Day 70 Suppression of common sense begins in childhood
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see realize and understand that as a child my own common sense what rejected and ignored.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not realize that in “shutting down” my own common sense I lost the ability of myself to communicate.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand , that there is no common sense within this world and what I am as what I have become to fit into a world that does not consider and respect and work with this physical world, is a reflection of the shutting down of my own common sense that happened over the number of years it took for me to become an adult, and that the adult I have become is devoid of common sense.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear using my common sense for fear that I will be ignored and attacked as this is what happened to me as a child, and thus this memory is based in fear of attack attached to myself resonantly as I am programmable, as self one and equal to an awareness of this physical world as what I am as life.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear being myself for fear I will not survive in a world that attacked me, as I was a child and it was believed I had no sense, when this does not make sense as children can rapidly learn things, more so than the supposed “developed” adult.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not realize that what I was seeing happening to the young girls who were models in NYC when I was a teenager, was their common sense being shut down as they stepped into and as a limited design in and as the “perfect” looking woman, as a role, trying to fit into the media image idea of what a woman “sould” herself as to survive, as common sense does not fit into a system that only serves profit for the few.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that the soldiers committing suicide, one a day at this time, are doing so as they are being forced to go against their own common sense of life, and thus of their equality to all life, where they have been lead to believe that they are not fulfilling the perfect male “dominator” role and thus are a failure to their country, a country of politicians and corporations composed of people who allow and support the rules dictated through their participation, saying they are just doing their job and not realizing that it is the actions of each and everyone of us that create the “water the fish swim in” as what this society has become in totality - a society in separation from a common sense of this physical world.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see realize and understand that our soldiers are in conflict with their own common sense as life and the “G.I. Joe” image and likeness they played with as children, a doll sold to practice the boy into being sould to a system that supports the flow of money to a few and to being a limited means of making a living - as this is all that is offered- while all this effort and development could just as well be used to provide clean drinking water for this world, to provide the means to live a dignified life where children are allowed to become adults in full capacity of their common sense, an existence of heaven on earth, where fathers could actually spend time with their children without the stress and anxiety of financial indebtedness hanging over their heads and causing the manifestation of anxious behavior.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting a system that continues an existence of war when the sons of this earth are committing suicide, a clear indication that life is not being supported.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that not only is it a crime to go into another country and kill children to obtain freely given earth resources, but that it is also a crime to send the sons of this earth into killing fields to become puppets to a few who believe they have a right to more than that which is one and same as them, all that exists on this earth that is life.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that the children and wives of these men committing suicide are left to a world that cannot explain why suicide exists as all common sense has been shut down, where if one really has a look at this, suicide is a clear indication that this system existent on earth is not supporting life.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to not see realize and understand that the suppression of myself is the suppression of life, and that what I am being taught by this present system, as evident with the existence of suicide on this earth, is not what develops and supports what it is that I am, which is life.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see realize and understand that until suicide no longer exists on this earth, life is not what is being lived on this earth.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that when some man with a degree tells me that the suicide of my husband is not my fault, this supposedly educated person is only giving sympathy, and not telling me anything of any value or explanation as to why suicide exists.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see realize and understand that the very existence of myself as not being able to explain suicide is my self telling me that there is no explanation, as suicide is the very manifestation of a lack of common sense as what this present system on earth is in fact, and as how the human has not been allowed to develop in common sense, thus what exists on this earth is a system of limited design, and not of common sense.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to realize that a child is gentle and giving and thus perhaps this is the nature of the human as life, where within and as this nature is the ability to learn rapidly, and thus this ability would be the presence of a child in and as common sense, as common sense is the ability to sense this world to a greater degree than what that child turns into as an adult, where the adults of this world serve a system of limited design, and thus become an e(nergy)go that serves a system that obviously does not support life, as if life were supported, there would be no starvation, no rape, no suicide, no child sex trafficing, no disease, no ADHD, no cancer, where all of these things are growths of destruction and SUPPRESSION of life.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see , realize and understand that advertising spends billions of dollars a year to influence the public, and that they continue to do so because it works, tells me that the human is programable and thus, the stories and images all over the media are doing the same, and thus everything that is propagated by the media is the dis-focusing of common sense, thus must the billions of dollars a year continue to be spent in order to keep the separation from and suppression of self as life, as self in common sense of life.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that my obsessions and addictions are one and the same to what is plastered all over this earth by media.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to realize see and understand that the only way out of this separation from life as what this system allows is to change this system to one that supports life where the answer is “to give as you would like to receive,” as does this earth.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to sit down and look at how much of the federal budget is spent on war, how much is spent on alcohol, how much is spent on advertising alone and to realize that this could be spent on supporting life, thus is there no excuse for not implementing a basic income grant to support life first, where it would soon be discovered that crime would come to an end, that many of the abusive behaviors that exist are caused by accepting the unacceptable simply to survive and that this must be done to stop the sons of man from committing
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to realize that
soldiers committing suicide is the child unable, in common sense , to support and maintain the accepted and allowed world system of profit/greed and survival.
I forgive myself for not allowing myself to see, realize and understand that this system of greed and profit is so indifferent to life that it sends the sons of man onto battlefields to clean up bombs made of depleted uranium where it is known that this substance will lead to a horrible death as this uranium is radioactive.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that this same depleted uranium is subtly labeled as “depleted” to misinform and lead astray as it suggests that somehow it is no longer uranium.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to research what this depleted uranium is doing to the children being born in the areas where this depleted uranium was used and all in the name of grabbing resources to support the existence of a few on the top of a pyramid that need not exist, as this earth is able to support life in dignity for all.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to see, realize and understand that I accepted and allowed the rush of energy that leads to obsession and possession, all of which is one and the same as myself as I became and desired to be the image and likeness as that which is
promoted by the media and advertising.
I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to realize that I have allowed myself to separate myself from my common sense and thus suppressed myself as life, thus am I as much to blame as the people on the top of this pyramid, and thus the only solution is to deconstruct this pyramid by standing up and supporting a system of equality - an Equal Money System and/or a Basic Income Grant, which can only be done through coming together as a group and developing a majority to stand and place, through a vote, a system that supports life as the value, to remove the evil - living eye as a centralized power that suppresses self directive autonomy, as self is capable of when common sense is allowed to develop as what the human is as life.
I commit myself to showing the human how programmable the human is through revealing what has been accepted on this earth to the extent the human no longer can fathom any other existence than what has been propagated.
I commit myself to revealing that the desteni i process is about deprogramming what is resonantly held within and as the human physical body that is the self separated into and as energy, where the energetic addiction has consumed all the focus of the human, to the point where it is believed that nothing else exists and to the point where many of our children can no longer read.
I commit myself to practice standing in common sense, again and again and again , no matter how many times I fall, until it is done, until there is heaven on earth.
I commit myself to pointing out how advertising spends billions to indoctrinate and enslave to energetic fixes that need constant sustenance to survive, where the movies and words in all media, including the stories sould are essentially the same thing, as that the media is paid for by those who have control of money and thus what is propagated by media is configured in such as way to keep the addictions fed and not to sustain and develop a self directed human in common sense of what is real as this physical world.
I commit myself to asking questions that cause friction within the program of energy as polarities towards my fellow men and to no longer fear the cognitive dissonance as the mind seeks an answer in singularities that have no answer as a sense of the whole and totality of existence has not been developed.
I commit myself to no longer wanting to win something, or becoming righteous, as I realize that in a system of equality, I will not be known or become famous or have more than another, thus is there nothing to win in promoting a system of equality as what will be won/one is myself as life much like the smile of a child before the tantrums of energetic desire consume and begin the separation of myself into and as wanting to be special when the value is simply myself here, being life.
I commit myself to explaining to others that the idea of self direction, as self expression, as self honesty, as self responsibility will seem like a huge fearful thing when seen through the eyes of a mind that has been made huge and addictions that seem insurmountable as nothing else has been taught, and that the physical is here to support as this is what is real as this is what is supporting all of us, as what is real is what has been allowed to be owned by a few, who themselves are in separation from life.
I commit myself to realizing that what desteni is saying is that the configuration of this world can be reconfigured to support life, and that the tools are here, they just need to be directed, by the hands of men, to support all life and to end this world system of profit and greed.