Sunday, August 19, 2012

Day 123 Addiction as Behavior

Our behavior can take and idea and place a belief that a certain behavior is the solution to resolve what we are feeling/behaving.
In essence this is not looking at the feeling or emotion, this is feeding the feeling or emotion, into a believed “plug” as a behavior that is how this behavior is mitigated.
This can create behavioral patterns.
Why would a pattern exist? Why have a pattern? A pattern would assume a repetition, a repetition would mean something is repeated and thus not/never resolved. 
We know our cows are dying after about 4 years in these factory farms, and we know they can live, and do live longer lives when not placed in these conditions. So, why do we allow this? why do we accept what we are allowing and accepting, as humans, being and having, when it is not what is healthy for the cow, and not healthy for us? We know that ecoli becomes abundant in cows in factory farms - unless one does not research and read and find out what is here that tells us why what is here is happening, and or take the words of another who has investments in not revealing the totality of a situation. Might have to change and that is scary for the one invested, but healthy for everyone else. The flaw of a profit based system with secondary representation. The two do not work together within a law that says a corporation must make a profit. It will lead to Peter taking from Paul, which is exactly what is happening. Africa is a good example, and John Perkins explains how this is done in one stage in his telling of himself being an economic hit man.
It is how countries like Greece are turned into concession stands, to ensure Peter perpetually takes from Paul. Behavior, we the human have accepted and allowed.
As the debt grows so will the abuse, as we, the human will this in not realizing the placement of survival within a system of money representing resource, governed by secondary voicing and decision making within a law that a corp. must make a profit. One can only take everything, after a while, and divide it endlessly to create perpetual profit making, where the same governors can then ensure that they have a bigger piece of the pie.
If you were one of the governors in such a system, you would do the same. If one cannot beat them, then join them, to survive. Then spew a belief that the thing that supports the behavior of this that it cannot change. Placate within another learned pattern of behavior, give something when the not-haves become restless, or say you do not understand why they are bearing arms. Because they want to survive. This was said in some article, so blatantly stupid. And this was a head of a company. Incredible.

It has been going on for so long, even those who are reaping from such benefit are ignorant of their own behavioral patterns. Thus has we, along the way cultivated ignorance.
On a micro level the same thing happens. I have some myself. I tend to, when I am upset, want to run to a male. I know my father took more care of us as small children, as my mother preferred older “people,” she did not like changing the diapers etc. Supposedly, I can’t remember this, just a couple of images, but I remember the stories about this.
So, when I am upset, I tend to want the “ear” of a man. Now, this is a behavioral pattern, an addiction to a one way only behavior, what I must have when I am being within a certain emotions of feeling, or what I am accepting and allowing myself to be and have as what I am here as an expression within my environment.
I know women who will go to other women. I actually don;t generally do this, not to say I have never done this, but, here another pattern I have comes up, with women I tend to listen to them, or - on a side- compete with them. Here I am finding this list can go on and on…. Thus, I am a walking behavioral pattern. Which begs the question, when am I real? when am I actually here in practical expression with what is here and not a re-action as a pattern as a perpetual motion of sameness that is obviously something unsolved?
In school are we taught to see patterns and then understand why the pattern exists, or do we just see the pattern. I know in math, in elementary school, seeing the patterns within the numbers is not even developed. I spent some time with a class for about three weeks and had them skip count as practice every day. Then we practiced some form. At the end when we tested their improvement was 60% greater than the other classes. And I was shunned. Because, the principle had to deal with the patterns of fear as jealousy that a new teacher had achieved more than the old teachers. I had stepped outside of a pattern, my being and having was not of an accepted and believed pattern. And the people reacting could not even see their own acceptance of this pattern in their behavior. And all the principle would see was the behavior coming at her, and she did not want to make decisions and deal with it. And no one asked me what I did to do this. I was just playing with trying to add a spatial depth to what was being taught. I even went and asked a local man who was a math person with a degree from MIT if this was an effective approach and he said yes, he even said there was not enough of this being done in the schools. So, we can see how we the human, are so caught up in our behaviors, we no longer see our own patterns and even run from our patterns without looking at what we are doing. We choose to placate the behavior instead of realizing the behavior is the cause of the lack, and the solution to the “lack” is right in front of us. But that governor, wants taking from Peter to pay Paul to continue, so they have a vested interest in maintaining ignorance and thus abuse - as with the cow- and so, we the human are the cause of the flood of abuse that exists on this planet through our ignorant acceptance of behavioral patterns. Interesting that the word be-ha-vioral, like being viral, like being a virus. We are the cause of our own viruses, just as the confined cows are developing viruses and bacterias that are not resolved as they would naturally in nature, and have become so strong they end up in bean sprouts, where we the human, actually believe that the bean sprout is the cause, as we no longer have any perceptual depth. A product of not seeing consequences, not seeing that the perpetuation as a pattern of behavior.

Back to my own accepted and allowed patterns. 
So, If I have been developed to be a certain kind of magnification I would only be able to see through a certain lens - so to speak. If I cannot see at other magnifications, I would not see what exists. Seeing patterns, realizing patterns of like this. standing back and seeing the whole is a “certain magnification.” So, if we are taught to only see certain magnifications than we will not be able to see our own patterns. But there are ways to adjust our means and ways of perception, and one is walking the desteni I process, because ‘turning that dial” of magnfication , a SET  magnification, will cause resistance, and tiredness and friction and emotional outbursts as oneself is having to change a pattern, an entrenched ( for profit) pattern. Imagine having to physically change a trench dug on this earth, it would take an effort to change this, and on the inside, as the patterns of behavior accepted and allowed by the human, within, are not different. At first glance, as we/you/I am it is very easy to think that you are not this, but take a closer look because this exists on this earth as the human, if it did not then this world would not exist as a flood of abuse because what exists would have been looked at and changed, meaning “looking and reading what is physically and actually here and what is actually happening and existing, would not be what it is. Know thyself. I suggest to walk the Desteni I Process, because seeing you own patterns yourself is not so easy, it takes the reflection of others to change that lens that has been set on one point of a dial.

So, if I run to a certain being and having to express what I am being and having as emotion and feeling, then I am within an addiction, I want the addition of a dictation to my experience here as my self, of what is not resolved, and instead of looking at the cause of the behavior, I am trying to find a platform to play out the behavior only. I am not being self responsible and realizing why this pattern is ( and even that it is) happening again and again. In fact, I will receive a badge as a label of “being” a certain character/personality, like, “ she needs a man to talk to.”
or “she likes men” or “she needs a father figure.” This is a behavioral pattern.
But what of the issue as cause with reaction of wanting a set audience?
Why do I need this? I actually do not need this, I just believe I need this.
In believing I need this I place a secondary picture on top of the issue and chase the picture as idea, belief or opinion, instead of looking at the issue, like I have been trained to be the secondary reaction instead the the primary resolution, a solution as myself, in other words. And the present system does not allow primary solution, as this would mean realizing the greed and abuse that exist are in fact unacceptable and lacking in and common sense, and that change is possible.

My own reactions as patterns of behavior are where I have not looked at my own fears, not stood up and faced what is here, what is real, where I have not been self responsible, where I am choosing ignorance and responding as what is best for all, as I would also have to face where I abdicated self responsibility as life as the nature of myself as life for self interest in fear of losing something I believed to be real, or believed defined myself here, a relationship in separation from what is best for all as relationships made in separation of what is best for all create abuse, and the abuse will not go away, and will only compound as it is irresolute of what is best for all and thus does not support life. This is a monster , and it follows us around until we take it back to self and realize our separations as abuse of life, where we as life, are what is best for all, thus there was never any need for separation, and thus there is no need for suffering, even if being told that there is a purpose to suffering as god’s will, does not give it sense, as one cannot sense if one is in dis-ease, as it takes self as life, in and as ease to be here, as this is ease.
So, my mother was here, giving all the labels as beliefs, as to what my behaviors are etc. I am following a guru, I am not longer her daughter, meaning i belong to her and i am her daughter and I need to respect this! Meanwhile she cannot explain anything about what i am doing, not one word. The secondary ideas as beliefs and opinions taught are all that I am being told. Generalizations that bear no witness to what is actually being said. How can I become angry towards words being spoken that show no witness, and are only generalization and thus patterns of belief, that are judgements that - once again- bear no witness? I can’t.
Yet, within and as me, a fear was there, not so strong. This was the mother that used a paddle on me as a child, and a fear of this paddle was ingrained and thus I accepted the patterns to survive the paddle. A fucking paddle. Which is probably how she in her turn accepted the magnification required to survive, the sins of the fathers.
Curious how intrenched our separations as behaviors are so magnified, it has to be taught, as a young child does not have then, thus the paddle. I have turned the dial, and the reaction within a belief is not as strong, yet there is more turning to do. Turning the dial will mean losing relationships of separation from what is real, life here. Thus what is lost appears as loss, but what is gained is an awareness of life. In the beginning is desteni it was said that all will be lost yet everything will be gained. The abuse that exists on this earth needs to be lost, as it is not a gain, and this is what is being said, to not realize this is criminal, as this is un-acceptable what exists.

After this outburst, I wished, desired, etc. to have a man to talk to, but I stopped myself, as this was my self wanting support within what I was accepting and allowing as my own habituated behaviors, my being and having within relationships that were in separation from what was here based on a history of separation where what was best for all, as myself as life, was not allowed to speak, and paddled into secondary relationships. But now it is time to stand up as myself as life, as what is best for all, as there is no other solution but to face my own at most fear/personality/character.

Bring yourself back to life. Lose everything to gain everything.

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