Sunday, October 7, 2012

Day 167 Service to dividends is loss of breath

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to become so worried about paying for my existence, that I constrict all through my bones and exist as a fear of the future.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see realize and understand that my anxiousness , and my breath that seems as though it can’t get enough air, is myself not slowing myself down and looking at what is here, it is myself in worry and fear about having enough money to, for instance, fix the roof, or replace the washing machine.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to allow the fear of this to become what I am, not realizing, seeing and understanding how this present system actually works, where this being of myself in fear of loss, becomes a storm of fear, as emotion and I am no longer here, and within this, what has been taught is a system of accepting and allowing a hierarchy of more than and less than, where I judge myself to be more than through belief that one color of skin is more than another, that one nation is more than another, that the ability of a person to speak eloquently is more than another person, when all men are the same, and it is only circumstance and education that gives an opportunity and ability, and has nothing to do with being more than or less than, as the human is able to be trained and educated, thus all men can learn, just as most men - excepting those with extreme physical malformations, and why does this exist - have learned to walk, which is coordinating multiple actions, and thus men learn, it is only lack that determines a person unable to express themselves, and has nothing to do with innate ability.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to worry about money, to believe that I have failed in some way because I do not have some job that makes a lot of money, within a system of debt, where money is borrowed with interest, known as usury , a crime against life, as the interest must come from nothing, as it does not exist, thus no matter what, someone, or many, will not be able to repay the interest, and the lender will end up owning the object borrowed on, and thus, eventually no one will own anything but a few, and the majority will become the perpetual payers of debt as this is a system of obsolescence -meaning products made to not last, products made to ensure a steady flow of dividends for a few and a perpetual recycling of resource, raped from the earth in reckless abandon, to ensure new products to feed the dividend machine, thus no consideration for products that last and function in respect for this earth, in the development of using resources in ways that eliminate waste, that produce efficient and practical self sustaining machines and products, as this self sustaining is a state that does not create flowing dividends.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that this system must stop, as the earth has only so many resources, meaning that what is here must be used in respect of this planet, what is here must be used to sustain what is here.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that not only are the products of this earth designed with what is best for all at heart, the very development of the human is not designed with what is best for all at heart, thus is the human not taught to actually understand how this physical world works, as this would place form and function, being and life as the value and not that dividend as the product of a system of inequality where money represents owned resources, a subjectively placed belief only, by a few.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that all work within this system is locked in place to supporting this flow of earth resource to maintain dividends for a few, thus self sustaining systems , such as solar energy, cannot and will not be created, as this leads to a reduction in dividends and creates more autonomy, which in turns demands fewer workers to maintain, for instance, electrical lines, and or sewage systems, which the owners of resource do not want, as this would mean less dividends, and also, less stress for the debtor and workers, and thus more time to self realize the existent abuse, and less desire to escape into seeming mindless entertainment and more time to relax and enjoy this physical world.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that it is the many holding up this pyramid of inequality, of dividend payment to a few on top of this system of abuse, and disregard for this earth, and nondevelopment of the human, thus it is the many that must stand where they are and vote for a system of common sense support for all life that is here, it is the many that must realize that TV is fucking boring and only an emotional polarity as a roller coaster of highs and lows, a drama going no where, simply perpetuating, just a some TV series go on and on never really going anywhere, simply moving from drama to resolution within a feel good moment and nothing else, and all of this takes place in and as the mind, where no real physical living and communication with this physical world is taking place.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that all my worries are geared to serve this system of dividends for the fear-of-life few, as all that is supposedly owned - which is a belief placed by a few men, and accepted by all men, where I become stressed within my fear of survival, and thus dependent on objects without to sustain myself here, without understanding of myself as life, thus all directives are from without, which is just where a system of inequality would want me, to create more products , more division from life, more separation from common sense, more dividends for the few, thus is ignorance taught as a separation to create divisions and thus dividends for the few and there is no one to blame but each and every one who continues to support such a system, as it is ignorance as what is taught that is supporting this system of abuse, plain and simple; division and conquest is the development and implementation of ignorance so that a few can have a dividend in protection of their own fear of self as life, separation from themselves as life, here.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand the industry necessary to uphold this, and how this can be changed to support life, as what is best for all, as all this industry is in place, to serve the few, to move resource around to provide that dividend, and thus this earth is organized enough, to become a support of life here, to ensure that what is existent on this earth is awareness of self as life, and not self placed into a fairy tale box of ignorance, a box where the fantasy becomes so huge, where the dreaming , weaving of self into and as fantasy, is a separation from life, and this process of fantastic light shows in and as the mind, consume the human physical body - so easy to understand in simply looking around at the amount of disease and starvation on this planet, thus is the the human the same as what is supported, a dividend run by belief, opinion and idea, of more than and less than, a separation from equality with and as this physical world, and thus a diminishment in seeing what is actually physically real in common sense, a loss of sense of the actual physical space here, so evident in loss of physical depth perception, in so many, as a lack in so many to be unable to sing, or draw, or serf, or even ride a bike, or know how to fix a simple machine, or communicate with others.

I commit myself, to see, realize and understand how the very energetics of emotions and feelings are the separation from myself as life, as these energetics as emotions and feelings are the mask that separates myself as life, from an awareness of this physical world, and the present system, dividing and conquering all aspects of directing what it is that I am as focus of myself here, that i am so wrapped up within this system of dividend for the few that I have no awareness of my own separation, which is exactly what would be created within a system of dividend for the few, so easy to see, realize and understand in looking at how whole countries are being turned into debtors through overblown loans created to ensure a perpetual dividend for the few, where the medical industry ensures an acceptance of a pill taken for life, another form of enslavement and non development of health - a system that creates emotions of worry and fear of death, as what is the focus is the disease, and no directives given within self support, where in America, what is proposed with a happy face is supposed “universal health care” which in essence of allowing a platform of limited choice, and the choice offered is that which will ensure that dividend, thus health, as a being in self care, is not what is offered.

I commit myself to see, realize and understand that as I have been trained to support a system of more than and less than, where entertainment is emotional and feeling dramas as fantasy in and as my mind, in separation from actual awareness of this physical world as what i am, and since this is all that I know, a contrast of this will seem unreal, will seem unbelievable, and thus will take some effort to see, realize and understand, as all I know are what supports that dividend and not myself as life, in awareness of how this physical world functions, so obvious in my lack of understanding of the simplest of things in my world, where for many, even driving a stick shift car seems difficult - this an indication of how much one is in separation of the physical, how much one is unable to physically sense this actual physical world. it is as simple as that.
I commit myself to breath, to becoming focused on my own breath, to begin to place myself as life, back into physical awareness, as what i am here, one and equal to and as, and to begin to remove the emotional/feeling storms within and as the singular focus of myself here, to bring myself back here into and as common sense of what is physical here.
I commit myself to practicing breath, to diminishing the storm of emotion and feeling, the fantasy in and as my mind, triggered by thoughts as ideas, beliefs and opinions taught within a system of inequality, as all that has been known on earth for generations, to forgive what ever emotion comes up until it becomes small enough to be realized for what it is, simply an energetic storm, the very thing separating me from here, where I will find myself lighter and able to understand and realize more insight as to what is physically real and thus such small things as learning to drive a stick shift car will no longer appear, through the haze of limited belief, as such an impossible thing to sense, realize and actually do.
I commit myself to realizing that all entertainment is avoidance of self awareness.
I commit myself to realizing that sex is a physical release of pent up energy, and has nothing to do with actual physical expression, where I enjoy touch in and as the physical, and am not obsessed with imagery and a quick energetic high as a sexual orgasm - which will need constant stimulation when lived as energy, as energy needs constant support and thus can never satisfy as it is not self directing self here, one and equal to life.
I commit myself to realizing that all abusive behaviors are a product of supplying the demand for dividend for the few, as being an energetic storm of emotion and feeling, triggered by belief, ideas and opinions as thought, are self in service to a system of inequality, a system of lack as less, and more, as excessive comforts for a few.
I commit myself to not longer allowing myself to constrict in and as fear of survival, realizing that yes, this system exists, but that I must bring myself here, one and equal to life, and become the living word, through slowing myself down and no longer fearing loss and death, to slow myself down and not allowing myself to focus on loss, to no longer allow emotional and feeling storms of judgement as label of less than another, or excitement at an idea of potential gain, to become aware of my own separation from life, my allowance of dividends as emotions and feelings in service to what a system of inequality uses, as fear, to be what I am here, to realize myself as life, to stand and to get this earth in order, into a system that respects and supports life, as this is the value, as this is what each and every one of us is the very substance of and as, an expression of life.
Time to stop the divide that ends in a non transcendent death. Take what is here, and utilize it to support life. Time to place the breath of life back into ourselves and this earth into what is is, life, here, become the ease that you are/ Walk the Desteni I Process, it is a supportive organized template to hold your hand as you walk yourself back to what you are, LIFE.

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