Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 2

Day 2
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting my self to believe that there is no other way to organize this earth.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting my self to not see and hear and realize that this world has the technology and the means in and as man to create a world where all life is supported.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting my self to believe that it is too complicated to figure out how to organize this world in such a way that my children will be supported from birth until death and have a dignified life where they will learn about how this world functions, how nature functions, how their human physical bodies function, how they are the creators of existence, where this world can be organized in such a way that all children can learn to work with the very substance of life as themselves, and as the world around them where the only thing stopping this development is a system of belief that teaches that this world is complicated and one needs to go to school for years and years and years to understand a limited system that is really just words upon words that create an illusion of being complicated.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting my self to be intimidated  ( intimate) with and as an idea that this is a complicated world.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting my self to believe that if I study for years and years and years the  existent complicated systems then I will be considered special, not realizing that I have never really lived or developed my self into and awareness of my self within this human physical body and only become a belief that I am special because I understand some complicated text that actually need not be made complicated.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting my self to not realize that by simply being here on this earth my existence is dependent on everything that is here, the air, the water, the sun, the soil, the plants and the animals, where if I remain ignorant of what practices are being accepted and allowed I am the cause of such abusive practices in and as the being of my self as ignoring what is  here and the effects of this on my family and my self here.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting my self to fear change.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting my self to believe that I am unable to understand how this world functions and to believe that I have no power to have an effect on changing this world.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting my self to fear losing my friends and my social status should I start researching how this world functions and then speaking up about what is happening in this world, not realizing that my children will be left with the consequences of the abuse to this earth I leave behind as I believed there was nothing I could do to stop the amount of pollution caused by industrial practices that I ignored because I did not take the time to investigate other options than what was sold in the supermarket.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting my self to not realize that looking pretty or hansom, well dressed and manicured so that I could have a group of friends for entertainment meant that I ignored what was actually happening within and as this world, where if everyone I knew really looked at this world, this would create an awareness as a group that could stand and say stop, and thus create a world where everyone could stand and in awareness organize this world to provide for all life to thrive and life in dignity.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting my self to not realize that there is no one but me who must stand and be the change, that waiting for another to stand is just that, waiting, where waiting is obviously not a solution for change, actual physical practical actions is what creates change.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting my self to not realize that this world can create a system that ensures that my children will be supported from birth until death, that all children can be supported from birth until death and all it takes is man to stand up and vote in a policy that actually supports all life as the value of life is life.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting any and all thoughts that suggest that changing this world is impossible and too complicated, that the human will never change, when if the human can be indoctrinated to believe the present system of abuse, the human can thus be reprogrammed to believe that what is best for all is best for self, is best for the children, the plants and the animals of this world.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting my self to realize that what is allowed to exist on this earth was programmed into man through words and thus it is through words that the human can be programmed to become a system that respects and supports all life equally and realize that the value here on this earth is life.
I forgive my self for not realizing that what has been programmed into each person on this earth is a resistance to change and that through the speaking of the words of self forgiveness as what has been accepted and allowed in and as resisttance to change, as “that is impossible” or “the human will never change” are really just words and ideas that can be transformed into and as, “yes, this world can be organized into a world that supports all life, we have the technology, we have the means of production, we know how to sustain a person to be healthy, we know how to stop the war on cancer, we know how to create sanitary conditions and thus we can develop this all over the world, even simply by using what is spent on war budgets is probably enough to make a change to support life, and in this we need never see our sons and daughters go off to experience horrific conditions in and as war”
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting my self to not realize that it is the hands of men that created the very fabric of society that presently exists on this earth and thus it is the hands of men who can reconstruct the fabric as the structure of this earth to support all life as all as one as equal.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to realize that religion has been placed to have me believing that some higher being is going to come and save me and if I could just believe hard enough this will happen, not stopping my self looking at how this very practice has existed on this earth for a very long time and still this earth has not changed, thus believing in a god/higher being is not the solution to end disease, starvation, and war on this earth.

When and as I have thoughts come up in and as beliefs that some god is going to come and save this world, or that there will be a better life with death I stop and I breath and I look at what is actually on this earth as men, and I realize that it is men who have built this earth, it is men who have created the present system on this earth and I investigate how the systems of this earth exist and the ideas I hold in and as my mind of words and inner conversations and I look to what I am actually thinking and thus allowing and accepting my self to be as a belief as what has been taught to me by parents, family, an educational system, society, religion, consumerism, history and I add practical insight in common sense to what I believe and what is being practiced on this earth and then I stand when I realize that it is only what I have been lead to believe that is the limitation in and as my self here, that I have the power to stand and speak up and research and understand what man is actually allowing and accepting as practice on this earth that can in fact change to a system that support all life, life as being the value, as all as one as equal here.

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