Friday, June 28, 2019

Day 825 The behavior of a millennial

I am reading a book about millienials.

One of the first descriptions was an example of behavior.

It was said that when a millennial meets another person who has not yet seen a movie the millennial has seen, the millennial gets anxious. A millennial will get angry when someone has not seen a movie that they, the millennial has seen. 

This indicates that they cannot place the essence of the message of the movie into some common universal terms. They cannot take the movements expressed in the movie apart and apply that movement into some universal common sense about life no matter the scenario. Their ability to share experience is dependent on movie stories. This is like living in a dream, in an inner picture show, with no capacity to translate it into this reality. That they become impatient and anxious based on reacting to someone lacking their “ text book” movie,  means the movie has become their religion, something they rely on, something that binds them, something that directs them.

Religion means to “ tie up,” to bind. They are bound to a movie, a constructed picture, one that has time frames that are not equal in practical common sense to living in a physical reality. It is ( and not “ like”)  living in an alternate reality. It is living in a fantastic picture show instead of living here, in reality. 

It indicates a complete loss of critical and creative thinking. The anxious reaction is a loss of what is defining them. What is defining them is a memory of a very narrow focus and practice. There is no ability to apply timed sequences of another mode, to the living mode as the actual physical reality that is where that body, that human being, is becoming a behavior of anxiousness. That body as a physical body on a physical planet. The inner movement and expression is moving at one mode of timing as information and experience and ONLY knows that. 

Translating that into another mode, as the living reality, is absent. Meaning, it  has not been practiced; there is an absence of practical application in reality. This indicates that many of the millennials, have grown up in a reality that is of instant gratification, that moves in sequences of information, most probably centered around media. That media, is a me-DIA, my god, my religion, what I have practiced! It has no timing and sequence relative to the living physical reality. It indicates that though their within is “ of a sequence” causing separation as that behavior of becoming anxious when one’s text book is out of synch with the practical reality. Their within measure is not equal to reality. That inner spin becomes anxiety. Meanwhile their bodies that exist within as anxiety, remain. They are still here. That physical reality was here before this anxious spin of limited measure. And yet, their bodies remain.

I mean, within the law of compounding effects where one’s actions create the equal and opposite results, what happens if one has a religion of media, indicating an absence of practical living, causing an inner emotional turmoil of anxiety, separating one from being grounded and practical as being able to relate information to reality as critical and creative thinking?  Would not such a state of stagnant movement, that is a state of separation from reality, simply increase anxiety? 

What happens when that anxiety compounds over time? As the equal and opposite effect? 

If one takes a liter of water and holds it with an extended arm for ten minutes, it does not cause pain. What if one held it for 10 hours, or for ten years? 

It would become very very painful! Would that be a state of being tied to something, like the word religion suggests? 

What happens to a body that holds anxiety over ten years, or even twenty years? 

Can we blame anyone for what we have allowed?

Can someone else deconstruct what is allowed within, and accumulates through the law of compounding effects within one physical body? 

Is is only the self, as one, as one’s body that can deconstruct such allowances and stand equal and one to that, to then rebuild. And, one must relate to the practical physical reality to then become as that innocence of a child, that ability to learn and process things efficiently and with ease. That child does not yet have that degree of reaction as anxiety. They have not yet practiced it, even though they may have some generational programming being triggered by daily events. 

If we begin to understand how all of this works, which is very practical, we can realize that we cannot trust our memories or what is within us. The only choice  is to begin to relate to what is real and constant. What is constant is the physical. Even with our media, that uses the physical reality to project its limited stories that end up stagnating an inner natural ability to process information are not what is living and real, that is us, and that is all around us as the physical. There is only one reality of information and that is the physical. 

In research in reading skills, an effective vocabulary builds success. One's words are more equal to practical reality. One's ability to then process information can change time frames, dimensions, space and timing, to then be able to relate information to changing scenarios. One would then also be more able to read what is moving within one's body and at the same time, process what is around one as this living reality. It is like playing an instrument, where one plays the timing and sequence of Mozart, and then changes in a moment, to the timing and sequence of say, Brahms. Though questioning one's self about this may initially appear difficult, in the end it is AWESOME, because it means we are life, we are meant to be fluid, and that we can understand complex systems. In this world, to reframe ourselves, to equalize our within to the without, we can use words to rebuild, to deconstruct, to ground ourselves in this living reality. Anxiousness is a gift to show us where we are out of synch with life! 

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