Friday, August 2, 2013

Day 402 Walking into the Known: Self Correction into Common Sense

I commit myself to seeing realizing and understanding how I have divided space here on earth, this physical world into imposing values of more than and less than a GPS that measures in values of more than and less than, of good and bad in pursuit of survival in a system of unequal division that started within as an idea was made greater than equality with life.

I commit myself to seeing realizing that as a creator I have divided life into more than and less than, starting within, holding an idea, a picture, a value to be more than another and thus have held onto this for so long in fear of becoming myself as life manifested a system without of inequality, disrespecting life as I believed that one thing was more than another in abdication of my common sense as life as this common sense is myself breathing here realizing equality, being what I am as life which is the principle of what is best for all.

I commit myself to seeing realizing and understanding that when I encounter emotions, thoughts and feelings I am encountering divisions based on ideas of one thing being more than another based on an idea that is now systemically being played out where money is the mechanism of division into more than and less than, thus money is what creates the most reactions of fear, of resistance , of spite, of blame, of jealousy where reactions are often “ did you think this up” or “ are you going to profit from this” which sidetracks the issue of the product into the fear of loss, the fear of having to become responsible and realize what has been accepted and allowed has manifested without and is not going to magically go away, and thus a process must be walked, within and without to realign within and without into a order of equality, balanced out, followed through from inequality into equality, and the answers to this are right in front of us as us as life as we are life, thus we are common sense thus what we are as sound mind is equality and oneness which is living the principle of what is best for all.

I commit myself to, when and as I sense uncertainty and loopyness, to see realize and understand that this is myself in division from life, in unequal division which means I am not here, I am not walking, breathing, in equality and oneness in and as myself as life here.

I commit myself to, when and as I become uncertain, loopy, confused to stop and to breath and to look at where I am accepting and allowing, a division into a more than and a less than, where I am disrespecting my own common sense as life as what i am, and here, I slow myself down to see realize and understand what ideas of more than and less than, what accepted and allowed values, I have viewed life as being bad or being good, realizing the good is the validation of the bad that i have used to define myself within survival, a superciliousness, allowing a haughty air where I hold my self created more than value that is an accepted and allowed separation, isolating me from life here, and thus disallowing myself to follow through in and as life, to understand life, to be life, thus where I have moved as a value of good and or bad, warping reality, becoming unequal to life,  becoming stagnant and rejecting life, rejecting equality and oneness in common sense of life here as what i am.

I commit myself to seeing realizing and understanding that my mind has become the beacon of my separation from life as I compare in relation to limited ideas of more than and less than, of good and bad, values I have placed on words and things of this world ignoring the common sense of how the physical functions, and as such I walk in separation from life, in a bubble of my own acceptance and allowance, my own consent,  thus I can blame no one and no thing for what i have accepted and allowed as I am here on earth, the gift of life.

I commit myself to seeing realizing and understanding the muddy confusion of uncertainty that I have accepted and allowed as fear, as separation from life, as chasing ideas of good and bad, as not looking here in common sense with and as the physical world, where my actions have effects on the life as this physical world that are visible right before my eyes, as this earth is the gift of life, and thus to learn to become equal and one to and as life is the gift freely given, and thus it is to enjoy this equality and oneness to and as life, this birth of self into and as life here, to be and become an expression of life here, thus all accepted and allowed lack, as suppression in any form systemically must be ordered into absolute support of life, as life cannot begin until all life on earth, all form on earth is in full expression, like earth is a life machine and in order for it to be life, all parts must be in full function as life, thus our bubble existences of self aggrandizement  hiding fear of common sense must stop to see, realize and understand that nothing is grand until the whole entity of this earth, all parts are granted life absolutely, if it is not working for all then it is not working

I commit myself to seeing realizing and understanding that what is best for all is the only choice, the absolute as what works for all is the only choice, anything else in unacceptable.

I commit myself to no longer fearing to bring all judgement, as what a more than and a less than is, resplendent in the adjectives attached to nouns, in a whine, in a complaint,  as storms are created in teacups to avoid facing what is common sense right here in front is myself and to see, realize and understand that common sense is right here, as looking at the present system of inequality, of enslavement and lack - which is suppression of life able to be seen in judgements of more than and less than, of good and bad, as division, as smoke screen into misinformation in common sense as what is best for all, one and the same. 

I commit myself to seeing , realizing and understanding that when I doubt I am the mistake of common sense, I am allowing and accepting negativity in allowing myself to become unworthy of life, where instead of facing my separation, my rejection of life, my disassociation with life I become misinformation as spite and blame to push away my own rejection of myself as life, I stagnate into judgement and suppress myself as life, a crime against life, thus, I commit myself to investigating the divisions from common sense within and without and walking that which follows through into standing in common sense as what is best for all here until I remain stable, consistent and steady to and with, in and as common sense as what is best for all.

DIP Lite FREE - face the storm of emotions, thoughts and feelings

Eqafe - Many Interviews of life are FREE

Living Income Guarantee  - common sense SOLUTION.

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