Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day 235 Thought Dimension / Victim Character

Victim Character
Thought dimension

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to have an image in and as my mind of myself standing and looking at an group, as my best friend sitting with another group of girls.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to have a past memory as a thought as myself standing at a distance from a group.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to have an image, as a judgement as a thought, of myself being separate from a group.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to judge myself as less because a friend had decided to enter into another group, taking this as a rejection and believing myself to have been unjustly cast aside and made a victim of competitive social norms I believed I lacked.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to have wanted to hide how I felt, by competing with my abandoned friend to prove myself more than, not stopping and equalizing myself to the situation and what was happening within the physical world within a system of competitive survival and physical growth changes among peers..

Within this, I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become more selective in my friendships, having judged the group my friend was drawn to as less than myself, to then make myself seem more than through assigning limited class and cultural values to the situation to hide the initial negative judgement in fear of loss.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that within this, I began to scan groups of people, looking for those groups and individuals that appeared to compliment myself, not seeing realizing and understanding that within this, I began to align myself within moral judgements of right and wrong, more and less, thereby creating borders and separations between that which was same within human beings, that we are all as one as equal as life, where life is the value.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that within my own childhood, the behaviors of my parents were in fear of loss, and the promotion of competitive values determined within the generative past and culture as to what would be of value within being a part of a group that had control and power and thus an ability to remain secure within a system of inequality, where money - as the outward manifestation of more than and less than- determines what values create a “more than” scenario, all of which is a mind consciousness system, as measure only, lacking perception of the value - as what is same- being life.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to have feared facing the frustrated behaviors of parents obsessed within their own survival, not seeing realizing and understanding how such behaviors existed as only fearing loss as my parents faced the same fears, and within this, I reacted to their fears with a sense that I lacked worth, which was myself existing in self judgement within ignorance of awareness of how my mind, as thoughts, emotions and feelings functioned as polarities of myself in separation from oneness in equality as life into judgement of more than and less than.

And thus, I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand that by the time I got to middle school, I had already developed a resonance of fear, accepted a resonance of fear of loss, as this was what I had accepted and allowed as a child facing the culture of separation from life, at home, into and as mind, as energy, as consciousness, having not understood the worry about money and position of my parents, and taking their behaviors personally as myself having caused problems or lackingsolutions, where I then became the same and passed this onto my children, instead of realizing the value being life, and directing self within what is best for all, while realizing the present system is an outward manifestation of what the human, as consciousness, has imposed on freely giving life as earth, and thus, even within self honesty as life, this present system must be stood up within, just as self must stand up and face accepted and allowed separations of more than and less than, to change self to move as a starting point of self realization as life, as this is the value, here.

Within all this, I see, realize and understand that a group is needed to change what exists as a system of inequality and disregard of life, as the mind as consciousness, not hereing a common sense of life as the common denominator of all existent on earth, to no longer allow myself to exist as a fear of loss, to see through all the storms as separations as what consciousness is into more than and less than value judgements, where such separations are the loss of self as life, and to become steadfast within myself in alignment of myself as life, and then to stand with a group to create a change to a system of equality, a system that realizes the value is life, and thus what must be changed is to align money to be what supports life in equality, as the value is life.

I commit myself to, when and as an image comes up, as a thought, as a judgement, to stop and to breath, and to write out the image/thought dimension, to then walk through the practical steps of facing accepted and allowed separations into more than and less than to being myself back to myself as life, equal and one as the physical.

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