Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 107 The character of sweetness

I was in a school one day and this little girl kept coming up to me, giving me attention etc. She was what would be called sweet. The teacher later came up to me and said that, yes, she was sweet. She then said that the children who are not doing well in their school work, often become the character of sweetness, as it gets them attention and gives them a niche within society. 
I realize I use this as well, at times, become sweetness of character, to belong.
This is not using common sense. This is fearing looking at what is here and understanding what is here. This is singularly seeking belonging,  in a physical world where, as one is here, is already within “belonging.” 
Yet, imposed within this physical world, here, where we are, thus we are being along with this physical world, we have allowed a system of competition and survival, choosing to not realize our own belonging to this world.
Our education system, our financial system, our environmental system make no sense, do not develop common sense within people, and do not practice common sense within agricultural practices.
Even within the educational system, there have been people who have stood up and said that teachers are given a new program to teach every five years ( big money) and thus, are never given a chance to use their own common sense. They are always being directed, and never having a moment to stop and actually look at what is here, and must instead follow, follow, follow. They must stand up within this, and the only way is to change this system, and this means changing what money represents. Money is the blood of this earth, and this blood is flowing into mainly one organ, it is not taking what sustains, as what it represents, and distributing it fully to support the whole organism. An organ cut of from sustenance is struggling to survive, gasping for air, and thus is so caught up in this struggle, the dizzying effects of gasping for life does not allow common sense to thrive.
A child choosing a character of sweetness, is the same. This child lacks self development, has gotten behind, and sees no hope, and thus in an effort to survive chooses what will enable acceptance. 
Then, the teachers and the students go home and watch television, go home and build dreams in their minds, pictures to color in. We have coloring books in our schools and we learn to color in, instead of actually draw. We go home and color in, as our minds as pictures, a fairy tale fantasy world, as our minds in separation of what is here, the real air, a gift of life, to live for real.
On the borders of our self colored in minds of a fairy tale, in separation from what is here, is the darkness and the monsters, the fear of no longer having our dreams, our fairy tales.
And we ask why this world is being abused, or we do not want to look, because we must give up of coloring books that are our minds, and actually stand up and reorganize this world to support the “real” story, where we can physically live and play and interact with what is here, and not with imagery as the mind.
It is really very simple, and would not take that much if we all stood together and decided to use our common sense one and equal with the physical as guide as what is real and realize that the only thing that will fall is the fairy tale in the mind, and right here the physical would catch us. 
Our present system build separation as mind, through the building of fairy tales, with all the good and the bad within the tale. But this is just a reflection of what we have allowed and accepted.
A child is so much more than just being a character of sweetness. This singularity of character creates dependency instead of self direction and understanding within common sense.
That a child is/has become a “driving force “ as sweetness, means that behind - in the shadows- is the fear, the dis-ease. She is running from a sense of not surviving. And there is no other place to go, as common sense and self development are not within the world around her.
And if questioned, many just say, “I am doing my best,” and more often than not, cannot even explain what that best really means. So singular are they themselves within their own care-actors for survival.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become the character of sweetness.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear no longing belonging socially should I not remain within the character of sweetness, where if I step out of character I will cause upset of expectation and thus become ostracized within the group.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to want to not look at what exists, as I may have to say something to my best friend which will cause the relationship to end and thus I will no longer have my friend and will be alone, when in fact I was not living while ignoring my own common sense and existing as being a character of sweetness before that which is the real value, the value of life, before my own self interested survival ignoring what is best for all in common sense.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear losing my footing should I step out of the character of sweetness, not realizing that within stepping out of character, I might actually develop a care actor within and as common sense as what is best for all is best for myself, and thus I would no longer have a life as a fairy tale in and as my mind, and instead, actually learn to exist multidimensionally one and equal to a real picture/reality as what is physically here, that which is the real “toy” to “play” with.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that I must face the illusory monsters of the mind in order to see how much of a mirage they really are to step beyond them and see what is physically real on this earth, and take the time to look at the absence of ease existent on this earth which is due to the lack of common sense of actual physical reality.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that I require the imposition of an image, in and as my mind to direct me, not realizing that this becomes bigger than life and consumes the physicality of myself and thus do I age and diminish back into dust, never transcending equally with  this physical real world.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that the present system of capitalism adds a name to resource and controls how this resource is distributed without consideration and regard for the care of this earth, evident within the existence of starvation, the destruction of the soils on this earth,  the non development of the human to use common sense ( I mean some people cannot even use a hammer!).
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to stand back and to question why a child has become the character of sweetness, to realize in totality the functioning of the present system on this earth, to investigate the money system , the agricultural system, the health system, the government, and to actually look at the structures and not take the word of someone within the system who fears for their own survival and is choosing to not look, as this would mean they would have to stand up and support what is real, this physical world, where best practices are known, yet a best practice does not divide and conquer and thus allow a few to own, as best practices often develop autonomy and self direction, allowing the nature of what is here to express itself.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that “sweetness” cannot really exist as an absolute, without hidden monsters in the shadows as the fear of survival - as the imposed driving image that stagnates the absolute expressive-as-life ability of that child- until all life is given what is needed to maintain the organ of self and the surrounding environment in and as what is real, where life is lived for real, here and not as some belief, opinion and idea built to maintain a separation from what is actually physically, in common sense, here.

I commit myself to developing my own common sense of myself as a physical being, and to remain within a sense of my breath in every moment.
I commit myself to realize the real air, that is here, physically here, through remaining aware of my breath in every moment, even within moments where I see I am reacting to an idea in and as my mind when I am interacting with others.
I commit myself to breathing and reading blogs of self forgiveness for twenty one days no matter what, to begin to see, realize and understand the existence of myself in and as images in and as my mind, to become aware of how much I have separated myself from what is actually physically real.
I commit myself to realizing my own ability as life to look.
I commit myself to realizing my own ability as life to hear.
I commit myself to realizing my own ability to develop an awareness of my breath in every moment with every step I take.
I commit myself to realizing that I am more than the character of sweetness.
I commit myself to stepping out of the character of sweetness, to become one and equal to what is real, this physical world, able to be organized in such as way that all life is supported, so that the sweetness of what is real, as life can begin.
I commit myself to realize how my character facades mask my fears and that this polarity of character within is the fairy tale/tail of my own separation from what is actually physically real as what I am actually in perception of, is an imagination in separation from physical practical common sense.
I commit myself to stepping out of my own accepted and allowed self definitions that are self interested survival defense mechanisms, and to use  the breath, to realize myself here as what is real, this physical world, the real story, where becoming one and equal to this physical world, is like having a real “playground” as life, a ground as earth to build as a system that supports all life equally, where no matter where I walk, I am able to express myself as life, and not to fear for my survival, walking on battlefields of destroyed earth as a few divide and conquer to live a limited fairy tale existence in separation from life, as many of the ones who benefit the most, just appear to exist as a mannikin of polished presentation and do not have any real skills other than appearing shiny and new like a fancy sports car where I have to ask myself, “Is this life?”
No it is not, it is only a polished object as vapid and useless as much of the obsolescent products placed beneath shiny bright lights that exist within our stores and nothing else.

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