Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 132 Anger Reaction to Truth The care of self interest

It is said that if one tells the truth, it will make people really angry. Why? Because lies allow self interest, food to manipulate. Another form of lying is withholding all the details, and this also allows for manipulation in self interest ( within a system, where humans are programmed and thus can be deprogrammed, thus to state that it is human nature, is in fact to just stop looking at consequence, using a non-sequitur, another form of lying- as in trying to change the topic) Even the fact that education in a factory like form exists, means that the human can be programmed, which means the human is taught certain beliefs, opinions and ideas. And who prints the text books? Who has the money?
Who has the money to build guns? Who has the money to send aid? Who supports the politicians? Who controls advertising, who is a subsidiary of what? And does all this fit into the term “ follow the money” ? Within this would the lies as partial truths, as “ we do not have proof ( because the study has not been funded by the same who - if one follows the money-  buys the politicians and the guns, and the aid and and and. But meanwhile, within this, who are the building blocks of all of this? What is it that supports all of this? What is it that supports all of this that is programmable? Who can do things even machines cannot do? Who holds that gun? Who takes that check? Who reads that text book, without question, in fear of losing their job? What is the glue that holds this system together, that streams the money along the paths, the roads  of transaction built? Who is it that allows the movement of money from hand to hand?
Who is it that allows all of this? Within this, who is it then that allows the abuse on this earth?
Are you one of the points in the grid moving the money along without looking at the pyramid, as grid on what is here that is given freely?
I can see where many would become angry with this, as I stated before, this means that there are no lies to hide behind, there are no excuses that can change this. Are you a litter of hate, or are you standing as life and becoming literate of life? Once read there is no other choice, as to ignore this is to be the abuse that exists on this earth, the cause through submission and or dominance, both are the same, a catch 22 of separation, where the belief of an outer directive, a crutch,  divides into justification of more than and less than, of submission and dominance, of hate and love, always a two, thus is 22 a man walking with inner crutches manifest as thoughts, emotions and feelings, based on ideas, beliefs and opinions,  ignoring what is real, ignoring  what is the value,  in effect -ignoring this physical world and what has been accepted and allowed that is unacceptable.
The way out is through common sense of what has been accepted and allowed as the present system of inequality, walking one’s unresolved ignorances as separations into polarities- the many characters and personas arguing for justification,  writing this out seeing it for what it is, self forgiving this program through speaking the words of self forgiveness, and correcting them, through corrective speaking and action, until one is equal and one to life, and no longer divided and accepting the feed of faith. After all, look at how wealthy the church is. This is the deprogramming of inequality into equal and one with and as life as what we are. The desteni i process, is to remove all the bullshit programmed within a system of profit as inequality as separation from life, to bring back self to life, to piece self back together again. Interesting that piece and peace are one and the same. 

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe in submission and dominance.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that submission and dominance is an energetic polarity developed to create more than and less than, to develop feeling good for submitting to a singular emotion or feeling of doing good, a pendulum at play before my eyes, the carrot on a string in separation from what is real, this physical world, where the pendulum at play can cause dizziness and I cling to the ride, with my life, as I have not been taught to stand as myself as life, here.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that in becoming submissive, I am actually being dominant, as I am giving to what is dominant, and thus accepting and allowing it through giving to it, and thus not standing as myself here, equal and one, utilizing common sense in totality as what I am as a human physical body on a freely giving earth, where what is given allows self discovery as life, as the gift is life, as life is the value, as this physical world.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that actions of greed, where there is no follow through, only grabbing in self interest, a taking that is not supportive as a giving and sharing of what is here, to allow all that is here to exist in dignity as what is the value, which is life, thus until life is in full expression here on this earth there is not life and has never been life, and it is the human, who will choose life, through choosing to walk in equality and oneness, aware that the value is life, and the catch 22 is the separation in abdication of self as life.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to realize that desire is a form of submission, where I am allowing an outer directive to guide, through following, thus creating, one and equal to a dominant force instead of looking at what is real, here.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that When I submit to energy I am in essence in separation of myself as life.
I forgive myself to not see, realize and understand that submission is fear, and thus ignorance of here in common sense.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that I need not fear, as fear can be walked through in common sense, and thus rejection is not real, as all that is here is life.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see realize and understand that when I become an emotion or feeling, as energy, I am supporting characters and personas based in fear of loss, as ideas and beliefs and opinions as the program as me, as what i have accepted to be real, and thus of no substance and as such will cause friction within and as my human physical body, of discord in separation as self from equality as life, life being, self, directing in common sense of what is best for self, as what is best for self is best for life

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