Saturday, August 4, 2012

Day 109 Castle in the Sky

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to exist within the need for a “sounding board”, an object to sound and validate the persona of what I believe, opine and idealize.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to allow myself to exist in needing an image and a character that references, through seeking likeness of myself, what validates and attends to my survival personification within a system of inequality, as the form and structure of how resources are distributed on this earth, in inequality, reflect what it is I have allowed myself to exist as within, thus - like the chicken and the egg- as in, as within so without, I exist in and as my mind in thoughts, emotions and feelings as personification in relation to my own self interests within a system of illusive guidance in separation from myself as life as equality.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that needing an object, such as all the newest gadgets, such as a group of like personas, such as the picture perfect relationship to be and become my “sounding board” in and as validation as what and who I am, all in separation from myself here  as life.

I forgive myself for having allowed and accepted myself to not have seen, realized and understood that in running after the carrot of personification in and as my self as characters to and towards my own survival within a system of inequality/competition/survival I have built a castle in the sky in and as my mind, and this “castle” as personification, is in separation from what is actually physically here, of myself in separation from interaction in equality and oneness with what is physically real, as what is physically real is life.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand that any and all thoughts indicate my separation from what is here as life, indicate the personas of character I have accepted and allowed within a belief, opinion and idea, in separation from what is physically real, where I allow the resource of my human physical body to maintain my “castle in the sky” in and as my mind, that demands another “castle in the sky” to become the sounding board of myself as this personification within a system of survival/inequality/competition as the separation from what is actually physically here that is life, that is the support and resource of my “castle in the sky” composed of the personification of my characters I have accepted and allowed, built in childhood as this was what was presented by parents who learned from their parents, as I feared standing up as myself as life here, and took on the crutch of separation in and as the development of a persona as a collection of characters, directed through fear - an illusion- having no self trust as myself as life here, a physical being where what is real is this physical world, supportive as life, as the physical is life, is what supports as the images as “castle in the sky” with all the members and actions within such a system of defense, that ignore the actual physical world that is life, this that gives freely yet is bound within a illusive  signature of ownership, as the physical is the substance of life here, one and equal as life to all that is here, directly giving, where it is only man that has imposed/projected/ made huge ideas of lack/loss/insufficiency/inequality in and as a system constructed through the action of division and conquest into parts using the illusion of an invisible god/hand to justify the need for war/profit, all the details of the castle in the sky that is how earth presently exists in separation from what is actually physically real, this physical world that gives freely.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see realize and understand that the “real” “sounding board” is this physical world.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that myself as mind, in separation from the physical is composed of all kinds of mechanical buttons and gadgets as triggers as thoughts and emotions and feelings to direct myself within my castle in the sky and thus are my separations from what is actually physically here, are my separation from oneness in equality.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that I need another castle in the sky to reference my own castle in the sky.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see realize and understand that the constrictions I feel in my calves are secret desires as myself as the characters I have accepted and allowed within a perceived personification in union with a system of separation based on ignoring unconditional giving as what this earth is, as what I project and want to “appear” as within role play based on limited desire of a substance that is a film, thin- of no depth - when looked  and listened to- that is a protection defense mechanism within a system of inequality, as the unequal, non-supportive-of-life economic system that uses money to divide and conquer freely given resource to maintain the “more than” 1% of the humans on this earth.

I commit myself to breathing, writing, corrective application until all the ideas, beliefs and opinions in and as my mind of thought are silent.

I commit myself to entering the “play ground” of life, in and as oneness in equality with and equal to this physical world.

I commit myself to saying no to the mind, to looking at what I am accepting and allowing as thought and wants in accord with the mind to align myself in common sense with what will practically support, as the “castle in the sky” is  separation from what is physically real.

I commit myself to standing one and equal, with and as this physical world, utilizing breath, self forgiveness, writing and corrective application until it is done.

I commit myself to realizing that what upholds my “castle in the sky” is fear, an illusion in separation from common sense, where if I walk through the fear, utilizing breath, self forgiveness, writing and corrective application I will realize this earth that has always been here, as what is real, is life, the support of myself for real.

I commit myself to realizing the “reed” of the physical, as myself as the instrument of life, to resound with life in equality and oneness, walking within the principle of oneness in equality, where the sky is the sky and not a carrot on a string as a “castle in the sky.”

The Soul of Money Introduction

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