees ( radiators?). Also, all the granite we have from these large structures on our landscape, no longer is used as much in construction. We have such a granite structure in a town here, way out on the ocean, jutting up. Locally, I have experienced conversations that in this day and age, we could no longer build such structures. lol, I could see that in a couple of generations, such a structure would become so unfathomable to a child, in its inception that such could become some kind of totem built by some alien race. I mean, through ignorance, the victors could compose fantastic narratives, and the listeners would come to accept such as a truth, when in reality, it is all practical. Meaning, it can be understood as to how something was created. As usual, the practical is in plain sight, that which is the fantastical in terms of being some form of magical thinking, is of a narrative that generates emotions through fantasy, through not telling the whole story, causing   a belief that something is out of one’s range of understanding, when it is really ONLY a set body of information  touted again and again until it is believed to be a truth.  This would be an emotional state because, as I recently heard on a TED talk, emotions show us where we do not YET understand something.  Because of a natural “ life” ability to understand, that same ability can define itself within a limited narrative and by and through lack of understanding, become emotional and in contrast see  practical applications as being fantastic and out of scope, out of range, out of synch, out of line, out of form, or in separation resonantly from real creation. This is the most perfect of social engineering opportunities! If someone wanted to play god they could! Yet, leading an unstable mass, would become a full time occupation, one that would have the leader be distracted from that practical reality thereby separating from being present in reality. I mean, imagine riding a horse running in fear. Would one be able to place attention on more than the horse for a moment. Could such a moment last a decade in another measure of time and space? 

I read this article by a person educated in science. I noticed she did not say that a vaccine cures a disease, instead it changes the symptoms. That is astounding to me, and of my own fault because I did not READ those little words correctly, and as such, did not notice how specific this woman was. This statement alone reveals that vaccines are not framed, as a time line events, to remove something, they are more to mask something. In “ masking” something, they are basically hiding something, which is not addressing something. It is not looking at why the dis-ease exists, why the need to re-balance exists in the fabric of this physical and practical reality. It is a false business model overall. It is an unnecessary manipulation of the environment. It is a smoke and mirrors game, one of immense consequence and detriment to this resource, to this fabric called physical life, where being life would be physical. Thus, we have allowed, as participated in a false story, one of which has huge structures known as hospitals funneling expression through a construct that disseminates the physical through chemical injection and that touts a narrative in support of that false business model, projecting that again and again and again until it supposedly becomes a truth. It is a very limited math. There are many speaking up about this. And, this does not mean that everything in it is bad, it means that the total action is not what is best for the environment or physical reality. 

I also recently noticed, as I gathered around a group of educators, that these educators realize that the children are not wanting to read, and that the parents are so busy with schedules that ostensibly are to inform that child, that they themselves are not reading.  I find it interesting that right brain development, which can transpose to left brain, where the inverse is not the same,  ( the left does not transpose into the right) ... that right brain development, such as music, dance, art, also states that reading or watching global movements, develops that greater capacity of managing greater measures of movements overall in one’s environment with one’s self. Meaning, one can study math formulas, but cannot transpose them as readily into developing a greater spatial sense, as transferring tasks into the living reality. It is this maintenance of global movements that opens up a greater spatial awareness of one’s living reality. Why, I ask myself? Because one MUST look at more than one’s self! One must look at money flow and resource flow, and the SYSTEMS that hold that flow and movement of and as this very fabric of and as life, that is physical on which, as which, we live! It demands a greater focus of the parts and the whole. Music, art and dance DEMAND greater presence, as does being constant in being aware of global movements, or movements and actions within the whole of who and what we are. 

If one moves to integrate a greater awareness of and as the language, because language is a math, it is going to appear to be difficult, to move very slowly, because one is changing within to a different geometry, and that changing from a set habit appears counter intuitive! It is changing what one has acclimated to and it is moving against an inner defining narrative as a set measure of values, that are in themselves a system of quantum movements interacting with one another, like  a template of values, lol, a temple of values directing the body. If one has spent years in an isolated environment, taking in information without practical application, one is going to be drowning in the imagination, which is a mis-use of the imagination. AND, that mis-use has become a “ template” or temple, of a set body of information that has little practical experience so it is a knowing that is not a knowing which leads to emotional states of being because one does not really know something for fact, one has not experienced it in living reality! 

One would have an inner template out of synch with real experience and there for feel uncertain. Remember, emotions are “ not having enough information!”  Remember, something can be formed as said as spoken again and again until it is believed to be a truth, because we are water and salt, we are of crystal forms, that can hold information, and that can come to direct us, if this is not in synch with the very fabric of this physical and practical reality, we counter intuit best practices and actions because we have a resonant template that is a false business model. One could compare and contrast this to religion, because that inner picture show can become a religion as something we RELY on to define and direct our actions. It gets pretty simple. The narrative or story, spoken and played in every superstore, is a constant, as it must be, because its lack of synchronicity is so extensive, so counter intuitive, it has no real longevity, meaning no real sustenance, meaning no staying power! It is held in place by a mis-use of resources, and a mis-use of the imagination through an overuse of the imagination, where the parts are not necessarily bad. Meaning, too much water, or too little water can be a death sentence, yet just the right amount in balance, creates life! 

I can see, where all these counter intuitive information generating white castles on the landscape, done by totems of belief, resonant within, as stories as a program of a sequence of events, generating that limited story, causing all manner of bicycle rings of emotional upset, causing inflammatory response as the physical creation attempts to rebalance, visible in an aging human losing all spatial ability,  would need to be constantly projected onto the fabric of life. I can realize why we have a schooling system that by design creates greater and greater anxiety from a lack of real measure, or effective inner template composing/building -  so well composed one makes that leap into grace as moving through the eye of the needle into being equal with creation as the physical - would, .. I can see why that counter-intuitive-to-real-life-measure would then bring forward a common-core measure of adding multiple steps to processing a set of numbers, thereby elongating it, which is like asking a run-away horse to ADD more things to process to get to a simple solution, to thereby cause greater anxiety! One is already in an emotional state that has over time compounded, and then suddenly asked to HOLD more information within to process a set of information! I mean, if that is not an example of counter intuitive action and one does not see it, then one has not taken the time to care about this reality, this fabric, this living entity called earth of which we are a sum of as the parts creating the whole. It is a game of playing with space and time, which is what false narrative, and a false business model is and does. 

A false narrative is like reading a set of directions that are not enough for one to “ put together a dresser, or a faucet for that new sink, or to inform a child to move with this fabric called earth that is physical.”  Has one ever bought a do-it-yourself object, assembled all the parts, only to find that one little piece was not placed at the beginning of assembly, the instructions lacking that essential detailed step, and having to NOT ONLY, figure out what is missing, BUT ALSO, finding it necessary to disassemble the whole, to place that one little part in place in ORDER to get that object functioning with ease, or correctly?  Imagine that sequence is your life, and fixing that problem, that lack because one did not have enough information in the “ what one followed with trust “ instructions, imagine this taking 10 to 15 years of your life to sort out?  Now, is blaming someone else going to rebalance, or resolve that problem, that lack-of-proper formation? AND, is it cool that  we, the parts, have instructed another without effectively giving proper instruction?  

If a system managed resources to build something, and in that process of instruction of the parts, children in this life, of this life were starved through lack, is that cool in any way, and would anyone want this for themselves, and overall, it was a form of destruction of this fabric, this manual in plain sight, called this physical earth? Would the faulty instruction as the sum of the parts, as the human, would moving into blame resolve that false busy-ness template within as an instruction of effective movement change through blame or would there be a need for forgiveness of that storied information to change and synchronize with the living and real fabric called the physical in plain sight, one that instructs through respect which means moving according to the golden rule that is made public notice in every elementary school, that means to do no harm? 

Because the rule of life, was placed in plain sight, as a part of the instructions, for every parent to see, can we blame any one for what instructions we accepted and allowed when the real instruction was made public notice as policy through words on the walls of those same systems that we “ trust” to inform our children?  I believe in some form or another, in every elementary school there is the golden rule. We were given notice, and yet we ignored it. We sent our children into the very systems that mis-used the imagination, like feeding our children too little or too much water, all the while, the golden rule was an instruction in plain sight on the wall, as the measure of and as “ give as one would receive,” or, “ respect all things.” 

As one moves through the pillars of the school house, one reads the rule, and then skims the truth and sends the child into a system that mis-uses the imagination through over-using the imagination in an isolated environment, to mis-inform through lack of living experience, causing anxiety and then expands on set formulas, adding more steps to an entity that already is at a loss of capacity to HOLD in a constant manner a template, a totum, of and as an instruction manual that then takes a life time to correct! 

Meanwhile, there is an ocean of water, surrounding our continents that is of the tears of formations lost to us because of a mis-use of resources. And that deep blue entity, is the means of forming a fabric of stars as life in expression in this living expression that is physical that is life. One must rebuild, realizing the joy of discipline, relearning each word, aligning each word to respect the whole and the parts, to synchronize with this life, and to realize counter intuitive templates, or inner temples of information, that are not moving in alignment with the golden rule  that is made public notice at the same time the limited instructions in the information feed about this world, are sounding all around us. It is a noise that has no real substance, and it is a noise that is counter intuitive to that self buried under that sound construct, that one on some level understands. One must decompose an inner instruction manual, taking it apart, to rebuild to be in orchestration with this living fabric of life called the physical. One must instruct one’s self equal and one to what it is that one is, which is life.  The instructions are all around us, they are physical. The rule are to move and self direct in ways that do no harm. Simple. Perhaps it is time to rescript your instruction manual. 

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