Friday, September 28, 2012

Day 159 Letting go is only reformation

Humans learn ( takes in ) what is presented. If new presentations given, with more detail, the accepted presentations held/under stood/ conceived/ imaged will need to rebuild/ reconstruct/ re-image to include new details. This requires letting go of what was previously believed/ idealized/ opined. This “letting go” to reconstruct/re-imaged/ re- under stood/ cause a re-formation. This process of reformation - for what it is , if not realized as a process/reformation, will then seem/appear/feel upsetting / unsettling/ uncomfortable ( the communicated “ fort” “set at your table” as mind of belief!) as the will-ing to change previous insight as accepted/embedded belief was not including all details/awareness of the whole.
Within this, behaviors as reactions are a “not wanting to change”- as we do not realize including more detail - we hide from what is here in upholding our composition as belief ( ignorance) - and this simply means reforming belief, a process of reconstruction, as understanding an awareness of which is not taught or practiced or understood as a process in and as itself!
What is taught, is just taking in the presentation without seeing it as a formation that is mutable in that it is just a formation. The process of understanding within self of forming self is not understood or clarified and learned as how we work.
Thus, we cling to the formations as the collection of details presented. If these details - taken in as a mind, the tool, as a memory bank of pictures that are a text book-like computation ofknowledge and information, are accepted as ALL the facts - meaning an absolute- and we follow them/ move as them/become comfortable with them ( if they happen to work for us - which is a very few- and thus not absolute) changing them becomes more difficult. It has become habitualized/automated and change becomes a seeming threat to this habitualized driving set of beliefs.
Presenting a limited set of ideas/beliefs/opinions is a crime against life, it is a starvation of life, it is a with-holding of understanding of life, it is being given limited understanding of life, it is an inner starvation of and as life. Thus, most of the world is starving physically because physical support is withheld, and we in the west are in starvation of ourselves as life expression ( pushing papers is NOT life) and all the behaviors existent as supposed deviation from the norm - the norm being the limited presentation - reflect the frustrations, the starvation of life expressions, that cannot and will not - as the will of life - fit into a relation - limited/secondary/ non all/ absolute/ construct that denies understanding/awareness of what/how we work/ the system works etc.
This presentation of limited values distorts reality, and we, as in-printable humans accept the limitations as absolutes, not realizing the relative associations that our experiences are as the presentations.
This distortion becomes all that we know - and it is only a collection of knowledge and in-formation! In other words, fantasy is distortion; we as mind have made the fantasy - as the in-formation- real! A complete separation from life!
Thus, our fantasies, the dreaming, the memories, in and as the mind never tell the whole story, so when reality sets in, the dream - that is the distortion - as it is a composition of limited values- is the song of separation from what is actually here. It is a song in and as mind, composed - of not necessarily bad values- but of limited values to the point where we no longer are reading what is actually physically here!
Movies, dreams, imaging is a distortion of reality, a separation from being absolutely one and equal with what is physically actually here. And being here - one and equal to this physical world would fill the senses of self within the physical, as being in direct connection with this physical/actual/real world.
No secondary dreaming in pictures necessary. Within this, Equal Money is the “sale” of life. It is giving self what is real. This physical actual - fully sensational world - a gift of actual, physical, real enactment as life, HERE.

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