Saturday, September 1, 2012

Day 135 By a Man came these words, and not a god.

I commit myself to supporting what is best for all life on this planet.
I commit myself to breathing, to slowing myself down and bringing myself here, utilizing breath and self forgiveness and corrective application until I am one and equal with my human physical body, here
I commit myself to speaking up about the consequences of what the human has accepted and allowed through being within common sense of what is being practiced on this earth that is not in fact supporting life, here.
I commit myself to pointing out a non-sequitur when when such comes up in a conversation through the use of cause and effect, where the causes must be looked at, as the effects of what is here on this planet, to the soil, to the health of the human, to the economic hardships of people around the globe, to the waste in food produced, to the amount of suicide, to the conditions of the cows and the chickens who are no longer able to live the life spans that is within their nature, to the amount of crime; crime that is a behavior of survival and thus the effect of a cause of non support.
I commit myself to facing the storm of irritation, of the bully of ignorance not wanting to change as this character, as protection/defense is no different that the criminal wanting to survive, and that the act of bullying is hiding which is a crime no more than or less than any other crime, as it is a suppression of life, an act of ignorance, a set of different colors, yet still within the realm of color - emotions, feelings and thoughts, inconsiderate and thus separate from what is real, from this physical world and how this physical world in fact functions.
I commit myself to speaking up about how the exception indicates the capacity and thus the exception shouts the reverse of life that exists within this system of inequality, that the exception is the capacity of life to express itself and thus the exception is the norm should life be lived, and the non achievement of the exception is the effect of a system of inequality that does not support life, glaringly revealing the extent to which life on earth is not being lived.
I commit myself to standing up within the worship of a false idol, which is what religion in fact is, so obvious in the state of this world, where religion is being used to accept the exception to the norm as necessary within and as the suffering this exception manifests for the non developed - as what is the cause of suffering - to accept their fate as the will of an invisible god, a make believe imposition to pour into the vessel/vassel of life as the physical human body, with this “bling” of hope as what sustains, to feed a slave, so that the vested with the comforts their forced signature as the laws that are composed to protect the castle of their interests in abuse and ignorance of life as they play god - the consequence of which is the destruction and abuse existent on this earth, which we all see, and realize yet we are one and equal to the abuse as we fear losing money and within this fear, choose not to stand up and change this system to one that supports all life, thus we are the cause of our own destruction as there is no choice but to stand and realize this system of inequality as capitalism is not supporting life.
I commit myself to supporting all life, as this that is here is one and equal as me, that what is here is an organism of life, the parts the family of life, where until this family is supported there is no real life existent on earth.
I commit myself to revealing how are children are not in fact being allowed to become the life that they are, and instead are diminished through the lack of common sense development of this physical world, and instead of fed ideas, beliefs, and opinions that support a system of inequality, and thus is the human, one and equal to the dairy cow who’s life span is shortened and dies only knowing a small caged space, thus this is what is happening to us and our children, as we are one and the same as that cow, a caged bird who cannot sing. A suffering that makes no sense, as what supposed “afterlife” would want an undeveloped substance of life? Only a false god would do such a thing. And we were told to not worship any false idols, through a man came these words, and not a god.

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