Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 118 The real book of life

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become nervous and anxious about the future.
I forgive myself to entertain my fears within imagining a future.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to connect fear to what I am here in common sense.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to connect how I look to the future.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to want to have an image and idea as to what my future will be and become, as this is the mind as a map maker/dreamer/ image maker to which I connect all the opposites of potential “worst case scenario” shadow as what I do not want.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to want.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that what is here is life and thus any doom and gloom scenario is my own judgements and dislikes, and/or my focus on my own self interest where I am choosing to not look at how the present system works, to see realize and understand that money is god, where all that is here desires to be god, and thus only sees the money and not the nature and consequences of how money is being used to divide and conquer what is freely given resources as life here, within the control of a few, which we, the human, all allow and accept through how we vote, especially those who have the money and position to vote within economic slavery.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see realize and understand that the human has not been taught to have any depth perception of consequence within self, as the being of self within what self is as life, and what emotions and feelings and thoughts really are and how they are created by self within being all that self is as life, where the totality of what self is as life is not taught, where as within so without, where if one cannot see self, then how can one understand and perceive the total consequence of the present economic system without.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see realize and understand that an economic system of inequality, of economic slavery has actually focused myself into and as having no ability to perceive the string of consequences as to what and how what is here exists, where what is taught is blame and shame and greed, all brutal self destructive behaviors.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that in allowing myself to follow the characters of the mind, as my beliefs, opinions and ideas I am in effect existing within limited “trained” insight without any common sense, where I have to read the instructions on how to figure out a rubric’s cube instead of being able to actually look at this object and see, realize and understand how it works.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that from day one I am taught to imitate and follow instead of developing an ability to actually see what is physically here and “read” this physical world within common sense to dis-cover what and how something works, where all I am is trained to read words on a page to tell me how to look instead of reading directly from what is real what is here, this physical world, thus can I be controlled, as I have been trained to go through words instead of being one and equal to what is here as this physical world, a “worded” object with more information and actual physical interaction that involves more spatial ability development, more insight, more consideration, more awareness of life than the present system of symbol that represents what is physical, just as money represents what is physical, thus it is not words or money that is the problem, it is the singularity of this in separation from what is actually physically here as what is real, as what has more depth and giving ability of all that is here to become aware of life, and thus self as life, able to interact and exist within what is real.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that the mind is the broadcast of the pictures taken by the human, the para-sight in separation from what is physically here, where the characters as the image and likeness of what serves a system of inequality, that limits insight, to become and be the service to what allows a few to control and own what supports life here, through money representing supportive earth resources that have no name of ownership attached, and characters in a bubble that have no ability to see what in fact this physical world exists and consists of and as, as the cares are focused on economic slavery as an idea an image of what characters will ensure survival in and as a system of economic slavery, thus it behoves a system of inequality to NOT teach an awareness of how this physical world in fact works, thus in effect, this system has the goal of teaching ignorance.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that the “greatest book of life” every existent is in fact this physical world, this gift of life, being shut away and covered with a cover of ignorance shutting down the life that is here, which must stop, as what we, the human, have accepted and allowed is actually shutting down life, ignoring the gift of life, here, thus the solution is to accept this gift of life, through standing up and voting for a system of equality as the equal money system and to start the process of developing a spatial sense of what we are, at an individual level, through the desteni i process, where we stand back and see what we have accepted and allowed as the insight taught and walk ourselves back into and as what we are as life, able to actually read this physical world, this real “book” of life to realize, see and understand the totality of what we are as life, the caretakers of life, able to be one and equal with what is here, of a technology greater than anything man has created.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that the only process existent on earth to bring the human back to self as life, is the desteni i process. where the realization of how this world is suppressed to enslave to a few who themselves exist within limited ability and insight as what they are as life, to create heaven on earth, to become insightful of the totality of this existence to create what any and all real gods would give, the gift of self to self direct, to be self honest, to become one and equal as life, as the giving as what is life to become an expression of oneness in equality here.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that I in fact have never been taught how to read.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that all emotions, thoughts and feelings are myself in separation from myself as life.

I commit myself to realizing myself as life.
I commit myself to standing and supporting what will allow life to begin on this earth, through the development and political advancement of an Equal Money System to take this physical world as the real “book” of life and to allow all humans, as man, to be able to read and participate in common sense with and as this physical world.
I commit myself to no longer allowing and accepting the teaching of children into and as barbie and ken dolls, to enable children to become one and equal to this physical world, to be able to exist in common sense   with and as this physical world.
I commit myself to starting at a grass roots level to walk one step at a time to get the children of this world one and equal to themselves as life, where the children of this world can become one and equal to the physical.
I commit myself to realizing that the abdication of life is separation from being one and equal to this physical world.
I commit myself to walking the desteni i process until I am one and equal to this physical world, learning to read the real book of life, this physical world, the greatest gift given as this is life here.
I commit myself to bringing heaven onto earth, to realizing the separations taught as a separation of/from life to create what presently exists on this earth as a system that abuses this physical world into and as system that realizes that the value is life as what is real as what is physically here, that which is supported through war to gain and hold in ownership as this is in fact what is real and thus this which is real, that is right in front of us, is what is made inferior to us as this creates a belief that we are superior, when in fact if this is inferior then why is it being fought for, and owned with such brutality as what presently exists on this earth.
 The question; Why is the physical fought for and so vehemently covered with what -as the human, "should" be and why is it wanted to be owned? Because this is what is real.

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