Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 78 I am the creator of my character, thus I am a creator.

Day 78 I am the creator of my character, thus I am a creator.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not realize that when I desire a character, as the characteristics of the perfect man, I am in effect turning that man into a character, a singularity, and thus when the totality of that man emerges the fairy tale, bolly/hollywood experience is over.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that the mind, as consciousness, builds ideas, beliefs and opinions, in and as a character, of ,limited -separate from physical reality and existence where as myself I am allowing and accepting myself to be and become the supporter of character that is singular by design.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see realize and understand that in wanting a character, as myself, as a friend, as a man, I am in fact supporting and accepting singular ideals and thus limiting myself and the other.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that I have been trained to develop character so that other characters will expect the same responses in and as me within a relationship, and should I step out of that character, their character loses support for what has been developed to survive and feed desires, and thus, the loss of survival and desire, singular in and of itself, will no longer be supported and thus feel that death is imminent.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not realize that in wanting an ideal man, or job, I am wanting a characteristic,  that by nature is singular, just like a plastic doll, which is what many of our children model themselves after never learning to actually move themselves within the expression of life, where life is multifaceted and filled, as self, with endless expression, where in order for the person to become a singularity is indicative of the ability of the human to be an expression, and thus why do we have a system where only singular expression are more often than not, what is plastered on the faces of men?
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that in becoming a character of a singular “label’ I in essence forget the totality of life within and without.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that in building a character that is able to deal with what is accepted and allowed on this earth, I am building a survival defense mechanism, never stopping and questioning why such a suit must be built and to not realize that if I am capable of this than I am capable of becoming myself as life, as I am in fact a creator and thus, this survival suit I am building to survive is myself capable of building and organizing a world that is best for all, where no suit or armor need be built and instead I as a creator can be and become an expression of life, directing myself as life, instead of directing myself as a singular expression of a limited character.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to enslave another into and as a character which is what I am doing when I dream of a man with certain characteristics.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see realize and understand that when I desire a man, or a friend , or that fur coat, I am not considering the life that is the man or the friend or the fur coat and in essence turning all life into and as a singular character, to become and exhibition of character and not life, where this action indicates my ability to be a creator and thus my ability to step out of what I have built within and this world system of abuse without and create a world that is best for all, where I can realize myself as creator and build a heaven on earth.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see realize and understand that what I seek in character as myself is what I believe will enable myself to survive in a system of limited design that is the nature of what a system of inequality must be in order to maintain leaders and followers.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see realize and understand that if I cannot grasp myself beyond an idea of a singularity in and as thinking about being a character, then I have become so separated from myself as life, I have forgotten that part of myself that was the creator that built the character in and as myself.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to have had an idea of what a man should be, of what kind of man i would want, not realizing and understanding that when I do this I limit myself as life and the life of that man.

I commit myself to realizing that just as I have created a character to survive, following the image and likeness of what was taught by parents and society and the ways and means of education, myself as life was molded into a limited design which means I am a self as life able to create and thus I am able to stand and create heaven on earth.
I commit myself to realize where and what I exist as a character, where I fear losing this projection in and as what I have developed where I list my characteristics, like for example on a dating website, and see, where what I believe that I am, is myself wanting  or myself believing that if I find the perfect mate I will become more than I am, not realizing that no matter how much I live some dream, there can be no stability on this earth until everything that is here is cared for and supported, and thus, within this as long as the total life expression of this earth is not cared for there is not going to be myself as self as life as creator, that which is myself that  built my initial character used to ensure what I believe will enable myself to survive in a system of inequality.
I commit myself to no longer seeking the “perfect” characteristics as this is myself wanting to appear “good, ‘  not stopping and asking myself why it is that I must appear to be good in the first place as this question indicates that it is known that non-goodness exists on this planet and that perhaps the real question is why there is a system that does not support life and develops characters that exhibit survival characteristics of murder and rape, and gun carrying and robbery and fractional banking and debt accumulation and economic hitmen?
I commit myself to realizing that I am a creator and that I can thus create a world that is best for all, and bring myself back to myself as life, where I need never search for more outside of myself as life will be what i am and the creation of heaven on earth will be what it is that I create.

Stand up and support an Equal Money System to be and become the creator of heaven on earth.

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