Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day 104 The character of unemployed

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that leaving my home will lead to not having a home.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that changing is impossible.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that I need another person to help me leave my home, as leaving my home all by myself is opening myself up to vulnerable situations where I will be taken advantage of.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that in common sense I am life, as thus I am able to face what is here, all by myself, and to within this use myself as life to direct myself as life, where I have been in many different schools where i live and noticed a pattern with the children, where the schools believed they were different, yet they were not, they varied by degree, yet the elements remained the same.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see realize and understand that the differences are illusive seeming and not what is real, as what is real, is life here within a form to express life, where the program of suppression is a pattern and limited by design, where the whole is not conveyed, thus within education for many there is not interest as the story makes no sense.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear facing change, to believe that another place is any different from what is here, where there are people being denied what is necessary to become a self perfected being, the capacity of which exists within each and every one of us.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear, to have an idea that facing limited perceptions is daunting, when a limited perception is just this, the missed understanding of the whole story.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that the cyclops eye of self interest, greed, the voice of the media and the corporations as a collective supporting inequality is a desire for more than as illusion, as mind pictures, to fulfill a imaginary dream, an impossible dream, and thus a passable dream, as a dream is not what is real, a dream can only be of the past, and not what is here, where within this system, in order for there to exist more than and less than, a dream must be made big to blind into submission the many to feed the dreams of a few, as the dream consumes resource instead of walking one and equal to what is real, this physical world, as standing up as self and realizing that this physical world is what is real, as it is the substance of life, where all senses as the physical are employed and not just the image creator as mind.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see realize and understand that anything that is of the mind that is of fantasy is not what is actually physically here, though the lights and images of the mind have become so bright they appear real, and that what has been taught is to make this imagination be what is real, when what is real is this physical world.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand the common sense of this, that any desire is myself in separation, as I am here as life, able to direct myself in self honesty as I am hONEstly life, physically here, thus a dream of the mind is not the full employment of myself as my physical self as life, where it is interesting that the outer reflects the inner, as this world, as this physical world is not in full employment, so evident with the increasing number of Americans losing their homes where there are more empty homes than there are homeless, thus this physical world is not in full employment and there is not excuse for this, which can only mean that the present system has not considered all that is here in equal measure ensuring all considerations when organizing and thus this present system is not working and must change to a system that employs all life, to consider all forms of life, as one and equal to, to get this organism of earth working in full employment.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear becoming fully employed myself.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to be the illusion and idea of what full employment means, to in and as my mind, set conditions on my own earth employment.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that if I rely on the ideas and opinions and beliefs about how to communicate, as how I am supposed to interact and have expectations of what an interaction should be the image and likeness of, I will not be here employing my self fully and thus will not create and manifest the full employment of myself here.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that in common sense, if I am not in full employment, I will not have a satisfying existence, nor will I be able to expand in my awareness of this world, nor will I have effective communication with this world, thus it starts with self, fully employing self here in oneness and equality with what is here as my physical self here, able to use what is the gift as self as life in common sense, employing common sense within every breath, here.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear changing as I fear losing the limited employment that I exist as, believing that I should be happy for what employment i have, instead of standing and realizing that there is no other state of existence than that of full employment of life here, thus this fear of loss of my partial employment is an illusion and not what is real, as life cannot exist, as heaven on earth until full employment is what exists on this earth, thus just as this system is not creating full employment and must change, so must I change, as this system is made of of people accepting less than full employment and this is unacceptable and thus changing what exists as a system that creates only partial employment must walk a process of change to get to a point of full employment on this earth.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see realize and understand that war, as conflict as friction is the past and the future, acts of existing in and as the mind, as the mind is an imagination built to support the suppression of awareness of what is real to allow a fear a bigger dreaming capacity while the physical world is used as resource for this, and thus the physical world is not included in the employment of the expression of life, thus life is not what exists on this earth.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that the characters I exist as support an accepted existence in and as a belief that unemployment is existential, when in common sense it is not, it is only an indication that life is not understood, and that a system change within and without must realign its very organization until  all that is here as this physical world is employed. Period.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that the existence of unemployment has been created by a STAG nation, a nation of men employing only themselves and not employing all that is physically here as what is real as what supports as what is not more than or less than but is a nation of life, and this life within this present system is not being considered in such a way that all of this physical world is employed as itself as life.

I commit myself to realizing that this begins with self, where I am able to stand in full employment in and as myself as life in common sense, where  this physical world is what is real and the fear of losing the partial employment of myself is  a fear of change and loss, where myself as life is already being lost as it is not fully employed and thus the only choice is to change and walk until I am fully employed as life here, as within so without, as above so below.
I commit myself to be the desire to be fully employed  and not only as a dream in and as my mind, instead of walking and changing what I have accepted and allowed as it has not created the full employment of myself here, where this is not a failure, as this is just simply myself not being fully employed.
I commit myself to realizing that the only failure that exists if not standing up and becoming fully employed as self as life here.
I commit myself to no longer allowing and accepting myself to believe that I am supposed to be satisfied with partial employment.
I commit myself to becoming fully employed as life here, one and equal to what in common sense is a system that fully employs all that is physically here as this physical world, where self diminishment does not exist, where the dream of something better being down the road does not exist, where heaven and earth are fully employed here, in this moment, in total health,  as this is life. 
I commit myself to creating a world where all hearts beat in sinc with life, as earth is one and the same with heart, just take to h and the e and realign them to create earth, it is as simple as that, thus what is stopping the full employment of the expression on earth is a mind illusion fear moving and realigning what is here as a “stag-nation” into a nation of life.

What is the substance that creates the picture? Are you fully employed as self as this? Or is someone else, in self abdication your employer?

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