Showing posts with label manipulation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label manipulation. Show all posts

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Teenagers and Multi Level Markets Day 786

Yesterday I was talking with a father about their children. There is a lot of conflict with the children in terms of being self directed and at ease in their world. I have to remember that we as humans are happy when we are focused and anxious when we are not.

When I was in my teems, spending summers in a summer resort town on the ocean, I started to have jobs at 16. I would go to the job some days a week, and earn money. I felt a sense of accomplishment in doing this. Also, there were may other families doing the same, thus there were a number of teenagers my age in the town, working and interacting with one another. This no longer exists in this summer resort town. Families no longer come here for the whole summer.  Thus, there are no groups of teenage children working and having time to interact on the beaches or at local summer dances, with time in between to sail or meet at ponds to swim and interact.

This person with whom I spoke, was telling me how they had a summer job at 14, where they would work from 2 in the afternoon until 12 at night. They earned their own spending money, and learned to work with a group to accomplish set goals , as run a restaurant effectively, living a sense of accomplishment and know how, in practical ways and means. This no longer exists either, as there are laws within how many hours a child under 18 can work. I had this with my son when he started summer jobs. He could only work a small number of hours a week. On the one hand I can understand this, as anything can be abused. And yet, in this summer town,  this gave a 14 or 16 year old a sense of accomplishment, and brought the opportunity of valuable lessons in working together as a team.  It is astounding, that somehow, this is no longer allowed, especially in a summer town.  It begs the question as to why our teenage children are having behavioral problems, in relation to not being happy, not being focused, not having the opportunity to be focused and have a sense of accompishment  What is it that they have to focus upon? Or, is what they have the opportunity to focus upon not enough for them to be fulfilled as human beings? Have we allowed a system that is so worried about abuse that this worry has actually become a limitation that curtails the capacity of the natural abilities of a human being? How does one not see that in existing within a doom and gloom scenario, one actually creates a loss of opportunity that causes a state of anxiety that is simply a lack of being able to apply one’s self to develop real abilities to live processing information in ways that enable one to really do in this reality? 

I have to look at myself here, to slow down and look at my own anecdotal experiences to see my own resistances and suppressions that curtailed opportunities and lead to becoming a limited movement in this reality. Where was I not willing, because of worry, as only seeing worse case scenarios, that became larger than life, because I was not living a real processing, as a real respect for this practical and physical world? Where was I accepting limitations based on projected ideas that was only myself not focused on the practical as the physical around me? Where was I allowing more a worry about what others might think based on a limited set body of values that had some good, yet were not myself focused on this reality, to consider all things, and realize the totality of what I am here? Where was I moving within associating to a limited construct of self defining values that were a separation from this reality? Who was I within what I allowed, as only thinking  about myself, and a construct of values, resonant within, that ignored what I am before this construct accumulated into a elephant in the room, as my hard drive of a resonance of what I accepted and allowed, as value judgements that became a busy work I protected, and thereby distracted myself from real looking and seeing of this physical and practical reality. One some levels, this becomes so evident, and so in our face. The separation becomes so loud, of such a static, it is a wonder we have not realized this sooner. 

I have gone through and read articles that attempt to disqualify systems. Mostly, as this point in time, I see them as eliminating competition, or demonizing anything that could possibly turn this tide of a resonant disconnect from reality,  from the practical, from what would direct a non-focus into an effective focus, thereby removing anxiety and bringing forward what would make humans happy, as being focused here, processing the information of what is here, and what has been allowed as a resonant state of separation, composed of limited value systems. 

What I notice about articles of nay sayers, is that it appears to be a career. This means that someone is paying a person to do this, it is their job. Since there is a small body of people on this planet that have accumulated massive amounts of wealth, and become ideas that they are social engineers, that naysayer, writing against things, must be paid by them. Otherwise, they simply and practically cannot survive! It is simple. it needs no conspiracy dragon adage! 

There other complaint is placed under the umbrella of Multi Level Marketing, where it was stated in one article, that one could remove the middle man and lower costs. Somehow this is a lie-by-omission because it does not consider that we actually have a government with many many people processing multiple sheets of paper, that must be paid, were it not then our taxes would not be so hi! Why is it in one area, there is this need to remove the processors of things, and in another, they must exist? I mean, to put up 30 feet of fence in my yard today, had an estimate of about 6000$. This endeavor takes layers of human activity, each part of the series of steps to get that fence onto my yard, must be paid a living wage, or the whole society begins to crumble. How can a reaction to something, in the form of an article, suggest that something could be cheaper, and is a MLM scheme, when nothing in this reality can be done by one? Such an argument moves so against the tide of practical reality, it is astounding we still fall victim to such reasoning. If we are not actually paying for something in this reality, we are not considering the labor of others, period. using an tiny sound bite, and repeating it again and again, does not make what is said so.  In contrast, we have young teenagers that are not having effective opportunities to become more responsible and at the same time earn something, to then begin to learn about money and group interaction within a set goal, and we have troll articles demonizing the very form that must exist in order to get things done, under the heading of being a scam as an MLM. It makes absolutely no sense,  On a local level to pay the labor to set up the fence, and pay for the must-be-in-practical-common-sense labor to get that fence up, must cost something! This one little story, as a sequence of events on a step-by-step timeline, belies the information in storied article format! 

If we cannot process information into, onto living reality, we will follow these stories not realizing they make no sense, and are written by someone somewhere that must be paid, because if they are not earring a living, they cannot be sitting at a computer writing these very formulated articles that are essentially a math of sound bites that are not reality, and that use, by slight of hand, seemingly anecdotal evidence that can sound so real, but has little common sense of reality. 

We need only look at our living environments and realize that we must earn for our labor, or we will not survive. And, that no one labor is more than another. And, that those who have learned to use words to a certain extent, have the responsibility to call such things out by name, even within being patient towards those who have not had the opportunity.  I don’t think that putting up a fence is a multi level marketing scheme, nor is anything that people are doing as a system. The way things can be manipulated is astounding, especially when tiny sound bites as words, are echoed by those who have accumulated wealth and believe they must social engineer this reality, must be realized as a protection and defense expression, one that uses slight of hand to eliminate competition. It is a warping of reality. Yet, this is what we do, when we allow this, and do not slow down to process effectively. It is when we do not slow down to do the math, and realize how things are done. 

How does this relate to the teenagers that are no longer living early stages of having a summer job and learning to work with a group and earning money? These teenagers that have more extreme behavioral issues?  And, in a system where the best paying jobs are those for the present government system? These jobs that are the multi levels of the market that supports a government that has become a corporation that funnels one-size-fits-all profit making schemes that can then hire that troll to manipulate sound bites to serve that real pyramid in the sky scheme? I mean, look, this is what this is? And, why so many in these fields reject the consequence as a reaction to this, as our present president, who is moving to limit this very structure? Life is by nature, a movement into balance. There for, when one things grows too large, what will come forward is that which moves towards balance.  That balance, will move towards removing an elephant in the room, that multi-level-market of earning to survive, that has not considered all things!  Our market place, has become so limited, it must have a reaction in the overall body. The anecdotal actions of lack, accumulate, and they grow to balance out what is and cannot work. Therefor, the only choice, is to do what is best for all. It is that simple.  To believe that it is not that simple, is to be in separation from reality, from the practical, and yet, the practical is all around us! 

What we are essentially doing with our teenagers, is trying to get a tiger to live effectively in a zoo. It cannot work, it will not work, and it is not working. It is that simple.  That structure of creating that zoo, is not necessarily all bad, as it is a structure, as it takes many hands to build, as no one single thing in this world was built by one, and no label of a CEO being the superman that created something, is the real story. Multi level markets are how things are done- it is that simple. Demonizing them, creating a little sound bite of information, colored with a value judgement, does not remove the practical reality - unless we do not look.  To those who react as a statement of all labor endeavors being placed under multi-level-marketing schemes, I will answer, that we must not confuse how things are done as the order of multi level markets being how things are done as the labor of men.  Again, we must not confuse deceptive lending schemes with what is a natural form as the reality of multi level markets.  That fence I wanted to put in my yard, costs what it does, because it practically involves a multi-level-market to process freely given natural resources, as the infamous, farm to table market is and does!  We have to ask ourselves why so much of our food is subsidized. Here,  why are we are not directly choosing with our own earning, to pay real costs? That also is a manipulation and in reality, is a network of marketing, with many levels, of control in terms of what we eat. It is a form of an inversion of multi level market forms. This is a form that has a good as a form, that is being abused in the self interests of a few. Do the math, play with the numbers and see the real score.  When we pay the greater of goods as real costs, we choose to support the multi-levels of the necessary means to bring that product to others. When we allow schemes that subsidize that, we give away our awareness of reality and we allow others to decide for us, and they in turn, become addicted to that power, and then create a platform that buys the space to place manipulative and threatening words of and as a play with sound bites that have a threat of you-are-either-with-us-or-against-us, which is all an illusory show of deception.  Those who have jobs supporting that mis-use of a natural form, fear losing that means of survival despite realizing what they are doing. As we have allowed money to determine life, or one could say, to be god. 

In reality, we are unhappy when we are not focused, ( a tiger in a zoo cannot be focused, as utilizing their real capacity), and happy when we are focused, as in full employment of what we are in total, which is physical organic expressions of life, that can build, as the many are what builds anything on this earth,  as being the means to the end. Therefor, we live, in a way, in relation to what I compose here; we are a living multi level market of physical relationships communicating to be in support of life. When extreme imbalances happen, the counter action cannot be suppressed  The illusions of paid trolls, which so many of our supposed news writers are today, is supporting a system of inequality to life, building a very limited cage that is not in consideration of who and what we are here on this physical planet called earth, that is life, in expression. This expression is a beautiful design, if we would only realize our real value, as being life, and embrace what is here, choosing the principle of doing what is best for all, which in itself, is the perfect means to socially engineer what is natural, which is that the nature of real creation, is to take that which is good and does no harm.  There need be no other law, as this is the law that is equal to the real nature of the essence of what we are.  This functions as a series of relationships, multiple ones, that exist interconnected on many levels, to create a market of sharing that is natural and is the means to an end, as creating a fabric of and as the life that is us, in expression.  Our teenagers must have the opportunity to participate effectively within that, as it orders them, and teaches them the means to the end, which is how a multi level market is a form in existence that is how things work. 

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that I cannot process information, effectively.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear moving against a conspiracy dragon of information, and that within this, I will be punished for not gping along with something, when  can speak up, and realize to remove illusions, and ground myself here, even within the consequences of accepting and allowing such dis-realization to exist as existential outflows of a lack of respect for the practical and my own ability that is natural to be common sense here.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to go into anxiety, and to not process the information that is me here, as a physical state of being, as who and what I am here.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that everything I accept and allow, comes to resonate within and as me, as the capacity for me to understand, as reflect on, what is here, is natural, and a means to understand, to realize actions that are what i would want for myself, within and as realizing that punishment is not being a state of living solutions, as respecting all things, taking that which is good and does no harm.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to punish myself for not immediately recognizing as doing the math in common sense of the practical on a physical world, and when and as I find myself blaming myself, for not recognizing an expression as a processing of information, to live what is best for all, that it is not to label myself as being in lack, it is to look, forgive, and process what is here, as be in recognition of, a thankful for, what I am here, as a physical being, to see realize and understand to live the only choice, which is the choice, to do no harm, taking that which is good, lending opportunity in relation to realizing the multi levels, dimensions of and as what is the reality as the market that is this physical and practical living expression as life here.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to realize and respect the mark, the form, the small as the sum of all parts, as what is here, to realize an effective math, as form and function, of this reality, where all things are related, as symbiotic, working in tandem that is overall, life in expression, here.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to have accumulated a resonance that being here, and processing the information here, is too much, and thereby, casing myself anxiety, as focusing only on this, instead of using that same capacity to focus here, and respect all things, to build real understanding in respect of the very nature of life, to live the principle of oneness and equality, to live what is best for all, in thought word and deed, to become a architect of life, realizing that all that is here, is me, in another life, of same substance.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that I am not processing information effectively, as what this is, is to realize that as resonances of limited and set bodies of information, causing personas of polarities, of the game of good and evil, right and wrong, as a false morality, that becomes a religion that is built from the environment that is the past, I must slow down, and realize the patterns, and then ground them into the practical, a process that is realized step by step, to see more directly the multi levels/dimensions of and as, what composes this reality, so the within as me, reflects and realizes the equality in substance of what is around me, as being the means to the end of and as who and what i am as a physical state of being, that is life in expression, here.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that there is no rush within this, and that I am here, and can stand in the quiet that can hear, as process forms and expressions, to build an understanding that can then make choices that are in accord with the nature of life, which is to take that which is good and does no harm.

When and as I find myself becoming anxious, I stop, and I breath, and I slow myself down, and I see, realize and understand, through becoming calm, not rushing, remaining steady in listening, fearing no loss, realizing where i have an expectation of a gain, and come into respect of, the multi levels of the market of the sharing of goods and services that take the labor and resources, freely given, of this reality, that are in support of this living reality, that have also been abused, and ground myself in the practical realizing a resonance of separation, that is a story, of a series of values, and events, reflecting values, that need not define the moment that is here, in a practical world that is physical.

When and as I find myself moving into anxiety, I stop and I breath, and  slow myself down, and I check myself to realize habits turned resonant as belief, opinions and ideas, to forgive this, and do the math, within and as what is best for all, as the math of consequences, of and as polarities of value judgements based on a false morality, existent and yet able to refocus, into and with respect for all things here, to begin to reform through unfolding, or dis-covering what is natural, which is the essence of life as substance within each and everything here, to bring forward the nature of life, as the expression of and as taking that which is good and does no harm.

When and as I find myself becoming confused, I stop and I breath, and I check the resonant voices of and as beliefs, opinions and ideas, and I forgive , process the information, to realize my own in-formation, to then inform myself in respect of this physical living reality, to choose, as act, to and towards the nature of life, which is to take that which is good, respect all things, and choose what does no harm here. 

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Self forgiveness on Love Day 762

continued from the previous post

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become a love in a narrow focus, at the exclusion of everything else.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see realize and understand that making something larger than life, is myself in separation from considering all things as me, as this living reality that is physical.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to romanticize relationships, within and as my mind, to become a consciousness of self interest, to avoid looking here, at this practical and physical world.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that the very of making one relationship larger than life, without continued cross reference of all things as who and what I am in total, as a physical being on a physical planet is to separate myself from the form and function in practical reality, as the physical as the total of who and what I am as this physical world is the real relationship of and as creation as life here.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand the statement of and as ‘ that which I love I will lose’ meaning that which I aggrandize and allow to become a form of protection as a positive is a denial of the negative that motivates the separation into a limited relationship as the focus of and as me, within and as me, as a heaven in separation from the ground as the physical reality, the means to live and express and be equal and one with the real story, as the relationships of the physical reality, here, being and forming as moving as what is life in expression as the physical.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand in this trinity , the busy-ness of occupation into limited ideas, that interfere with being present, grounded, in respect of, all that is here as the physical.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that the real story is the expression of life, that is physical, that is formed, that breathes and moves and interacts here.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become a thought only, and for an extended period of time, of and as ‘ there is a great beauty’ to become a singular focus of and as me, here.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to limit myself within a singular relationship as an idea about a form, as a person as my husband, as being ‘ a great beauty.’

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand that separation within and as allowing this to be a singular and limited focus of and as me, as its very existence is a scream to hide from considering all things and following a  limited and romanticized story line, as a sequence of values made larger than life, as the very self interest of and as me, as not being a bad, overall, and yet, being a focus, that within and as it, is a separation from reality, and an admission that this reality and the values of this reality as the system entertains itself with limited values to avoid realizing what is happening in the world, and within myself  a fear of standing up and realizing in thought, word and deed, that there are no problems only solutions, as this is a physical creation, which is visible and practical here.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become a value made larger than life to define myself as superior, based on a romanticized, or inflamed, idea.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that in many ways I placed myself into an impossible situation, making one thing more special than another, hiding in a ‘ good’ that I accepted and embraced believing myself to be good, when this was hiding in a good , to avoid what I allowed to motivate this in-formation as me, that simply reflected an abdication of myself as life, into a form of self interest revealing a fear of being present and sorting out what I had to realize to then deny, which was overall, myself being inferior to myself as life, and rejecting the life that is me, and for this I forgive myself.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe, to make larger than the practical in  physical reality, as a physical creation as life in expression, that being practical respecting the physical, realizing life, enjoying being, remaining grounded, was too much, that facing the same as what I accepted and allowed as accumulating value judgements of a narrow focus as ideas, beliefs and opinions, practicing limited values, accumulating into an emotional feeling body, chasing a limited story of information, as me, resonantly accumulating, just as a perfect practice accumulates mastery of and as a discipline, so did I accumulate and practice until it compounded into an emotional feeling body, as a storm of energy, driving me, into the form, as ideas, beliefs and opinions, creating wants, needs and desires, polarizing myself into a persona, a ‘ hard work’ I accepted and allowed into a separation, from this reality, that had to fall, as it was not grounded and stable and practical here, and for this I forgive myself.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand that in the rush of my practiced values, accumulating into emotional/feeling bodies, I built my own interference from and as the physical reality here.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand that i accepted and allowed the impossible as who and what i became as the accumulation of ideas, beliefs and opinions, following a romaticized novel of novel ideas, overall not a bad, yet done in separation from being in respect of and as all life as the physical, as real love is to respect all things, take that which is good as that which does no harm, and to remain in respect of the instrument of life, as the physical.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand that  the thought of and as the impossible, with the counter action of and as ‘ something beautiful being extinguished” into , ‘ this not being so’ or ‘ this cannot be’ is the admission that something is out of synch, and a self interested busyness to avoid being practical, as I accepted and allowed myself to fear being responsible within and as who and what I am as a physical being-ness state of expression as would life be, here.

When and as I find myself believing it is difficult to remain grounded and practical here, I stop, I breath, I slow myself down, until I am grounded, calm, stable, at ease, present, silent, listening,  to then assess, define, and rebuild a relationship that is equal and one to who and what i am as the physical, to include and respect what is real, and all around me as life, here. 

When and as I find myself moving into confusion, as the belief that something is impossible, Is stop and I breath, and I slow myself down, and I see, realize and understand that I am here, that the practical is all around me as me, here, as the physical, and I see realize and understand how a separation as a mind con— science system, as the science of accumulation of my actions, lead by beliefs, opinions and ideas, into wants desires and needs, if not grounded in the practical reality as the physical build a resonant story within and as me, as knowledge and information lacking real practical application, causing conflict and friction, with reality,  and are not myself in the presence of and as life, as a physical form, and as such, I can slow down and breathe, ground myself here, and take responsibility of and as who and what I am as life here, which is actually normal, simple, doable, as the magic is in the doing, with respect for all things as this actual real, tangible consistently present physical world called earth, here.

When and as I find myself moving into self pity, to build an idea of something being impossible, I stop and I breath and I slow myself down, and I face the storm of my separation, as a consciousness moving in accumulating limited values into a story that is not the storied information of the physical in form and function, in practical application here, I stop, I assess, I investigate until I am grounded, stable, consistent, processing the practical, realizing the means of separation are the same means of building a gounded and present focus on this physical and practical reality here, as creation.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Day 440 Fear Mongering tactics, sidestepping the real issues that are done in self interest.

I watched an interview today of a journalist interviewing a journalist. The interviewer’s starting premise was built around fear mongering, and she never stop the bully of this point of view. At the end, her questions were about the potential of a whistle blower to end up in prison. No question about the information revealed, just the imposition of a story built on creating fear. The journalist being interviewed was simply doing what journalism is supposed to to, inform people of government practice so that those governing this world do not move in their self interest. It is a form of checks and balances to have journalists.

So, we have a journalist being given practices of government to expose to the people. A government that says it spies on the interaction of suspected terrorists, and what is found out is that this government is using this to spy on all people and all countries in its self interest. But, since this has been kept secret and the secret used to spy on everyone, this begs the question as to who the ones governing believe the terrorists to be? Do the men in government, the ones with interests in transnational corporations and seats in law making and mandate building fear being exposed for placing the earth’s resources and values created by the hands of all men that move as money into their pockets despite the detriment this causes? Are we accepting the terror of the governors losing their place on top of what is a ponzi scheme form as the present system? Again, is the self action being projected out onto the surrounding people ? Is this a form of hiding? Is this a fear of loss?  This form, this self inferior to life, manifest as a pyramid scheme  abuses life and is responsible for the starvation and existent abuse to plant, animal and children? And it begins within each of us.
Within all this, the interviewer continues her prepared line of discourse, that the whistle blowers lives were going to potentially be limited in movement and/or spent in prison. Fear mongering without addressing the real issues and ignoring the actions of our chosen governors acting in disregard of life, only seeing their own delusional self interests. This woman went on and on, building the PICTURE as IDEA of limitation for the whistle blower, no travel, no movement, prison, prison prison! 
No real looking at what is going on. If we allow ourselves to go into fear, and do not look, each person here, as each of us, then we allow this practice of fear mongering to continue. The signs are easy to realize if we slow down, and breath, and actually take the time to look at how things move on earth, easy to see and understand because it is a physical form that functions in practical physical ways. The physical is structural, it is like a machine, it has many different parts that move, if one part is not healthy, not in full capacity, the machine will eventually stop working.
The value is being life, this is what is equal in all of us. There is no “ more than” there is only what supports all equally. And, a physical being cannot be self responsible if its basic needs are not met, just as a machine needs oil and room to function. Suppressing life so that a few have more, and then blaming the suppressed is a self abdication of life. So, what the elite are doing is simply protecting themselves from what each of us are doing, they are the same as each of us. And since they happened to be more aggressive in taking or more willing to follow, and thus have bought the top of the hierarchy seats to control in self interest, the only way for this to end, is to realize this same state of being in ourselves, and to see within what the whistle blowers are revealing is that this self interest without regard for life, for this physical planet is not a choice. The only choice, if we care about life, if we want to really live is to stand and to build a structure that supports all life, equally, to allow the exception to become the norm, a life lived in full potential, as this is the only way for all of us to reach our full potential as life.
Learn to see through fear mongering. Learn how your within has become greater than your without. Walk the process to understanding your separation from life. Lets put an end to fear mongering, and spying in self interest. Lets put an end to secrets and get this world into an order that is heaven on earth. DIPLite, it is free.
Stand and support a Living Income Guarantee to realize that what is on earth is interconnected as earth is a “ machine” allowing life. Respect it and it will respect you back.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 52 Opposition

I was in a store today to buy a product i have bought many times. The sales people denied this product ever being there, and said there was not even a slot for this product. For a moment I went into fear, as thought there was something wrong with me, maybe I was in the wrong place, even thought I had empty product bottles at home. I realize at this moment how the mind can lead one to doubt, everyone around you saying something does not exist and you know it does.
This has happened to me before, and I go into confusion.  Absolute fear/doubt.
Interesting, I play the damsel in distress, as one of my first memories of interacting with my father. I keep thinking that I had been scared by something, an object - like a snapping turtle in the yard or something - yet here, this fear has to do with feeling like I am not relating to the people around me, they are saying the opposite of what I am saying in the face of my own certainty, where I know it is just a misunderstanding. These sales people would instantly recognize what I was talking about if they saw this product, as it has been in this store. Of this I am certain. I did not become frustrated, I realized I had to show them, and in that moment I could not, but this would be cleared so I let it go.
In high school there was a state test I had to pass in tenth grade to graduate. I passed. The next year they said I had to take this again. I wondered. Junior year the NYC school system said I had to take this test again. I did not. I dod not go. I did not want to beef up the numbers for the NYC public schools, this was hiding what was really going on in the schools - not that my act did anything because it did not- but the fear I experienced in not taking the test, where my friends were saying I was going to get into trouble ( which was true, but that I was one, it did nothing and I did not face trouble) was strong, that same fear, that shaking in not following. This was the same feeling that came up when the store sales people were telling me I was mistaken and that the product I wanted had never been in this store.
Intense pain within the side of my left ribcage as I write this!
Is this pride that I did not take this test, or is this standing towards, opposition without righteous reaction, where it is not the opposition but the reaction to opposition as in standing firm in opposition, calmly and humbly, without self pity in believing myself to be misunderstood. Such opposition need not have any emotion.
Not taking the test in high school did nothing, and even a group would have caused problems, or simply been dismissed that year, and the entire system that supports the manipulation of test scores must be looked at and stopped.
Restating that a product did exist and proving this in the immediate face of opposition, even when looking in the computer, was not going to change the moment, these sales people needed to see the product, of which I had an empty bottle at home, so I would bring this in, or they would realize at another time, suddenly, what I was talking about.
So within standing up to opposition, it is simply to review what I know express this and clear up the misunderstanding, any emotion or “wanting to win’ is not going to work.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear opposition.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not realize that the sales people were probably in fear of making a mistake.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not realize that I can look at what is here and explain myself.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear opposing others.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to at times go into frustration and anger as reaction to such situations, as I believe what I am saying is obvious, when as what the people around me are within, wether they have never thought about what exists and only fear not being agreeable or really, within a moment have become completely blank about something, where anger and righteous fear will not remember that person to what is physically real, where anger will only breed more frustration and righteousness instead of clarity.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to realize that standing within stubborn persistence is also not a solution, as though my stubborn emotion of persistence has some magical quality, where what is needed is actual proof, and this within the given moment is not readily available and thus within my self I must simply stop until evidence is available.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to exist within opposition.

I commit my self to breathing, to standing and stopping within a situation of opposition , where I look at what is common sensibly here and review what I am within opposition.
I commit my self to trusting my self in the face of opposition, to stand in common sense, with humility and care, as there are times when I believe I “know” when in fact I will not.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting myself to resist writing this, as I am becoming very tired, and want to shut my eyes and go to sleep.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that I am tired.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to feel lethargic and to think about doing something else at this moment.
i forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to see opposition as criticism of myself instead of looking at what exists in common sense and placing myself in the moment, within slowing down my breath, to place mywelf within breath and remaining here - interesting that I wrote mywelf which is mywealth?
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to realize my wealth is myself within breath in common sense, saying no to the mind entering a gloom and doom and fear stance of self doubt instead of using the tools of breath and grounding myself within the wealth of myself as the physical.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not realize with every breath that what is real is myself within breath in the physical, that this is being and not an idea in my mind that presents a fear of loss thought and emotion and feeling as being separate from opposition, when I am not separate from opposition,, opposition is another insight that will become agreement or reveal to myself insight lacked, where any emotion is separation as emotion cannot be directive as it is separation from the whole and unstable in nature.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to see opposition as a burden.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to allow opposition to become a burden, where opposition means denying another when in fact opposition is merely looking at what is here , in and as breath, and using common sense, and thus facing opposition is neither a burden or a threat of loss.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that should i not agree with opposition something will be lost.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to realize that life is an expression, and thus, believing what is here to be in opposition is not to realize the ability of life, within and without to transcend accepted and allowed limited beliefs, opinions and ideas as what has been accepted and allowed.
I commit myself to breath, to the wealth of this physical world as my human physical body in breath.
I commit myself to  seeing opposition as one and equal to me.
I commit myself to stop myself from placing opposition as a burden to myself.
I commit myself to realizing the substance of life, built of clay is able to transform.
I commit myself to realizing that this ability to see opposition in transformation to agreement as all as one as equal will bring about heaven on earth.
i commit myself to practicing equality and oneness in and as breath to equalize myself with life, this physical world and to enable others to be the value, life, through supporting a system that supports all life, an equal money system, to change opposition from conflict to transformation.
I commit myself for realizing confusion is a personality of fear of loss, of belief in loss, which cannot exist as I am in fact life here one an equal to all that exists.