Sunday, August 5, 2012

Day110 The frightening wall of separation

I remember being in a school and feeling like there was a wall around me as I walked down the hallway. I saw the wall as a distance between myself and the people in the hall way, like I could not reach them and they could not see me. I remember being frightened by this. Frightened… fheightened- freiheightened- heightened frei , was this a moment of having a view of the wall, over the wall, the totality of the wall? My wall?
With my castle/cloak/film/ halo/ broadcast tower/archive/ projection:propulsion  bubble/energetic storm-creating inequality/havoc somehow sensed in this moment?
I was a walking anti-matter, self interested, blind organic robot, looking out/over/through my own picture show of judgment. I am an organic computer programmer so lost within my program I cannot even see what is real.
My halo.
All of us want out of our castles. Yet we do not know the password, the code to get out. There is a solution. It is self forgiveness, writing and corrective application within the principle of what is best for all. The principle of oneness in equality. The message of Jesus, to love your neighbor as yourself, to give as you would like to receive. The code is within each and every one of us, it is life, as even a virus cannot exist without life.
The tools are within us as the physical body, speaking the words of self forgiveness , writing, self corrective application.
It is time to rebuild this earth, to build heaven and earth, equal and one.
Remember yourself as life, instead of spreading yourself, distancing yourself from life onto a cross of judgement, spite, blame creating/allowing, the illusion of time and distance from what is here, from what is life.
The obvious is right here in from of us and the way out is with your self. 

Walk through the parts and see the demise of your own “song and dance” as personal “story,” as projection, as ego, as energy go, as belief, opinion and idea, as want , need and desire.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to distance myself from earth.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear participating on earth.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to accept a system of inequality, that disregards life, that divides and conquers the very substances of life, that are given freely, without signature of ownership, these “signs” that conflict with the resources of this earth, that create separation from life one and equal to what earth is, here.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to allow a belief, an illusion of memory, as collections of pictures, in and as my mind, in and as the very water of my human physical body, to become a halo of what I believe is what I am, as the bubble in which I live and project what it is that I am, this bubble/halo a film of illusion built on fear, demanding love, where this love is a game of memory matching to support this illusive human physical body as resource burning.consuming gird on fire, all in separation of myself as life here, interacting with what is physically here, real here.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that I am distant from what is here, physically here, as people, as animals, as microorganisms.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to walk as a zombie on this earth, following the words of projected imagery on a tube placed within my living room, bedroom, kitchen, telling me stories all day long, supporting the separation from myself as life, distancing myself as life from what is real, what I can touch, taste, feel with the sensor of the skin on my human physical body, where if I accept and allow this halo, the manifestation of the same constructions of men without as what I have accepted and allowed within, that are the collection of pixels of my own accepted and allowed ideas, belief and opinions, to consume my human physical body, placing a strain on my human physical  body and thus causing disease, where I am turned grey and then white as my halo eats the very flesh of my human physical body, where, just as the television needs resource to burn, so does my halo need resource to perpetuate the imagery in and as my mind, and thus separating me from life as I believe that my memories are the me more in significance.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to judge another as more than or less than.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see that I am one and equal to all that exists, in substance of what is the essence of the composition of myself here, that is life.
Within this I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that this substance is obviously able to create, and compose, and yet, I the human, have allowed this gift, as the substance of life, to be composed within a context of inequality, and thus the manifestation of war, instead of what is best for all, where if I want to continue to exist as life, the only choice is to exist as what is best for all.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand within and as every breath, that I am one and equal to all that exists, and thus it is my self responisbility as life to realize my oneness and equality with all that is of this earth and to stand up and compose a system practically within and as this earth that supports all of me, as I am of the same substance and thus one and equal to all that is here, where if one part of me, as all that is here, is in a state of dis ease, then I am not whole, I am not all that I am as life, I am not in fact alive, I am less than what I am as life, as many many parts of me as life on this earth are in a state of dis-ease not having the support necessary to become self perfected beings as life, in and as what i am, what all is, which is the very substance of life, thus until all is supported and recognized as me, as one and equal to me, as the substance of life, life is not being lived.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that I have no idea what life actually is, as I have only every lived as emotions and feelings and thoughts that generate a halo, a glass screen, my own separation from my own equality and oneness.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to realize that I am part of an organism as life here, that it is ludicrous that my legs don’t work, or that my eyes cannot see, of that my ears cannot hear, which is the outcome of comparison within and as my self seeming to be more than or less than another, a state of myself within and as an end game of stopping within realizing the consequences of my actions, that manifest in the disease of my human physical body which is the manifestation of stagnation within and as the movement of myself as life.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that there is nothing to fear in facing the consequences of the outcome of the composition of myself within and as judgement, spite and blame, being myself not facing myself here, not realizing myself here, not using the conceptual ability of my gift of common sense of the whole here as life, where the very thing that I fear is the very thing that will allow me to become one and equal with and as life, that which I am, here.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand the substance of myself as life, this substance the very ability of myself to common sense my equality and oneness with and as life here.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that the very substance of myself here, is what is able to read, to understand all that is here surrounding me as the very air that I breath,  to walk through the wall of my own conception, within and without, as all is me here, to bring my separations from life back to self and to direct within the principle of oneness in equality here, thus what I fear facing is the very thing that will begin the flow of myself here, in and as ease, in oneness and equality, with life, where as within so without, the practical manifestation of a system that supports all life equally which will take many to deconstruct the walls of a system built by men, able to be deconstructed by men,  that is creating disease on this earth, to compose a system that takes freely given resources and distributes them to support all the organs parts of self as life, so that life can begin, so that heaven becomes one and equal to life here, as this is what we are as life, in separation through the allowance of a wall of judgement, the fire of the grid that is what is transposing life into and as discord with life so evident in the state of this earth within a system of profit/survival for the few and the health of this planet and the animals and people and plants existent within and on it.

I commit myself to standing and supporting a system of equality, an Equal Money System, as is the support of myself here as life.
I commit myself to realizing that I am a walking cyclops in and as an infinite spin of a judge as more than and less than, as perpetually blaming the objects surrounding me within my life, not realizing that this is self label, as self resistance as self as life which I have accepted and allowed in separation from my own oneness and equality as life, here.

I commit myself to deconstructing the halo of belief, opinion and idea, my own self allowed and accepted computer screen in and as my mind, to become one and equal to this self created and allowed composition of sound, as life substance, and to become a composition of myself as life, realizing my own oneness and equality within.

I commit myself to no longer allow any and all spite and blame and judgment to be taken personally as an attack, as this is only an attack on my own accepted and allowed separations, which will persist until I stop the resistance of myself as life.

I commit myself to developing - through the decomposition of my own accepted and allowed separations - equality, with the being of myself with and as the physical and my own accepted and allowed halo of beliefs, opinions , ideas, as thoughts, emotions and feelings, with drives of wants, needs and desires for these very separations that I have allowed myself to exist as mind, to bring myself back to earth, to myself as life, through and as myself manifest as life as the principle of oneness in equality so that life can begin.

I commit myself to heightening myself into and as what is freedom, that is myself in ease as equality with what I am, as what is here , as all that is here is myself, in the realization of myself as life here, to recognize that my own self within a state of fright, is myself resisting the gift of life, that which I am.

I commit myself to realizing my character of fright is my self resisting myself as life, where there is not choice but to apply the principle of oneness and equality and bring myself back into a common sense of seeing that what is here is all of me, one and equal.

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