Friday, April 24, 2015

Day 621 What is the space and time of here? What has been accepted and allowed as me?

Space and time
As I was working with a child, I looked at the behaviors of the child as a sort of grounding mechanism. She had placed both her elbows on the table and with her fore arms perpendicular to the table, her hands moving as though the clapping of her thumb against her other four digits was her talking with another person, I realized she was having conversations with herself. I saw this as a sort of processing action, a comfort, as way to give some kind of order to her existence.
Instead of reacting, meaning to judge this, I just accepted it. It is here that I looked at this as something, as a movement that existed in the space and time of being here.
In this moment, I am the intervention, the directive to understand what is happening without any form of judgement, and to move into grounding the person here, as much as possible. So, like performing in a musical group, it is to simply pay attention to the moving parts and giving direction in what all interventions are, which is to practice being present here. This is to be in consideration of all things, because I live here, in a physical existence.
To this, I add a question. Does what our media, in all its forms, whether informative or entertainment, reflect the practice of actual living? No. The media in informative presentations, often touts potential bad things happening, and/or what good is being done with very little detail as to what is really going on. So much room for a ‘ lie by omission’ going on here because children would not be starving or dying of dis-ease that has accumulated in degree,  evident in the numbers because numbers do not lie. The real story in space and time is not conveyed. In the end, each of us are to blame, because we accept and allow it. This means we are placing something other than what is the real story, as having more value than making real what removes a lack of ease in being physically grounded here, this place right here where we are living.
When a tree is sick, do we blame the tree for not  growing well? Or, do we immediately look at the environment and assess what is lacking, what is causing the tree to not fill out in its full potential? Often, even with animals, we do the same. We say that the dog needs lessons , which is time and space to reform the behaviors.  This begs the question as to why we don’t see ourselves, humans, in this same way? How is a human formed and nurtured in presence measure and in physical sustenance that gives the building blocks of forming a ‘ sound’ tree?
In the end, there is no denying this, that when a human being is not grounded here, it is from lack. And since this earth is very abundant, the lack that is causing children to not be present, developing behaviors that are support mechanisms to reground- taking away space and time in their lives- is making that development second to what? It can only be a separation from being in the practice of what it means to exist as physical beingness. We become physical beingness when we consider that care of a tree, or a dog, well some, not all. And this is the point.  If we do not consider the practice of living, which is a physical living, then we are in separation from living. The consequences of this accumulate into destruction through lack of what supports that physical means and state of being.
What does this have to do with noticing the space and time presence of a child? The child is a reflection of what has been accepted and allowed.  Her processing  presence is like a musical formation, a thing of measure and tempo. Her behaviors her having of measure of understanding. Her actions, some search for structure to ground her. She intervenes herself to develop some coping mechanism. The child has created her own cognitive behavioral therapy to build some order, and that therapy is her own process of applying  behavior that help her analyze reality and within that the measures she has learned that are of values that are not equal in consideration of realizing that living is a physical action, as living demands form to exist which the physical is the means of. 
As a child, I remember working to be able to speak the same measure as my parents, to survive. It was my environment, so to move within the immediate confines of it, I had to take in the measure as beliefs, of my parents. It is like focusing my within to form their ideological measure. And then a movement to reflect that measure, in conversation. Somehow, overall, this was not easy, and then out in the world, realizations that what I had accepted and allowed within imitating the form of belief as my parents, was not always correct, as in not considering what was equal in all men, and instead comparing my belief with others. When those beliefs did not mesh, I rejected without taking the time to consider the measure of another. I was still in the habit from childhood, of taking in a particular measure, imitating it, not realizing its limitations, having gotten caught in the game. Then over time, realizing the limitation of my accepted and allowed construction of belief. my coping mechanisms ones of escape at times, because I did not understand what I had done, on a conscious level, as this conscious level was that part built in separation of being aware of my surroundings in total. Thus, sometimes I escaped my own melody I accepted. Other times I corrected this, even with silent embarrassment. I had to admit that I had separated from reality, done so slowly over time, I could still see the tree but forgot the forest. I was talking to my own construction, my own inner representation of reality, filled with value judgements that had no connection to the means of this building of life, the physical world.
The solution here is to reground myself’s measure within, back into the practice of living. To remeasure through deconstruction  of accepted limited belief  to reconstruct myself within to be equal to the means of life information as life would need to be, as this physical world. This world that bears this consequence of separation visible in accepting practices that are destructive that can change into practices that do no harm. This is practicing what supports physical reality. What supports is visible, in the same way that we approach taking care of a tree, or, as many already do, a dog, a cat, or any pet.  Anything that harms in any measure is simply unacceptable.  In the end it is ourselves hurting ourselves.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Day 620 Going into Positive Value.

Going into the positive value, 
I notice how going into a positive value is defining a moment without really looking  at many implications of what it means to get to the idea that is the positive value. I am so acclimated to being idealistic that being the practical steps to reach the ideal are not immediately moved into and walked, as it is as I have been taught as I have accepted and allowed, an ideal being more than practical application to and towards an ideal.
One instance of this happened yesterday. I was talking about something and the person across from me, suggested a venue for me to go and talk . This pretty much ended the conversation. A positive value was expressed and that was the end.
I relate this to heroin and sugar. Heroin is drug that creates  a high feeling that quickly and surreptitiously  through denial of anything else kills the seeker of that high feeling. Sugar and alcohol are the same. This drug does this over a more extended period of time, drip by drip. All that time spent in seeking the high takes from being focused here, in reality. Walking the connection to being in full awareness of this reality and within this, this ‘ feeling’ ability that follows the quick feeling sensations that appear to be positive and appear to enable anyone to talk to another, is an illusion because the focus is on a limited sensation. Thus, both drugs separate one from being focused here, equal with reality, and because we are physical reality before we are the desire to be high and seek a positive feeling, the physical reality is the real form that would fulfill the total beingness of ourselves.
A love of knowledge and information can also be a high, if I allow this to become a self definition, and seek validation from others about my mental construct of knowledge and information.  But then this can fall flat because it has little volume in the real practice of living. Look, we have systems that we support that come up with theories all day, abstractly, and so little are applied. In many ways this, within a profit based system must exist to check application  but it also causes things to be allowed to manifest that cut corners and cause problems in the environment. None of this is actually being focused here and working with physical reality with such attention and respect for how being physical works.We have the capacity to direct this awareness that is sensual to begin to realize what each seeks is a groundedness with reality, with the physical world.  In so many ways, one could say this is the ultimate high, being in focused awareness here, really sensing what is the means of self, as the physical, where all of self is employed in creation. Thus, a positive statement as a collectively understood way of conversation in idea only, can become a shield of self validation that ends in that beingness as a limited state of being because the grounding walk of the self  does not walk all the way to becoming in practice that ideal, fine tuning the focus of self. Our society has become this, and touts this positive thinking as a value, when such positive thinking if not employed in action all the way,  becomes something that has no real meaning.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become a positive statement in a conversation just to have acceptance and self validation within a group of people, or with another person.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to manipulate who and what I am through using positive statements to build a mirror of myself as a personification of being a positive and good person.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to use a positive value to maintain a social standing as building an idea into an idol to follow without seeing realizing and understanding that this alone is not real living and that real living means grounding myself here with and as understanding physical reality and becoming in practice that which is good and does no harm.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to conversely react when facing the end game of positive thinking, as statements that are supportive but as the end in themselves are used to deny looking at what real practical application means and requires as steps taken in a physical manifestation of life as life would be.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see realize and understand how much I have accepted and allowed positive statements to define me, instead of moving into practical application as clear and necessary steps to apply what grounds oneself to focus here equal and one to this physical world, which is to say to be and become the application of life, of living, of respecting reality as the means of my existence here.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see realize and understand the habits I have accepted and allowed, and that to change these habits of acceptance as an end game in a moment only, is an addition to thinking and creating ideals to define me and to gain acceptance and as such have no real value in terms of practical living as respect for actual physical existence here.
When and as I find myself stuck in a moment of self validation in and as a positive statement, I stop and I breath and I slow myself down, and I ground myself here, equal and one with the physical, and I follow through, I let go of a belief, and I move onto the next practical step within and as what grounds me here, in always considering all things and investigating that which is good and does no harm, to equalize myself to and with life as this physical means of my existence as this is life information.
When and as I find myself ending in a positive thought, I stop and I breath and I slow myself down, and I check within and as me, what and how I am hiding - so to speak- within a positive statement only to not face the detail of practical application, and I also, within this, stop and forgive any thoughts that believe a practical application is too much, to ground myself here, and realize the moment as where I am and the step necessary to being a living word as that which investigates and takes that which is good and does no harm, as an idea definition of myself has no real value and as an idea in and as my mind, will not have any constancy within the behavior of me, as such a self definition has no flexibility within and as the practice of actual practical living which is investigating all things and moving in the moment within and as that which is good and does no harm, and that as what builds practical awareness of physical reality as physical reality is the way and the means of life here.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Day 619 Reviewing Spite which is Fear.

I am looking at the word ‘spite.’ It is different from blame. Spite is to have a desire to hurt, annoy, or offend someone. It is having a feeling of contempt for someone. Contempt is a feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless or deserving of scorn; a disregard for something that should be taken into account.  The word ‘scorn’ being a feeling or belief that someone or something is worthless or despicable.

Thus, when I am taking things personally, I am essentially in spite, which means I ‘ want something to go away’ and I actively speak up to punish that measure, that state of being manifest as behaviors or actions in words and/or deeds; as how a person may dress, or wear an expression, or style their hair, or exist within a position in our present system. 
So, in spite, I reject and then call out the limitations that I fear by association could define me, and then instead of becoming an understanding of what is held in contempt to realize how something was created, because in essence I am a creator and nothing can define me but what I accept and allow, to realize that things are changeable and with movement here, can realign into what equalizes oneself to the presence of life here on earth.
When I believe I am unworthy and I fear this being realized as a belief, etched in stone, I become inferior to life, and forgetful of change, forgetful of the gift of life as sound formation as I can change and am here, so nothing can be lost, as it is already here as me. This change that I fear, is in itself an action that reveals to me how I am the master of what I am ultimately!

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to spite.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear being defined as something I believe is less than what will enable me to survive here.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to spite myself in fear of another defining me as less than.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to within this spite, not see, realize and understand that I, if I slow down and look at what I have allowed to become the hue, the color, the judgement, the fear within and as me, I can realize the smoke and mirrors show in and as my mind as my belief, that is defining me in the moment of spite capturing my attention and separating myself from here, and stagnating my own self awareness in fear of loss as a picture show of gloom and doom that has no real solution and thus development in understanding the nature of life, which is to give as I would receive, to become equal and one to and with the physical to move as that which does no harm and takes that which is good, to ground myself here equal and one with creation here, which is the physical.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to allow a doom and gloom picture show in and as my mind as belief, as judgement, as separation from my own common sense and rejection of myself as life and the life around me as this physical reality.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become blinded by fear,, for which I can blame no one but myself as I have accepted and allowed this as the presence of me within and as me here.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to do unto another as I would have done unto myself because in the end it is only me who decides what I am within and as me, as no other can change me but myself.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear change.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that I must shield myself from limitation which is myself allowing and accepting judgement without follow through into and as what is solution.
I forgive myself for not  allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that just as I have built the mechanics of and as my mind, as my beliefs, so can I with this same presence, see form and function as this actual real physical life that is the means of life as the physical is life information here.
When and as I find myself moving into fear, as in accepting and allowing thoughts as an energy that moves in slow motion from my head area into my body, I stop and I breath and I slow myself down, and I see realize and understand that this need not define me, and that I as this, as life, can slow down and see the measure of what I have accepted and allowed and change, forgive the thoughts, and ground myself here, into and as equality and oneness with and as life here, to see realize and understand practical applications that are best for myself which is what is best for all.
When and as I find myself moving into spite, I stop and I breath, and I slow myself down,  and I see as my thoughts what I fear defining me, and what I believe I can lose as idea or opinion, and within this survival based system, see , realize and understand that I have the power to simply be here, choosing life as accepting all things, and taking that which is good which is that which does no harm here.
When and as I find myself moving into spite, I stop and I breath, and I assess what values I have as an agenda as a self definition, and I forgive the good and the bad, the fear as a belief, and the inner projection as a persona as a self idealism, my idol, of and as an image filled with self defining values  as self created feelings as what I believe will create a win, and I ground these within and as what would a practical action that is in consideration of all things, to equalize myself to and as life here, to be and become in thought word and deed that which is good and does no harm, as this is respect for life as myself here.
When and as I find myself becoming the energy of spite, as a sinking motion within and as me, I stop, I slow down, I breath, I check myself accepted and allowed definitions, as what I believe makes me more than another, and I see, realize and understand that the seeming promise of and as this is an illusion as the practice of living means being here, equal and one with and as the physical world.
When and as I find myself filled with different hues, as values, as ideas, an energy of spite and self aggrandizement as self interest, I see, realize and understand that in allowing this as the attention of myself means that I can change, and ground myself here, to begin the practice of becoming equal and one to and as life here.
When and as I find myself believing I have no worth, I stop and I breath and I slow myself down to see, realize and understand and become in practice what supports life, to end self punishment into  rejecting the very substance of myself as the means of life here.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Day 618 Self Pity is Self Righteousness

Self pity is self righteousness.
At time I go into self-pity, which is really a form of self righteousness, because after I have believed something as been done to me, or something has not moved in he way I expect. I move into self pity, which is making what I believe to be a right, which is self righteousness. Simple.
It is to justify and make myself feel better. What it is not, is assessing a situation and looking at what is practical in this reality.
For example, we learn through practice and exposure, within this we build understanding that then allows us to become more self responsible in the practice of living, especially the ability to consider all things to ensure that no harm is done. This is right in front of us.
This involves no self pity what-so-ever. A cup is a cup.
When I allow myself to become righteous with self pity, I am adding value judgements, and justifying these judgements with what is blame and spite, which is projecting fault onto past actions because what I wanted was not immediately accepted. Also, to realize that if so many are moving as value judgements, which our present profit based system is the systemic manifestation of as what I as a human have allowed and is causing this, then reacting to a world of men hued with judgeMENt in self interest, as self pity within myself, is just more of the same.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to go into self pity.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that self pity is self righteousness.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that self righteousness is self interest.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that in the order of respecting life, it is to take that which is good and does no harm, as this is the behavior of being equal and one to and as life here.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear losing some idea about myself, not seeing realizing and understanding that this is myself in stagnation and not being fluid as in being equal and one with and as life here, which is this physical world in expression as the formation of life here, a form that is interconnected, circulating and giving as the very building blocks of and as it exist in abundance here, as this is life.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to move into protection and self defense, as in constricting in and around my shoulder blades to fear standing equal and one with and as life here, within and as a belief that really has no substance, as it exists as energy as belief,  instead of remaining here, in the practice of assessing the actual real physical world here, to become the practice of the expression of life as myself here.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to take value judgement personally.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to personally make value judgements in justification of a belief that I am right and what does not accept me as what I believe as being wrong.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand that I become the very measure of my belief, which means that I become the measure of my exposure, which means that I can learn, which means that if what I learn as what I accept to believe does not consider all things and take that which is good and does no harm in thought word and deed, then my limitations are the consequence of my beliefs that i have accepted and allowed, an act of self interest.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand that within the practice of living here, it is to speak up in common sense, to stand in common sense, as I can learn, as I can investigate all things and take that which is good and does no harm, as this allows a constancy the is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, and here, to remain within the script of this as how we accept and allowed what we become as what we accept, and to stand as solution in and as aligning with what is best for all, realizing how this process functions here.
When and as  I find myself moving into self pity which is righteousness, I stop and I breath and I slow myself down, and I see, realize and understand that there is nothing to protect and instead to stand as what I am as life as a physical being,  understanding that I become the measure of my exposure and what I accept and allowed as value judgement or as reactions to value judgements, that cannot define me unless I accept and allow them and to with every breath, cross reference how we learn and what we accept and what is the solution within and as what is best for all here.

When and as I find myself becoming an emotion of self pity, I stop and I breath and I slow myself down and I see, realize and understand through assessing what I have allowed as the measure of myself within as belief, and I cross reference my self interest within the real practice of living on a physical planet here, to realize in thought word and deed that which takes that which is best and does no harm here, to realize equality and oneness with and as life here, to build a world that step by step realizes the practical application of respect for the physical as this is life, and to do only that which does no harm, here.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Day 617 The measure of myself here.

The measure of myself

In dealing with people and presenting the measure of my understanding, I react. It is as though the patience to follow through, to let go and to move with the measure of what is here is not fluent. This means I am getting stuck on beliefs, opinions and ideas in and as the measure of my experience, the measure of my awareness. The gift of life is placed right in front of us, as this actual physical world, and I have abdicated that life in believing that what I think, as the composition of my thoughts as the measure of my experiences is more real. Really astounding- which is an interesting word, because it has the word sound imbedded within it, and the letters a and t . Like the alpha and the omega, where the a is the starting point as the alphabet, where I use the letters to create words to bet with others, to win, when the gift is already given, as the physical as life which is the value. And, the t is the choice, the crossroads of my choice, the apple of my eye, where I decide to respect the tree of life as the physical, or a belief in a good and or a bad in and as value judgements in and as the process of believing that one thing is bad and another is good which is creating a relationship to myself as my idea of myself as an accumulation of my experiences that I allow to begin to define me, as direct me, and then I, if I do not realize this, begin to blame the outside world because it is not moving as my experience manifest as my thoughts, created from comparison. Comparison is not necessarily a bad. When comparison is used in self interest and not realized as such, what is moved into is value judgements in defense of one’s experience instead of for what the qualities as the characteristics of what something is which is evident in the utility of the form. Thus, it is astounding that I sound my inner experience turned value judgement over remaining in equality to and with life, as the physical to sound in accord with this physical which is the means of life, the gift placed right here in front of us, as life would be and do, because this is how it would work in all practical common sense.

Thus, when I worry about rejection, or what someone might or might not say, I am separating myself from being here. I am not realizing the very gift of myself as life in practice in measure, in awareness of using this sense that reads/senses my experiential memory and directing this to practical physical reality and realizing that I can as this that can move from mind memory to here awareness is always right here in all ways, it is fluid, it is mutable, it can sense time and space, here, it can move with limitation, accept it, speak up, cross reference, double check, slow down and ground me back here, to as myself as life, realize the volume of practical reality - and the divisions and limited information of our present accepted and allowed system that dis-regards this in self interest, as this system is simply a reflection of the separation from using self as life to common sense physical reality as the formation of life. I am not going to go into this here, one can investigate this systemic form that is a smoke and mirrors show bullied through a media ( my god)  using the quality of human nature that takes in information and utilizes it- like being programmed- until it defines self, or, one could say, is believed to be a truth, and then the physical is forced into the limited construct, which overall is very destructive and cannot and will not work. Just think about how unpure the very air is in our world, and our waters, and realize that ripping apart the physical to fit into an idea about  what is more and what is less, is an abdication of self as life. Period. Can’t work. The sooner we realize this, the sooner we can change and equalize to life and work together to get this destruction cleaned up.  We have essentially allowed the majority of humans to serve the building of a pyramid. The moment a laborer is no longer useful they are turned out, and, as we can see, the laws are geared towards criminalizing the homeless- those who have been turned out. So, basically, if you as a human serve no purpose in the building of this pyramid, you are compost. lol Yes, that is basically what you are useful for. That idea of yourself as your mind, it is a sitcom that has become a program that is no longer wanted. Can you blame the pyramid? No, they are just another program, one that is in separation from life.  
Thus if I take the measure as another television, program, personally, I am fearing to not have my program, my television, my experience accepted. Yet, in understanding that I can change, because what I am within is only a measure of what I belief, I can reformat this and cross reference what might be the understanding of another and become a relationship to practical physical reality as my starting point and ground myself within all this to direct, with investigation of that which is good and does no harm, because nothing can define me unless I accept and allow it, and the physical is always right here, standing with me, always was, and always will be, as the physical is life information, it is the sound of what can withstand the test of time, it is the technology of life in formation.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to respect life.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to realize the value is myself as life equal and one to and as the physical here.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that what I am within as a personification of my experience of reality as the physical need not define who and what I am here.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not let go, with every breath, in every moment, what I have accepted and allowed to define me, as value judgements of one thing being more than another, an act of comparison and competition which is ultimately an illusion, and myself in separation from myself as life, and for this I forgive myself for allowing myself to believe that what exists as myself within as a reflection which is a shadow of reality, defines who and what I am here.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to move into self pity, when and as I have no agreement with another in thought word and deed.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to slow down and ground myself here in practical reality, and to allow myself to not resist what is here, as what is here can change and move into understanding form and function as the practice of living in a physical manifestation of life as life would.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become inferior to life, believing that what I construct as my experience as my inner selective value system, to be greater than life itself as life is physical and here, where I can live in the moment and become equal and one to and as it, to express myself life here, to focus here and direct myself in ways that do no harm.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear losing my experience as though in losing this I would not have any memory, like photo albums to show off my experiences to tout as what I  am, in fear that I would not survive in this system, when in all practical reality the value is being here, equal and one with and as life as the physical, because this is creation information, here.
When and as I find myself beginning to move into protection and self defense, which is myself constructing myself with in, as though I am grabbing onto my experience, memory that I have allowed to define me,  I stop and I breath, I slow myself down and I asses what measure I have accepted and allowed that is of energy, and I forgive that which I fear to lose, and I see, realize and understand that I am here, that the value is being physical as life, that what is within me can change and ground here, into and as what is of sound mind and as such can withstand the test of time, and become equal and one to the measure of space as the physical as life in expression that is eternal, and to then not fear change, as change is the process of transformation only, which is actually fun.

When and as I find myself moving into a stagnant self protective act of blame and spite, I stop and I breath and I slow myself down, and I cross reference my accepted and allowed measure as belief, that has embedded into the physical through repetition, and I forgive and change as direct in common sense of practical reality, to and towards that which is good and does no harm and becomes an expression of respect for all life as me in another life form here.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Day 616 Allowing pressure to define me. A rage of belief.

I notice that I allow myself to believe that I am under pressure to perform. Within this I go into fear, because I go into comparison and then I begin to build beliefs about how things are moving around me. I lose myself in becoming fixed in my definitions within this world, a practical world, a world where we build neurons as we practice the same volume of belief within , again and again instead of remaining here in the practice of the measure of the physical. As I believe so I begin to think because I build my own circular logic about this world and my thinking becomes the logic I accept and allow as my judgementt.
I become what I think about, what I accept and allow. And the gift of life as myself in a physical body responds to my creation as my perspective building. If I am equal to how the physical is creation, then I direct myself here, and see directly that which does no harm.
So, it is so cool that I am this machine that builds itself via my own perception, this means that I can become equal to the practice of living which is a physical living. If I accept and allow something less than what considers the physical in what allows the physical to exist and expand then I am the limitation I create and actually program the machine of myself into an inner entity that cannot move with this living physical world, because life would form itself because this is the practice of being life in expression here. In so many ways it is overall a beautiful design.
Building the within to be equal to the without would be a natural process unless within the process one was distracted from this, as in, if one began to believe that the within defined one more than in being than in equality to the without as this physical world.
Thus the separation from the practice of living becomes evident when mistakes cause consequences that must be addressed and reordered to stabilize the physical. These consequences exist when actions are questioned and responses becomes justifications. Justifications of spite and blame, are being lame, because one is not addressing what was not considered, what was ignored or missed as one directed oneself forward via an entity within as one’s belief. Children do not have this when they are born, it is built as their experience. So much of a child’s experience the child comes to resist, which we see in teen age years as the child begins to order experience over time, and the child decides to do things in a different way, only to find themselves using their maps without understanding how it was constructed in the first place, and as a consequence rebuilding these cognitive structures to become directives that correct sensed limitations. 
It is to say that the measure within must be equal to the measure without as this physical world.
The existent system of supposed democracy touts a good but the financial structure is a form of self interest in gain of money, because money is really the signifier of a belief that that inner construct is more than physical life, where physical life is life in expression. 
I have been following the vaccine debate for a long time. Recently, in this article here, it is expressed that vaccines were created as a means of rent seeking, as a means for making profit. It was realized that the first vaccines really did not work. The immunities were not lifetime immunities. An exposure to the virus over time actually supported the immunity, like reinforcing the immunity. The vaccines were disrupting that naturally occurring immunity, and the vaccine did not address the starting point of the virus, it only tried to eliminate it through immunization.  All the while, children who had healthy diets could withstand viruses. The process of vaccines also entered viruses into  the body against nature. Vaccines attenuated the viruses by forcing the virus into all the cells, whereas the body had a natural process of dealing with the virus as it came into the body, where the virus did not enter all the cells. What happened is that that profit, that desire to create something that brought in money came before what was best for physical reality, for the physical life. It is like a construct that is against life, creating a consequence that can make a profit before doing what is best for the physical beingness.  This, overall, is really self destruction, it is deconstructing the physical world because it is through deconstruction as in moving against nature, that a profit is made. Tear the physical apart and charge money for trying to put it back together again. This is not creation, this is deconstruction for gain, a process that disrespects life in an order of seeking a gain, and then because life was not respected, trying to turn the consequences of this deconstruction all the way down the line into another gain. Slowly but surely, the physical will not be able to be put back together again.
At the moment, there is so much innovation going on, Even in my area, there are groups of people coming together to solve the food-growing problems. This is innovation in food-growing practices that are local. There is also so much innovation in energy creation systems. These things are here, there is still enough movement and the natural ingenuity of men to look and solve problems creating efficient systems that support all life in ways that, at this point, do little harm to the environment. The problem is that the money to build these things is not here, or so little that these innovations have a really hard time manifesting. And the consequences of not respecting the physical demand time and effort to correct. So all the things are going on at the same time, while behind these scenes there are laws and efforts happening to control water, for example, because that belief, that movement of gain in self interest remains and it has control of how money moves. Unless we all, the many, where the real power is, decide to change the form of the flow of money, to allow all this innovation to develop. Also, the money must flow in more equitable and consistent ways, to stop the competition point, because what is best overall must be the voice, and this needs the fear of survival to be removed.
When I go into spite and blame, it manifests as impatience and a short temper. The voices in my mind become thoughts of justification and I become distracted from reality, I have left the moment that is here. I am following knowledge and information about all of this instead of remaining here, paying attention to the only thing I can attend to which is myself in the space and time of here.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to respect the actual real physical world.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that when and as I begin to have back chat of blame and spite, my behavior in real time becomes short fused, short tempered and I separate myself from moving here, equal and one in breath with the moment here.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that when and a s I become short tempered as in not being patient and humble, slowing down and moving equal and one to the measure of here using my breath to regulate the focus of myself here, I separate from walking the measure of here back into what is best for all, as what does no harm and what takes the time to consider all things, to investigate myself as life here.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to become thankful for myself as life, this machine as my human physical body here, and to realize that the value is simply being here, as life, as life in expression here.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become blame and spite, where I separate from the practice of living as a physical state of being as this is life information, and to instead of reactions based on belief, opinion and idea as the mental constructions I have practiced again and again as belief, building neurons that hold that movement as me as directives I have accepted and allowed, to within this realize that I have been given the gift of life, and to use this to see, realize and understand where I have built a belief system in separation from practical reality, from the practice of living as a physical expression of life, here as life would be, and to use this recording I have allowed that is in separation from living to redirect myself, to practice this again and again, to rebuild a mental construction equal to and in respect of physical reality, as physical reality is the means and the way of creation in all common sense.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand in every moment that when I allow limited knowledge and information, or knowledge and information to become that which I respect only, I separate myself from the gift of life as the physical, a world that reveals the measure of creation all around me, even what has been accepted and allowed that is not equal in respect to living, and as such, i can slow myself down, investigate with every breath, in every moment that which takes that which is good and does no harm, thus respecting life, to create a world that is best for all here.
When and as I find myself becoming overwhelmed with being here, moving into behaviors that hide and spite, blame and manipulate in self interest, I stop and I breathe and I slow myself down and I see, realize and understand what I have accepted and allowed, what I am accepting and allowing,  that is not respecting this moment of physical creation, and I stop, I slow down, I breath, I check what I am allowing as thoughts, as the words of my own belief system construction, and I reassess, through investigating my own investments as belief, and the actual real practice of physical living here, and I breath, grounding myself here, cross referencing reality as the physical and the limitations of belief that have accumulated over time to the point where they are believed to be truths, so in every moment I regard and respect the  within and without with every breath, and I take that which is good and does no harm, and I respect that which builds a world that is best for all.
When and as I find myself becoming impatient, short tempered, I stop and I breath and I slow myself down, and I see realize and understand that which describes what is here as physical reality and how physical reality actually functions in men as how knowledge and information creates mind constructions that then determine actions, as is understood by science and the business model where what one practices again and again as belief becomes the mental system of thought as the projections of self determining the actions of self here, and thus, I see, realize and understand that what I believe as knowledge and information is what I become and as this, I can slow down, breath, ground myself here in this moment, and cross reference reality,as  investigate reality, to see, realize and understand that which is best for all, as that which considers all things, as signs of life in expression as the physical, and thus that which does no harm.
When and as I find myself becoming short tempered, as in losing patience, as in reaction to here, I stop and I breath and I slow myself down, and I ground myself within the practice of living here, to become a measure of consideration for all things, to build an understanding within as the very neurological programming of myself as life being equal and one in respect of the practice and gift of living as an expression of life information of which the physical is and does, as the physical is creation in doinginess, here.

When and as I  find myself believing that I am a mistake, and as such unworthy of life, I stop and I breathe and I slow myself down, and I see realize and understand that the past does not define me, and that the past as a construct of beliefs, opinions and ideas, as knowledge and information that I have accepted and allowed to become a self definition and so,  I stop and I breathe and I slow myself down and I see, realize and understand that which is a measure of respecting physical living which is creation in the practice of expressing life, and I review my self accepted and allowed mental construction as the ordering of myself , and I assess, respect and align the presence of myself here, to build myself in respect of the value being life here.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Day 615 The Circulation of Blame is Self as Life in Abdication.

The circulation of blame.
How is it that we fail to manage what is here on this earth as physical things that are how we exist here, because without them, without the management of this physical reality, in ways that do no harm, we can create environments that allow each to reach their full potential.
As we can see with fracking , we are not managing our environment in ways that do no harm, and the consequences of our actions, that we allow by a state of default through ignoring what is happening in circles of activity that are not in our immediate environment,  we are not being responsible for being aware of what actions and orders  are made and taken by those we have placed into positions to manage the resources as how we use what is here on this earth to take care of the parts within the whole of the physical means as what we are here.
The structures of responsibility we have each acquiesced to,  as our current system, are not in practice taking care of this earth. Fracking is one of a number of consequences of this abdication of responsibility. Instead of realizing that our financial orders/design/system is determining actions by those who are standing in positions of being responsible within a broader spectrum as in a point of ordering larger measures of moving resources around, are not moving the gains from such orders and measures as money around in ways that circulate that wealth created physically, is creating all measure of lack on the ground, where the behaviors of the human machine are in a lack of order and as such emotionally reactive, because the opportunity to program the machine as the human into a structural soundness is denied. This is two fold, because this allows some to play god, and can be used as a distraction where the object in lack is blamed for its own lack.
Thus what circulates is of the action of blaming the lack without looking at and resolving that state of lack.
I notice, as in this article, that what is circulating more than order and organization, is the action of blaming the next level in this hierarchy that is the consequence of lack in development, lack in fine tuning the machine of men. A machine that can absorb what is presented evident in feral children, who absorb the sensitivity of their host with great aptitude. Look at a child raised by wolves, they move like wolves, they begin to sense like wolves, because this is the gift of life, to take in the world around it, done with a self that has the capacity to move through the eye of the needle, which means to sense form and structure and movement, which means to be able to sense all dimensions of physical reality. This is the gift of life, and the gift of creation, the physical is the means to express life. The act of blame, is the act of denial of life, it is self rejecting life, thus there is no one to blame but ourselves, because we accepted and allowed a rejection of what we are, which is life. 
And the irony is that we seek that which we reject. If I look at the ever present sexual impulsing around us, and the constant every-seven-seconds referrals to sex, this reference to physical activity is self seeking through idea that is connected to what is sought, which is the physical grounding that enables one to be, which is life. So, we are aware of the answer, it is right in front of us, we have just separated into imagination only, and tie a truth into a story all charged with emotional highs. The ghosts in our machines as our personalities are entities of separation from practical reality, and we seek equality to practical reality, because this is where we would find stability and the means to direct ourselves in fulfilling ways. The veil is really very very thin, and the answer is always right in front of us.
In the fracking world, the blame moves around, circulates, hidden in a one-way limited presentation. Each part saying it is the next structure in the circle’s fault. And the blame moves around and around, and we get caught in the entertainment of it, using our ability to speak and express ourselves in this circular logic that is so busy blaming nothing changes, and meanwhile our rivers become more and more clogged and our forests diminish and out air becomes heavy with the remains of extraction and processing of raw materials to build a technology that is in no measure equal to that from which it was extracted in terms of forming a world that enables life. What we are doing is harming this planet, we are not taking care of it. It is to say that the wool on the sheep served its purpose on that sheep more completely that it ever did away from that sheep.
Why not come back down to earth, to the physical and work together to support this physical life world? If we can move seeds around, why not equalize to the physical and move cells around, which would need many parts working together, which would employ all the sense of men, of all parts, which would focus one in full measure which would fulfill all sense which would be a state of joy, a state of awareness which is the real point, because this is living. It is only the idea of the picture show as being the imagination only as being caught up in the head/mind only that has caused the separation creating the blame game that is circulating on this earth and destroying the means of life, which is the physical. It all makes sense, one broken/fractured record/recording as the mind, as belief, opinion and idea, is the limitation. We have made an idol of the imagination and are refusing to give up our mental constructs because we believe that this is what defines us, when what defines us is what we create, what we manifest physically, because the physical is the manifestation of life and what we do with it determines our sensory experience, and life would be a manifestation to show us to ourselves what works and what does not work. How cool is that? We need only accept it.
We are life, and as this we can circulate to understand the parts that make up the manifestation of life, as our feral children reveal to us, and we can then put an end to a circulating blame in a delusional belief that our minds are minds are more than another which is manifested without as a movement that we can accumulate wealth as money. This kind of accumulation is making an idea as a picture show in our imaginations larger than reality and the consequences of this are moving the physical world into non-existence because a picture in the mind is a separation into a limited formation. It is not being interactive with equalizing to what creates a physical self sustaining formation that considers the practice of respecting and working with creation.  We cannot be allowed access to being creators until we leave nothing behind, which means to respect and consider all things and move in ways that transform with understanding.
Therefor, instead of blame, we look at the parts and the whole, and order that which does no harm, that which respects physical existence. 
Because of the consequences of our separation, the ways and the means to stabilize is to order ourselves here,  to slow down, to have some space to breath, to then move from fear of death into looking at reality as the physical here and what we have done, and then to begin to order this existence in ways that do no harm to anything. To realize that our forests create oxygen, to realize that our rivers and streams move nutrients around, and can temper the climate like a giant heating system, that the veins and neuron streams within our bodies move nutrients and build a sense of how the physical works. These must be cleared and flowing, because this is the way and the means of being physical expressions of life and that this is using our sensibility to its utmost potential which is what we all seek.
It is time to end the circulation of blame as a drama in the mind, moving through as an inner superimposed likeness-and -image of our separation, mimicked outwardly as our media flowing through devices made from extracting resources that are this physical existential means of life as this earth and forcing the physical manifestation of life as the physical into inferior devices of communication that mimic what hued men we have become and allowed, and to use this that is the signature of our separation to reground us back into what is creation as life in formation which is the physical world, to become the response of ourselves as life. This is to realize equality and oneness to life, this is where we will find stability and fulfillment because this is using the sense of all that we are as physical beingness. 
Do we want blame to circulate, or do we want life? We decide. It is time to stand as what would segue into life,  to ground oneself here.
Walk the steps to end the circulation of blame within, seemingly so real because it is all we each have allowed ourselves to hear as the voices in and as our minds. We have allowed this to become huge, and as such is the veil that we exist as. It consumes our flesh as something must support it! Walk the process of self forgiveness, become a master of self, to reorder one’s self out of the mind only, and ground one’s self back into creation manifest, as this actual physical existence.
Listen to the Eqafe interviews, they explain the process of our separation, and the way back into becoming equal to life, begin to circulate with common sense, it is far less burdensome and a far more fulfilling state of being.