Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 38 Flexibility/Movement

Day 38 Flexibility/Movement

I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to believe that I am a label, that a label, as what I am, defines me here as the expression I hold as my self continuously where I then spend my time validating in my relations within and as this world and the people with whom I interact not considering that life is expression and moves, where the ability of my self to move and express is dependent on this physical world and, where the care of this physical world involves awareness of this physical world and how this world functions,
within this I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to project ideas as what I am onto this physical world not realizing that in so doing I am ignoring this physical world as I have separated into an idea, focused on an idea instead of what is actually physically here.

I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to not realize that the stagnation of my human physical body, that which is the aging of my human physical body indicates where I have separated my self from this physical world and accepted my self as an idea of what i am in relation to what i have been taught as what i have accepted and allowed my self to become to fit into a system of being a woman and focusing on creating my self in the likeness and image of what a woman is in relations to the image of a woman superimposed on this world through advertising and media, through family and education, through religion and culture within and as the role of women down through the ages, where woman were seen as a fecund object of creation, and then a goddess, and then a virgin and then a whore and then a mistress and then a wife, a daughter, a sister, as mother, a teenager, a  lover, a witch, a angel, a business woman, a nun, holy, evil, even up to an object simply used for sex no matter the age of the woman.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to allow my self as a woman to realize that in allowing this to be the label as what I am I limit the expression of my self as life within a human physical body able to use many more senses than those in the service of sex and attending to a man.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to follow ideas, beliefs, and opinions instead of directing my self in common sense here in and as my human physical body in awareness of what is here as the physical world, being flexible with what exists here instead of rigidly following ideas of what I am determined by the roles within the family where the other family members have also followed roles as what and who they are according to a system propogating images and ideas of what the human is within a system that does not support life as being a value and instead supports limitations as expression as label in an effort to feed a system of money where the being of my self can be controlled to support the movement of money, which is the movement of unconditionally given earth resource to serve in the self interest of the existence of role play as expression of some humans being more than others when in fact all humans are the same, as all humans are life, one and equal as life, where some have access to self development and others do not, as a system of how money is used creates lack for some so that others can exist within an accepted and allowed game of inferiority and superiority.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to not see, realize and understand that as a human I am one and equal to all humans and that it is only my development that creates an illusion of more than and less than, where development is just as the word implies, that development is the order of walking through the steps necessary to expand awareness of self as a human physical body into understanding how this physical world works, thus within a system of lack all that is happening is that some do not have the means and the physical support necessary to walk through the order of steps necessary for development of themselves as humans beings that are in a human physical body able to exist on this planet in common sense.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to not realize that in existing as pictures in and as my mind I am following an idea, an image and not actually using my human physical body here, equal and one to this physical world.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to not realize that in not developing the sense capacity of my human physical body and instead following images in and as my mind, I am not using the sense capacity of my human physical body and thus as my physical is not used it becomes stagnant and inflexible.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to see, realize and understand that my human physical body is capable of being developed to use its common sense, through following ordinary daily tasks and if I am in and as my mind following pictures I am so focused on these pictures that I no longer am able to sense with and as my human physical body and thus is my body not only rigid in following singular images directed from within but also lacking development as to become aware of my human physical body requires my full attention here and not in and as my mind as an image.
i forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to realize that if I slow down and breath I can become aware of how much I am actually aware of my human physical body and how in breathing while completing simple daily tasks I can sense in every movement my own common sense of this physical world, where irritation, and impatience and rushing indicates how separate I actually am from this physical world and how I am not sharing my self as life one and equal to what is here that is of the same substance as life.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to see, realize and understand that I cannot function unless I have water, food and shelter and thus that people living in poverty, homelessness and physically limited circumstances have no ability to develop themselves and thus to become aware of this world and how this world functions, where within a system of inequality, where some have more than others, such lack of development can allow some to have more than others where such a belief is accepted as that is the way things are, which is disregarding the fact that the human physical body, which is one and equal as all human physical bodies, that is a form that can be developed to be aware in common sense is simply not being allowed to be developed, which is a crime against life, spite towards life,as life is the value.

I commit my self to exposing the fact that what I am/be is determined on what I have experienced within my environment, and as this environment in which I live is this planet earth that gives its resource unconditionally, there is no excuse for any human physical body on this planet to not have equal access to what the human physical body needs to develop itself, since it is known that development is walking through an order of steps necessary to become aware of this physical world, and that this does not exist on this earth means that the development of life is stagnant and the system imposed on this earth, that which has been created by man is in fact inflexible and thus not in sinc with life as what this earth is and gives unconditionally.
I commit my self to stating again and again and again that it is known that the human physical body is able to be developed in common sense and that the only thing stopping this is ideas, beliefs and opinions held by the mind as the life of the mind is believed to be greater than the life of this physical world, when IN fact it is this physical world that support the mind, thus the physical world is what is real and the mind is only a system of illusion and separation from life.
I commit my self to exposing how the present use of money that represents the resources of this earth renders the human physical body inflexible as it creates personalities as label of what the human is in oder to have the human fit into roles to support profit and inequality instead of using the resource of this earth to support the human physical body to become equal and one with this physical world through walking the ordinariness of becoming aware of self as life in using the physical world to allow the development of common sense in and as life here.

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