Sunday, May 20, 2012

Day 36 Worry about my Children

I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to worry about my children.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to feel as though I cannot move, as all that I can do is clean up what has been taught to my children.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to realize that worrying about my children is not going to change the system that exists that is the cause of worry and fear, a system that locks workers into their jobs in fear of survival even when the workers know what they do within their jobs is not what is best for all, where within this each must stand and politically support a change within the present system, as protest will not change this system, where it will take organization and a vote to change what is unacceptable as a system that places value on money, where the real value is life.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to feel that I am responsible for my children
I forgive my self  for allowing and accepting my self to have become frustrated with my father, when i talked about children as I have done with others I get adults who just go into reminiscing about how special their children were when their children were young, as though something happened but all the adults do is remain within that singular thought and do not realize what i am saying, because these parents do not realize that there was a change and somehow these children have not lived up to their potential, and why is this, what happened, what happened to these adults as themselves from the time they were young to the time that they became adults, what changed, what happened, where if they took the time to stop and look at the changes within themselves and really investigated the consequences of their own lives they might begin to understand what happened to that potential that was in their children when they were young.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to worry about my children, when the one thing that is going to allow my children to exist in the full potential that they are as life will mean changing this system of capitalism/socialism/communism - all centralized regimes, these games of survival and competition and greed to a world where all life is valued where all life is lived as life being the value, where the expression of life can be what is on this earth and not what presently exists, where many many children grow up to sit behind a desk and push papers all day which is not a life.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to  realize that there are children in China, baby girls tied to chairs all day not being allowed to move and self discover themselves because of a society that refuses to change, refuses to value the girls, refuses to create a system that allows life to be lived in dignity where the boys and the girls are allowed to develop themselves as life, to become and live the potential existent and evident when the children are young, this that is somehow lost as the children become adults.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting my self to become aware of the children in Romania, where the economic situation was so depressed that aid sent for the homeless and orphaned children was taken by the workers in the institutions to feed and care for their own children, and that any adult in this world that accepts this, any politician that accepts this and does not investigate options to stop such practices needs to realize that it is the system that is here that is not working that is not taking care of this world, as this world is not taken care of until every single thing on this earth is allowed to live a life of dignity.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to not stop listening to what the system speaks, through education, through the media, through text books through the parents, as  the parents are products of the media, the education system, the product of politicians who are bought by money, where money is considered before life, and within this realize that it is this system of profit that does not work, does not take care of this earth, that abuses this earth through inconsiderate behavior that is the opposite of what this earth is, this earth that is in fact unconditionally giving.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to try and make excuses for how this world works, to not read about cancer, to know that most cancer tumors are filled with pesticides, that the oceans are filled with plastic, that there are animals dying, becoming extinct as the human can only think about getting money, which is telling in and of itself, this system that creates the desire to have money, this same system that allows endless abuse and the non development of children.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to not stop and look at what is happening in this world, to see, realize and understand that it is I the human who is the cause of what exists on this planet.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to realize that the medical system in America is not in fact curing people of disease, despite the endless charity work, where I have not even investigated where exactly the money gathered by charitable events goes, have not investigated in depth how numbers in research are manipulated, where relative values and absolute values are manipulated, where I am told a number that I accept as fact not realizing that it is a relative value where the relatives made are not disclosed, where if they were I would realize that when I am told that my child will have a 50 % chance of survival, what is really being said is that my child has a 2 % chance of survival, and in the end this is the fault of a system that I have accepted and allowed as I have not investigated what is in fact real within a system that values money over life, where money is the first consideration.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to not stop and look at why so many children rebel when they become teen agers, where these children are life, and thus this rebellion is an indication that something is wrong, because this is life rebelling, this is life unable to express itself, and thus the system on this earth is not developing life.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to not realize that as a parent if I am worry about my child than there is something wrong with what is on this earth, as having to worry about my children is indicative that this world is not supporting life.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to not realize that the system on this earth must change and the answer has always been here right in front of all of us, the ‘giving as you would life to receive” a system that is the practice of unconditionally giving and that such a system would change the nature of the human, as what the human is know is a reflection of a system of inequality, a system that values money before life.

I commit my self to researching what is happening on this earth.
i commit my self to reading and watching documentaries about the health systems, about the educations systems. about advertising practices, about laws being passed, about the practices of banks and loans made by the International Monetary Fund.
I commit my self to investigating what interest lending means beyond what I have been taught.
I commit my self to move beyond momentary feelings of sadness about the state of the world to realize that being a momentary feeling of sadness is just his, a momentary feeling of sadness and not what in fact creates a world that is best for all.
I commit my self to standing up and supporting a system that is as this earth, unconditionally giving and supportive of life, as life is the value, where giving as I would like to receive is lived in fact, and equal money system.
I commit my self to investigating and Equal Money System and to realize that it is not communism, or socialism, as these were one and the same to capitalism, a centralized government creating a belief in a lack of resource through proposing supply and demand, and thus a belief in lack, where in fact this earth has the capacity to support all life, where if I investigated this, I would realize that practices that utilize this earth efficiently are available but are not used because such practices are not profitable.

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