Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 65 Effective Communication

Day 65 effective communication
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see realize and understand that effective communication between people is necessary within a relationship.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to realize that rejection is basically a lack of effective communication.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see realize and understand that given the cultural indoctrinations that exist within our profit based system as a whole, and how these personifications can lead to collectively accepted assumptions where groups of people only associate with like assuming people, all based on the environment of family placement determined by the amount of money one has, the ability to communicate with people from other backgrounds and a differing set of assumptions and vocabulary can lead to misunderstandings.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to realize that within this system, effective communication is needed to clear up assumptions, and in this process many fears can be walked through for what they are, simply a fear, and as with many fears, the fear remains hidden as exposing the fear, as a cultural norm, might suggest weakness, where this makes no sense because it is the acceptance of the fear that is the weakness.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to realize that the fears have to be expressed and cleared up, or the communication will not be effective, and will become a game of hide and seek, which is no way to communicate.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand, that without communication between two people, what happens is that one accepts the personification of the other, and this is a form of stagnation, as personification is a limited design that does not consider the whole, as considering the whole leads to a gamut of expression that cannot exist in a singular set of assumed expressions used as a prop for self survival within a system propagates fears in needing money to survive.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that for two people to interact effectively, a clear communication and understanding of how the system of profit  on earth works must be understood and communicated to understand the very being of ourselves, otherwise what is accepted and allowed will lead to uncertainty and rejection.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to realize that many relationships fail because there has not been effective communication, and often this is realized after the relationship no longer exists and self pity sets in, which is the being of self that caused the lack of communication in the first place, as self pity is self spite, and self blame, and so, one stewing in emotions and feelings and not actually becoming a living being effective in communication, within this it is clear that emotions and feelings are of energetic polarities based on beliefs, opinions and ideas, and that the human has accepted this stagnation as the human has not been taught to stand up and move through such eddies of emotional polarities, nor has the human the language skills to be able to communicate and thus direct themselves through emotional polarities.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see realize and understand that nothing can be hidden as all in known.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that if I attempted to communicate my fears, and to give up what I deemed was necessary as my persona, I would find that the development of my self and the fears I hold are all based on money.
i forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that the emotional make up of my parents is based on their parents which is based on their parents thus is the religion within my family and culture determining my emotional make up, where I will find myself using such statements as “thank God” not realizing that this is myself giving thanks to an imaginary entity separate from what is actually physically here.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to realize that if I do not investigate how a profit based system works I will not have a clear understanding of how and why I do not have effective communication with others, as “others” will have incomplete ideas about how the present system works, and when two people with unclear ideas meet, and assume understanding, and voice this limited understanding, the outcome will be confusion and therefor  a lack of clear communication.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see realize  and understand that should I come to understand the present money system of profit, I will see, realize and understand that it is absolutely corrupt and ineffective, and thus will realize that there is no other choice but to stand up and change this system.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to look at what I am communicating daily as I interact with others, and what it is that motivated me to communicate as I do.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to watch the emotional and feeling outflow I exist as, and how these outflows are present in every word I speak, thus am i able to realize what it is that I am within what I communicate, to the point where I will realize that I exist as emotions and feelings that are separations and thus an exhibit of my fears.

I commit myself to realizing that much of the sadness I feel is based on regret that is caused by a lack of communication and thus understanding of how this world presently exists.
I commit myself to realizing the words I speak and what I am trying to communicate in and as the words i speak and the thoughts moving through my head are based on a fear of survival.
I commit myself to realizing that the words I speak and the thoughts I have moving through my mind are all geared towards the fear of survival and based on the past as the conditioning of my parents, where what is in the forefront in and as my mind, is the picture idea of what i need to survive.
I commit myself to slowing myself down, utilizing breath, and becoming aware of the words I speak, and the emotional and feeling polarities I allow myself to exist as.
I commit myself to recognizing my own regrets that are my past, where I judge myself as ineffective, and within being this judge I am within an action of self spite, and that this must be forgiven and a corrective action walked, as looking at my world as a reflection of myself, and understanding how the present profit based system works, will allow the development of effective communication within myself.

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