Monday, June 5, 2017

Progressive separation Day 776

A sense of rushing, where rushing is racing towards something. Rushing to where, for what, when I am here. Why would there be any where but here? Then one becomes tired of the rushing, rush -hing rustle hinge, What is the sound, how colored is this sound with hindrance’s of my own acceptance and allowance, interference with direct seeing. 

Am I  by nature someone who rushes? or do I by nature process? remaining here? Sound creates things, some eternal, some by nature lacking in longevity. This must be tangible, just as a tree is tangible, yet of form, present. 

It is within and as presence, as in placing myself into a sense of realizing the whole, as the physical around me, without effort, or drive, as a form of projection, that I can hear, that I can listen, as list, the colored movings and undulations of value judgements that have no real focus here- as presence of the physical.  What is a piece of music after all? And what does it really mean to know a piece of music so well one can, like a hologram, see the whole in each part. if one hears one tiny part, one recognizes the piece. I have had this happen with songs I have performed, as a tiny part coming forward on a radio- for example. Practical. We are the means to absorb, as that is the means to learn, to understand. What is the proverbial “ eye of the needle.’? It is all practical after all. 

This appears novel, because for so long my habit has been to move in protection and defense, with imaginations of doom and gloom,  within a belief that I must survive that what is missed is in plain sight  as the physical here. That sound warping as fear can invert one’s focus. Again, practical. 

I have to breath in the form and shape of the physical, as a thing, of space and form, around me, realize my ideas about it, self projected and what it is that I have allowed to define me, that has protected what is natural, which is to be present here.  In a way, at this point it is to realize I can realize this reality as forms and movements, as shapes and things, just as I do within my own accepted lack of presence, into energy, a personification of limited values creating a glitch from reality that places me into a bubble of separation where a busy work of comparison based on ideas, is a mis-use of and as who and what I am, as the living word and respectful word of  and towards creation, it is indeed, a balance. My lower back and the physical hyper imposed tensions, show me where I disconnect from reality, as reality being the inclusion of all things presence and separated - yet still here. Still means visible. 

If I look at every person, each is unique, when I am in a situation with other people, or even animals. I recognize this, as do we all. I also realize I can focus on the cultural manners- those things that I call out, defining a person, as their names, their manners, the way they dress etc. I can focus on that ONLY, and avoid looking at what is unique about them. I have to ask myself if focusing on what is unique causes me to move into fear. It would do such, as what is unique does not follow the limited patterns of cultural definitions, as rituals based  on‘ ancient’ environmental practices as ordering of this reality. It is easier to ONLY look at the accepted and allowed divisions, instead of realizing the uniqueness in all things, as that which is unique demands more definition, which means I must realize my own ignorance of all things, as this reality.

I would have to realize that there are 22,000 children dying each day. Which means I would have to question the very order of the world around me, as all the roles composing the order of this world in regard to whether that order was doing everything possible to realize its own order in relation to cause and effect on the greater stage of this physical reality. This would mean looking here, being present in everything around us, which would mean expanding one’s awareness to more than one’s self interest. It would mean ending the game of blame and spite, emitting from the self. It would mean calling this out, and asking someone, for example, ‘ What if this were you, as you are of the same stuff, physically, as all the rest on this planet.” 

How was such ignorance accepted and allowed? 

It was created by the self.  It was allowed by the self, and it is the means of a narrow focus, into a lesser state of being, called polarizing matter ( which validates matter as what is real) , a divided focus into not being who and what one is, as living self responsibility in common sense of practical living reality. 

Within this, what I can practice, is to be here, to hear, to listen, to speak up. To use who and what I am to hear without fear of calling things out by name. When things are called out by name, they are made real-eized for what they are, and reality comes rushing forward, in balance. Thus, the power of living words, is to call things by name, and inflate a metaphysical construct of techno-colored inflamed value judgments that are missing a focus in this practical physical reality. 

We cannot know a tiger in a zoo. We all know this. Therefor, to substantiate what is real, we have to LOOK at the physical and stop being zombies walking around in bubbles of value judgements. The media, only reflects what we are allowing within ourselves. 

The battle to inform who and what we are. It only has the power we give it.

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