I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear power, to fear standing up to the power that is of no real power as ego.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear losing.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become righteous.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to want to win, to believe that there is something to win.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that I will be knocked out as a threat to the existent structures wanting to survive despite strong evidence that what is practiced is no longer the cutting edge, is not what is best for all
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand in desiring to win I am in separation from here
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear the future
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear not being able to exist
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to suppress my common sense, myself as life as sound, being equal and one to here, to idle myself in line with limited formations as what a hierarchy is and does, as by its very form and design separates and sequesters, into limited means despite the ability of the human to work in tandem with earth.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not be equal and one to here, as the physical
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that I will lose something if I do not adhere to the form of separation from practical common sense of the physical world as the needs of each physical form that is designed to work with here, direct, absolutely, where ideas as limited parts become fantasy, separate myself from here, where in the shadows lurk what is rejected as BElie-ved to serve no purpose,and yet, remain and haunt where it is simply life neglected causing imbalance continually projected without as blame and spite of life onto objects other than myself, causing the chase for an impossible dream, that is self looking for self, when self is right here, only held within an illusion of division as mind, as judgement of good and bad.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear losing
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that I cannot communicate here
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear facing the separation, as the negative and positive justifications that are here,
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to have an idea of security, an image as a belief of what security is on earth, where i believe that security is a home and a man, when this is a limited picture, that does not even include myself, thus I am within and as my own picture not present,
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that I have not even placed myself within my own fantasy idea, that is particular to aspects of reality, in the whole, and even within the ideas as the figures imagined, thus I have not even included my self in my own built up desire for security, a desire built of values taught, that are of a “ one size fits all” scenario, which is not good or bad, it is the limited particulars made huge, highlighted as what is brought forward as the picture, where the totality of the physical environment is some fuzzy grey area in the background, thus no respect has been given to the totality of existence that is how here can exist, in all common sense, so simple and yet the complications of the pictures as the mind of highlighted values, needing constant highlighting to exist as a picture, limit directive ability and also consume the flesh to maintain the idol, an idol of limitation, and thus the physical, actual, real world, is the gift of life, to live and be what functions as life, as a guide to be and become equal and one to what functions as a total support for expression as the physical, thus the physical is the gift of life, is the point of expression.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand how so much of what is taught, is thus limited, to separate the inner of men from the outer that is the real existence of being equal and one to life in expression, the guideline so to speak the physical, the without to guide the self expression of self as life, within what works, what allows self discovery as life, all working together in tandem to realize life expression, thus fantasy, as religion, as fairy tale, of particular highlighted aspects of reality, brought forward and turned into a kind of bling to suggest the look to be and become to have the suggested image of security, which is a separation from reality, and an intrinsic fear of self direction, as an idea is chased as a means to an end, where even the idea of an end is a separation from being equal and one to and as the substance of life, that is eternal, as though the moment of expression as every breath, is the moment of creation, and that this is the joy, this is self in expression to and as life here.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see within this, that the bombardment of fantasy and religion as a god of separation in another existence commodifies men to seek particulars that suit a touted idea of what leads to security, even teaching that being here, in common sense, is a lesser existence, the opposite of what is real, and yet, creating an idea, a fantasy, of a more than, using the highlighting of particulars of physical existence and placing all kinds of decorative support such as music ad other detailed and developed items suggesting such is the promise for the disciple. when all that adds the bling to the fantasy was woven/played/worked/sown by the hands of men as physical beings, and thus is a fantasy created and followed, where the follower, pays in labor and money, giving the self as life, in abdication of self being aware of what self is actually doing as a physical being, and that this being is the value, and the imagery is simply a particular of physical reality highlighted, brought forth and touted as a more than, and so men allow themselves to worship a lesser god, imposed on physical reality allowing that physical body to give the life of itself to serve an illusion and never stand equal and one to and as self as life, never using the very natural ability of self as life, to see here, be equal and one to and as the physical here, to sense, to learn , to communicate with life.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand that within a profit based system, particular practices become entrenched as those who have dividend from such practices do not want to let go of their welfare payments, as their money is this earth resource and expression as labor placed onto a piece of paper, that has been allowed to take on the value of life, and thus any common sense of reality that improves the form and functioning of physical reality cannot be allowed, as it would disrupt the dividend flow construct existent, thus a Living Income Guarantee must be put in place, as this allowed flexibility and flow within physical reality, and will allow what is efficient and best for all, and to realize here that a change into such a system will unleash suppressed behaviors, but that such is going to be much less than transnational corporations hiring soldiers from other impoverished continents wanting to feed and care for their families and thus will go anywhere and do anything to take care of their bubble existence as this is what is taught, and thus, dealing with the inevitable discord within changing a system will be much easier than continuing to allow survival behaviors that are simply the maintenance of a system in separation from physical reality, as this is a few profiting from a freely giving earth.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that in highlighting particulars, as aspects of physical reality,, a good and a bad are created, and thus a state of comparison and judgement, thoughts that order characteristics as what is pretty and what is ugly, a judgement in separation from looking in common sense as form and function, and within this creating inwardly images to follow that are of limited insight, and thus the within becomes separate from the without.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that these limited particulars highlighted, like a television commercial where the detail of the commercial as it is being made need only have so much detail a trick in the business because it is known that the eye as the mind will only see certain particular aspects as symbols, and thus will only relate to the image of particulars within as this has been built up the first seven years through what the parents highlight as values of more than and the media of developing commodities will highlight as values of more than, and so self as the mind as the halo spinning around and around, of pictures will build a limited idea of reality, where the limited highlighted particulars, with music as drama, are taken in again and again and again until an emotional feeling body if constructed which is called the “ gut feeling’ and thus the character, the actor as the human, programmed, will become the chaser of the personification of self as a commodity serving a jealous and lesser god who is in essence the receiver of the dividend and thus as the land is grabbed for resource ownership and practice that is not what is best but what is entrenched, those in the way, the children, the animals the plants, the microorganisms will starve, will diminish, as the outcome for all on earth is the loss of the physical world functioning symbiotically within and as what is the real support as life, where what exists now as monocultures cannot and will not sustain this earth, as life would an expression of endless variation be.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand how singular perspective of particulars only building as bringing some values forward and pushing others away is a movement of self in separation from physical reality, is judgement is not looking at self as the substance of life, is self in separation from what is real and eternal as no time, as creation from nothing to something, to form and function, which is being here, in every moment and not as idea, as past present and future measure in building an ideological story of what process will suit the taught picture of particulars being highlighted causing a shadow of undisclosed supposed “ badness” that is really just what is ignored to create the highlight this which cannot “ go away as this is life and the death of this shadow, the gloom and doom presence as what is denied, does not suit the projection of the character as the personification of limited values, as touting good and suppressing badness, all in totality self sold to the commerce of profit, a system that is in separation from life, that is the manifestation of what each human has been within as each entity as each human has not accepted self as life, and thus has not accepted life, and this worship of limited values has allowed a vacuum of energy that is the polarization of what is highlighted as good and what is suppressed as bad, as the presentation of self, a state of division from life.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that to be equal to life, there is not good or bad, there is only common sense.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that as children the environment in which we are raised we imprint and thus we become just as our parents, having the particulars highlighted as what will ensure survival in a system that denies life, and thus we allow ourselves to deny ourselves as life, and others that have no opportunity, and thus we slowly destroy the earth as we burn the resources of earth without regard for life, in self interest, the inner rest of our limited perspective inferior to being equal and one to and as the very substance of life here.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that as a child, so small, in order to survive, I followed the logic of the mind in separation and imbedded within and as me as this is what was the surround sound as the environment in which I was born, and became the care of this, to keep the fear of loss a bay as the behaviors of separation is a constant state of a fear of loss as this is a state of being that is not equal and one to and as life here.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that myself as a character is a personification of what values I have accepted as particulars highlighted as positives that will ensure my survival as an idea of myself as what i make an idol as me, and thus as I highlight a particular value I push/suppress/bury/hide physically through physical constriction within and as my human physical body, thus as I tout the same limited values again and again, and focus on limited particulars as aspects of physical existence, what I tout accumulates and what i suppress accumulates, as the shadows of what consequence the ignorance of physical existence in totality builds up causing a sense of burden as life is not faced in totality, causing stiffness and disease in and as the physical, as self is not equal and one with and as what is real, which is the physical world, as self exists in and as a mind of limited particulars that ignore all dimension of life as the physical that which the natural ability of self as life can become equal and one to and as.
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Come Back to Earth. It is what is REAL. |
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