Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day 126 Don't tell me I can't - Character

Day 126 Don’t tell me I can’t character

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become the “don’t tell me I can’t character
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to realize that the truth of this is realizing that in telling me “I can’t” is something to be looked into, yet being a reaction in and as becoming aggravated that I must accept that something cannot be done, instead of looking in common sense at the situation, following through and understanding how all that is, is here , as this physical world works, this reaction is of energy and thus separation into and as non-looking, and thus the impetus to question is not the problem, it is the reaction as ego in wanting to prove the thing being said as “not being able to be done” is other than the statement made .
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that sometimes the thing that supposedly “cannot be done” will take time, and by this time, the one having made the statement of the thing judged as “not being able to be done”, will not even remember having made the statement, or deny having ever made such a statement, thus in wanting to prove something can be done, then bears no witness that it was ever said that it could not be done.
So, I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become a reaction towards a statement that states that something “cannot be done.”
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become the opposition and combatant  to a belief that something cannot be done.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to compete, and thus to go into war, into combat, to be combatant with words instead of one and equal to what is said within practical common sense, considering within the words as what is said and allowed to be formed,  and to direct this substance as life, as words within the principle of what is best for all, as what supports all life, as life, as this that is what we as earth are, as substance, one and equal.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting the litany of fears around the suggestion that something cannot be done to exist,  where one will run into possible doom and gloom scenarios that one cannot possibly solve as one is not there within the situation to actually solve and walk what appears as a mountain from a distance, magnified by fear and an alternate reality as the mind in fear of loss and death.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become emotional to and towards the statement that something cannot be done.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to go into blame and spite to and towards a statement of something not being able to be done.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to imagine what can be done about the thing that is believed to not be able to be done, instead of practically walking with what is physically here and within an imposed system of inequality, to walk what is best for all into and as what exists in this earth.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become willful in accord with ego, and thus when I see myself becoming a singular drive as wanting to win, as being indignant, which is an endgame of blame, I stop and I breath and I bring myself back to myself and I realize myself here as life, as what is without is one and equal to me, and I sometimes stumble, but I walk within the principle of what is best for all is best for self here, no matter what.

I commit myself to realizing energetically when I separate from myself here, when I am no longer hearing what is of this world, physically, and I breath and I direct myself within the principle of what is best for all.
I commit myself to breathing and slowing myself down, to not get caught up in my own creation of characters and personalities as my survival suit in separation from myself here as life, this suit where I allow myself to become a moral judgement of right and wrong, of more than and less than, of better and worse based on values that support survival only within a system of profit that does not consider life, as what has been made god is money as the means of survival in denial of a physical world that is the very expression of give as one would like to receive, as it has no signature of ownership this earth, where my accepted and allowed characters in self interest are the very manifestation of the abuse that exists on this planet in ignorance if what is best for all, as the nature of the physical forms existent on earth, as the characters i accept and allow are personas of survival in combat, interested in survival and acting in competition for this survival where interest is not invested in life, where all that is here is one and equal as life, as the substance of what is here is life.
I commit myself to deleting all pictures in and as my mind, that are of an alternate reality, as they are not one and equal to this physical reality as what is actually physically here, as this is what is real, and not the fairy tale in and as my mind.
I commit myself to realizing that blame leads to nothing but discord with the substance of life here, as it believes what is here is in separation from self, when what is here is one and equal to self, as it is of the same substance.
I commit myself to breathing when I find myself judging myself, as I am not here within practically moving myself within and as what is best for all.
I commit myself to breathing, to becoming aware of my human physical body, to removing emotional polarities that are myself in separation from myself here as life,  myself in combat, competing for survival, to stop what has been accepted and allowed as separation into and as a mind of conjecture and projection ignorant of what is real, as can be seen in a world that has a system where the thing that is real is what is controlled, thus is it clear that what is real, is what is controlled with turning freely given resource as earth into an imaginary god as a piece of paper given value in separation from life, creating a world of abuse, where best practices are denied as this would bear no profit for the few, as what is best for all is best for self; health being an example, a healthy person can make no profit, and as this system knows how to develop healthy race horses, and tests on animals for indicators of human health - or disease- thus is it clear that it is known what creates a healthy human, and thus are we, the humans allowing and accepting the disease, in favor of profit, on this earth, this earth that gives freely, where there is no honesty in the actions of men for life, as what is god is money as money has been allowed to determine who lives and who dies, and how those who live, live within limitations of perception and physical development within the potential of the human to become one and equal to life here, to be the caretaker of life, instead of a char-actor, as a piece of burnt up grey charred action into a death  of never having realized self as life here as self as life is in combat to serve a pyramid of profit.
I commit myself to realize that the mind quantifies through categorizing incessantly in a vain effort of survival, in separation from what is here, a capacity to see and realize that the value is life, and that each and everything on this planet is of the same substance which is life, here.
I commit myself to realize the actions of myself, in and as separation, when I react as wanting to win, in and as being reactionary within and towards a statement that something cannot be done, where I will lose myself in separation from what is physically actually here as I am accepting and allowing myself to take my eye off the eye of the needle in and as the principle of what is best for self is best for all, and righteous indignation is not a directive of resolution but an action of combat, and only the sounding of discord in separation from equality.
I commit myself to realizing that nothing can be lost unless I accept and allow this.
I commit myself to realize, as I did years ago, that the demons of separation cannot touch me unless I accept and allow them, as I am life, able to exist as life, as this is what I am, as life is the principle of allowing self to be what is best for all, to give as one would like to receive, which in the present profit based system, means changing this system until this is what exists in fact, through an Equal Money System, to begin to clean up this system of separation from life.
I commit myself to utilizing the gift of life, to becoming one and equal to my human physical body.
I commit myself to becoming and being the only choice, oneness and equality, here, one and equal to life here.

Creation's Journey to Life
Heaven's Journey to Life
Earth's Journey to Life

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