Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day 183 Reactions within interactions

So, yesterday I had a young man show up at my house to help me with something. He is a friend of one of my sons. I noticed that I was careful with him, in that I had the thought to not be too friendly, to keep a distance. This being the role of myself being the friend’s mother.
It is moments like these where I stop and I breath and I simply become what is needed to complete what is being done without any idea about what I am supposed to be, when all there is is doing what needs to be done.
Within this, this “idea” of what I am supposed to be popped up. And within it came memories of being a child at home, as I slowed down and concentrated on what needed to be done, myself just trying to be there and be myself in common sense.
That I would actually spend time considering how I should “present” myself to this young man opens up a whole belief system in terms of fears of judgementsFear that my behaviors will be taken incorrectly, fears that I might scare this young man away, fears of what neighbors will think.
One prominent persona that popped up was the this worry of making this male uncomfortable. So, I kept a distance. Like I said I had to stop and simply use common sense.
I noted this and later looked at it after the work had been done.
This “persona “ is like a cast around me, like a film, and it is a personality that worries about upsetting the man- so to speak. I realize within this that when I am with a man in my home, I worry about his state of mind. And this comes from childhood, this is programmed in during childhood. If advertising didn’t work it would not exist, but the fact that it exists and is very repetitive means that we are programable and that programming us focuses us onto what the one that has the means to place what is wanted as the “program to be.”
Religion is really no different. It developed before modern technology. And it demanded that people attend church and learn prayers and then repeat the prayers. Again there is repetition.
None of this is actually teaching an understanding of what it means to focus, what the actual common sense of focus is, they are more a “taking of focus” a “forcing of focus” onto a construct of a set of ideas and belief and opinions without any actual understanding of the initial act of self as what self is as self directing in the act of being and focusing, where a sense is developed in actual physical reality. I mean, in common sense, learning prayers to something that is not seen is ridiculous, and it bypasses what is actually physically here.
Advertising does the same thing. It promotes food items that do not reveal what is the substance of the food items. So, one learns to follow and desire something without any awareness of what the thing actually is, of what is actually here, of what are the parts of the things used in the food item. Here, dietitians and doctors become the invisible god as so many endorse these things, and we follow. Do we ever really look? Or are we too tired at the end of the day after flipping endless paper work? This cannot be an excuse.

In all this kind of programming happened in childhood, and on many levels, as the whole structure of our society is like a web upholding all of these programs. Meanwhile there is no longer any common sense in relation to what is actually physically here.
In a system of profit this can be used to allow some to have more than others. This allows things to be placed that take control, if we allow them. Obviously, what is needed is to direct focus within common sense of what is actually here, physically here. And obviously this can be developed as the human is very capable of this, of developing into and as “something” because of the fact that we are programmable! Which is to say that we are able to be developed!
Since this earth is such a mess, the current program is not one that is supportive of life. and obviously it allows some to live lives of excess and others extreme lack. And obviously, some have nothing to even sustain themselves and thus focus on mere survival, as this is what is presented.
It takes a moment of stopping and breathing, coming here to what is real, actually physically here, and seeing how there are ideas, and opinions and beliefs learned in the past as a persona directing instead of self being in direct actual physical common sense of what is actually physically here.
Take the time to slow down, and breath, and look at what is actually here. Take the time to stop and breath to see the actual personifications as directives based on non-investigated equal and one physical common sense awareness of what is actually here.
Then begin self forgiveness to bring yourself back to what is actually supporting you as life, this physical actual real world.
Join Desteni, time to birth life equal and one to what is actually physically real. Stop abdicating to ideas presented within a system of inequality.

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