Monday, August 20, 2012

Day 124 Bearing no witness to what is real.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see that following emotions, thoughts and feelings that bear no witness  to how this physical world actually functions will become a storm of insanity, unsanitary, as in being against life.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to look, see and understand how money in fact functions within and as this world.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that the present system if based on survival and competition, as money determines who lives and who dies, thus money has become the support of life on this earth, disregarding actual life itself, as it only considers what is profitable as this is the law, in separation from life.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not realize that talking with organic robots that follow without investigation of what is being followed will demand repeated direction within being told to investigate how this present system works, in detail, in order to begin to understand what is in fact existent within a system that does not consider that the value is life, and that the use of money to represent resource within a capitalistic system, where capital is accepted as life sustenance, what has in fact been ignored is life, the substance being used, as what is primary, to create a secondary starting point that determines life.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that education is the means to place the imposition of ideas, belief and opinions that are in separation from life, and that this separation must be forced, which means that what is here must be molded through a forced separation, and thus what is here is forced into a limited system, which begs the question as to why a belief that the human cannot change is even considered to be what is real, as the human is changed during the first seven years of existence through forced means, thus does the human contradict itself every time the statement, “it is human nature” is spoken, as this is a statement in separation from life, and the following of an idea taught within a system of inequality, as a system of profit and competition would teach such a belief to support itself, to divide and conquer what life was in the child, a forced conquering, in order to support what is a fear of life, this that has never been, as all that has ever been is fear, and thus what has been created is an earth atmosphere ( at most fear).
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand the extent in which, as a being and therefor as the very substance of life, how much I am a creator within the totality of what I am as life, where life is me, and thus the source as creation, which I am as I am life and therefor one and equal as life to what is in fact here as creation, thus I am the creation of what is here.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand my own addictions to my own paths of separation as my emotions, feelings and thoughts are the indicators of my separations, my addictions to what I have not faced in and as myself in common sense of what is best for all.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not trust myself as life, to utilize breath and the principle of what is best for all, as I have become an addiction of self righteous anger and frustration instead of remaining here in common sense of myself as life, as what is best for all is best for myself.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to slow myself down with and as breath to allow myself to exist with patience instead of believing I need to have an answer, where if I believe I need to have an answer, I am already in separation from life in and as being an ego in want, as this is what ego is in fact, a separation as energy as directive, myself not listening to myself as life.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that there is something to win, where there is nothing to win, as the gift is given, the gift as self as life one and equal as this physical world, thus what I am, as life, needs nothing given, as the value, as life, is here.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to judge myself, as this is the back chat in and as the mind, as the voices in my head that are what has been taught/forced in childhood by patents of like mind as belief, opinion and idea in separation from self as life. enslaved to a system of capitalism that does not value life, as what is valued is profit, as is the law, that a corporation must make a profit, which is placing value on money before life.

When and as I see reaction within and without I stop and I breath.
When and as I exist within and as reaction, I stop and I breath and I look to what is accepted as belief, opinion and idea, that is in separation from what is here, and I speak within common sense of what is supportive of life as what is best for all.
When and as I face complacency and contradiction, I stop and I breath, and I trust myself to speak in common sense of what is best for life, what is supportive of life, within the principle of “give as you would like to receive,” as this is the only choice, as this is life, the action of life, in realization of self as life, life answering as life, here.
When and as I become ego, I stop and I breath, I slow myself down and I answer as myself as life, as what is best for all, walking through all contradictions that are polarities in separation from life.
I commit myself to realizing that all relationships are connected, where the connection is of a starting point of separation from life, as this is the image and likeness of what exists in this earth, manifest as a system of money, where monetary gain is placed before life, as life is not seen as the value and that which is what is real as what is the very substance of what is here.

Equal Money, the solution.

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