Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day 48 Personality: the NO-I-SE-e self sound.

Day 48 My Personality: the NO-I-SE-e self sound.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting my self to define myself according to relationships,where the relation to something defines who and what I am, to the point where I feel that losing that relation means the end of my self here.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to fear being single which is a belief that I am somehow less than another because I am single, where the word single means, within this culture, that I am “available” and that I am alone as though I am not my self unless I have a relation to another person, as in being in a relationship.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to allow relationships to be an indicator of what I am, instead of realizing that it is how I direct my self in every moment that determines my self here.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting my self to cling to relationships in fear that something could be lost, when it is the being of my self here, as how I am within what I do, as in the being of my self here that signifies my self as an expression of life, as this is what I am, and that I am life and all that is here is life requires no relationship as I am here, thus it is the very being here as my self that is, no relationships needed as defining who and what and how I am, so the expression of my self here varies and is determined by the environment, where this earth is the environment, and thus how this earth is organized determines the expression of me as what I am, which is life.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting my furniture to define who and what I am, where should I lose my furniture/house,  something of my self would be lost, yet this furniture/house cannot define, be what is the value, as the value of my self is life, where if I possess - meaning own- and defend what furniture I have I become a defender of furniture, as possessor of furniture/house as the expression of my self, where all that I allow my self to exist as is the defense of possessions.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see realize and understand that this being of my self as possessive of things separate from me to define me is in fact myself not being here and living, and within this to realize that the present system on earth is a reflection of what I as within have accepted and allowed, where I am caught in a trap as what i have allowed within, to exist in a system where I require an education to get money and cloak my self in certain objects in order to maintain a place within a hierarchy in order to survive, and were I to be born in a country of great resource, where the resource was desired by those only considering their own survival to the point where the resource was possessed through signature and the people who lived on this land were then swept away and denied support, I would be living this existence of being ignored and pushed away as the earth beneath my feet was possessed by the possessed who only saw their nature as possession as a belief in a need of something to survive and define as relationship, where the real relationship was with self as life, where self as life realized that all that was here was life, meant to support self as life.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to realize that expression cannot exist between two people when the directive is to create a relationship as self creation definition according to survival within a system that demands being in possession of the projecting of oneself in terms of a limited outlined structure within a game of survival, within this to realize that the being of self within this limited form/structure possesses self to the point where this is what is the director and the thing chased, instead of the self realizing self as life, being supported by the physical to express self as life, which is why disease exists and why disease has not been removed from this earth, as the limited form of profit is the reflection of self abdication as life.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to see, realize and understand that the design of my survival suit, a collection of believed needed relationships as self definition, are the grid that I follow and adhere to, am possessed by, and am diminished by, as this grid I have created within is what I chase and consume to be and project my survival suit, one and the same, and in totality, this is accepted and allowed relationships that I exist as that burn up and consume my human physical body into an aged burning grid of projection separate from the equality of my self as life to life, which I have denied in fear of loss and desire of gain to live, as I do not understand, as I was not taught/did not accept life, myself as, life one and equal to the substance as what I am that is life.

I commit my self to realizing all relationships as possessions of how and what I define my self as why I am the projection of my self  to survive, to forgive such relationship possessions as the projection of my self, to equalize my to to this human physical body, and earth myself.

I commit my self to realize that to attempt to have a relationship with another person who defines themselves through accepted and allowed definitions as relationships will only lead to conflict and friction, blame and excuse, justification and hiding, clinging and self denial as life, fear of loss and competition for gain, where the gain is the maintenance of personality, personality being a collection of relationships as values separated into a hierarchy, as the present system on earth, as a point of what is believed to be needed to survive.

I commit myself to revealing how personality is a collection of stories depicting more than and less than as a prop/as a grid/ as a survival suit/ as idol possession  manifest as projection in separation from life and self as life, divided and conquered into personas/personalities separate from what self is equal and one to and as, which is life, here, where the physical is the tool to exist one and equal to and as, to be an expression of life, here, to allow eternal life.

I commit my self to stopping the infinite design as possession of persona as mind consciousness system, the limited insight trap that never satisfies as self is not lived existing within polarities where, as is infinite design, the self moves within projections as possessions from negative, to neutral, to positive, eventually existing as only the positive conscious thought projection, where the layers of compounded energetic possessions consume self, as this is what self has accepted and allowed in separation from oneness in equality as self as life, that which is sought that is right here under the emperor’s clothes that is the persona the self follows that is the pied piper, heard in the back chat of the mind, leading oneself to a death - visible through the bent and crooked posture of the aged man as the burden of the self created grid as persona destroys the human physical body - absent of eternal life.

I commit myself to realizing that the rigidness of my human physical body is the constriction of my self as life, where my human physical body is revealing to me the personality I have accepted and allowed in separation from my self as life, where I have separated into energy and relinquished the sound of my self as life.

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