Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 26 My Fear is my Want

My fear is a want. The policemen becoming one with the action of the bum as the policemen are one and equal to the bum, as the police men joined with like being of themselves, as they are no different than the bum, as they have separated themselves from life just as the bum has, one through denial of system, the other through acceptance of system, where neither actually stand within as the system and transpose this system to what is best for all, to themselves becoming self honest and in being self honest becoming one and equal to life, life being what is best for all, that which allows self autonomy as life, where what is discovered is that what is best for self is best for life. Thus a system that disallows autonomy disallowed the discovery of life/self to realize the ability of self to direct self as self as this would be the direction of what is best for all.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to fear my self, to fear discovering my self, as this would mean looking at how I have allowed a system of separation, a system that dis-allows self autonomy, self discovery, self honesty, to no longer have control, where this entire system of disallowing self autonomy is so embedded as perceived and “only” method of support, as nothing else has been presented, is all that is seen, where the fear of loss of means of support as money, that changing this system is feared, as there would be no way to place food on the table, where everyone is waiting for someone else to stand up, and thus no change will come because it will take everyone to stand up, where this is the catch twenty-two, the symbol representing the separation of self into mind where self is a “2” where all the beings in separation as no longer being a one, are bound within a system they believe supports them, when in fact it is a system that develops separation and it this realization that must occur , realized and removed as in simply standing up and politically stopping this system through voting, where there is no need to radically change one’s life, but to simply stand up and support an equal money system to relax the catch as what has been accepted and allowed and from here be able to begin the development of man, of this world, to self realize the ability of each and everyone of us to understand this world, and the physical, becoming self hONEest, and thus automatically/autonomously self directing as life as all as one as equal here.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to not realize, thus to knot reality as this being of self is as an unawareness of reality, into an illusion of blame, of self pity, of self hate as what I have allowed my self to be, is a lack of understanding self as life, and thus in  the instability of my self in separation of self hONEsty I have no solid common ground, common sense to support me as life, as all that is here is life, and I exist in an illusion of the mind, that is placing conditioned separations as what is real as what is promoted by the current existent system as what is, where all sense of my self as life is never developed so what is left is a life of no substance and no support, on dependency to non directive, non self automating development, this non awareness that self has the capacity to learn and understand this physical world, where this is known, and thus to stop the discovery of self as life, plastered all over this world are directions that in essence are direction of self separation.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to not take the time to stop and to breath, and to realize this, where is I took the time to stop and to breath, and to understand the monetary system on this earth I would in a short period of time realize how unsupportive this system is for any kind of self awareness development in equal capacity for all life in this earth.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to see that I cannot make political statements without understanding how money moves in this world.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to not realize that as I seek money, as what I obsess over and wish for and want, as this is how I survive within this world, to say I do not understand the monetary system yet can make statements about political groups, indicates that I cannot understand politics unless I realize that everyone on this earth is dependent on money to survive and thus the very movement of politics is also about money, as all of this world is obsessed with money because money is how humanity receives sustenance as food and shelter and water, the middle man of existence taking a cut.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to see, hear, and realize that without money I cannot survive in this world.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting my self to understand that within a profit based system the illusion of lack must be created to de-man(d) life into fear of survival, and then within this fear as what man becomes, where man is blinded, a supply of life sustenance can be given, where this sustenance is grabbed and in this frenzy not even looked at for what is is, where what is given can be again divided to partially sustain a person, limiting self development, where the state of limited development can become all that is known and all that is lived, as self will know of nothing else, only have momentary sense of something being missing, yet what returns , as this has been made huge, is the desire to have money to survive.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to believe that I cannot understand how a debt based system in fact works, where debt is economic enslavement to a system where money  represents resource, as resource that is of this earth, an earth that gives unconditionally, and thus cannot be owned, yet I can be deceived into believing that this can be owned, as a monetary value is placed in this earth, and thus my earth, my possessions become a commodity for survival  as monetary value only, instead of the substance of life that it is where I in allowing this and following this become this instead of realizing my self as the substance of life.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to not understand that all debt is in the hands of the people, while the value and ownership of the resource as the money is resource transposed into a “sign,”   is then able to be  allowed to move or withdrawn within this society, to create conflict and lack and a mass of people blaming one another for this lack as the stories in the media, the media being supported by those who hold the real value ( which is simply a transposed value), promote relative cause and effect scenarios instead of absolute value causes and effects as seeing the whole of the present system on this earth and how this system by it very nature, creates the existent nature of mankind on earth, a “nature” that is man in separation and suspended-non-self-development  that is man in diminishment lost in relative awareness and not absolute awareness that all that is here on this earth is composed of the substance of life that which supports and is the equality of all of us.

Thus, I commit my self to speaking up again and again and again until my last breath the nature of this system that has become the nature of mankind on this earth in separation from self as life, as what is best for self is what is best for all.
I commit my self to revealing the limited nature of man as mind ,where many cannot even see of a painting is done from a photograph or from the actual physical world, where this subtle difference is tangible and can reveal the non ability of mankind to be able to sense this physical world  and the depth of insight available to each and every one of us, as what we are as life is able and capable to understand this physical world and become aware of ourselves as life, where what is best for self is best for all as this is life.
I commit my self to transposition my self away from only existing as mind.
I commit my self to realizing that my wants reveal my separations from my own self hONEsty as life.
I commit my self to not fearing my fear, as my fear is my separation and thus the very door to my self discovery , where i can bring my self back to self and stop my self existing in the bling of the energetic existence of myself separate from what is real, this physical world and my ability to common sense the life that is this physical world.
I commit my self to realizing that I have made my separations from life bigger than what is this physical world.
I commit my self to breath and realizing my fears are my separations, where my love is my addiction to habituated ideas of what is more than and less than, when what is more than and less than is what was taught as this was believed to be what one needed to survive and that my fears are what I believe I cannot in essence sense when such a statement cannot be real, as all that is here is life,one and equal as the substance of life, thus to say I cannot sense, as I am life, is a clear indication that something makes no sense, where even in the words “makes no sense” one can see the answer, that this present system makes/created/develops NO SENSE ability, removes/diminishes sense, eliminates the capacity of self as life, as life is what all is, to be itself which is life, thus how cannot  essence not sense itself as it is as all that is?

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