Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day 460 and 461 Peer Pressure from Grade School to Work Environment

In the last week I have been thinking about what it is like to be in school, especially grade school. As a child and as an adult working with children. The peer pressure. 

I recently talked with a group of teachers, who are, a peer group in essence. I realize that the same pressures exist even at this level. We all have this peer pressure, in groups of people being paid at a job. The peer pressure in a musical group is the same. A lot of competition goes on. Each person weighing and measuring one another, essentially being in fear that someone else is going to get attention or recognition, or that promotion. As my children went through school, sometimes I even encountered this with teachers. For example, one time there was a field trip and the teacher who did not have her students for the class because they were away for the day an the filed trip for another class, were held responsible for the time missed. This teacher even said she felt that the other classes going on field trips was unfair because her subject, or so she believed, did not lend itself to field trips. 
Imagine our children in a school with this going on.
If one child is worrying about what someone thinks about them because they fear losing some imagined status based on some societal morality then how are they going to learn, be able to focus on what they are learning?

If we learn what we do, meaning if we take in our environment and accumulate experiences that then define our character, would such a child not grow up having learned this fear? And then, unless this is cleared up, would this not continue in the work place?  IN essence it is a hall of mirrors as oneself comparing oneself to others incessantly based on values of what is proper and not proper, an thus what is right and wrong and thus what is more than and less than. And some ideological idea is directing and this, if one chooses to really look, is ambiguous to put it mildly. Let the rotating spinning mirrors of memory match begin because this is what is going on. If we take the time to look at ourselves, will we find that what we chase has any real validity, as the total play of this, which begins in elementary school?  And does this so consume our living that we miss actually directing ourselves in ways that support that potential we can all see in our children? No, this behavior does not support us. And it does not support our children, and our children become what is placed before them in this world. And so the game goes around and around and around. And so involved in this are those who live where this spins, that realizing what is happening in this world is ignored. Here I want to think of the word GREED and the “G” and the word “ reed” as in this total formation of us as self into these survival behaviors, is each of us “REED”ing ego, the separation into a lesser self as an enegy dissipating non-looking state of being in measure as judgement instead of directive support of the physical life around us in ways that support expression and understanding of this world to a full potential as all life on earth being at ease and in joy of life, instead of this combat that we are allowing ourselves to exist as, that I am pointing out within the peer pressure in groups. 

If one is busy being this, being this reactive behaviors that are in essence a fear of loss based on some ambiguous idea, how can what is actually happening within what is being done be realized fully? If our attention is divided, and the division of our attention is on ambiguous ideas how can we be paying attention to what is actually happening in this world. And is this behavior not one of fear? Fear being that feeling of vertigo, that fear of loss, that ominous presence that blinds and causes us to say things we know are lies, we know are in self interest, we know are petty spiteful constructions as our focus that cause discord more than any real solution in a way that is supportive to the environment in total. IN all common sense how is this peer combat beneficial?  

I guess the real question is, if you were surrounded by your peers would you openly admit to having acted in such ways? Probably not, because you fear your peer using this against you at another time. To admit that we have been spiteful is to admit that we have been weak. And we do not want anyone within our work environment to know this because why? I mean why do this? what purpose does this serve other than a fear of losing something? Even if someone points out that we are all doing this, we kind of want that person to disappear because our fear is so great that even admitting it at work, is seemingly deadly. 

Now, you are at home and surrounded by your children, and you have this “ energy” within you. Do you not think that this is being picked up by your children, these absorbent beings? Don’t you remember your parents being standoffish sometimes, or irritable? Both of these behaviors are not being clear, honest and supportive of what allows everyone to be stable and productive, absolutely focused here. And if we are not focused here then how is the measure, the real measure of our work? It cannot be all encompassing can it? No. And our children are imitating this because this is what is their environment and this is what children do, they pick up and become what is presented to them. So, the only choice is to be self honest. In the end each parent is responsible for their behavior, because the children will pick it up.

I had an adult friend that came to me and told me to not hide an event that happened in my life from my children. She had had the same event happen, and she was the child in the drama at the time. She said that for years she felt that something was being hidden, something was not being said, and that she spent time trying to find out what was not being said. The whole scenario confused and occupied her, and obviously did not lend any kind of understanding. None of this behavior lends itself to learning how to be clear and supportive of life here, as a physical world. It is more an act of moving around, determining our movement based on some “ if looked at” ambiguous idea that bears no witness to actual productive and supportive living.

And what is all this, a belief in a good and a bad, a belief that one thing is more than another. Such does not in the end see what actually exists, especially because it creates no stability. The attention deficit dis-order is not paying attention to the functioning of physical reality. I mean, the physical is how we are here, not that idea spinning around in one’s mind. This is why consciousness cannot exist without the physical world. We have placed the cart before the horse - so to speak.

So, we need to realize that our fears are unfounded, make no sense in a physical world that can be ordered to support us. It is our fear that has created only more fear, so much so that what has manifested is a system of division into ideas of one thing being more than another, when this is the illusion, as what is the gift is simply being an expression of life, here. Fear is a disconnect from the physical reality, as what works as the physical is the expression of life. As such, it is to become equal to the physical in thought word and deed.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear that a peer will call me stupid, or dumb, or reprimand me, not seeing realizing and understanding that any name I am called can be examined in common sense and either corrected within and as what would create absolute stability in and as a physical world that supports all life as the value is life.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that I need to fear my peers and what a peer might say about me, be it another kid in my class, or be it a colleague at work, or be it a boss, or be it a sibling, or be it an in-law.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that real competition is about supporting one another to become the best each can be as when each is the best they can be than all are the best they can be thus the only choice is to support all life to be and become the best it can be.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that I need to fear the judgement of another, and within this to not stop and breath and realize that a fear of judgement is a fear of loss, thus there is always the solution to see, realize and understand the ambiguity of a fear of loss and to realize within this that the present system is a consequence of judgement as a fear of loss as a system built on ideas of a good and a bad, which is not a movement in consideration of physical substance as existence, that which balances life in expression because what works supports all life.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to worry about being less than another, because in and as this, all development in a physical world is a process of walking the ordinary into the creation of being life here as what we are, thus it is the building of life from step by step ordinary steps into what becomes the gift, the extraordinary gift of life as physical beings, thus as we are all parts of the construct of sound as life as the physical the only choice is to be what is best for all as we are all of same substance as physical beings as life, thus the garden of eden was being life as physical expression of sound as life, from nothing to something, a movement into being, the only event that creates life, and so it is movement as from silence into sound as silence moving that builds as parts and become forms as the evolution of sound into form which builds step by step into a physical earth, and thus this is the gift, where each must realize that it is simply being here as physical form enabling each to be here, thus the petty judgements of a fear of loss are self in separation from life, into a polarity show having accepted and allowed a division from what is constant as the sound substance of life as the movement into being from nothing to something.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see realize and understand that a belief in something being lost is myself in separation from myself as life and thus myself as common sense as life as the substance of what I am here, thus you are me, I am you, we are each other in another life, here, which makes our system of inequality a death sentence unless we stand and order this world into what realizes itself to be and become the joy of life as expression here.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see realize and understand that allowing myself to fear judgement by my peers is myself inFEARior to life.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that the judgement of another is an end game, meaning what is proclaimed is “ etched in stone” when that stone is composed of the substance of life, as life, and changes its form within a different rhythm and that that change is a process but remains the movement of life, and humans are the same.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that a judgement is definitive not seeing realizing and understanding that life does not remain stagnant unless I accept and allow my past to define me here- my past present here as limited ideas taught which some would call a morality in a bubble, as what another judges me in and as is not a directive but just a statement that simply points something out in a moment thus the judgement does not define me as what I am as life, able to use common sense and within the principle of what is best for all give direction that is what establishes what is best for all.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that when and as I become fearful I am in essence applying my own moral limitations taught from a competitive survival system that acts out through peer group pressure, and as such I am existing in supporting my own limitations which manifest as touting my own limitations, a form of resistance to changing my own limited consciousness that is in separation from and made larger than actual physical reality, and as this what I resist persists and consumes the very flesh of me as life.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to be supportive of my own limitations through not directing my own accepted and allowed ambiguities back into common sense of physical reality, here.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand my limitations are my own touted protection and defense mechanisms as belief as ideas, as myself resisting change, as I object as thought word and deed and bully this as reality fearing to see my own accepted and allowed limitations learned from day one, which must be seen as what I allow to define me that is in essence a separation from common sense, and as this i must realize that I have accepted and allowed myself to become a walking projection of limitation, and as this, I am walking in a community of walking projections of limitation that is the friction and conflict that manifests as peer pressure, in all a limitation of being equal and one to and as life here, which the children imitate as this is what is presented to life as children, and the solution is to self realize as life, as the substance of life and to forgive the limitations and to realize that equality and oneness to and as life as the physical is the only choice.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see realize and understand that when and as i become my own limitation, I constrict within and as my human physical body, I in other words, tense up within and as this, become defensive, as in touting what it is that i believe, and as such here, i stop and I breath, and I see realize and understand that such state of limitation is a protection, a defense, that in itself is the crying of my own limitation and as such can be seen and, as breath, slowed down, to apply the principle of what is best for all, to begin to direct myself within and as what equalizes myself with what is best for all as the physical world that is the expression of life here, and as I breath and apply the principle of what is best for all, I begin to move at ease, as the application of what is best for all is the application of solution to and as being equal and one to what builds understanding of physical reality that which is and thus supports all life here, absolutely the gift if life.

When and as I find myself using ideology of a limited morality as a belief, opinion and /or idea, I stop and I breath and I investigate within and as the principle of what is best for all, through realizing how the mind works as consciousness, and how I allow ideas as consciousness to be the program of my human physical body in thought word and deed that causes reactions of self as self limitation that cause a disconnect from equal and one communication of what supports life absolutely, as what supports all life to be and become a full expression of life is what supports myself to be and become a full expression of life, this manifest being a heaven on earth, a state of ease within and as self, where no matter where I walk on earth, no matter within who’s shoes I walk, I walk at ease as a physical being as this is respect of life, as the physical is life.

When and as I go into protection and defense, a sense of vertigo or confusion or inner pressure , or heat within my physical self - as in realizing i am not taking in the words of others or am wanting to push away or negate what another speaks - I stop and I breath, and I see, realize and understand that I am reacting in support of my own limitations, my own bubble of a learned morality, and I slow down and I apply the principle of what is best for all, and I direct through bringing the limitation,  as resistance as objection back into what supports all life, realizing that which orders this world into and as what supports all life, what equalizes myself to and as what is best for all, here.

When and as I am limitation as objection that is resistance, I stop and I breath, whether this is within or without, direct or indirect, I stop and I breath, and I apply the principle of what is best for all, and I correct in self forgiving the limitation learned, my own morality, and I direct within realizing thought words and deeds that support the physical.

When and as I find myself directing as idea, as thought word and deed as consciousness, as limitation, as objection in self interest, as resistance to and as changing myself as consciousness as mind as idea, I stop and I breath, and I slow myself down and I apply the principle of what is best for all, realizing my own programmed limitation that has been going on for generations, and I bring myself here, through breath, to the physical, to self correct with the tool of self forgiveness, breathing and corrective application within the principle of what is best for all, realizing that this is best for self, here.

When and as I find myself inFEARior to life, I stop and I breath and I realize that this is myself as mind, as consciousness built from the limited ideas, beliefs and opinions of hierarchy, of pyramid formation  as ponzi scheme and I stop and I breath and I align myself to what is the very support of myself as idea as mind as limitation, as objection, as resistance, and I stop, and I breath and I forgive myself self aggrandizement in self interest within a belief as ego, as energy, as polarity of good and bad, right and wrong, and I self forgive myself such limited judgements as thought, emotion and feeling based on good and bad as this separation that is limitation that is learned that is fear of life, and I apply the principle of what is best for all, as what is the giving of myself as i would life to receive as respect for physical existence - that which is life in expression - and I investigate within and as what allows self movement within walking the ordinary steps into creating a human being, that becomes an expression of life, equal and one to and as the physical world being a world that supports life absolutely, as this is enjoying the process of equality and oneness to and as life as this is the process that accumulates into and as the extraordinary expression of life, here.

The process of self alignment to equality and oneness to and as life as the physical, as earth through self forgiveness, writing and corrective application. DIP Lite ; Process Life FREE

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