I was sitting and talking with someone the other day. From the onset of the conversation this other person told a story about what they wanted, and what their father wanted for them. By the time I finished talking with them, my impression of what they wanted completely changed.
Their story changed and they became very upset.
I realize that we are programmed from day one, and that the human realizes this because so much is spent on education, and we humans make movies about painting fences to learn a physical move with our arm. showing ourselves that we are indeed programmable and how it is done, through repetition.
We also know that it takes 10,000 hours to master a musical instrument. All of this reveals that we understand that we are the consequence of what is programmed within and as us, where this programming is the measure of our understanding, our ability to connect with this physical world.
I mean, if we stand back, we can see that what advertising does is program us. And it is very successful. We also have the term “ the sins of the fathers” which simply means that programs are passed down from generation to generation, each generation/production of one human after another is passed down as the child absorbs the measure of the adults around them. This is a contiguous action , because each child meets the form of the adults as they grow and absorb the world around them.
And yet, why do we not see that this admits a great ability as ourselves to take in the environment around us? Why do we not conceptually understand this great gift of being able to absorb the world around is in such detail that children often end up looking just like their parents? Why do we not realize that if one interacts with an instrument for 10,000 hours then that instrument can be mastered? And if we understand this, then all things, this earth, the mechanisms of a car and how it functions, can be mastered within 10,000 hours of programming, which means detailed walking of the parts and the whole and how they interact and function. I mean one could teach a child how a car works, and where all the parts of that machine come from, and how the materials interact as the nature of that substance and the qualities within the parts and materials used. So, no matter what we are interested in can be used to teach about all the parts and the whole as this physical existence, and since the human is obviously so capable of absorbing form and function, then why are we not forming a system that mimics this natural ability?
Considering all the chaos on this earth, the lack of food and basic needs for so many, who then have no time to build understanding because all they are doing is struggling to get a minuscule amount of food, why are we not realizing our own gift of life as our ability to absorb the parts and the whole, and making sure that this is functioning in each gift of life as each human physical body of such capacity? It seems that the chaos is composed of limitations, of lack, and then the consequential object is blamed for that lack, the starting point ability forgotten? If we look at this in common sense, then we can realize that lack of common sense, as lack of investigation can cause a chaotic program of no real focus that then has to loop around in limited episodic stories that contradict previous statements that then causes the person to become completely confused and upset, to the point where they can’t even understand where they rejected one thing, accepted another, and ended up in a soapy chaos of belief that they cannot even begin to sort out. I mean what kind of program is that?
When Mark Twain said that you tell someone a lie, they do not become so upset, but you tell them a truth, and they have to reconstruct their program, their belief system, and this causes a reaction, one of an inability to be immediately flexible and fluidly move to sort out chaos, one of having to slow down and look at their own program and take the parts and rearrange them, which is a movement of seeming discord, but in reality it is only re-creating that program within.
If we are not used to doing this, and we do not understand this, and our jobs are dependent on ignorance, then we see that change as fearing to lose something, either income, or a self definition that has become a comfort zone, where one has friends who are of the same belief measure. this causes a feeling of fear when a need for change arises, because one is overwhelmed with the restructuring of oneself and the changes that come in the environment within which one lives, nice and comfortable with the measure around one. The problem with not incorporating a change that builds more awareness, within oneself, limits expansion, which reaching out and finding others who have a different program, one that is of more understanding in relation to the older circle of “ minds/programs “ one has become accustomed to, means deconstructing and reconstructing with the outer world within which one lives. The same is true of working at a job. If we don’t change, we allow the limitation to continue, and we suppress ourselves, and suppression is suppression, which means that one will not move into a state of openness, of ease, of flow, of growth, much like a plant. So, then one becomes the struggle that is a rejection of life, which can only lead to unhappiness. LOL , Un -hap-i ness, un haptic ability, which means touching, which is a physical action and metaphysical development as in being in touch with how this physical mechanism that is earth works. Thus, as we come full circle here, what we allow to become the program of and as us is not realized for what it is, and expansion which means change, is not accepted as what an absorbent being as life would be and do, then the wheels of that machine get clogged and then confused and then reactive, rejecting and spiting and blaming and hating, stagnant, repressed, and ignorant.
Overall, this means that I cannot take anything any program voices as itself personally, and that within the expression of a person is their program, thus the chaos is visible and can be understood, and to actually expect reactions of limitation because this is what a limited program is going to be and do when trying to sort itself out, to look at its own limitations of formal understanding to then move into reconstruction, which is change, and within this that what is resisted, as in not sorted, will persist and that the solution is to realize the physical world as the vessel/instrument of life, one of perfect design when programmed with a clear and direct understanding of how this actual, practical physical world in which we live functions.
So, when I react to another, as a program, I am essentially the same; I am reacting to what does not fit my programming, and myself believing that my programming is THE program. When there is conflict and friction, it is that I must stop and change - accept what is before me and realize it does not necessarily define me, and then, take the time to evaluate the equation as the program before me and my own programming at the same time, which is deconstruction and then, reconstruction , which takes time, because unless I had been taught this from the get go, and as a consequence have not practiced as this ability, and reform with every breath on this physical planet that is life inFORMation, then I will not be able to be that which is the gift of life that is me. I must realize that I can only master here, this physical world, when I can see it directly, understand it and change with and as it as who I am as a part of this world. So, the only compliment I can be as myself as this life, is to answer to the chaos of separation unequal to practical reality within solving the discord back onto a program, a structure that can withstand change, which is myself being flexible enough to accept what is here, deconstruct and reconstruct within an awareness that all things must be considered on this machine, this earth, to make sure that no part is left in chaos, that no part is left behind, so that this earth can become heaven on earth.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to act in self interest, to want to bully my belief, me desires onto another.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to investigate what is formed here, and within this to realize that which does no harm.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand that I am the consequence of what has been absorbed by me as my natural ability to take in the world around me, which has been going on for generations, and as such, there is no one to blame but myself for what i have accepted and allowed as belief, opinion and idea without real investigation in tandem with awareness of practical physical existence, the way and the means of life in expression, which is here.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that I can be bullied, as this is a separation from common sense, from taking the time, from slowing down and looking at what is here as belief, as a program, as a construct, and to use my observant ability to see directly as in taking in the form, assessing it, realizing it cannot define me, and yet I can become it, see it, and then to reconstruct in ways that consider all things, and that which does no harm.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to act in self interest as the ideas in and as my mind, as a program that is of knowledge and information only, as I did not take the time to investigate all things, and that I allowed myself to fear, to become inferior to and as the life that is me that is able as myself as life to absorb the form and the function of an acknowledged mechanistic system within the understanding that to educate a child takes exposure to how here works, that a child is programmable.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear that what another thinks can define me.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that an insight as an idea about what is here, limited or not limited ,if I should assess it, has the potential to define me, when it does not, as it is only me, looking at a shape, a form, a construct, and as such because I am so absorbent as myself as life, I can then change, thus a limitation of equal and one understanding of practical physical reality cannot define me unless I accept and allow it.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that when I resist what is here, I spite myself as life, as I need not allow beliefs to define me, and I can change, thus I can accept a limitation and transform that limitation into greater awareness of practical reality as a system of form and function that is the expression and mechanism of life here.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand that when I become constricted with conflict and friction within and as me, which can be felt as a heavy suppression, withholding of myself, as in not moving with a gentle ease, here, I am rejecting my own gift of and as life here, suppressing the life that is me, as the means to absorb reality, practical reality here, and as such self empower through the gift of life as myself in accepting perspectives, investigating and becoming aware of how here moves and expresses as life.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that rejection is fear of loss, within oneself, often built of ideas that I have accepted and allowed to define me, which is myself stagnant, which is a separation from accepting the gift of life as myself able to absorb and this able to change.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize that so much of my imagination as myself as mind is in justifying my own comfortable self definition and that it was I that accepted and allowed this.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to have limited myself through moving as an act of comparison of my self definition as my construct based on class, race, education, nationality instead of seeing that I built this of qualities that are not necessarily good or bad, simply limited, and that the very building of this reveals that I can change, and that I can absorb, and thus that I can become equal and one, with and as life, here as a physical expression, that changes and reforms and thus, is creation, which only I can make the decision to become equal and one to and as, which is accepting myself as life.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to have be-earthed myself as mind only, and to not have be-earthed myself as life, in respect of earth, the physical, the formation of life in expression, here.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear the metaphysical mental constructs of me and of the HUEman, that are limited and thus in separation from life, as the physical , here.
When and as I find myself resisting the beliefs of of others, I stop and I breath and I slow myself down and I see realize and understand what I fear to lose as myself as a self definition, and I self forgive and ground myself here.
When and as I find myself reacting to a self definition of myself as not being immediately accepted I stop and I breathe and I slow myself down, and I realize that I can reform myself as insight as to what is believed here, as this cannot define me unless I accept and allow it, and I take in the parts and relate to the whole, which is going to take practice as I have not accepted this as me as a starting point, and I assess the parts, bring them forward, attend to them, and then relate them to earth, to the means of life, and I recreate the parts, into and as what is best for all, as what does no harm , as what self empowers as imparting a self directive capacity that sees directly here.
When and as I find myself believing that a moment defines me, I stop and I breath and I see, realize and understand that I can change with every breath, in every moment, as I can absorb what is here, which need not define me, and take that which is good and does no harm, to change as this is the ability of myself as life.
When and as I find myself moving in judgement of good and bad, which is energy manifest as thoughts of one thing being good and another bad, which is judgment, I stop and I breath, and I slow myself down, and I assess what i have deemed good and bad, an equation that is a false dilemma, as it takes parts and labels one as good and another as bad, because of a limited insight into practical reality, as the physical is life inFORMation, in expression, thus I slow down, realize the moment does not define me, and as such is not something to take personally, and I use the gift of myself as life, to change, and I look at what is here in form, be it as a limitation as a mind construct and I assess and change as in cross referencing physical reality to stand as that which supports life and as such can withstand the test of time, to allow myself to remain equal and one here, to be flexible, fluid and accepting of and as life here, which is me, and to realize that all that is here is me in another life.
When and as I find myself resisting, as in becoming tense within and as my physical body, I stop and I breath, and I slow myself down, and I ground myself here in the moment here, and I see, realize and understand what I fear, as what I have allowed as a belief to be a judgment of a bad, and what I believe is a good that defines me, as a value judgement, and I forgive, I assess the whole and the parts in consideration of practical physical reality,to ground myself here, in common sense, in respect of and as life as the physical, as earth, thus I b-earth myself here.
When and as I find myself becoming a sense of resistance, I stop and I breath and I slow myself down and I ground myself in the moment here, and I asses what I am resisting, as what I have accepted and allowed as a belief and I do not allow myself to move into spite and blame in protection and self defense based on an idea, and I use my common sense to assess the parts and the whole, to see, realize and understand that which is best for all here, as that which does no harm and considers and respects all things as the physical, as this is the expression of life in creation.
When and as I find myself believing that I am inferior to here, I stop and I breath and I slow myself down, and I assess what is here, as what I have allowed myself as mind to believe, where I resist through believing I cannot change and as such believe that one moment can define me, when I can change, as in, assess, investigate and build understanding equal and one to life as the physical world here.
When and as I find myself acting superior, I stop and I breath and I slow myself down, and I ground myself here, equal and one to and with the physical, as this is the way and the means of and as life information, in expression here, and I see realize and understand that I can change into and as the living word, as being equal in sound with and as the physical world here.