Ego and a centralized narrative. Why are direct sales such a good model?
in the recent viral out break there is so much information flowing around the internet. There are doctors and nurses and scientists and researchers and those who experience the way the system is working that are speaking up and sharing their direct experiences within the present 2020 “ viral” situation. Then there is the promulgated narrative of the present government, a narrative of administrators in contrast to the narrative of individual experience by workers on the ground, often labeled as anecdotal, who are living the outflows of policy and protocol on the ground, the living space, the reality. The news feed information in itself is so scattered and fractionalized and all-over-the-place.
lol, I am using a lot of “ and’s” because it flows like that, and, and, and!
Yesterday, I came across an article about how places that have bad air quality tend to have more of the “ virus” effecting the people. Therefore, it is not the pollution, it is that the virus is riding on the particulates in the air that are a consequence of mis-using resources to the extent that those particulates are in the air for the so-celled “ virus” to ride on. I won’t mention that this means if we ensure clean air, those areas might not have been as effected as the article itself suggests! Or that at the moment, some “ anecdotal” events of the virus showing up as coming from within the homes - to the extent it is being suggested in some places where some “ governors” determine “ orders” - that family members be tested and those that have not had the virus should be removed from the homes. It has been suggested that homes can have some of the worst air quality. I have noticed in a new construction, that if a banana peel is left out, the space begins to smell like a stale banana rather quickly. This new construction has an air filtration system. My experience with this model is that the air does not flow through the space as well as older homes that do not have this newer construction. Overall, it suggests that a home must have a certain degree of being able to “ breath.”
What has appeared to have happened on the internet, is one narrative. And the power of a few to control the information. Like our construction of the various factors and the reason for the various factors, will be determined by a centralized administration, one that also has the ability to make a profit for the promotion of certain products. That is ego, that is the same as what ego is and does within an individual. When confronted with ego, it tends to push one way, suppress descent and resist anything that opposes its way of doing things. Then any activity, or movement that contradicts that “ story “ - a set body of information- becomes some extraordinary event that cannot possibly be happening in other places and therefore must be a singular event. And yet, those singular events tend to happen in more than one place, which builds into a pattern that precipitates an epidemiological study that discovers a relationship to a change in the environment that is then said to show a correlation that suggests more study is necessary to discover the specific cause. And yet, end game statements are made and those further studies don’t seem to happen. Somewhere, for some reason, those studies are too difficult or too costly. Of course this overall has the means in place to determine a course of action because in America we have the precautionary principle that protects us from this, within and as the realization that if something is causing harm, there must be choice. The point of this is to ensure that one narrative does not become a truth through repetition, meaning that if one “ anecdotal” situation suggests that harm is being done, what is being promoted must go back to the drawing board. Our system is not necessarily a bad one, it is the mis-use of the system that can cause problems. Ego is a mis-use of a system because it resists taking the time to find a balance where no harm is experienced, even if it is a “ one time” situation. That is real care at the end of the day.
What I notice within listening as much as possible to all the various narratives is that point of becoming overwhelmed. I also realize that some of this feeling of being overwhelmed is rushing to resolve issues, this being egotistical in some respects because the end goal is an answer instead of the end goal being to realize a solution that causes no harm, and if anything brings to the awareness of others the various things at play that are being experienced and discovered by those who live on this planet. The voices of the living must be heard, and the voices of the living must share what they experience on the ground. People need direct interaction with one another. Of course this is difficult if each one is acting in self interest, to tell their belief instead of being open about their experience as the quality of their life.
At present, we have a situation where one narrative has precedence over real experience. Meaning, a centralized dictate is repeated over the voice of the people to such a great extent that each one of us has resonant beliefs and ideas, and opinions about things within, from that “source” that this narrative is a cognitive dissonance to what we are actually experiencing! It is a form of pollution, of distraction from our real experience in reality. When some speak up the meta-physical information being regurgitated from organic walking plants that absorbed it react. They react because they speak up what resonates from within them and push back on what does not match their “ intellectual” forms! And they will do this while walking with a cain, or while having breathing difficulties, or while the hair on their head no longer grows. While the body is basically falling apart, that belief system will continue to speak up when the inner resonant information of the being is contradicted ! As absurd as this sounds that is what is happening.
At present, we have a situation where one narrative has precedence over real experience. Meaning, a centralized dictate is repeated over the voice of the people to such a great extent that each one of us has resonant beliefs and ideas, and opinions about things within, from that “source” that this narrative is a cognitive dissonance to what we are actually experiencing! It is a form of pollution, of distraction from our real experience in reality. When some speak up the meta-physical information being regurgitated from organic walking plants that absorbed it react. They react because they speak up what resonates from within them and push back on what does not match their “ intellectual” forms! And they will do this while walking with a cain, or while having breathing difficulties, or while the hair on their head no longer grows. While the body is basically falling apart, that belief system will continue to speak up when the inner resonant information of the being is contradicted ! As absurd as this sounds that is what is happening.
It is why memory learning in the schools is so difficult for some because they don’t have the means to read the resonant storm that is lacking-experience and at the same time relate to the practical reality and also express that. I imagine there are children who see the resonant cartoon coming from the parents while feeling the living reality around them. How does one speak to an hypnotized entity? How does one speak to this object walking in a vortex being projected from within? Especially if one does not have the words to describe that to a walking-memorized-set-body-of-information? Years of public schooling does not help because that is the very means of dividing that initial awareness from itself, as the habit of over-using the imagination and abstracting constructions about things prevails at the expense of real lol, “ anecdotal” living? I mean is it possible that the air particulates are the cause of bodily dysfunction that is being labeled as a viral outbreak? I guess it is protect-the-cost-of-misusing-resources at the expense of life. But then why support a “ life” that is mis-informed and believes that mis-information, or scattered information, is more real than the living ground that has allowed it to be mis-informed overall? Is that organic robot consisting of a program that no longer fits into the new model narrated by what was formed to ensure that resources were properly used? It is like one is damned if they listen and damned if they do not!
Of course it is important to listen and use discernment. That discernment is actually natural, it is the limited narrative that distracts because sentience is covered up but always remains. One need only begin to tap back into it. That sentience is what forms the physical body that loses its step within building in a resonant set body of information that is believed to be a truth but is not the real life that is it. The contrast causes dis-ease. The information in the body does not fit into the reality and actually separated into a layered consciousness we call the conscious, the subconscious and the unconscious. I mean, young children to not YET have this, even though the pollution of mis-information has accumulated as the very law of compounding effects to the extent children are at younger ages having difficulty learning new things, evident in behaviors of resistance. I would imagine it would be difficult to FOCUS when there is a lot of static moving around within the body as generations of this same disassociation to reality is passed down from previous generations. I would imagine this would also interrupt sperm counts in the males of the species - the pollution of mis-information causing dysfunction in the physical matter. It begs the question as to what a “ virus” is and is not. It is silent but deadly. It is like a religion - create some invisible god to beg for for forgiveness when the real forgiveness must be done by the self, that natural sentience within the machine.
Of course it is important to listen and use discernment. That discernment is actually natural, it is the limited narrative that distracts because sentience is covered up but always remains. One need only begin to tap back into it. That sentience is what forms the physical body that loses its step within building in a resonant set body of information that is believed to be a truth but is not the real life that is it. The contrast causes dis-ease. The information in the body does not fit into the reality and actually separated into a layered consciousness we call the conscious, the subconscious and the unconscious. I mean, young children to not YET have this, even though the pollution of mis-information has accumulated as the very law of compounding effects to the extent children are at younger ages having difficulty learning new things, evident in behaviors of resistance. I would imagine it would be difficult to FOCUS when there is a lot of static moving around within the body as generations of this same disassociation to reality is passed down from previous generations. I would imagine this would also interrupt sperm counts in the males of the species - the pollution of mis-information causing dysfunction in the physical matter. It begs the question as to what a “ virus” is and is not. It is silent but deadly. It is like a religion - create some invisible god to beg for for forgiveness when the real forgiveness must be done by the self, that natural sentience within the machine.
I myself realized that one time in high school in New York city within suddenly asking myself a question as I was walking down a street, why there was “something” in every person’s back. It is one of those times I suddenly asked such a question only to get distracted by existential living in this system of this construction. Another time I asked a similar question was in my thirties. I asked why it appears that when I “ played the game” things appeared to become more aggressive around me, but when I played the role of a certain degree of rebellion, things were more comfortable and yet that role in itself that appeared to have a promise was never fulfilled. This was being caught in a resonant storm in itself as I could not see outside my own box. I did love nature, and at that time I had a garden. I had a friend that was a landscape architect. She came over and was astonished at my garden and asked me how I managed to produce the healthy degree of plant life that I did. I said I had read up on what plants need and used that in the garden. I had a working compost that was the meeting place of hedgehogs every night. They would wake me up because their eating habits were so noisy. Smacking on snails is pretty noisy! lol In that moment, I did not understand what was in plain sight. It was the physical that was real, and the physical that when supported could produce amazing and beautiful living expression in abundance! That dis-ease should not exist was in plain sight. What separates us from that? What is constant but the physical. What is here and visible in every moment but the physical. What is used to cause uncertainty and fear but some invisible “ thing” we are lead to, or allow ourselves to believe? When it is promoted as invisible does it not become an impossible thing? The idea that something is impossible is the pollution. And the idea that we have choice is also a lie. The physical works in specific ways, ways we can understand. If we look at what is here, as the physical and how it works, then the central narrative , as ego, would no longer have any power. Ego is the illusion.
Why do I write this out? Because in this valley of good and evil, this hyper-real metaphysical resonant storm is causing harm to life. And, in writing this out, I share and help to ground myself here. It is a form of restructuring myself here. Imagine if many many people did this? It would be counter intuitive to the hyper polarized resonant mis-information around us. It would become a collection of anecdotal voices focusing on re-grounding ourselves one by one back into the visible living reality that is physical and all around us. One that we can work with, together, to build a world that is best for all to expose what has become a false “norm.” To change focus onto what is actually more normal and would have a visible quality of greater ease in its movement. It is what is the means to rediscover the awe of life, where life is physical. Or, where the physical is life in expression here.
A resonant storm of separation has patterns because it is a system. The living reality has patterns too, because it is also a system. One is unstable and one is more stable.
For myself, when I begin to feel overwhelmed, it is a sign for myself that I am rushing, and at the same time, losing a stability to process what is a resonant storm of mis-information where each offering of information can have a grain of truth. It simply means to sort through, or process the information, to hear what lends support of life, that which is constant within the information visible in its practicality. It also means to rebuild my words, to the extent my words have a relationship to the practical reality so that when I speak, it grounds those around me, as the movement of the words grounding me here are my expression. It means to no longer be blinded, or distracted by the “ light” and to instead listen to the darkness, the silence, to reach that place where there is nothing because that is the place of potential. It is a place no one can give another, as that is reached from within. It means to learn the patterns of separation, and to no longer fear them because they have no real longevity.
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