Thursday, August 1, 2013

Day 401 The bubble of association to disassociate from life

The bubble of association to disassociate self responsibility as reality, hiding in limited values, comparing through singularities/parts. The game of separation into the paranoia of an unknown. 

Perspective of survival system of inequality.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see realize and understand that within a system of lack the blame is then placed on what is suppressed in a system where lack is structurally built in, and thus I blame those in lack for behavior created systemically, which is a form of insanity, and action of cognitive dissonance as it blames the bad and places it onto an object allowing self to have a feel good, superior attitude which in essence is an act lacking responsibility as this in no way addresses or looks at the very form and function of a system of inequality as a funnel, as a pyramid where money signifying resources that sustain life is used to feed greed, an idea of one thing being more than another, a disease that will grow and grow until it is blatantly obvious and right in front of us and then it will be too late.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand how I have hidden in limited associations, creating a storm in a teacup, where I allow this to be made huge to hide the fact that I am not looking here at life, at this physical world and how this world functions as a physical world, because I fear losing an idea as to what I am, and thus within allowing this, the accumulation and directive of myself as this has become the without as a system of limited ideas made bigger than what is real, which is this actual physical world, even to the point of manifesting a false reality of lesser dimension, know as heaven, which is why Christ said heaven must be brought to earth for life to begin. I/we have been had, and I/we all consented to this, thus I/we are to blame, I am to blame for not seeing realizing and understanding that self interest was in ignorance of life, and for this I forgive myself.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to avoid looking here, through creating a dissonance as a part only, making this huge, warping myself into a limited view of reality, so as to not face looking here, standing up and speaking with integrity as to what is happening despite the reactive behaviors of others as they must look at their own separation from here, and as this, the idea must “ die down” and equalize itself in common sense to reality, thus will all be lost and everything gained, a much better step to take than the destructive behaviors of greed as war, as grabbing in self interest, which means all those in the west, who have the time to read this, as where is the money coming from? where is that pension money coming from? what investments were made by local municipalities in order to ensure that pension? FOr this ignorance of not looking at the system in totality, I forgive myself and thus I have no one to blame but myself for fearing to stand in self trust within what is best for all, absolutely.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that when I complain about something it is to stop and to look at this complaint where something is made bad, so that I can feel superior and create a drama of ideas about tiny things to justify what makes me feel good based on more limited perspectives that suit a morality system of profit, all done within limited perspectives, a smoke screen to avoid here, and hide an agenda of either lack of self awareness as myself not wanting to give up ideas, and or beliefs that justify some having more than others.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand that in wanting to be understood, I separate from here in common sense into and as blame and a belief that there is something missing within myself where I start a journey of perpetual  separation searching for that something I believe to be missing.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe there is something missing, where was is missing is standing up within and as what is best for all, what considers all life, realizes all life as this physical world as being the value.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand that when I become “ loopy” as I read words, it is because I am so used to moving as limited associations as what I use to validate myself that to change within and as myself, as changing the tune of myself to include more than limited perspective as what i was taught and as what i accepted and allowed, mean that changing what is the energetic sonar of myself as my GPS, will go through a realignment which will appear as a death, but in fact is simply a letting go of limited insight to include a greater perspective, and to realize within this that the greater as the longer the dissonance has been accepted and allowed the greater the consistent gentleness needed to settle the separation back into and as understanding this physical world and the system of separation that uses the tool of money to funnel the values created by the many hands of men to a few, all based on ideas of one thing being more than another, ideas that support ideology of limited perspective which is a separation from life, this in which I participated and allowed myself to measure my value based on a system of limited values, thus dividing myself from myself as life, which means separating myself from sounding what is best for all.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear facing this storm of separation.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear facing this storm of separation within.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear facing this storm of separation without.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand how my words are supporting limited ideologies taught from birth by parents who are aligned to a system of inequality, a system of survival, a scheme that is a parasite on earth, a paranoise, as a paranoia of being self as life here, which we all know we are accepting and allowing, thus there is no excuse for our ignorance.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that the only choice is to stand and face the storm of separation.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that the only choice is to stand and face the storm of separation known as energy, the lesser substance of self as life, manifest as thought, emotions and feelings, desires, wants and needs that are as what is touted on earth, via media and a morality in association to a scheme of inequality, a crime against life.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand the extent of polarization I have accepted and allowed myself to exist as as mind, myself existing as limited associations that are inservice, in occupation with a system of division into more than and less than limited values as a whole, in separation from the facts of how the physical functions, in total a rejection of life, and thus a reverse of life.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that in not facing the storm of separation I am only acting in protection and defense of my own self accepted and allowed and constructed limited value system to cater to the limited associations utilized to support a collectively accepting and allowed limited value system of more than and less than that is in reality comparing degrees of lack and support within an already limited value system, where the systemic division in varying degrees of lack  place the consequence onto the object without any reference to why an extreme of lack exists, where self beliefs self to be superior not seeing realizing and understand the divisions of more than and less than are the cause of the degrees of lack, and within this to not see realize and understand  this division of space is a song of inequality, that has physically manifested causing massive abuse on earth for which we are each allowing and accepting in holding on to ideas of superiority and inferiority based on limited ideas/values made bigger than life itself, this which started from within each of us.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that what began within, now manifested as a system without, is a starting point in and as a belief of a more than and a less than in separation from equality and oneness as substance as life, thus does the ghost of separation, as a state of judgement, a state of unknowing, come back in the form of our own self created holy ghost, a mind consciousness system that shows us, right in front of our eyes, the way and means of our separation from life, this I deconstruct to bring myself back, equal and one to and as life, here.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting  myself to become reactive to disassociation within as spiteful blaming back chat in protection and defense as a fear of lose based on a desire win thereby becoming a belief that I have made a mistake, and then judging myself as being unworthy, which is all a process of separation/division into more than and less than beliefs, instead of standing here within and as the principle of what is best for all, within directing this world into and as equality and oneness where heaven becomes earth and the life as the physical is supported as the value absolutely.

To be continued.

DIP Lite Know your self, come back to life.

Free Eqafe Interviews, the inner view of what we have accepted and allowed.

Living Income Guarantee,  the choice towards what is best for all, the only choice.

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