Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 25 Who I am within the mechanism of a world system.

I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to allow my self to believe that the present system of profit on this earth determines the behavior of my self, that who I am as my self in self direction is influenced by what has been allowed to exist as a system of inequality here on this earth.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to realize that the stories  in and as my mind are a collection of all the experiences in and as my past that when I become fearful and worried about money, I turn into one long sob story, where I am caught in a storm as images as a story in and as my mind, which I entertain my self with and become some kind of superior hero of justice, which is all an illusion of my mind that has no practical application or solution within this world as this action as my self, accepted and allowed is more of the same actions and behaviors accepted and allowed within a system that does not support life, a system that is of survival and fear.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to not see immediately that this being of my self as a story that is a collection of all the experiences from my past, that are judgements of blame and self pity and fear, based on a desire to survive and or escape from what has been accepted and allowed within my self and this world as I have been taught to measure this world as more than and less than, instead of learning to see that this world is life, and that the substance of this world is life, and that this substance as life has in no way been taught as what we are here, as creators of life where what is learned is to enjoy this substance that is life that is what is here in such a way to be able to express ourselves as life.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to interact with others as though I am in some kind of competition as this is what is taught to become more than another, to follow certain presentations of self to ensure that one survive and earn money to maintain a position within this world where one can survive in this system of more than and less than where money determines who lives and who dies, where the substance as what is here that is what is here in essence is, is not taught to use as what we are as life and within this where we learn to respect and move with and as, equal to, one with, as this is what we are in essence as this is what is life.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to not fear what is in the mind and to simply see it as a collection of images and ideas and thoughts and desires and wants and needs all based on my past, a collection of fears, desires, wants and needs based on ideas, and opinions, as to what I must be to become a person of supposed meaning within this system of competition and survival within a system of inequality that supports division of self into behaviors of being a winner or a loser where what has happened is the self as mind is the conquered by a system of limited design that does not realize the equality and oneness of life as the substance of life is what is here as all that is here one and equal.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to see, hear, and realize the equality of all that is here as this earth and within this to realize that elimination and destruction of anything of this earth, as suppressing the expression of what is here on this earth is one and the same as the suppression of self, as this earth is, in totality as a whole an entity in and as life, where the total expression of life cannot be realized until all on this earth is directing itself in awareness of itself as life, one and equal to all that is here that is of the same substance.
I forgive my self for allowing and accepting my self to not realize and see and understand that interaction with what is here, be it plant, animal or human is to allow my self to be an expression of life as my self, where if I allow my self to exist as mind I disallow life through becoming the limitation of the mind that functions as a data bank of knowledge and information, as imagery, thoughts, ideas, opinions, beliefs that move as singular forma as a chain if limited beliefs that have no sense of this earth.

I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to see and hear and sense as my self in equality and oneness with what is here that the expression of my self is directive in commonsense of the whole, where an image cannot be a “common sense of the whole” as it is  limited.
I forgive my self for not allowing my self to realize that any image in and as my mind will be a simplified image as personification of my past where if I look to the history of the image I will see all the experiences of my past that were my self in separation of life, and that this image is a collection of all the values imposed onto me by the culture in which I was born, the required  manners, role play, beliefs, opinions, ideas, god-worship (warship), judgements of class and educational development, sexual preferences, gender projections etc. that I can also use to weave a story to entertain my self in and as my mind continuing the separation of my self from life.
I forgive my self for not allowing and accepting my self to realize my own common sense to become the director of my self as this self aware of what is best for all as the who I am as life in equality and oneness with life.
I commit my self to stopping any story, image, as a collection of my past in and as my mind and to remain here in breath, breathing, here.
I commit my self to bringing back to self the images in and as my mind as what I allow to separate my self as life, and to do writing, self forgiveness and corrective application to remove the fear of my self as life standing in what is best for all.

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