I forgive myself for allowing and accepting my inner world as mind, as the conscious, the subconscious and the unconscious to be greater than the physical world without.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to separate from here, into and as ideas of blame and spite, as thoughts of “ if another person tells me they are too busy” or “ I have too many problems in my life at this moment” I am going to “ bite their head off - so to speak as a reaction within myself as a thought, as I said.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to be this reaction in righteousness, as pushing away the reactive “ I don’ t want to look, and my inner world as my emotions, thoughts and feelings justifying my state of being that in total is in separation from common sense of the physical as a whole and what has been accepted and allowed, as an inner world being more than life, an idea of self being more than life, this in itself a judgement of being more and thus an action that is not in equality to what is real, as the physical world.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to go into protection and self defense within this, as righteousness, which is an action of a fear of loss, based on an inner idea of myself as a survival mechanism that is in separation from common sense of the physical world right here, of being equal to and as what is real, as the physical and within this to realize that the only solution is equality to physical reality, where all life is valued and taken care of within and as what does no harm, realizing that I am equal to all life, and that this physical is what allows me as life to exist.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become angry towards self limitation, which is myself becoming as the other, standing within arguing my own limitations.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to want to win something, as in existing within a limited framework as having a goal of wanting a successful outcome, instead of realizing that the only solution is to walk existing consequences into the solution of what is best for all, which is becoming aware of what has been accepted and allowed within allowing an inner world, as character and personality built of belief, opinion and idea, being more than the outer world on which this inner state of being cannot exist without, which is the physical world.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see realize and understand my past where I encountered self interest before life, and allowed myself to become reactive and spiteful instead of standing within the principle of what is best for all, and letting go of justification within and without, and within this to realize that self interest without common sense is not all that exists as there are those who are responsible, thus for me to hold onto instances where others abdicated their self responsibility and touted ideologies through projecting blame directly or indirectly onto objects as “ work”, being “ busy”, being in a “ difficult situation” or using some dimension of belief as in “ I am not responsible for your son” moving and shifting dimension to justify their actions, as reacting to such within myself is the same action as I push blame onto the action as the self justification instead of realizing the movement within “ free will” dimensional use of reality to validate actions of self all of which is in total the state of each human within a conscious, subconscious and unconscious construct as an inner state of being that is a blueprint of limited values based on ideas, opinions and beliefs that are not self in consideration, of the whole, as the physical world, thus not self in equality to here, to the physical, to that which is the source that creates a memory of limited belief, constructed in the first seven years, as the starting point of self was taught to follow limited parts as ideas made huge instead of learning to move equal and one with common sense and realizing that the mind accumulated experiences within a system already divided from common sense, and thus a lack of common sense was what was taught, and the solution is to realign self into common sense as physical existence.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to be reactive within this, as I have been doing this for so long it is automated, and thus I allow myself to get caught up within this, and separate myself from my own common sense. as this is where solutions are found to the physical consequences that all must walk using the principle of what is best for all.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to feel that i must rush this, that i am not doing enough, and that allowing myself to exist as this, is a separation and thus it is to slow down and to breath, and to place myself here within practical existence.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to turn this into a burden, and then allow myself to become anxious within this.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to want immediate gains, not seeing realizing and understanding that allowing immediacy is moving into limited associations and thus myself in separation from here, and so I slow myself down and I breath.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see and forgive my past in the emotional reactive storm I accept and allow as reaction.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand that based on my past, I fear losing something as another touts their emotions as being bigger than life, than common sense, as the emotions are made more valid than common sense, and within this that i will have to sit and listen to such emotions, and patiently wait until the person had touted them, where i felt that i had no say for or against them, they were stated as fact and moving against them caused more problems as a child than it was worth.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that I have done the same, touted my beliefs, opinions and ideas, to self validate, in separation from common sense with and as the physical world as what I am.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become anxious when someone begins to tout their emotions, as happened with another woman, where I dreaded having to listen, and as this woman was willing to talk, I breathed and slowed myself down, and became more “ still” within myself and listened, and where I could, I directed within what would direct and still the uncertainty.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see realize and understand that I am no longer a child, and can stand here, equalizing the within to the without in common sense of how we work as memory as mind, a construct of the accumulation of experiences which is not necessarily bad, but when not clear and composed of limited insight as limited dimension aggrandizement in self interest, then played within a game of association to justify a state of being within, what is created is a separation from that which such inner state of being is built, and allowing that inner state of being to become bigger than reality causing separation, and the forcing of this inner state of being, this which creates the character of behavior without, is a crime against life because it is limited and thus not equal to that which it is built from, and thus what is lost is the common sense use of self, here.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see realize and understand that what is needed is to face the storm of separation, and to take back common sense, which is to take back the joy of being life here.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that game of smoke and mirrors of values as parts of existence, as dimensions of existence made huge and turned into an inner map are a picture show of limited values in separation from common sense, and thus insubstantial, and thus, walking through this is walking through the valley of the shadow of death, thus this inner map as a storm in a teacup is a valley imposed on the physical that is a valley of shadows composed of beliefs opinions and ideas in separation from physical reality.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to want to just go and hide in quiet to not face this smoke and mirrors show of self pity and justification, that can manifest as bullying when an inner belief is not understood as being accepted as what is real by another. and within this to relate this to the world without as what is happening is that our representatives as out government and agencies are answering to the voice of profit as corporations that follow the law of profit, and because they fear losing their jobs, even when they as parts as some of the people in the bureaucracies realize the abuse to this earth in self interest being allowed cannot stand and disallow this, as what must change, is how money flows through the system, as giving what is needed to “ calm” humans through financial support within being given directly enough money to speak - so to speak- with their money, in support of what is discovered on the ground and locally as a collective, within choosing what is efficient, and sustainable, what works within what causes no harm, thus those that are in positions where the extreme exists, as in having more money than another, and using this “ more money” to buy the voice of the media, and the choices made by government agencies, are not going to give up their habits as belief that they are justified in having more, as they have built an inner map as memory as experience, as belief of themselves as being job creators, and thus “ more than”s” which is the same we have all accepted and allowed, just a different “ song and dance” as a story yet still in separation from common sense, and thus, the collective must stand and place in a from as a structure that allows each to help themselves and this is giving money to the many hands of men, who are the products of generations of men who have built and with their hands created the values we have ( and the abuses) from freely given resources.
I commit myself to seeing realizing and understanding that just as in learning music, where I realized there was vast amounts of space between the notes, so too, is this here, as the substance of life, vast, so much space to move with and as, within and without, that i need not fear the emotional storm, and this space is within and as myself as common sense as breath here.
I commit myself to slow myself down and to breath, to suspend belief, as in place it in front of me, realizing it is shadow, and to direct within and as what is best for all here, and as such to use breath to unknot the limitation and bring it back into and as what is best for all, looking at the sequences that create the con, that is the separation from being equal and one to and as the physical here.
I commit myself to, when and as I find myself reacting \ to words of another, to stop and to breath, and to walk with the physical world in practically standing as what is best for all as the physical.
I commit myself to see that arguing for limitations is arguing through association within a good and a bad, and not directing within what is best for all, as looking here at how the mind is formed and used and the physical reality can function in ways that are best for all, and as this cannot serve the interests of profit before life, as this cannot work and is not working, which we need only look at the news on the internet, a tool to see the world and understand in totality what we have as a collective accepted and allowed, and find ways to change what by design is not supporting and respecting this life in earth, this that we cannot live without.
I commit myself to seeing realizing and understanding how I have taken things personally, and thus in self interest and actually been the creator of my own separation and my own pain, and my own sense of change being impossible, so, I stop and I breath when and as i find myself taking things personally, in and as behaviors of wanting to spite another, or dread having to listen to another.
I commit myself to slowing myself down and breathing, to remaining here, to see realize and understand that I can only walk one point at a time, to see that the smoke and mirrors show is of smoke and mirrors mixing and matching dimension and using association within such to create a picture show in self interest, all of which is a separation from life here, a storm in a teacup that bears no witness to life.
I commit myself to seeing realizing and understanding that this pattern of association is causing a disassociation from common sense, and thus is abusing life on earth, thus it is to realize that the only choice is what is best for all here as taking care of the physical world through only doing that which causing no harm absolutely to physical reality.
I commit myself to directing within and as what directs into a win-win situation as the response being, yes, I want what is best for all, what is best for myself what is best for the children and as such earth.
I commit myself to seeing realizing and understanding that scare tactics as the voice of doom and gloom can be corrected into and as what is best for all, as solution, as the realization that I am equal and one to and as life as the physical world here.