If I look at the word discipline, it has in its roots the words dis and cipline. The word “dis” could be “ without”, and “cipline” has “ cip.” “Cip” could be a play with sound as “ cipher.” Which phonetically also sound like “ sigh” which is a form of using breathe which would be a movement of demanding presence in the physical. Cipher is also to cipher something, as though one is decoding something, one is seeing the parts. Thus, a discipline means seeing the parts, as “ of the parts.” It is also, as a relationship of perspective, seeing the polarities within one, the pulls, as a dichotomy of energetic polarities, as judgements about something, that are occupying one’s attention and causing a mis-take in one’s small movements, where, for example, one may resist something in the practical physical reality, in that place where we are as who we are here on earth, as the magic-in-the-doing which takes a discipline of being focused in this reality, and not up there in one’s overblown imagination so propagated in our present system, through the passive indirect instruction model in an isolated environment of our present acceptance-and-allowance system of education creating a passive follower who has practiced spending most of the developing years processing info through the imagination ONLY, causing the con-sequence of so many children having processing disorders, as resonant cognitive disorders, to the extent that when they go out into the world, they feel they do not know anything. And they don’t really know anything because everything they do know is only a picture formed through the imagination ONLY, because it is well known that knowledge and information without application is useless. Faith without command is meaningless, and hope without action is fruitless. One can feel when one is not present, as there is a movement, against being present, because of an occupation of a lack of real relationship and connection with the practical reality, this reality that is a physical reality here. The magic is in the doing of the thing, in the direct relationship with the actual, physical thing that is here in plain sight, this plane of reality called earth. If we have a system where a few have an illusion that they must reorder this reality into some idea they have up in a mis-use of the imagination, they would create a construct of energy, as money, to own freely given resources to move that resource into a likeness within their imaginations, as a resonant blue print that is in itself created from this reality, and yet, is not reality. It is a resonant illusion that is visible by the self because there is a subtle friction around then, just like a bubble, just as a veil. Both of these things acknowledged by many and said, or made clear in various ways, through the ages. If we slow down it is visible. If one slows down, one can hear the static of and as it. And, if one speaks about it, what one will encounter are a string of excuses, justifications in word, because this is what is being resisted by all, as that same ineffective of use of discipline. And yet, it is a discipline because it is a practice accepted and allowed! It is a practice of focusing on a lack, as believing a ghost in the machine is larger than life. If one has practiced resistance, changing that resonant engrained movement is going to take time and discipline into changing what one has synched one’s self into. It is something that no one, no other person can do for the self. It is something that ONLY the self can do. Another can open doors, being things forward, expose them, yet the self as that which can sense this, is the ONLY one that can create this change. It is taking back the self that is awestruck by the beauty of this living physical reality.
One can do this through aligning one’s words back down to earth. Meaning synching one’s words with this living reality. This means that when using words, one does not trigger the past, or create a whole personification behind one word, to the extent that one misses what someone says in a conversation, because one has brought up a whole LOONNNGG book as a dualistic story line of good and bad, right and wrong, more and less, as the polarities of charged values that is a state of judgement about things, which is not calling something out by its living name in the physical life where the magic is in the doing. Go and read a comment section on some issue placed in an article on the internet. The value judgement system of and as a mis-use of the imagination is in plain sight! How many comments are of expletives? How many comments are of name calling? How many comments has a label, such as grouping under a name supposing, assuming a set body of ideas around something without looking at what is the real story on the ground? I mean, why are resources flowing out of resource rich countries while aid to disenfranchised people appears to always have some delayed response with a whole chain of justification from a bureaucracy which is all of us as human kind not being responsible to this reality! Since life is so abundant around us, the way to avoid it is to practice repressing it, resisting it, hiding from it, which takes a practice, which is a discipline, and is that of destruction, lol, de-struction, meaning to resist the structure of life, right here, right in front of us. Remember the resonant veil, the resonant state created from limitation as selecting limited value, that one could only have chosen from the physical. And we wonder why our bodies are losing intercellular communication, which is a state of dis-ease, because one has resisted that which would place one at ease, which is to respect all things to take that which is good and does no harm, which is the golden rule, which is living a solution oriented mind-set. If it is complicated, which is an excuse, then one is most likely not present, not disciplined in reality.
I came across a set of words in Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, as “ they will fast my time”. This was supposedly a response from the surrounding men at the time of the incidence, of and as “ that his measures were only of temporary kind.” In this, the suggestion of “ fasting my time” within one’s time being a measure, as one’s words, I could see the relationship of words as being time, which is measure. Thus, when one’s words are of value judgement, one is fasting one’s time to a limited structure, which can be a lie-by-omission, as not being the whole story, not being a full investigation into and has what is here, what is real, what is being done in practical ways with freely given resources. In how we use words, we can fashion a time, that is not in synch with reality. It becomes obvious. It renders what is considered “ magic” as a slight of hand as words as measure as creating alternate realities of time sequences of ideas, beliefs and opinions that bear no witness to this reality, leading to mis-takes that cause harm to this physical reality, as a loss of respect to working with who and what we are as physical beings on a physical planet. For this same reason, many have said that religion is the means of creating separation from reality. It has been said that the positivity cult, of hoping and being a dreamer of a “ good” will somehow change what can only change through practical application, through a discipline of working with what is here, and aligning one’s words where each and every word one speaks, has a direct relationship to the physical living qualities of this living reality. Were this to happen there would be no reason for inequality, no room, no space, no time in divisions constructed from environments made ritual, turned into traditions superseding reality, as what is in plain sight. We humans are not in synch with this living reality, our problems stem from this state of separation that is visible in the very words we speak, because we can only speak of our experiences. If our experiences, as what we have lived, are of a discipline of justifying our own separation from reality, that is all we can speak, and thus it can be heard. No one is fasting our time but ourselves, and this is done with measure, with time, with and as the very words we speak.
One must rescript one’s self back into this living reality, to be in time with creation, resonant as one’s words being in time with creation, with here, with life. This movement has that gentle quality, that grace of creation, the real power of presence that has a consequence of doing no harm, as respecting all things, as taking substantiating actions that are always a