Showing posts with label questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label questions. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

as- KING Day 783

In working with children, I realize how much that absorbent ability, as the child, does not have boundaries. Meaning that absorbent ability takes in what is around it, and becomes it. There is no separation. Yet, this is and what would be the very nature of our natural absorbent ability! We learn to define the qualities we absorb over time and define ourselves as that, when that is really a process of clarifying what we are seeing and what we are being, as a expression in a relationship. I say relationship because I am here, on a physical planet, moving in a relationship with all that is here, composing an expression as the whole as the physical as this earth, as creation. 

I can get caught up in my review of the reflection of what I have taken in as a value within the process of defining who and what I am as a physical form on a physical planet. I can forget what iI am and take the resonant ‘ copy’ as what I absorbed as a form, and make that larger than life. Then I become a con-sciouness of separation.  Amazing how our schools are this manifest, showing ourselves to ourselves as how we are allowing informing as separation from the practical reality. And we do this with words, mis-using sound, to create more and accumulating consciousness’s of separation. An instored/in-spired/in- layered/in-storied set body of information. Can we ask ourselves why we can’t remember what we did last year? If we are following a resonant construct of limited - information,  as a set body of information, how can we be present realizing the reality around us, in ways that do not cause conflict with the physical reality? Our actions do not fit into that reality, the one we absorbed that created a picture that then, through allowance, became larger than life!  

This begs the question, as as-KING, as self reflection with regard for what and who we are as physical beings on a physical PLAN-it,  where there is a at-most-fear,  why such a thing as shaking within ourselves exists? Is it possible that the sha- KING is countering a set body of resonant information? One moves against acceptances and allowances, as a resonant construction, when one QUEST- ions with as-KING ? Meaning, when one reviews one’s reality outside of that set body of resonant belief, as limited information, where one no longer is using that natural absorbent ability that can have no boundaries, as the process of understanding this reality, that is a natural action and is how we expand and realize who and what we are here? 

Within me, I can, in this moment, sense a righteousness. Meaning, my manner of wondering why we cannot see this, is in itself colored as being righteous. As always a truth is present, yet when made larger that life, it can lead to righteousness. Which is doing the same as what I speak of, making something larger than the practical. 

I can realize how stagnant I am from my own acceptance and separation from processing what is here, from reading what is here. In so many ways, it really is to get my processing speeds moving, meaning to realize what I am allowing as what I have absorbed without principle, and at the same time, reconnecting to having a real relationship with the physical reality around me. It is to become a master of who and what I am, to ground myself in this reality, a physical reality here.

That righteousness is a form of wanting to fix things, as rebalance things. It is wanting to have things move suddenly, which is an expectation. Then, that expectation is not lived out, and a reassessment takes place, which is a process. Yet, being present in this reality, within the realization of the principle of life, as being as doing no harm, is not yet lived with that natural absorbent ability in every moment, as this is the only real choice. In this, there is realizing in every moment, wth every breath, that there are no problems and only solutions.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not recognize moving into righteousness, as the colors, as the hyperbolized value judgements, rushing within me,  as an accepted and allowed practice of and as a false morality, that when and as I move against my own acceptances and allowances, I begin to shake, revealing my acceptances and allowances to myself, here.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to move as an idea, as an expectation , instead of slowing down and breathing, cross referencing here, assessing here, investigating here, to listen to here, to as-KING here, to ensure a stable and steady balance, within regarding and respecting all things, as who and what I am here, as life, that is physical in manifestation as creation, here.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to slow down and realize, see, and understand every movement within and as me, as a intellectual set body of information, believed to make me superior, as a more, within a survival game, not realizing how I work as life, and rushing to win, to conquer, when I am here, inherently able to absorb the form and movement as expression of what is here as the physical, to become aware of, as myself, to define me, within relationships of all that is here,  and the balance of and as what does no harm, taking that which is good, leading to a living breathing, changing, expression of life in FORMation here.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to move, to self direct as a set body of information, from and as a consciousness of separation instead of  moving from the heart of me, as life. 

When and as I find myself moving into conflict as resistance,/rejection/reaction, I stop and I breath, and I embrace with as-KING  to ground myself here, to assess and investigate, to balance and realize  the practical in the moment, the simple ordinary, the hum --bell expression within realizing a principle of recognizing and respecting living reality as the expression of life, composed of relationships of and as working/breathing/living in harmonious balance, that moves with ease, as there is no rush, there is here, where the value is being life. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day 209 Fear of not being valid, fear of loss

Fear Dimension
I have had an old acquaintance coming around, and then suddenly they stop. On the phone they begin to make comments about self forgiveness. They begin to judge. I have had this before. I just keep going. Tonight I notice a fear of loss coming up within this relation. it is similar to the fear I experienced on a ladder yesterday. A fear of loss; of life, of validity?
I will walk the fear dimension of no longer appearing valid relative to another.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear losing validity in relation to another human being.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear losing a relationship, be it a friend, a relative or a general interest expressed by another.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear appearing to be invalid.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to feel sadness at the idea of appearing to have no value within the judgement of another and within this not seeing, realizing and understanding that judging another as incapable or less than, as having nothing culturally valid about them, or savvy about them, or “interesting” about them, is my self not seeing realizing and understanding them as life, which is actually a lack of common sense in and as life, as what one is in fact.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that it is sad that another would become reactive to words spoken, without any attempt to test out what another suggests and investigate before placing a value on what is being expressed.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to go into judgement about another, myself creating a value about that person within deciding that what I have expressed is not valid, without realizing that what I have said, in this case within the context of self forgiveness, no attempts were made to investigate what was being said, and thus I turn this into myself somehow not having made myself clear, when the descriptions about the quantum mind are actually very simple, that the mind as emotions,thoughts and feelings express ideas, beliefs and opinions based on the past, projected into the future, as a mind that works in polarity as energy in separation from self as life, here, which takes some time to realize within and as what self has allowed to direct self, thus this takes patience and modeling by myself and a desire to understand how this world works, as clearly this world is not taking care of the life that is here.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become saddened that I have been accused of indoctrinating my children, and when the person making such a statement cannot answer questions and changes the topic I must stop and breath and realize that all I can do is walk in detail how the mind works and how the present system works and suggesting that self investigation will reveal what is the very form of ourselves as the behaviors of ourselves within that are same as what is acceptedand allowed as the system existent on earth.
I forgive myself for fearing loss, within having any value in the eyes of another, as this is not a real value, as the value is life, in common sense of and as life, and not whatemotionally maintains a relationship because I am saying things another is not ready, or unwilling to hear.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear a misunderstanding of values, not seeing realizing and understanding that in the face of emotions as being what is valued, a separation exists and thus the real fear of loss I experience is a loss of self as life and a sadness that the emotional war storms as the consequence of the quantum mind are what I become when I judge myself as having not been “valid” enough within my words, not seeing realizing and understanding that I have become what I see another as.

Self Correction to follow.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Day 189 A chance meeting and communication

Day 189
I realize as I was talking to myself one day- yes another issue- that in trying to say something I was in effect trying to say something with emotions. And I realize there is no clarity within this. And then, I realize that this is how we are taught to communicate. So, can I say something without terms and phrases, as learned reactions, without being emotional, do I really know what it is that I am trying to say?
I ran into an old friend, they stood there fiddling with their fingers, avoiding eye contact. Myself I could not speak, there was plenty spinning around in my mind, but none of it really was what I wanted to say. It was all this emotional/feeling stuff that was incomplete communication - so to speak.
I noticed I held my arms together over my chest. I was protecting myself. From what? Emotion? Feeling? Loss? Fear of judgement? What is this stew?
This is all a stew of emotion and feelings based on limited values, as no resolution or direction was taken, realized, made.
It is like wanting to stop what is understood to be ridiculous, and actually not having the means to communicate, or so it seems. But way down at the end of this tunnel of this emotional vortex there is self just wanting to live, to be, to communicate. and self has not had very much practice in communicating directly without separation into fear as emotion, feeling and thoughts of judgements.
Because I could find nothing to say, that was not of emotion and feeling, as reaction, and arms were held in protection, and fingers were fiddling, I said my goodbyes and turned and left. Not a solution.
This is where the absolute as “what is best for all” comes in, as this can have no lying, no deceit, no greed, no more than and no less than.
I want to say I am sorry, that I regret all the fears, all the emotions, all the feelings, as none of this was myself communicating, it was myself not being here in common sense. But, even to wallow in this is being an emotion and a feeling, a memory of the past, and an idea of loss and impossibility, as it is all the same, an expression of emotions and feelings and thoughts of should have, could have, would have. None of it is respecting and being one and equal to what is real, here, as the very substance of life as what we are.
All that I want to communicate, from my arsenal- as phrases and means and ways- is what I have been taught, my language that are more than just one word, my communications are divisions into and as emotions and feelings as judgements, that I believe are not my fault, they are the fault of the object before me , when in essence the object before me is not hearing and thus being my communication, as all that I know, of emotions, feelings and thoughts of more than and less than, as what I believe will match that ad on tv, that image and likeness of value, constructs presented.
So, if i realize this and I stand before someone wanting to communicate, and there is nothing in my arsenal of phrases and words, as all I have learned is a dictated phrased value, an energy absorbed, then I will stand there not finding anyway to really express myself as life, without an effort and practice.
And within this, if this is what is the practice of another, the bubble of being a form of this emotional communication, there will end up being no communication.
The capitalistic system is geared towards using the emotions and feelings to control and dictate, and then threatening death - as in having no money- if one should not comply. This means that the continuation of a lack of communication through what are essentially repeated emotional phrases - as values- will continue and the communication of self, in ease, as life will become more and more difficult.
I have a twin sister with an autistic son.
He would yell a lot, make loud screaming noises and throw a lot of tantrums. Now he is beginning to have a more socially acceptable behavior. But he tends to walk up to anyone and ask questions, and some people become annoyed.
What he would do when he was younger was play with telephones, learning all the numbers in sequence. And when he walked into a store he would run and find all the electrical outlets. He also like to flush the toilet all the time when he was at my home.
Here is the little human, who at a very young age, knew numbers, and all the different manufacturers of cars by make and model.
What he has to learn was the phrases to be spoken to interact with people. These he would practice and now he recites them. He can appear to be normal, as is the “norm” within our world.
This is communicating through learned sequences, as whole phrases without any direction from the substance of what is the parts of the phrase. And here this child was going around instantly creating a stability for himself by organizing all the objects in a room ( he could remember what were the objects in the room). When his worldchanged he had to immediately find a point of stability through this. Is this because he had to make a jump - so to speak- to an understanding without being given any direction within the very substance of what the real source of life, as the substance of life, was?
That is really messed up.
Think of animals training, it is the same thing, forcing into being a picture without any ability to communicate as the very substance as what we are as life.
Imagine how much vertigo, and dizziness this would cause, a huge space of miss-understanding of what we actually are as life, and then an absenteeism from self as life within communication.
We/I really need to slow waaaaayyyyyyy down and stand within self as life, here, to breath and bring ourselves into and as ourselves as life. This is why it is necessary to study how the systems work, to look at how the financial system works, to look at what we are within as emotions and feelings and thoughts, to take these phrases apart, the constructions of language, of idea, of opinion, of belief, and realize that we are all life this, autistic boy, trying to communicate but having these required forms thrown at us as how we should be without any understanding of what is here as life. What would happen within this is that one will get to a point where it appears - as one only sees what is learned- an ability to communicate what is wanted to be expressed is not existent within, as there was no real development within self as life, and only already constructed labels forced onto as what we are. And as this boy is showing us, we organize by label without any understanding of what is physically actually real, here.
In this no one here on earth has really “gotten” anything! has really understood anything. Which is why I exist -as I have accepted and allowed this and it is all I know as what i was taught- within worth and unworth, because I am not directing myself within the very substance as life here, I am trying to use already structured systems to express myself instead of being here, with and as the substance of life, that will only exist within what is best for all, as this is how life exists, here. The detail of how that substance as life exists as life is ignored, and thus a total understanding of life is not allowed to express itself, and yet it must be here in everything, right in front of us.
Thus common sense of what is here must be realized by all. Equal and one to become equal and one, to allow earth to become an expression of life. This is why the present system as capitalism must stop, it is the outflow of the separation from ourselves as life. To begin to realize life here, this system must change. There are too many caught up within it that cannot possible survive. Therefor, it is up to those who have the ability to stand and organize a body, a communication of equality, as in the actual formation of a system of equality as Equal Money, to stand and implement this. As this is how the un-equalizing forms that exist were built. Equal Money is the system to walk us into standing within and as the substance of ourselves as life.
One need only look at the news to see rampant behaviors of frustrated emotional and feelings behaviors. All ignorant of life. Most of the crime is emotional frustration and much of the new age “feel good” behavior is hiding from the “bad/frustrated/survival” behaviors. If this need to find “happy” feelings and states of being exist, than this admits the “bad” exists. This is simply hiding from what is actually here, selectively taking what supports ignorance, and or only following a sequence to a point that gets for one what one wants in self interest.
Just ask someone to continue a line of thoughts within choice, and inevitably irritation will be the response, as the following of consequence leads to that person no longer being able to hide their self interest. Here the responses can also start such as “ I don’t know the answer to that”, or “this is non of my concern ( the switch from the collective to the personal- avoidance tactic BIG TIME) “, all these responses really reveal is an inability to look at what is here, because then one would have no choice but to stand up. The problem here is that there is no other choice, as the abuse ignorance causes of not looking at all effects absolutely. Thus denying research and stating that there is no proof is abusive, and an act of self interest that has no regard for life. NONE. and this is evil.
Within this we, the human, are responsible for all the autistic children in this world, as they are the product of our accepted and allowed avoidance tactic of looking at the total consequences of our actions.
We are sowing what we reaped, and we have no one to blame but ourselves every time we say, “there is no proof” when the proof is all around us and will remain and become more and more of a problem until we realize we are responsible as the one choice, the choice of what is best for all.
Best practices will come with realizing equality as life. Equal Money, Support life.
Time to realize what your emotions, thoughts and feeling are as what separates self from life.
Walk the desteni lite process. It is FREE.
Find the link at

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 161 Imagination of Childhood Event

Day 161 Self Forgiveness on Imagination based on emotional outplays of a memory from childhood.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear speaking, to fear creating and causing confusion, to have made this moment of confusion a nature as an object as a persona of what it is that I am based on the developmental existence of what is before me, as my parents within a system of inequality and as inequality as what the word implies, a separation from life.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not face this storm of confusion, in the realization that this is not what I am as life unless I allow and accept this as a definitive of what I am here.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear this definitive, to allow this definitive to become huge, creating an idea that overwhelms and separates, in and as energy as this is a separation from being one and equal as life here, as solution, as a living word is a directive word, as life in equality is absolute within a nature of being forgiving in and as expressing life, that which surrounds as nature here on earth that is forgiving without judgement and without any signature of ownership as what is the value is being life in expression.
I forgive myself for building imaginary scenarios of wanting escape from facing this confusion, where I desire to be saved from my own accepted and allowed confusion, where the role of the damsel in distress is taken on as a female, a story taken from tribal roles and placed into religious scenarios where the salvation becomes an invisible god and is no longer the tribal warrior but the white knight serving an imaginary god.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to, instead of facing my confusion, as myself as a child having no understanding and development opportunities within understanding myself as life surrounded by adults of same development conveying all that they are as a product of a same system of separation from life, to allowing myself to become a character of wanting to run away and avoiding any scenario where I am asked to speak, and thus becoming a musician so I did not have to deal with speaking, as music was a way to not have to speak and use words, and thus a way to avoid becoming confused and facing the spite, blame, reactionary expression in and as energetic outplays of limited belief, opinion and idea, in and as ego, irritated by questions it cannot answer as the ego of self is a separation from life, as it is an energetic drama, energy game in separation from life fearing loss of what is the very thing that enslaves, a personification of values believed to allow self survival within an accepted system of inequality known as capitalism, where money determines who lives and who dies, and is used by a few to live this same life of separation in comfort while others live a life in extreme rapid physical diminishment and suffering.
I forgive myself for judging myself as being confused, where the drama lived is myself believing myself to be a cause of irritation when I speak, a difficult character when speaking, a person that does not have the capacity to understand.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to have limited opportunities to speak, to learn to speak because I feared speaking.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to have another memory come up in relation to this, where I had written a play to a fairy tale, and during the performance my castchanged the story line and my teacher came to me and yelled at me and I became the same confusion and could not answer to her, as I did not have an understanding of how the human as ego is the cause of the behaviors of characters of energetic games as persona that are a separation of life into and as fear of loss of self as life in fear that something other will become more than self, where self must not allow a more than self scenario as this leads to potential situations where there is the threat, in seeming to be less than, of survival.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand that I as a child, had not direction, through, within having the means and ways of being one and equal to the forgiving nature of life, to walk through what was not under-stood, one and equal to, as myself as life, and was taught to be in service to separations as what energy is, that are as a separation of limited design and thus negligent of supporting what is in fact what is real, which is this physical world as the manifestation of life, seen in that this earth givesfreely, where it is man as ego, within a system of survival where money determines who lives and who dies, that is the ignorance, accepted and allowed , created by those who accept, which is man, through rejecting equality and oneness as the gift that is the substance of what is here that is life.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to blame myself, to be and become self blame, and self judgement, when and as I become confused, believing myself to be a source of irritation , impossibility and difficulty as what I am within not supporting ego, where I then become an ego of wanting to win in relation to the lack of understanding that is ego as man, through lack of oneness and equality with self as life as solution as man existent from self as life as the starting point of valuing life as what all that is of this earth consists of and exists as.
I commit myself to walking into the energy drama as mind of irritation, judgement as impossibility and difficulty , to becoming one and equal to this, and utilizing the principle of what is best for all, to directing through a fear of loss, and or a desire for gain, these energetic sensations of diminishment in fear of loss, and excitement in potential of gain, and bringing myself back here utilizing breath to equalize myself within myself as life, and within researching the very structure of the present capitalistic system of inequality, to within this speak in common sense of what is best for all.
I commit myself to realizing that behaviors of judgement, within and without, that are creating a belief that objects of irritation exist as the cause of demise as belief of , being difficult and impossible, is simply a behavior in and as fear of loss and desire of want, limited in development of the nature of life, of self as life, of this nature of life forgiving of itself, as how this earth is, these created objects being a cause of frustration, are a lack of self having the ability to direct self as life, as what exists is fear of loss and fear of death, an illusion made huge through how money determines life, and an idea of some invisible “more than” world, or “hand”, as a “determining object” that is the illusion and the separation from self as life, self as life able to direct as life, one and equal as what all that is here consists and exists in and as.

I commit myself to realizing that I can read words over and over again, but within myself these words must be physically realized, as what I have accepted and allowed within and thus without, as the human, and as myself individually, where to realize this as what I am allowing within I must breath, slow myself down and see the drama existent within, as myself asmind ONLY, other wise I cannot see this, as the mind is too busy being the characters of separation as the behaviors of ego, where I believe that I am always “right” and the other - be it object, animal, plant, collective entity such as government or supposed “god”, is “wrong”, not seeing realizing and understanding that I am the creator of these objects through a focus as mind where I spite through blame and label as what judgement is in fact, as the cause of my own demise.
Within this, being passively accepting of this, or aggressively enacting such behaviors , I an one side of the same coin, in that I am allowing this, unless I stop and I breath, and I direct within solution with every step and every breath, what is best for all, as what will support all life on this planet, where I realize that ego is separation from life, a cry of fear of loss and fear of death, where myself as life is not expressing itself as life, equal and one to and as life here, this cry creating objects to cling to as the ego is the subject of fear, in separation of self as life as being forgiving of self as life, this self forgiving being the nature of solution and thus direction as life, this gift of being and giving equal and one as the package of what self is here as life, complete and whole, as the gift.
I commit myself to realizing that when and as I become confusion, I am allowing and accepting myself to be and become a character of ignorance, and thus create my own being ignored as I accept and allow ignorance of life, here.
I commit myself to realizing, with and as the tools of, breathingwriting, corrective application, slowing myself down to pick up and utilize these tools with every breath, that the solution, as the substance of life is the solvent to and towards earth becoming life, where earth is one and equal to heaven, as heaven on earth, as walking through confusion and all cries of separation as ego, as the actions of ego, as desire for gain within fear of loss as the illusion, as judgement manifest as blame and spite, these energetic allowances that are non-directive and supportive solutions that develop awareness of self forgiving self as life as they are the acts that separate from being equal and one to how nature is on earth, the freely given support and substance of life, here.

To Continue with Back Chat, Reactions and Physical Behaviors.