Suggestion: watch this video and look at what you are projecting onto a robot and then read this self forgiveness.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to direct my self as the mind, as separation from my self in common sense with and as my human physical body.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to see other humans as threats, where every movement , the blink of an eye, the wave of a hand, the slight forward thrust of the body is a threat where I fear being judged and attacked.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to realize how much I project onto another human being in and as defense “stance” in fear of threat and attack.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to fear humans.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to fear humans coming at me and attacking me, thrusting themselves onto me, clinging and grabbing and crying.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self become angry and indignant with human beings really fearing their attack not knowing how to respond, abdicating my self as life as this physical in common sense of my self as life aware of the movement of others as energetic play outs of the same fears as myself.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to be aware in every moment of my projected reactions onto other human beings and objects within this physical world, where if I watch a robot, it is immediately clear how much I project onto an object my own fears, this fear a defense and expectation of attack and threat.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to see this and to immediately take this back into self and redirect my self within the principle of oneness in equality.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to realize that I am here and can, utilizing breath and self forgiveness, be a corrective action in and as my self as common sense as this physical that is here as me, where it is not the fear of loss and death as attack that is my powerless self that is real, that “behind” this is my self in and as common sense here, where I need not disperse my self into and as a reaction in and as defense as a belief that I will be attacked.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to have become angry and thus fearful while watching a video of a female robot where I feared being replaced by this female robot.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to have felt spite as I had the thought that now men can have the endless listener and servant to fuck to their hearts content and within this moment realizing that this fear is my self feeling hurt that men do not see me, when in fact with what I know about the mind consciousness system that as a MCS men cannot see anything in this world and are locked in and as their minds where they seek endless validation as what they define themselves in and as, and that if what is said is listened to carefully it is really a cry for validation, a fear of facing self as life, where this has gone on for so long that this as the existence of the human is no longer seen as the “mirage” has become so seemingly real, yet this mirage is the sum of all fears and the key to clean up this very separation.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to not realize that within this judgement of men, is my own fear of loss of self, where I fear not being valid within not existing as the limited values within what a woman is, where I realize I fear not surviving unless I “fit the form” and yet this “form” as all that I am is not my self here in common sense of life and thus because it is a limitation it is frustration and separation from self perfection for my self and the man.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to fear the energetic superstitions of the mind consciousness system, within and without, where, when I am existing as fear I cannot take my self back to my self and direct my self here within breath and forgive the fear and stand within the principle of oneness in equality here.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to also go into compassion when I see and realize the energetic separations of others where I cling to this energy as projection of another and feel safe in being compassion, as this is really just my self clinging to familiar emotions and feelings, which is the same as the reaction of fear, fear is defense/rejection and compassion is acceptance and “joining with” the existence of the energetic affectation one through reaction, one through particiption, thus this is being influenced by the mind consciousness system and participating with in the alternate reality of the mind consciousness system.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to exist as fear of the future and fear of my survival within this system, not realizing that this fear is the same non directive principle of oneness and equality I allow my self to exist as where I have no self trust ( self thrust )and self honesty ( self as one with self as common sense with this physical)
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to accept compassion, the being of my self as compassion as a security blanket where I hang on compassion only and do not take this and bring this back to self and direct this within the principle of what is best for all, as this direction taken is using my self as this physical common sense and directing my self in stability as life.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to not see, hear, and realize the directive principle in and as my self as life in every moment in following through with and as my self within the principle of oneness in equality as common sense.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to realize that this mirage of “vetigo/ spiral/defense projection protection is what I have accepted and allowed as my self here.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to see how I am separating my self into judgement as defense as fear and hiding within and as what behaviors I have accepted and allowed as my self that have become habit.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting myself to alternately hate my self and to then become the personality of righteousness where I then stand up in attack defense and push back emotional/feeling/thought outplays of others as mind consciousness system projected self validating outplays in and as indignation.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to be a personality of inward defense and alternately a personality of outward attack, where in essence I am separating my self into good feelings of “knowing” righteousness and emotions of guilt/regret/fear of survival.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to see that all of this is energetic outplays that have consequences where when I am fearful, taking the emotions and feelings/cries of other personally and becoming overwhelmed and wanting to escape and hide, be alone and then conversely attack that which I took as attack, where both actions are support of the same initial starting point of judgement in and as the mind in separation of my self in common sense.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to blame the energetic outsplays that exist as the mind consciousness system and to not realize that they are separations and that the only choice is to direct this separation within the principle of oneness in equality, in common sense of the physical.
When and as I see my self existing in fear -becoming defensive and over-whelmed where my body constricts and my breath tightens, I stop and I breath, and I direct my self within slowing down my breath and realizing that I am existing as fear in separation of my self and I forgive my self of this illusion of fear and I look in common sense at what is before me and I direct within the principle of oneness in equality, and I practice this, and practice this until I develop a clear understanding of my self in self trust and self honesty until this is done, as this must need be done, no matter what to bring heaven on earth.
I commit my self to recognizing my own separations into and as energy, as emotion, thought and feeling and I bring my self back to my self and I focus on my breath here where I can face and stand before the storm and remain stable in and as my physical, with breath and the principle of oneness in equality.
I commit my self to standing and facing my fear and my righteousness, I realize these energetic separations are outplays of my survival defense personalities ( which is the mature of personality ) and are not the being of my self within a productive directive as the principle of oneness and equality.
I commit my self to stopping when ever I become fearful and /or righteous and I stop and I breath and I focus as my breath and I realize my inner fears as belief , opinions and ideas, as being my self in separation where I have not directed my self within the principle of oneness in equality.
I need not fear the emotions , thoughts and feelings of others, nor react to them indignantly.
I am here, as life and therefor I can stand and direct my self without judgement of the focus of others, the self validation practices of others, and of my self, I use my will to redirect and focus and to open my self up to life through breath utilizing the principle of oneness in equality.
Equal Money System to stop the superstition of the mind.
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