Cocoa beans (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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Horseshoe crabs (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
So I sit about to write forgiveness and a neighbor shows up at my house too tell of the same pattern, as the behavior of administrators I have seen in a documentary about child slavery within the chocolate industry in Africa and experienced myself within my community. This is a pattern of human behavior, believed to be unchangeable, that exists on so many levels.
This is the story as I heard this tonight.
Horseshoe crabs:
Horseshoe crabs are harvested for their “blue blood” which has a harvestable form of LAL a compound that fights infection. The medical industry buys the horseshoe crab from people that go out and pick them off the shores of our oceans. In my case Cape Cod.
Evidently, as I was told, these crabs were harvested in bays closer to the mainland, until they ran out. Then another bay where the crabs existed was farmed until the populations of horseshoe crabs were decimated. Now they are harvesting these crabs here on the Outer Cape.
A man comes and collects the crabs and takes them to the facility where this blue blood is taken from the crabs.
The medical facility then believes that these drained crabs are taken back to the place where they were taken from.
But this is not what happens, these crabs are then sold, by the same man who harvested them, to a company that chops them up and sends this to China, to be used as bait for eels.
These crabs are never returned.
Now this man, who harvests these crabs wants to make as much money as possible, within this system of profit, so naturally he is going to get as much money as he can from what he harvests, so he, if he can, will sell these crabs for money. He needs to survive.
So, this oyster man who is telling me all this, because he makes his living growing oysters to sell, he has noticed that one year there were no sea snails or sea slugs on his grant. They have come back, but this year there are no jelly fish. And there are no longer, but one or two, horseshoe crabs. What has also happened this year, is that the oysters on his grant are not growing as well, they remain small.
Now, as I was told, a horseshoe crab is like a “roto till” for the surface of the marsh bottoms, they stir up the muck which sends nutrients into the water, this nutrient then feeds the oysters. Hence, fewer rototillers, less circulation of all the things the waters consist of and as.
Back to the medical industry.
The medical industry blue blood harvesting facility, when asked what happens to the crabs, says they are returned to the place of origin. Which they are not.
So, this oysterman calls the state, and the state says that they know the crabs are being monitored because they have men at the bay ( where this oysterman’s grant is). This oysterman tells me that he says to the administrator that he and the other grant owners are there on their grants during the day and have never seen any government monitor on the bay where they are. The administrator denies this and says that yes, there are people there, they come at night.
Obviously with such a statement , it is an admission of a lie. This administrator knows they are lying and believe if they just say something is true, the person asking will accept this.
This same action happened within a documentary about child labor in Africa within the cocoa bean industry, where children are forced into slave labor, picking cocoa beans. The executives in Europe deny the existence of this and say they have taken care of this, and the government officials in Africa, say that it does not exist, and meanwhile the man speaking up about this makes a film where he goes to the cocoa plantations and interviews the children, who say they were kidnapped and forced to harvest the beans, with threats that their families will be killed if they attempt to run away. And meanwhile, there are local men, who transport these children across borders for money, so they can survive.
In this instance, in this documentary, the government official, when questioned about the children, says that the children could not possibly be on the farms because the cocoa beans are not harvested at that time of year. This is his answer. His avoidance tactic, flying in the face of what in fact exists. He also says that he talked with another official and was told there is no child labor going on. A string of people sitting at desks, denying what is real, and even making up impossible situations to deny what is presented.
I mean, I am really having a hard time seeing some government official monitoring horseshoe crabs populations at night on Cape Cod.
What I am also finding, is that to meet face to face with administrators is becoming increasingly difficult. I guess it is easier to lie on the phone. Remove any opportunity of confrontation.
Can we point the finger at this man, any of these administrators or horse crab harvesters? They are all trying to make a living and survive in a game of rape the earth to survive, do not look at what the consequences of this rape create because if you do, you might just lose your job. That corporation wants that blue blood, the technicians that take that blood out of that crab want their jobs. They are told a lie by their superior - who does not want to lose his job- to place a happy face on what they are doing and meanwhile this whole chain of command denies what is actually physically happening to this planet. And no one wants to look because they might lose their job.
Meanwhile, the oysters are no longer growing so well.
Meanwhile the children in Africa are given no education, are not taught to understand this world.
All to feed a corporate eye that has a singular vision of profit, without any regard for life.
This pyramid, as this system, is like a blood sucking parasite. And we are all allowing and accepting this, thus we are the creators of our own demise. And it is coming to your doorstep sooner than you think. The organism of this earth that supports us, is being raped without any regard for the life that it is, and obviously, we do not understand that this physical world is what is real. We are told by other kinds of administrators that we will go to some heaven. A heaven that no one has ever seen, just like the administrators do not see what is actually going on. Lies on top of lies, ignorance on top of ignorance.
The only way to stop this, is for a very large group to stand and to say stop, through realizing the value is life. That this physical world is life, is the gift of life and thus is here to support life.
An Equal Money System is a means to use the tool of money, to distribute what is freely given on this earth to sustain what is needed to support the life that is here. This will stop all this abuse, as that administrator will no longer have to lie to survive. Equality will allow best practices to step forth, practices we know sustain this earth, as this is what each and every one of us wants. We know this is what needs to be done. We have been programmed to survive before what we know sustains. In order for this to happen, each of us must stand and support a system that places the value on life before profit.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear, stepping away from media broadcast politics to see, realize and understand that media supports a profit based system, and thus will only present what support itself, as the ones with the money, that control money and thus resource are not interested in best practices, life sustaining practices, as such practices are not profitable, such practices do not allow division and conquest to serve profits.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that all animals have a purpose as part of an organism of life, and thus when parts of this organism, called earth, are raped, where the sustaining of this organism as best practice does not allow as much money to be made for the individuals within this system to survive, then the practice that is inconsiderate of this earth will be the choice made, where it is too expensive for a government agency to have monitors actually physically checking what is being practiced, as this does not allow the division and conquest as abusive practices to exist, where even government agencies hide behind such statements, as “there is no proof” because no money is being funneled into such means of study, as this would expose what is actually happening and profits would be disturbed, and thus if it does not allow support survival, and costs of clean up, or returns to a natural state are too costly, then what does not make money, make a profit is simply ignored, where the government agencies are actually the guards of the gates of profit as within this system of survival what pays the bills is money and not what is best for all, not what sustains life, respects life as this does not ignore, but works with and respects life.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand that the only thing to stop this system of abuse to this earth, and thus all that is here, is to stand and to change this world into a system that supports what is the value, which is life.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see realize and understand that from day one, I have been programmed by the same system of control through social structure, through education, through religion, through media, through text books, through taking in knowledge and information without any actual physical interaction or awareness development of what is actually physically happening on this earth to become an ignorant slave despite my capacity as life , and instead am fed what supports a system of inequality known as capitalism, and thus I cannot trust anything that I have been taught, and must remove what i am as mind, must stop the voices in and as my mind, as this is a program to serve the interest of a few and not life, which is so obvious when the condition of this earth is looked at in common sense, even locally where one lives.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that best practices are known, but are denied study as this would expose what is actually physically happening on this earth and thus put an end to practices that are abusive, and thus put an end to this rape of this earth and the illusion of superiority of a few.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to not see , realize and understand that our children have the ability at a young age to learn languages very fast, an ability lost as they mature, and thus something is lost as our children grow and move through a supposed system of education.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that children are developed according to what they are exposed to, and thus a lack of development is the cause of a lack of ability, and thus within this system of greed and profit, any child that is not developed to full capacity is so because it has not been given what is needed for such development, and thus each of us are to blame for any child that starves or spends a childhood in slavery picking cocoa beans is such because the human has allowed and accepted a system of profit that does not support life.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see realize and understand that what has been taught is what controls, and what controls if a system of inequality, a system of profit, thus I am a product in thought, word and deed, to believe that this system is all that there is, as this is what would be programmed into and as me to ensure the continued existence of this pyramid of separation from the life that is here on this earth and what in fact is happening on this earth, where unless I stop and realize this, the consequences of this will arrive on my doorstep sooner than I think, as all I am is a receptor of the images placed on the screen of the television to ensure my continued service and lack of awareness of this physical world.
I commit myself to investigating what I am as a human, as what is programmed into and as me, that I have accepted and allowed that disables myself as life, to stand up and see in common sense what I exist as emotionally, as what the focus of myself is within this world that takes me away from understanding and concerning myself with what is happening on this planet that I would not want to happen to myself or my children, or any animal and planet that is a part of this organism of life known as earth that sustains me here.
I commit myself to seeing, realizing and understanding, that my obsessions and possessions are of ideas, beliefs and opinions,, desires wants and needs that are no concerned with this earth and th very substance of myself as life, as I am not aware of my human physical body, and must ask a doctor about what ails me, as I have no sense of my physical self, thus do I abdicate myself as life, to another person on this planet that is themselves caught up within a system of survival, and thus give to me what is profitable, as all that exists supports profit before life, thus, I cannot trust a system of enslavement in any way, and must investigate what is presented myself, and within this understand what exist within this system where I will discover that this organism of life, known as earth is not in fact being supported, and that the only thing stopping myself is a program of fear, which is myself stopping the program of separation from myself as life within.
I commit myself to breathing, when and as I begin to question what is here, to no longer fear asking the questions even in the face of bullying and ignorance, to realize, see and understand that what is here is being ignored as survival and greed have created a behavior of ignorance that will use any means to, such as blame and spite, to not face what self has accepted and allowed, and knows is unacceptable, rather than face self as life, the very thing feared being faced being the very thing that would set self free to become what is real, self as life, one and equal to life.
I commit myself to breathing, to realizing that I am here, and that the separations into and as mind as what has been taught cannot control me unless, I as life, allow and accept this.
I commit myself to bringing myself back to life, to being what i am, one and equal as life, here, to understand this organism of life called earth, to realign this earth as what practices exist to being and becoming one and equal as life no longer focusing on limited parts as what the mind blows out of proportion as this is the illusion of the mind, here.
Understand The Soul Of Money
Thank you Rebecca!