Saturday, June 29, 2013

Day 385 Self forgiveness on the para noise of my mind

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to listen to my mind.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to be a walking listing of items in and as my mind at the exclusion of all else, worrying and fretting about how i look, what i am going to do/believe I need to do next.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to compare myself to others around me constantly instead of directing myself here in common sense.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to want comfort, to believe that I need comfort when I am here on earth which has air to breath - if it has not been polluted by acts of ignorance and separation from reality as the physical that sustains and is the gift to allow us to be here experiencing life, here, being equal and one to and as life here.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become an idea of what it means to be here, as this is thought and thus not being here.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become the violence of thought, the violation of thought only in and as making thought more than life, more than equality and oneness with and as what is here as the physical world that is what i am as life, this which is visible, here, real, 
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that thoughts of comparison within a limited morality, an idea of what makes me a more than within a system of profit where money determines life, is so limiting in its directive it is astounding that this has been propagated just so a few can live in comfort, this desire to live in comfort a separation from reality, the extreme play out of what we have all accepted and allowed in separation from being here, equal and one to and as the physical.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to resist doing “ paper work” administrative work, such as taxes, and bills, and organizing all the bureaucratic filings that need to be done where it seems that when one thing is done another thing is sent to fill out, as those who are the paper pushes living a diminished life of pushing papers have to justify their jobs and thus layer endless justifications  that are really meant to eliminate so that money is pooled to a few, which is a crime against life when not made efficient and done with common sense which means looking at the present system and realizing it is not efficient and what is best for all in that it is not supporting the life that is here and obviously supporting more of the same that has been going on for a long time which means it is not structured to be supportive and solve inequalities, as the only answer is equality and oneness which is to realize the value is life and that systemically the only choice is to create a system that supports all life, as life being the value, and in common sense every point of this grid of inequality, which is separation from life, acting in self interested survival without questioning and taking steps to be a directive change that realizes that what exists on this earth as a system created by men, is not in fact supporting life and thus is not supportive of life, because if it is not working for everyone than it is not working and any resistance to this is simply self resisting common sense of the physical actual real world that enables every human to breath.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become blame and spite about objects and systems within this world, as this is anger, as this is fear, as this is paranoia , myself in separation from and as common sense of this physical world, this dialogue, this log of “ die”/death in and as the voices of my mind of a limited morality leading to death as a life never lived, is designed to navigate within a system that in itself is in separation from supporting and realizing equality and oneness with and as life, the physical which in totality is a separation from myself as life here, as life is directive, interactive, giving expression of life, as it would like to receive as being life here.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that my mind, as the voices in my head are a GPS as an order of the system created by men as mind as being in separation from the substance of what is here as life, which is sound, gentle and forgiving, moving within and as an absolute purpose as life would life, thus the voices in and as my mind are my separation from life when made “ god” as being more real than what is actually physically here as how life works as being what is best for all as the only choice is what works for all, here.
I commit myself to realizing that the flow of money can systemically be organized to support all  life that is here as men, within taking the value as men working with their hands in various ways, and giving a basic income to all men as the resources of this earth are given to support life and that support has been developed through generations of men, thus no one man/human has created what is here as life as the system of the human and even here what is here was created by a reptilian as the manifestation of what we have all accepted and allowed as ideas of more than and less than within and as ourselves, all of this the substance of life here, and thus nothing can be owned as all that exists is the gift of life, thus it is to order a system that supports all life, as life being the value, which means creating a basic income grant to support all life, to allow life to no longer exist within and as limited and destructive survival behaviors that are simply life in lack, and to stop blaming the object as the human and the animal and the plant for its limitation when the very substance as earth as life is denied and thus creates a behavior that is destructive as a limited expression in lack for which we are all to blame as what is here is us,  of same substance , thus what is here on earth as the present system is the sound of life manifest as separation  as energy ignoring itself as life, thus all abuse is a separation from life, a crime as it is destructive of life, for which there are solutions, which at the moment is to stop what we are allowing and to stand as a system that realizes all life has value and that that value can be expressed when the physical world as life as what is here is supported absolutely, which means standing and structuring this system of money to flow to all men, to provide the basic means to live a life of dignity within and without, to create a chord of stability as life physical, and expressively, in thought word and deed, which means an education as to how the mind functions, how the physical can be at ease with proper nutrition, and how the human needs interaction with life, with the society of life that is here as the physical, as life on earth is very mush an orchestra of life, each part needed to support the whole where no one part is more or less than another as all life is equal as life in expression here, thus we are one yet individual.

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