Thursday, November 29, 2012

Day 220 A thought of " I care"

I  forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to have a memory of myself turning within a directive , as a movement based on a positive feeling of “ I care”, within a relationship offear of punishment, as a positive reaction towards a choice within the fear of punishment.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to place a negative value on punishment, to create a positive relationship within fear as the motivation to face the fear and have a desire to make the perceived object of the fear to no longer exist, wherein an attempt is made to face the object of the fear within an idea of care, as in saving the thing made object of demise , through making a decision to face what is presented and questioning its logic.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to have an idea, as an image in and as myself fixing the object of the action being presented, without having adequate communicationskills and understanding of the formation of the object and the objects presentation within its construction and thus confronting confusion within processing effective direction of myself and what is being presented as an expression , here as life.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand that when confusion is encountered, then something is lacking within common sense, which simply means investigation until common sense is reached .
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become the character within a persona of wanting to save, to show and tell care, not having an understanding of the mechanics of the mind as a consciousness system, where a thought alone, without breath and common sense, a view of one part made reality and used to make judgements, the compounding of which causes a possession of a distorted reality, leads to consequences lacking in common sense.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to imagine my self stopping accusation and fear within another to avoid punishment.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to go into anger when attempts to end accusation through care are not what is expected.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to have voices in and as my mind of retaliation, which is the same action as blame and spite presented, within abdication of common sense.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see how I have allowed myself to continue with fear as reaction, instead of remaining clear within common sense as what is best for all, through remaining here as breath, realizing nothing can be lost but myself in separation= fear, whereupon I enter the game of friction and conflict and create an agenda to diminish my fear, where when this is not instantly met, I allow myself to become a reaction as fear, based on an idea of instant gratification, here.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that my human physical body, as an instrument of life, constricts , blocks, physical sense of this world as equal within and without, to place a protection and defense of projecting cause and effect onto an object or action of another, not seeing realizing and understanding that the consequences playing out are a separation from solutions that give self direction and allow self support for all objects and elements involved, where no burdens are left for anyone to carry, and thus the next moment can be lived within absolute expression as life.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear being accused as a cause and effect as being detrimental, or having been unaware, as though this is a crime, instead of seeing realizing and understanding that as life the only solution is to forgive within solution as what is best for life, as what the human and all that exists is.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see, realize and understand that within and as fear, as a belief that something can be lost, or that I can fall, just as when childrenfall and are immediately comforted by parents, instead of allowing the child to self direct within having fallen, the child is picked up and held and asked if they are fine, where what is developed is a belief that falling down is bad and thus needs comfort- as care being greater than self direction and self honesty within the moment of the “falling down,” to physically see, realize and understand within self what happened within common sense, thus as a very young child is the human programmed to believe a “mistake” needs e-motional “caring” instead of self assessment and self honesty within self direction within and as the moment, thus are fear reactions ingrained to be answered with “care and comfort” seeking, instead of equal and one standing within what is actually physically here in common sense, and if this is the program, when the same feeling of non-understanding within and as the physical, as uncertainty and separation from physical awareness into and as a relationship being made with developmental moments of uncertainty, within the simplistic act of learning to walk, are coupled with care and comfort instead of self autonomous practical common sense development of here, then this becomes the program of the child in every moment of uncertainty within a process of becoming aware of life and how life functions, thus blame and spite are unacceptable, as these reactions are unresolved awareness of what is practically here and how here as the physical actually functions.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand how this has created a world of “caring” for mistakes, without actually stopping and working out how this physical world in fact functions, where the resources of this earth are grabbed to “care” from a staring point of separation from working in common sense, within self development, in becoming equal and one with and as this physical world, where all corporate action presents “care” as all it sees, run my humans who have not walked through seeing uncertainty as fear as simply lacking common sense of this actual physical world, a development of separation from self equal and one standing to this actual physical world as what is best for all.

I commit myself to seeing, realizing and understanding that real care is allowing the human to self realize self direction in common sense with the physical world.
When and as I see myself going into a feeling of care, I stop and I breath, and I realize, in common sense how this world function, in detail, the economic, the educational, the development of children, as the mechanics of the mind consciousness system , to realign myself equal and one to the physical and no longer exist within limited judgements as possession of thoughts, emotions and feelings indicative of reactions as fear/separation as lacking in common sense, where the cause and effect of this is friction and conflict as an inconsideration of the mechanics of this actual physical world and the system of consciousness as the mind of men made larger than life itself.
I commit myself to remaining here, one and equal as breath, when and as I react in fear, to stop fear being a trigger, as a belief in loss, to investigate the mind consciousness system of separation, as thought, emotions and feelings as products of reactions of fear, and within this to physically recognize fear as reaction within my human physical body as tension, constriction, difficulty in breathing with ease, and a sense of vertigo, among others, to recognize the movements of fear as separation from common sense as life, to walk solutions into and as equality and oneness with all life through common sense awareness of what is best for all.
I commit myself to realizing that care is the development of self awareness of how the physical world functions.
I commit myself to investigating the present human systems that present care, yet this care is within separation from life, as fear of survival, instead of equal and one physical common sense development.

The Century of Self : Part 1 Happiness Machines
The Trap
The Power Principle
Human Resources: Social Engineering in the 20th Century
Catastroika - Greek Documentary
The Marketing of Madness

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