Friday, May 11, 2012

Day 27 I forgive my self for allowing and accepting...

I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to fear my self to not realize that my self is here and has separated from my self as life, to follow apiece of self in separation, dragging self in separation along with me where ever I go.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to believe that the separation is sustainable as it is not.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to have this feeling of fear of loss would I not allow my self to become my self here.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to constrict , to hold back, to ignore, to accept  a limited view point in an effort to survive, in and effort to “get along with” in an effort to “belong” to the limited insight within a mirage, where confusion sets in and is one and the same inaction as the confusion with energy has no sustenance and places one in perpetual wanting and needing and grasping, a state ill of ease, lacking ease, where one learns to stand upright in a spinning mirage and the effort cannot be sustained and in time it all fall down, which is what happens to men on this earth, they all fall down back into the ground, back into what was real, the physical world.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to not realize that the lack of ease is my self within my own separations attempting to remain upright and the effort becomes increasingly more difficult.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to look for answer within the mirage, and to not take the whole of the mirage and see it for what it is, a separation from self.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to step out of the vertigo once and for all, to stop and breath and to use my feet to walk away, to realize the constriction.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to  not stop and see the picture show of my mind as a mirage, to see through this mirage and see it for a finite storm in eternity that is is, and clean off this windshield to bring my self back to eternity as self as life here.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to allow my eyes to follow the mirage, the infinity movement of the mirage, as my eyes follow the story from less to more, and to bring my self back here to my self one and equal to this physical body.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting myself to not realize that this mirage is heavy, disrupts my breathing, causes a sense of falling, just like being on a roller coaster,a weight in the back, a heaviness in the legs, a lust in the groin,  and in fact is not present and here, as the sensation creates, so evident in the aging of people around me, the elderly who can no longer walk on the ground of this earth with certainty, not realizing that there is definitely something wrong with no longer being able to sense the ground, what “god” would do such a thing?
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to believe that the love of something outside of my self can possible bring stability.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to realize that as I am one and equal to all that exists as all that exists is of the same substance, there is no need for me to seek love outside of my self, or to even question love, as I am life and it is being here as life as this simple being that is what love is, thus to ask for love, to expect love is a fantasy separate from self, an illusion.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to attach a picture to love.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to story life in a mirage, to store my self as a mirage within and as my self instead of remaining here in breath, one and equal to myself here as what I am as substance as life one and equal to all that is here as all that is here is life and thus in common sense , that which I separate into and become a seeker of a fucking impossible dream, that will only lead to a “falling down” as it is not real, the rings of the story told in repetition surround me, like the rings of a tree, that are a “when” as mind illusory and unsustainable.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to see that attempting to stand within this mirage wrecks havoc on my human physical body, as the constant vigilance of standing within a storm consumes my self here and only lights up the bubble of the mind, like I am some lightbulb, where eventually, just as a wick on a candle turns white and into ash, so will the very hair on my head turn white and become ash.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to fear my own separations, my own illusions as mind, my own ego and that ego dispersement is difficult when actually it is just an illusion.
I commit my self to turning breath into joy.
I commit my self to breathing in joy as in common sense and sharing this common sense with all that is here within the principle of oneness in equality here.
I commit my self to breathing in awareness until every speak of constriction is removed, opened up and brought back to self, to clean up the mirage of my mind, to realize  that until this is done I cannot walk here in this earth in full awareness.
I commit my self to not fearing my illusory self created mirage of story perpetuating emotions and feelings and to simply stop this and rasa the tabula.
I forgive my self to my self and not the mirage, I stop and look at the mirage, and I say to my self that this is not real, it is the separation into all that is accepted and allowed by the present system on this world, and provides absolutely no self directed capacity, only a limited insight within a infinite design and not the constant that is life that is eternity.
I commit myself to breath and not a mirage of love, as love as mind is fear.
I commit myself to bringing others to seeing the bubble around our children that are so moved by lights that they can not read the words on a page, where the schools have no capacity to see this as there is no sense of the physical, that which is real, thus are our schools full of teachers who only see the limited design of the minds, thus are the blind teaching the blind.
I commit my self to sharing the fact that all tumors are filled with pesticides, the filth of mankind spewed on this earth in the name of profit and ownership, interest for the few without any consideration for this earth, this earth of the physical world, a technology of far greater power than any greed for profit earth divided resource ripped from this earth in the name of the human unaware of his separation from that which is the very substance that is what supports, life, this life waiting for man to wake up and realize life, where the earth will end as the resource is consumed with out consideration in equality and oneness, that which the earth is, that which is the physical that which gives unconditionally.
I commit my self to speaking in common sense, asking questions of why where if the response is of irritation and the words, “ I don’t know,” or “ No one can know that,” I speak up and simply say, “ in all common sense what father would not want their child to be able to stand in full awareness of itself?” 

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