Friday, March 23, 2018

Looking at realizing the simple Day 810

Realizing the simple

I remember having a conversation with someone in terms of realizing the simple. The conversation also dealt with money. They said to me that they want the simple to which I responded from a monetary perspective in that moment that the simple costs something but not that much! They looked at me and agreed. Yes, the simple is always here, yet because of the present systems, the simple costs something. The simple must cost something, because it is not in our present system, as the present system is built as a reflection of human beings who have lost their common sense ( which simply means to lack investigation of all things, or to continue a lack of real LOOKING- which means to be actively suppressing a natural ability to LOOK!)  of which that same system moves to contain or control that lack, that imbalance ( it is BOTH a system that abuses a lack yet also controls that same consequential state of lack - as a state of considering all things) . Ironically, our present systems would not be the elephants-in-the-room dominating the landscape were they in accord with the simple! 

The simple also is what happens in the moment, because the simple can be found between emotional reactions. The simple is usually that which is in plain sight, that space where one is usually calm and enjoying the moment. The simple is usually where one is more in common sense, that which is ironically no longer so common! 

The simple is where one does not fear being defined as something as one is focused on the moment, realizing the small that composes the big. I mean why do we get up everyday and do those small things that lead to a bigger form that has greater stability and greater and more stable  long range outcomes?  We get up every day and brush our teeth to have an outcome of less consequence in terms of our teeth. Practicing our words, doing the simple, every day, leads to mastering language, something that unites all human beings. It is those small movements done consistently that build a whole that in itself builds that simple understanding that allows one to move with more ease, with more concise definition. An inner back chat of information is more of the degree of one’s separation as a reflection of one’s protection from self responsibility. In a quartet rehearsal, is one comes to a rehearsal and makes an excuse that their friend bullied them and they could not practice, the rehearsal does not happen. The lack of DOING, leads nowhere. One ends up in a wallow of self pity, based on a value judgement that is a consequence of a lack of investigation. One is practicing a lack. Sometimes, moving forward in activity, lends perspective on an inner demise opening doors and windows of insight into the greater whole. One may find, reaction to another state of ignorance, was based on a mis-take from the past that one fears being defined as “ not good enough.”  This in itself is a loss of a natural ability to do the simple math of reality. 

The simple has a quality of the absence of fearing to be defined by the immediate reactions around one. One is more able to see the imbalances, or the hypnotic pulls into value judgements ( energy) that through repetition have come to be believed to be a truth. To in-stead see-&-IN-PULL to the immediate living form, without believing in the moment that what is here defines who and what one is as hypnotic emotional pulls, as one sees AND allows presence to be IN-PULLED to define and investigate to then transform with calm, for a moment, to then move through placing into the greater whole the imbalanced emotional patterns or movements to then find what is more in consideration of all things to build a more stable less consequential path of least resistance. The way forward is usually of practical action as this is finding solutions and admitting to existential stances but not falling into distorting illusions or habituated “ end games” and instead realizing imbalances to take them out of the room/space. Simple. lol, this would be so much like realizing the smoke and mirrors of a valley of “ good and evil.” 

The simple is to realize that one becomes what one practices in thought, word and deed. Just as a master realizes a more perfect practice through consistent effort, so does a more reactive and protective reaction build a template that comes to direct the self. Consistent practice builds things, either within living what is public notice, as the golden rule, or living a consistent practice of constant protection and defense! If one consistently practices and looks at a new subject to build a new skill, one will move through what I call the 21 day change. I lived this so many times in a discipline, I can say it works like clockwork! The entry into something new appears to be impossible and difficult as one begins to change within to learn the new “ language”/measure/geometry. It appears to be slow. The in the second set of seven days, one can move with the forms with greater momentum, thereby lending opportunity to balance and fine tune the new. By the third set of seven days, one has integrated the new movements and can begin to move with what appears to be a mastery, yet one must continue to lend focus on that newly integrated effort, to really fine tune the movements until they begin to automate, YET with presence, because one will need to cross reference these same things as new things are added. That point of automation must be realized, because if not, what one has learned can run away with one! How we learn and how we integrate new information, or deconstruct and reconstruct is known, and it is simple. The complicated is when we have not considered all things, and end up missing the simple steps and instead back track with justifications leading to behaviors of protection and defense instead of finding the simple and being in a more solution oriented, discovery-awesomeness mind set. 

There must be a line in that cycle of integrating something new, itself perhaps able to do this sequence at varying speeds depending on one’s inner mastery of self and experience. There must be a changing point in that sequence of 21 days, where one steps over a line where one focuses on the new task, within the self, and expands into greater communication with that new information and the greater world around one. On one side, one is focused more within, and in the other, one steps over a line of and as a greater momentum, to begin to focus on greater variables. The greater variables fine tuning the process of self definition as “ know thyself.” 

Interesting. I find as I write this that despite having lived this in moments, I still at times move into competition. At this point, knowing the disconnect as a form of distraction as comparison as a fear of loss, that being in a state of comparison as what competition is and does that has the color of mercy or self pity, a form of begging, or a form of fearing a limited morality which is subtly moving into protection and defense as believing a morality to have a greater power which is ultimately an illusion. I have to stop and breath, slow down and say no; this leads nowhere, it leads to a now and a here, which is a duality, or a state of separation that occupies attention and causes a disconnect from the simple, from the practical, as it has the color of protection and defense and a belief in a need. This I have also lived, thus to allow this, only limits a correct use of the presence of and as me that is what catches this same reaction/action within myself. 

Embracing the simple, and calling things out by name, will bring forward all resistances, because this is how things are sorted out. As one begins to build momentum within this, patterns emerge and the resistances become more similar than different.  One is more able to transpose information and HOLD what is more of a constant. It is so much like being steady in playing a musical instrument, which is what the human body is and does of which as humans at the moment, as language, is what must be mastered to self realize one’s place in creation as this physical and practical reality which is the means of life in expression here. This is that point of finding the eternal, that which can withstand the test of time. The contrast of chaos, as polarities of inflammatory value judgements, causes a disconnect from what is constant, that area that realizes there can be no collateral damage, as the golden rule is the measure of taking the good and ensuring no harm, meaning the excuses of accepting extremes that show harm is unacceptable, and a gift, because the extremes reveal imbalances that must be balanced in the order of maintaining life here. Living this is not a competition. Being competitive is believing in a more and a less, manifest as the savior character which is the righteousness character, which is a loss of real presence in that which is steady, which is that which is simple, which is that of being a living of common sense.  

How is it that a musician can master the physical instrument to such a degree they show great subtlety with an instrument and with the geometry of the sound? Why have we not come to understand that it is the same within our physical bodies in terms of what we emit as sound as words? The extremes show the means. Mastery shows capacity, and a lack thereof shows the mis-steps. In a society that moves to justify mis-step and make it a norm, or something special, we live a scream of lack instead of a respect for mastery. 

In today’s world having the means of practicing the small, and the simple, lends the ability to master the greater. Given our present system, one that moves to control information flow, means that access to the simple will cost, but not that much, because the means of mastering the simple that must cost something, will end up being nothing, because the rewards of a mastery of the small leads to the ability to sense the nuance all around us as life, as the real magic is in the doing. 

Within the systems, people do not really want to cause harm, they do not really, when one-on-one  want to cause harm to another except in those moments where the frustrations exist and one does not want to follow through. Then one has already gone back into the mind, and is allowing ideas, as expectations to be lost, or to be  believed to be impossible ONLY and are not walking the small, getting things done with clarity taking the next step. 

Instead, one is too much in a story that is not of what is here, in consideration of all things, as a inner resonant story is precedent to reality. Experiences from the past that show us to ourselves and how we have not taken the time to realize how we are informed. 

Lately, I find that it is easier to realize the storm of persona. I can more sense my own posture and how that shows me to myself. I also realize how often I miss details within this, and find myself hesitating for a moment. I carry with me, a resonant morality, one of limited story, out of sequence with creation as the physical. 

Taking a breath, slowing down has aided me in this. Recently, I had two specific confrontations where I was being asked many questions that were really a form of a set body of beliefs coming towards me. From practice, I could slow down and allow that “ barrage” to come towards me, moving more into listening to begin to sort out the points while also reading my own reactions within, and remembering more of the whole around me. In being the processing of this, the storm as the voice of limitation being a part of my immediate environment played out its voice, as though it was given space to view itself, overall - which so much of the time is thwarted by reactions of protection and defense.  In the space of not immediately moving into resistance, the storm intensified its voice and then suddenly came to me and agreed with me! Myself, in a slight delay of processing, could also realize what had happened subsequent to my own inner processing of the orchestrated habits of belief around me. 

This is similar to what is an absence of allowing another to self generate, which so often is thwarted. Limitation is also done through a lack of follow through, meaning, on individual levels, the opportunity to self generate is missing, thereby causing a practice that limits completion, of which as a movement, can become a practice that then can lead to defining someone as lacking in capacity. This is how tiny movements miss the next step, and become a habit of that which does not show who and what a person really is. Then one is caught in focusing on  a self defining lack, which in itself becomes a distraction. I find using science, as the discovery of patterns, and the anecdotal stories of daily movements, can open a landscape of possibility, it is playing with dimension. It is sharing the stories of information made idol on this living earth and opening those moments of effective practice in this reality. It is bringing one into the fold of life. It is feeling the embrace of endless possibility because possibility is in the word I-(a)m- possible. 

From another perspective, the same can happen on a larger scale. Yet this is also similar to that of which I speak. Within slowing down and processing what is the movement around me, or what is being expressed, within a greater whole, those two moments of which I speak, were of that lack of which I speak, coming at me, that I processed as a form, finding ways to essentially align those same small expressions/movements into a more stable ground, only to discover through that patience a moment where that lack was realized to be processing itself and then stepping forward to admit overall, that something was indeed missing in capacity within itself! It is so much like we are dealing with a swirling mass of colors, a techno colored dream coat that is that accumulated lack of processing information as it is caught in itself and yet, understands this and does seek a means of resolution. 

Is there a tipping point, as essentially I was discovering? There is somewhere a gap for me within this. I have been looking at a means, a dividing line, where one remains caught in a lack on one side. This is below a means where there is not enough momentum to begin to realize greater relationships, or greater processing of interacting bodies, of expressions in a moment to see through a distraction of belief, as an inner resonant  body of information so consuming of one’s attention because it is a form of inflammed belief that is experience of limitation as a lack of real follow through causing a narrow focus that then loses touch with the living reality around one. Slowing down and looking at detail also demands reference to the whole to lend greater definition. Somehow the gap is here, as one side of this line, cannot use the means on the other side! Using the means on the other side, only pulls one side off the table! What is good for the gander is not necessarily good for the goose, as they say! 

The other side of that dividing line, is when enough capacity has developed within processing information, as these movements and expressions of which I speak, that one begins to see through some of the cracks of belief within and the reality without as that reality and this inner state caught in itself because it has not yet slowed down to realize itself as a form of distraction causing a limited focus on the greater whole. 

Thus, it is to realize detail and to also begin to apply that with greater agency to the extent one can hear the varying parts moving as the relationships of this, into the greater whole, a movement that happens in the same manner as a musician moves to perfect that ability to perform with a group, and also realize the effects of what is generated on the audience as well. This is so much like a child learning to crawl and to walk and to talk. We are, as humans, by design, meant to in deed be this. It is natural. 

One cannot see the more complex until one has mastered the basics to the extent one can process greater amounts of information AND, that what one is processing in inclusive of this reality around us. The earth is the living “ text book’ and there for there is nothing to memorize, because the real book is here. It is not in that church on the horizon of that media spin in those modern stain glass windows called the internet. Clarity means, in this context, processing what is within and without, above and below. What one is within, what one is, where one is, how one is from one’s development into the greater whole, and why. We need only look around to know why, because we are in creation, it is here, right here, as it would be in all common sense. 

I see this as the same principle within learning to master an instrument, for example. We do not ONLY learn one part, we master each part to a degree and then master the moving parts working together, to then use the parts to fine tune the whole. This is both of detail and a certain movement, or momentum, as both are necessary. I suppose on another level this is what is meant by opportunity! 

I could say, that in the moment, I was so busy processing that previous moment, that there was a slight delay in processing when the next moment arrived, and somehow, from practice, I caught myself! Of course, this is stating something that is obvious, yet is it? We can know something as an idea and that idea can become a distraction as an expectation in itself thereby causing a delay in processing. One’s basics must be in order, or the obvious can become a missed potential in itself ! 

The greater ability to be able to do this, is priceless! That which seems a matter of course, can get so jumbled that what aids in fine tuning this natural ability then becomes priceless! Is this in itself  as a course of self development that which life is all about? In this day and age, the natural ability, is so assumed to be a given, and it is, yet because of the present system, what lends greater self awareness is of immense value, especially when it is in a form of self empowerment!  It is to say the magic is in the doing, and what gives license to that ordinary quality, has immense value. To believe that the steps are a matter of course, in our present system, is a form of magical thinking! It is wanting things to be easy, when it is the process of discovery that is the order of the day! People pay so much to discover themselves! I say to people, because I have had this conversation, that the simple costs in this society, but overall, that which is simple does not cost that much. This, in itself,  is pretty simple and in itself shows a respect for the measure of this reality out of synch with this overall.  Part of standing up, is realizing the value of this. When we realize something we are willing to support that and can understand the common sense that the simple costs something, and that we by nature, will more than stand with that and support it, because supporting it is HOLDING that which is obvious it in place. 

Sunday, March 18, 2018

The counter intuitive and the systems on our landscape called Earth Day 809

The counter intuitive and the systems on the landscape transforming life

We have these health systems and these “ education” systems and these governing municipal systems ostensibly here helping order our lives. Yet, do we really look at the very fabric of the landscape as the life on this earth? It appears to me that we make the counter intuitive normal over time as we accept narratives and frameworks meant to answer to narratives that in themselves accept a state of dis-ease as being normal. Life, in all common sense will spiral into dis-ease instead of balance when narratives attempting to make something that is not normal normal over time, especially when that narrative, or math, or composition, or geometry, or situation where there is a quantum measure interacting as what this life is and does in so many ways.

Then we have this deep blue ocean of water.  I have seen a documentary that outlines the possible past  existence of giant trees. This documentary has been tied to a belief of flat earth, which I cannot say is true or not true, and do not believe that is the point of the document. What astounds me about it is the absence of the water on the land, as these supposed huge trees, that were silicon based instead of carbon based,  held vast amount of water. This would mean that the increased water levels as the oceans are because of the change/death/elimination of these so-called giant trees ( radiators?). Also, all the granite we have from these large structures on our landscape, no longer is used as much in construction. We have such a granite structure in a town here, way out on the ocean, jutting up. Locally, I have experienced conversations that in this day and age, we could no longer build such structures. lol, I could see that in a couple of generations, such a structure would become so unfathomable to a child, in its inception that such could become some kind of totem built by some alien race. I mean, through ignorance, the victors could compose fantastic narratives, and the listeners would come to accept such as a truth, when in reality, it is all practical. Meaning, it can be understood as to how something was created. As usual, the practical is in plain sight, that which is the fantastical in terms of being some form of magical thinking, is of a narrative that generates emotions through fantasy, through not telling the whole story, causing   a belief that something is out of one’s range of understanding, when it is really ONLY a set body of information  touted again and again until it is believed to be a truth.  This would be an emotional state because, as I recently heard on a TED talk, emotions show us where we do not YET understand something.  Because of a natural “ life” ability to understand, that same ability can define itself within a limited narrative and by and through lack of understanding, become emotional and in contrast see  practical applications as being fantastic and out of scope, out of range, out of synch, out of line, out of form, or in separation resonantly from real creation. This is the most perfect of social engineering opportunities! If someone wanted to play god they could! Yet, leading an unstable mass, would become a full time occupation, one that would have the leader be distracted from that practical reality thereby separating from being present in reality. I mean, imagine riding a horse running in fear. Would one be able to place attention on more than the horse for a moment. Could such a moment last a decade in another measure of time and space? 

I read this article by a person educated in science. I noticed she did not say that a vaccine cures a disease, instead it changes the symptoms. That is astounding to me, and of my own fault because I did not READ those little words correctly, and as such, did not notice how specific this woman was. This statement alone reveals that vaccines are not framed, as a time line events, to remove something, they are more to mask something. In “ masking” something, they are basically hiding something, which is not addressing something. It is not looking at why the dis-ease exists, why the need to re-balance exists in the fabric of this physical and practical reality. It is a false business model overall. It is an unnecessary manipulation of the environment. It is a smoke and mirrors game, one of immense consequence and detriment to this resource, to this fabric called physical life, where being life would be physical. Thus, we have allowed, as participated in a false story, one of which has huge structures known as hospitals funneling expression through a construct that disseminates the physical through chemical injection and that touts a narrative in support of that false business model, projecting that again and again and again until it supposedly becomes a truth. It is a very limited math. There are many speaking up about this. And, this does not mean that everything in it is bad, it means that the total action is not what is best for the environment or physical reality. 

I also recently noticed, as I gathered around a group of educators, that these educators realize that the children are not wanting to read, and that the parents are so busy with schedules that ostensibly are to inform that child, that they themselves are not reading.  I find it interesting that right brain development, which can transpose to left brain, where the inverse is not the same,  ( the left does not transpose into the right) ... that right brain development, such as music, dance, art, also states that reading or watching global movements, develops that greater capacity of managing greater measures of movements overall in one’s environment with one’s self. Meaning, one can study math formulas, but cannot transpose them as readily into developing a greater spatial sense, as transferring tasks into the living reality. It is this maintenance of global movements that opens up a greater spatial awareness of one’s living reality. Why, I ask myself? Because one MUST look at more than one’s self! One must look at money flow and resource flow, and the SYSTEMS that hold that flow and movement of and as this very fabric of and as life, that is physical on which, as which, we live! It demands a greater focus of the parts and the whole. Music, art and dance DEMAND greater presence, as does being constant in being aware of global movements, or movements and actions within the whole of who and what we are. 

If one moves to integrate a greater awareness of and as the language, because language is a math, it is going to appear to be difficult, to move very slowly, because one is changing within to a different geometry, and that changing from a set habit appears counter intuitive! It is changing what one has acclimated to and it is moving against an inner defining narrative as a set measure of values, that are in themselves a system of quantum movements interacting with one another, like  a template of values, lol, a temple of values directing the body. If one has spent years in an isolated environment, taking in information without practical application, one is going to be drowning in the imagination, which is a mis-use of the imagination. AND, that mis-use has become a “ template” or temple, of a set body of information that has little practical experience so it is a knowing that is not a knowing which leads to emotional states of being because one does not really know something for fact, one has not experienced it in living reality! 

One would have an inner template out of synch with real experience and there for feel uncertain. Remember, emotions are “ not having enough information!”  Remember, something can be formed as said as spoken again and again until it is believed to be a truth, because we are water and salt, we are of crystal forms, that can hold information, and that can come to direct us, if this is not in synch with the very fabric of this physical and practical reality, we counter intuit best practices and actions because we have a resonant template that is a false business model. One could compare and contrast this to religion, because that inner picture show can become a religion as something we RELY on to define and direct our actions. It gets pretty simple. The narrative or story, spoken and played in every superstore, is a constant, as it must be, because its lack of synchronicity is so extensive, so counter intuitive, it has no real longevity, meaning no real sustenance, meaning no staying power! It is held in place by a mis-use of resources, and a mis-use of the imagination through an overuse of the imagination, where the parts are not necessarily bad. Meaning, too much water, or too little water can be a death sentence, yet just the right amount in balance, creates life! 

I can see, where all these counter intuitive information generating white castles on the landscape, done by totems of belief, resonant within, as stories as a program of a sequence of events, generating that limited story, causing all manner of bicycle rings of emotional upset, causing inflammatory response as the physical creation attempts to rebalance, visible in an aging human losing all spatial ability,  would need to be constantly projected onto the fabric of life. I can realize why we have a schooling system that by design creates greater and greater anxiety from a lack of real measure, or effective inner template composing/building -  so well composed one makes that leap into grace as moving through the eye of the needle into being equal with creation as the physical - would, .. I can see why that counter-intuitive-to-real-life-measure would then bring forward a common-core measure of adding multiple steps to processing a set of numbers, thereby elongating it, which is like asking a run-away horse to ADD more things to process to get to a simple solution, to thereby cause greater anxiety! One is already in an emotional state that has over time compounded, and then suddenly asked to HOLD more information within to process a set of information! I mean, if that is not an example of counter intuitive action and one does not see it, then one has not taken the time to care about this reality, this fabric, this living entity called earth of which we are a sum of as the parts creating the whole. It is a game of playing with space and time, which is what false narrative, and a false business model is and does. 

A false narrative is like reading a set of directions that are not enough for one to “ put together a dresser, or a faucet for that new sink, or to inform a child to move with this fabric called earth that is physical.”  Has one ever bought a do-it-yourself object, assembled all the parts, only to find that one little piece was not placed at the beginning of assembly, the instructions lacking that essential detailed step, and having to NOT ONLY, figure out what is missing, BUT ALSO, finding it necessary to disassemble the whole, to place that one little part in place in ORDER to get that object functioning with ease, or correctly?  Imagine that sequence is your life, and fixing that problem, that lack because one did not have enough information in the “ what one followed with trust “ instructions, imagine this taking 10 to 15 years of your life to sort out?  Now, is blaming someone else going to rebalance, or resolve that problem, that lack-of-proper formation? AND, is it cool that  we, the parts, have instructed another without effectively giving proper instruction?  

If a system managed resources to build something, and in that process of instruction of the parts, children in this life, of this life were starved through lack, is that cool in any way, and would anyone want this for themselves, and overall, it was a form of destruction of this fabric, this manual in plain sight, called this physical earth? Would the faulty instruction as the sum of the parts, as the human, would moving into blame resolve that false busy-ness template within as an instruction of effective movement change through blame or would there be a need for forgiveness of that storied information to change and synchronize with the living and real fabric called the physical in plain sight, one that instructs through respect which means moving according to the golden rule that is made public notice in every elementary school, that means to do no harm? 

Because the rule of life, was placed in plain sight, as a part of the instructions, for every parent to see, can we blame any one for what instructions we accepted and allowed when the real instruction was made public notice as policy through words on the walls of those same systems that we “ trust” to inform our children?  I believe in some form or another, in every elementary school there is the golden rule. We were given notice, and yet we ignored it. We sent our children into the very systems that mis-used the imagination, like feeding our children too little or too much water, all the while, the golden rule was an instruction in plain sight on the wall, as the measure of and as “ give as one would receive,” or, “ respect all things.” 

As one moves through the pillars of the school house, one reads the rule, and then skims the truth and sends the child into a system that mis-uses the imagination through over-using the imagination in an isolated environment, to mis-inform through lack of living experience, causing anxiety and then expands on set formulas, adding more steps to an entity that already is at a loss of capacity to HOLD in a constant manner a template, a totum, of and as an instruction manual that then takes a life time to correct! 

Meanwhile, there is an ocean of water, surrounding our continents that is of the tears of formations lost to us because of a mis-use of resources. And that deep blue entity, is the means of forming a fabric of stars as life in expression in this living expression that is physical that is life. One must rebuild, realizing the joy of discipline, relearning each word, aligning each word to respect the whole and the parts, to synchronize with this life, and to realize counter intuitive templates, or inner temples of information, that are not moving in alignment with the golden rule  that is made public notice at the same time the limited instructions in the information feed about this world, are sounding all around us. It is a noise that has no real substance, and it is a noise that is counter intuitive to that self buried under that sound construct, that one on some level understands. One must decompose an inner instruction manual, taking it apart, to rebuild to be in orchestration with this living fabric of life called the physical. One must instruct one’s self equal and one to what it is that one is, which is life.  The instructions are all around us, they are physical. The rule are to move and self direct in ways that do no harm. Simple. Perhaps it is time to rescript your instruction manual. 

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Sorting out the design of conspiracy for myself The #Russians are coming Day 808

Imagine being born into a home where the parents used about 10,000 words. Now imagine, you meet another person, after a fundamental foundation as the first seven years- meeting another person - who used about 20,000. Would you be able to understand that person? Most likely, not. Some sounds would be recognizable and others not. 

Imagine having a language where instead of 26 alphabetical letters used, from the English language, you knew let’s say 22 letters instead of 26. You had only ever heard a language of 22 letters so hearing words and sounds using 26 letters would sound different, and it would take some time to acclimate to the newer words. It would be just like finding one’s self in a foreign country and trying to communicate yet being unable to communicate because anything one said was not understood and what was being said by others could not be understood. It would sound like sounds coming out of someone’s mouth that had no delineation, it would be noise. This situation is more of an extreme.

Yet, being born into a home that uses 10,000 fewer words, and then as one gets to an age where one enters the greater world, one would find that it was difficult to communicate. If anything, one might make the choice to return to what is more comfortable, instead of learning the words that synchronized with the greater language, and most probably nuance, that existed outside of that bubble where only 10,000 words were used. Also,  we have capacity because we can sense the difference, yet we can be so focused on the lack, as in being so focused on the differences, that we miss catching up, or get caught in only seeing the lack, taking years to sort out the differences. 

Now, imagine you are a child that is born without language, and yet, learns to crawl and move in this world. If we realize that words are things that we learn to use, we can equate words with, in this context, with the things we learn to move with and as just as we learn to move our bodies. Thus, we can say, we learn to move ourselves, a physical manifestation, of many many things, and then we learn to use words from our parents, as the humans caring for us. Would you agree, that becoming a movement of and as 10,000 words, when there are others using 20,000 words, could come to occupy our focus or all of our attention?  Those words would  become a set body of information, in and of itself. Within this, one could get caught in that storied information at the expense of paying attention to other things? And, if that were automated, as what those 10,000 words composed,  and at the same time, the automation of learning to move the body had happened, would one be locked in a bubble of movement, that suddenly became more visible when one stepped out into that world and stood in a circle of people using 20,000 words?  If one of those people using 20,000 words suddenly came into the environment of people only using 10,000 words, would the group using 10,000 words consider the person using 20,000 words as having something wrong in their heads? 

Or, as another extreme scenario, if you suddenly found yourself as an adult, in a place where another language was spoken, and that place had never had any exposure to another language being in existence, might they not  all agree that you were insane, and were a walking idiot? Meanwhile you begin to scream because they are treating you like an insane person based on the noises coming out of your mouth! Would this be an experience where what was automated within you as your words, become so very clear as not being all that you were? 

I am using extreme contrasts to show a more subtle contrast that can have the same or greater consequences. I want to go back to a seemingly smaller difference. We have someone who’s foundation is the gamut of 10,000 words in relation to another group using 20,000 words. Both of which are automated in their words use. Each would have a hard time moving out of their comfort zones to acclimate to the other. It would take time and effort, especially as both are automated and have not realized how automated they had become. The contrast of the difference reveals a lack for one group, those of 10,000 words, but also how automated both are in their communication. They have become a geometric structure, as a thing, that has forgotten that they learned to crawl- because that stage of learning to crawl has automated to the degree one need not think about it. 

Could it be construed that this situation where what one had become, and how stuck one was in what one had become was in itself an automated state?  Would one, could one realize how much one had become a narrow focus, as that automation, or caught in a more mundane state at the expense of much greater detail and awareness, miss seeing a connection to more than that context? 

I mean look at the narrative of the “ Russian influence” on the presidential elections. A “ picture” or narrative, has been composed in the media that the Russians influenced the elections and thus conspired against the American people. One could compose such a narrative about anything. Any time a human being said something against a certain narrative, it could be considered a case of conspiracy. It is laughable in many ways, especially in light of the fact that there have been posts that were confessions of being an online troll on American soil! Americans were paid to go onto the internet and counter online discussions using exaggerated language and label as fear porn to control the dialogue. To accuse the Russians of this is a form dependent on people not understanding this. It is, in many ways, a few who have a greater use of words, manipulating those who have a weaker use of words! One has a greater understanding, and is using that understanding to manipulate a narrative, which is in itself, what is being projected out onto being something someone else did out there, which is in itself a form of distraction under the guise of good for the American people. Astounding! The differences are done through a difference in one’s skill set in terms of using language. And the difference in the gamut of word use, is probably so subtle it is difficult to realize in this storm of information flow. Realize, a subtle imbalance over time can become a HUGE difference. It is similar to putting a motor cycle back together, after having taken it apart. One gets towards the end and there is this tiny piece that has been left out. Without that part in place, the motor cycle will not work. In order to place that missing part into the motor cycle, one must once again take the bike apart and start again. One could call this an elephant in the room that has remained unnoticed until it gets so big, the mis-take must be addressed. 

I describe this because, I realize how automated I am within what has to be a more mundane state, based on having been born into a human home on earth, where a geometry of values, not all bad, but still, a geometry of values, were what I had to acclimate to and towards, in order to synch myself with those adults that were in my world. It may have been a matter of course at first, because one cannot really understand something until one becomes it, while at the same time, because it has a measure of efficacy, within becoming that, it automated and it was not noticed that this was happening, to the extent one became that person that could not imagine knowing more words, more values, that ONLY became visible through the contrast of meeting another who had a greater measure of words! This  “ learned” as absorbed state being a more mundane state, where the degrees of difference are much smaller, though they appear larger in the immediacy of a moment upon discovery. That small difference coupled with the difficulty of realizing the depth of how things automate, could make it appear that to change is too much, or that that difference is not a real difference, unless one realizes that overall. Both have automated into a geometry, or math, because this is what this is, that is in itself caught up in itself and as a consequence has forgotten to include the geometry of what they/I are/is as the reality around them/me because that reality has been taken for granted. This could be seen as a group of humans ONLY paying attention to differences between them, not realizing the reality around them. And we wonder why we have something called a “ veil”?  Thus,  we have a situation where we are calling one another between varying theories, conspiracists?!  Why do we have corporations who are buying the information lanes, as media, calling those who are not following their words sets/ structures/ equations, conspiracists? 

I need only look at the fracking industry, where what is used is hidden in “ trade secrets” to create an absence of words/information, that is used by the so-called regulators as saying there is no proof because there are no studies because that information is not forth coming because it is a trade secret, therefor we have no proof on paper as collected data ( again information in record being made larger than life) This, overall is an equation in itself as a form as a series of orders creating a movement which is a “ thing.” If one is in that “ set” and one never goes out into the field, one would really believe that one’s LANGUAGE, one’s VOCABULARY, one’s words  as information, were all that there was. This could be construed as a veiled idolization that is a state of ignorance that is of an allowance of an absence of something used to justify its application! ( twisted! )

How many of us, if we realize we are the same, have done this in our daily lives? All of us have done this! What is astounding, is that we have perhaps convinced ourselves that that dialogue is real, despite the obvious harm happening all around us! We are that body with a very limited inner resonant construct that we believe to be so real, that what is around that, as this physical reality, is not real. We have religions and media, and text books, that use some of what is real, through limited connection to what is real as hyper-inflated values or limited values brought forwards, causing a disconnect that generates insecurity. This is the creation through lack of a set body of words made idol on a limited stage, where the words that are of a constructed narrow focus, a mathematical equation, have become more real than what is real.  It is really astounding! 

We actually believe that we cannot change, we cannot learn another form. We have become so mundane within ourselves that we find all manner of labels to say we cannot learn another language, because it is all a language, it is all a series of forms as expressions that become inner resonant things, in a relationship with all the other things. We forget relationships to all things because we are caught in our own constructions! Yet we can understand that learning one language makes it easier to learn another!   If we had moved in respect of all things, would there even be a “ separate” god? Probably not. 

We can only speak of our experience. This means that if an entity spoke of there being conspiracy, this must happen because that is what that that speaks of conspiracy is and DOES ! 

I understand there is another rule or measure. This is that when one tells the truth, it can cause more reaction than if one does not tell the truth. There for, when one enters the stage of limitation, it will scream back, this is a matter of course. Also, this would make sense based on my earlier examples. We can only speak of what we experience. Thus, if one speaks of a greater insight- as having a more broad word use about reality which at the same time is also of one in automation of an ideology, though a “ more “ from one perspective, it remains an automated set body of information! Such an entity would  potentially call anything else a conspiracy! An ideology can be of a partial truth yet automated as a set of words composing a picture that is what belief is. This can be a construct against that which is also of a partial truth.  Yet it is a construct that points out that which it believes/automates/fabricates as mind ONLY is conspired against based on a lack of total acceptance because it has become an automated resonant thing in the physical body of the human. Media feeds on this! It is used, therefor we can really trust nothing in the media, or in our present institutional systems.  

Like I said, this is astounding! And this is going on, so visible in our media, and all those cathedrals, that it has automated and is of a very limited set of words and the words are in separation through an absence of respect for all things! What a spin! It is much like we must be able to walk around and realize videos in and as our minds, which we constructed, and at the same time, LOOK at what is here, with an ability to realize that our inner resonant entities are an automation that is out of synch with reality. And, that if we watch the information feed, it is the same as that dialogue spinning around that is automated as our beliefs, opinions and ideas. AND, what this state of being is doing to our bodies, as we are so occupied with our mindset ( words) that we have no sensibility in relation to feeling our bodies. In effect, the information in our media, and our minds, is of information porn. Or, one could call the cry of conspiracy fear porn. 

I looked at this today, because I noticed myself getting caught in a web, that I found helped me to catch and realize to a greater degree at the moment, under the name, as being a “ mundane” set of words, that I have practiced as belief for so long, it is easy to fall back into the automation of and as this. This which is of my own construction, through acceptance. It does not matter how this happened, thinking about how it happened ONLY, is not the act or agency of being proactive within this whole scenario and changing my word sets to being of a direct relationship to the living text book all around me as the physical. The present system that reflects this automation of limited ideas, beliefs and opinions, of limited word sets, of words tied to a relationship of limited values, so visible in an inability to transfer tasking skills into practical doing, also known as a lack of critical and creative thinking; this present system is the construct and manifestation of many bodies of men, abdicating their common sense. With the abdication of common sense comes the loss of spatial skill, comes the loss of an agency towards proactive doing, comes the loss of one’s body moving with grace in this reality. It is the opposite of moving through the eye of the needle. It is not even moving into closing the circle into a state of grace, because a loss of spatial skill is a movement in a direction that is AWAY from becoming grace!

How can something that once noticed and moved towards, past great resistance, not be incredibly tangible once noticed? How can we not all be realizing these patterns somewhere in some enclave of our awareness? In some ways, life will. This must be understood, yet seen as competition, because what I notice, is there appears to be a greater push to control information instead of to allow it to open up, because opportunity does tend towards more awareness. And I say opportunity, because our schools by design, suppress opportunity in too many ways, countering some inherent good.  

For myself, again, I will have to watch for this subtle yet overall general resonant automated belief on things being impossible within me, that is of a comparison based on “ mundane” forces of belief, that is the same as me within myself, that life is mundane! After all, I remember walking in a park near my home for years, when I walked a dog every day. I noticed in these walks that no season was ever the same, and it was only myself that believed that walk was always the same. I then asked the question as to why I did not see in the very fabric of the physical the indicators of what the next season would bring forward. Which plants would be stronger one year, and could I surmise that if I had looked beyond my belief to the actual color, quality, tone, intensity, etc. I would begin to see patterns that told a living story about what was forming and why, through the seasons themselves? What words were being mis-used and moving in automation as an entity within me that were locking me into a fixed mind set, and how deep was this state of separation from myself and all that was here around me? When I started to look more, I realized there was more to discover. That discovery filled with such grace and measure, it revealed that what was automated within me, as belief, was of such a narrow focus, all I could realize was the shame and mis-use of myself in this life. The degree of my separation is revealed in the loss of grace within myself. Standing up and speaking about this, will elicit a cry of lack because we can only speak what we know.  Yet, this is an opportunity to return to what is a state more in tune with life, this being a state of grace. 

Thursday, March 1, 2018

What is Presence? Day 807

The point of least resistance, the point of moving forward, the place of where I am at.

As what and who I am, I can always deconstruct and reconstruct. I can feel what I carry with me, as a morality of good and bad, instead of what is best for all, as what considers all things here, in this reality, a physical reality, as life, as this is what defines me, gives me license to express that/this life, here. 

Somehow, even these words do not express this. It can only be about what this means. This means of composition that functions as well, as a means of communication. I remember moments, especially when in a musical performance, at a certain point, of and as “ knowing where a person was at” in terms of personal mastery of an instrument. It is that one can remember the sequences of development into greater mastery.  If those one performs with, are in the same levels, of this understanding of the parts that lead to the more wholistic integration, there can be a sense of knowing that does not need communication as words. It is seeing where someone is at. It is an awesome point, because it is the place where one begins to realize the extent one can play with the sound and at the same time be in synch with the other performers. Each sees what the other is doing, and the other helps one to form and move, to express. 

I remember other times of the sense of “ knowing” coming up. It is as though one is open, and showing the sequences and how one is moving in this reality, as the means of expression. I would say it is of a presence more than a race to project something outward. I remember this happening at other times, in some fantastic ways that are questionable. I would say it is, from my perspective, a use of presence. I suppose this is how I came to the point of asking myself why I had no control over being able to move into a greater presence in a self willed, at-any-moment type of self willed capacity. Perhaps I had experienced the contrast too many times and in a moment caught the difference. This lead to the question. 

I also remember, within the skill of music, moving from being able to cross reference my own movement, to then reach out to the group, practicing being aware of that - the other players- and then suddenly realizing there was an audience. After realizing the audience, because I was more secure in my own skills and being able to hear the larger group, another world opened up. Always, within expansion, which is natural, the “ new” space appears scary, like a nightmare, I did not want to look. In time, the realization that I could change my sound and it has an effect on the audience. Even within that, the realization that when I focused my sound in a certain way, people listened, as though they were drawn to the sound. I realized I had to be that of which I spoke, completely present in the sound; that was when that sound drew in greater focus. In one of my past performances, a person came to me and said I had a very strong presence on the stage. That was interesting, because I had been playing with the sound to uncover just that. We are, as humans drawn to greater presence, because on some level, we all know that what is real, is this reality, is here, as this is life and it is amazing. We enjoy being with children because they are still very engaged in this reality, even if that state of engagement, is learning to envelope an understanding of itself. 

I supposed that development of interacting as music within this reality, lead to sometimes seeing in a moment through the cracks of this reality. This, probably not always so, as a belief, because I have opened this up in my world, asking or suggesting that we all have moments where we somehow “ see through the cracks.” And, we probably, if we look, have asked the same question as to why we as individuals, are not moving as this as self willed individuals. Meaning, who are we not in control of this? How and why is there the existence of moments of greater presence, that we bounce out of without being on control of this? What is around us that we bounce back into? What has automated to the extent we have lost the self will to change into greater presence that we all know is there, because we all have those moments of presence that reveal to us that ability to have greater presence? What morality, what game of good and evil are we lost within, as value judgement of which we have been told exists, from those in the past, have we accepted that veils that ability to be more present, that moment of seeing all the interacting moving parts of this world around us? And what is that which we bounce back into? Could it be a resonant veil? And does that resonant veil block that ability to commune with another to the degree one need not speak, because one senses how present one is within what one is doing here, as an interaction with the physical to the extent one begins to “ manipulate the sound” to move what is here around one, and to have a moment where myself and another are aware of what we are doing, and that is really super fun! And, that is somehow never talked about, ever, if anything after a moment like that with another musician, there is less of a need to talk, and sense of really knowing the person, a form of intimacy that cannot be forgotten! It is better than sex in many ways, it is more use of self, unless, sexually, perhaps that is more of what is supposed to happen as the expression of touch between two people, and yet, at present, such expression has not developed presence because that same resonance within directs through a morality ( an automated beliefs system) instead of correct use of presence. 

One must really understand one’s words, to the degree one need not think about then, so that one can expand, or use to a greater degree, one’s presence, self directed, realizing the sequences of the structure of creation and the sequences of the construction of a personality that by definition is a composition of a morality of good and evil instead of a respect for all things here, realizing the beauty of creation, as this earth which is life manifest. One can see this in every micro movement of the physical body. Is there this soup of weight slowing down the presence, the potential of a human, that is visible in the most subtle of movements? Why do older people slow down so much? Why have they not mastered being present, moving with ease, here? Get on board people! We have all experienced this, we know this! It is that part of us that is that presence! The cracks of seeing through this are all around us! It is what is meant by being in a state of “ only seeing the lack” composed of the past, stitched together though value judgements of right and wrong, more than and less than, good and bad. All hate is self hate, because we know! We all have great potential, and it is here. If one does not use one’s potential as real presence as being in a relationship with this reality, and instead develops a personification of value judgements as a survival suit, that survival composition occupies one’s attention and one loses one’s potential as real presence, as being grounded here, in this reality. Then one would have moments of suddenly seeing through the cracks of one’s own construct of separation from reality. One has become stuck in a morality of good and evil value judgements instead of practical application as interaction that is relating, as being in a living relationship, to what is here. One’s relationship is with a resonant construct of managing, or trying to catch up with automated value judgements ( we become what we practice!), that unsorted that is of self interest through practice or acceptance instead of realizing that one is a part, an individual in a whole that is what one is! Presence in this living reality would enable one to move with greater effect, of which the very sound of self is equal and one to the sound of what is here as this living manifested physical reality called earth - which spells heart. The resonant shadow of ideas, beliefs and opinions, block a correct use of a natural ability to be present as who and what one is in reality. As I heard said this week, “ tyranny is the deliberate removal of nuance.” 

Have you ever been in a car accident? Have you been unnerved for a few months after the accident, having projections as “ worse case scenarios” flood your being as you drive post accident? What is that “ cloud” of fear around one? Does it take time to get over that experience and the fears associated around it? Does that occupy your focus for a while? Can you read this reality if in-volved with a past jolt of fear, or could it be considered that that experience, now a memory, a state of separation from being present and here? Could such be what may have allowed the accident as it is, that one was not aware and present and ended up in that accident? Is the fear really a wake up call to the self, to remember to live here overall? 

I hear so many parents realizing their children are extremely anxious. They blame this on the system. This blame on the system is in itself an abdication of self responsibility. One parent this week expressed this when the anxiety in the child caused the child to no longer be able to move in the system. The parent expressing a lack of awareness of this anxiety having slowly accumulated. How is it that a parent living with their child did not notice that the child was becoming increasingly anxious? Therein is the problem, the parent moving on automation to the degree they did not notice what was informing the child! That parent was “ driving down a road” and not reading what was around them. How can a school SYSTEM that by design imparts a GENERAL scaffold of information, a picture about something, of information to a group also pay attention to that same limited general scaffold being integrated effectively? They cannot be what brings that general scaffold memorized ONLY into a living wholistic experience thereby filling in that outlined in the imagination ONLY template. Having that general outlined template memorized is not an education, it is a picture in one’s imagination ONLY, and it is not the whole story. Public education works when the parents are very involved, understanding this and providing opportunity and connection to practical experience where that general scaffold comes to life, because as a picture, it has no real connection to life because it is ONLY a picture. If a human body is filled with informative general outlines about things as pictures, it becomes a knowing-of-something- that-is-not-a-real-knowing. That would by design create anxiety- not to mention the demand to memorize greater amounts of information which becomes difficult without practical experience to focus one on reality. It is also a resonant picture ONLY, that is not enough to develop real license to move effectively in this reality. Each word must have a living relationship to this reality, to allow one to be in synch with the ordinary, the reality, the nuance of the small, to be in awareness, to be able to transfer tasks into reality, practically. This is what is meant by having critical and creative thinking skills, one can transfer tasks from one environment to another with supportive effect because one have developed real presence instead of being up in an over-used imagination. The parts must be in synch. The left side of the brain moving in synch with the right side of the brain. This also begs the question as to why a parent would expect a school to do this, when they are products of the product, and by definition should have mastered this and be able to lend this state of being to the children, which would mean that perhaps, the parents would not need a school to do this. If presence, real effective self willed, self directed humans were what the parents became, than that would be absorbed by the child, because that is what is in the environment.  We are products of our environment; we are not born with language and culture or religion. 

How has this come to pass as how information is shared? Is an extreme used to compare, as some information is better than none, something is greater than nothing for an opposite extreme, and thus for some, a public school general scaffold of information memorized is more ordered than that chaos from which they came. For those above the means, that imparts this that helps the other extreme, the design actually down regulates their intelligence. This being the classic “ guise of good “ from a one sided conversation as our media, imparting a story ( a sequence of movements or events) talking effect that if one looked at the whole, would realize that singular effect of a good from an extreme starting point of lack, cannot define the collective. There is more to the story. Yet, one cannot speak up about this, because the box is only allowing certain information to come forward ( automated belief systems- one cannot speak about what one does not know, or one can only speak about one’s experience which is what one allowed and accepted ). And that story has automated to the extent one fears stepping outside of that story of information, as a totem of values made larger than life via a one-sided conversation. It is the threat of “ you are either with us, or against us” scenario. This leads to accidents, which leads to moving in shadows of doom and gloom, causing further distraction, leading to greater anxiety ( the limited story causing a mis-take on reality). This becomes that ouroborous, or a snake eating its own tail, or “ coming full circle” meaning one becomes what one thinks about, what one focuses on ( and yet the design reveals the means of effective development! ). If what eventually automates within is not in synch with the ordinary practical living physical reality around us, as being in respect of what is here and what we are, we become in conflict with living, in conflict with the practical, in conflict with the ordinary. We are in separation from the living nuance as life that is physical as that which we move to create new things, of which we are the most perfect of beings to do and to live, where we participate with one another, and create, because this is where we are most happy, being haptic, living, respecting life. Imagine being so focused here, one’s movements are creative and feeling the full nuance of creation as this reality? Imagine expanding your presence into the parts AND the whole?  The anxiety in our children is really telling/showing/revealing the degree of our separation from the ordinary that contains the nuance that informs us to become a master of this life, living self willed equality with all things, developing a real presence of and as what and who we are as physical human beings on a physical creation that is by definition amazing. Look outside your window and realize the  symmetry, the synergistic quality of creation, where no one thing is more than another, and that it is a system we can understand and move into being in greater presence with because it is us, we are a part in a wonderful fabric called life. Can we " give up" what is resonant within, or rather deconstruct and reconstruct into alignment with this life? Can we, as is our capacity, realize our point of least resistance and from there, use our presence to align to this life?

I find it interesting that we have the symbols of the triangle as the "A" and the Omega as the circle. In  moment of playing with the meaning of the totems on our papers, as the symbols, I realize the symbols in themselves reveal the means. The triangle is that which moves through the " eye-of-the-needle" as the "O." It is a numbers game, a math, as when one develops one moves from the general to understanding more and more detail, more and more awareness of the parts and the nuance of the whole as the ordinary, as a composition, to the extent one master's the parts, one can become small, and large, at the same time as presence, and within this, one can close the circle as move into grace, and fit into life, as the physical. Thus, in plain sight, is given the means to the end, it is simply played with as a form of distraction. After all, even a system of separation is still a system.