Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 203 I am my own author

Standing before authority
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand that authority , myself or the “authority” of another, as the system or a boss, or a parent, often has an agenda, as a plan within achieving a goal, where the details of the plan are all that is allowed to be presented, and thus any diversion from this is considered hostile and treated in any number of ways, within judgement, blame, accusation, as this is the means of protection and defense of the authored agenda.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand that anything that stops the license ( lie sense) of the limited values of the mind as this present system of judgement, is considered hostile as it does not allow the plan/agenda of authored values in separation from equality, from separation of what is equal and one as what is here as the substance of life as the physical.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that should I deviate from the agenda/authority of limited values, of ideas, beliefs and opinions of more than and less than, I am no longer upholding the accepted and allowed authority of beliefs and opinions held tight with an illusion of more than and less than in support of survival, as what the quantum mind functions as.
I forgive myself for allowing and and accepting myself to become fearful of not fitting into the role of the story, as a system of survival.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand that there are many values within this world that are ignored, as they are not what is chosen clarification by the author, where within this, what is chosen to be brought forward in clarity and made big, and accepted as the end all be all, deny the exposure of all that exists, just as the media brings some things forward without any clarity about other aspects within this world.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to accept what is presented within society, as a collection of some of the values on this earth, as this means one aspect of life can be given a greater value, and souled to the highest bidder, thus creating a gain for a few.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that this authority and the story of the authority is in consideration of fulfilling its plan, as its story only and is, because of this, in separation from life, here.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand that often, and I mean within myself, a dialogue is not allowed as this would interrupt the authors plan/story.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that rushing through something, be it within myself, or within a system - this is in obsession with a plan/story and thus something of the mind and not awareness here, in and as what this physical world actually consists of and exists as.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see the agenda of this present war economy, and the plans as stories of others, as what is believed will be what enables survival within this present system, as money determines life, thus are all stories/plans, in relation to what will enable survival, where this agenda and authored idea/story as needing this story to exist ignores what is actually real, as this physical world.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that what I face in the human is more often than not, an authored agenda/plan of survival, busying self as the nature of the quantum mind, as memory, that slowing down and utilizing breath is not considered, looking at this physical world as being the real-life story, this physical willing and able to be completely supportive of life.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see realize and understand that my story as my survival suit, as my authority is a separation from this physical world into a fantasy of judgments as what is more than and less than, this in itself an act of discontinued dialogue in self interest only and not what is here, aware of what it is that supports me as the tool to b-earth myself as life, one and equal to what is real which is this physical world.
I commit myself to realizing how my own personifications are in effect, a special effect for the authored story of myself, as a survival suit of limited values which continues my fantasy of belief in fear of death and loss and abuse as I consider my story to be more special than another’s, where I do not even realize that my story, as the memory of my life, and the justifications as to why my life is the way it is, was authored by myself as I allowed separation from this physical world as what is real into a fear of loss - a fear i then intensified into a happy face presentation, and thus only moving from a negative value to a positive value, the positive value simply masking the negative, to hide my own fear of having no value, when the value is simply being life here, directing myself as the substance of life and not as reactions in fear in and as energy as the mind as the act of judging, blame, comparison, jealousy, competition, all acts as reactions to separation from moving in absolute self direction in self forgiveness, as life
I commit myself to realizing that when and as I listen to other’s talk I have a tendency to want to express similar stories from my own life, which is a self validation and the support of personal projections that are a separation from what is actually here, and thus not even being here, one and equal in and as life, which is not to say that story telling is in itself good or bad, it is when it is in self interest within attempting to appear more than, to fit into, to seek attention, instead of within the principle of what is best for all, which is life, this physical world.

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